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Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

Since you have successfully learnt German, Mandarin is of course easy for you. For me, German is a strange language. There are male words and female words. Freaking confusing language. Mandarin is much simple language.

We also have male female words in Hindi.

Is she a Chinese of Hokkien descent?

Here is a Mainland Chinese actress of Hokkien descent who looks pretty close to her.

Is she a Chinese of Hokkien descent?

Here is a Mainland Chinese actress of Hokkien descent who looks pretty close to her.


No, she is a Vietnamese who has had plastic surgery in Korea.

KatiushaVN4 - YouTube 
Here is photo of famous Hokkien in Maysia. His mane is Tan Choon Hoe. I think he has his pypical appearance and colorskin of Hokkien.


I guess You are Hokkien.

Your wrong.

Here are the images of the sexiest, lightest skinned men in Vietnam, again.




No, she is a Vietnamese who has had plastic surgery in Korea.

KatiushaVN4 - YouTube 

Your wrong.

Here are the images of the sexiest, lightest skinned men in Vietnam, again.





Why she makes herself looks like Northeast Asian? There is nothing wrong being Southeast Asian.

BTW, the only true Northeast Asian is Chinese, Koreans are fake Northeast Asian who carries a bunch of O2.
We also have male female words in Hindi.
Ok,don't you think giving words sexuality is a total bad idea? It makes nothing good but complicates the language. English has no male female words. It's still a good language. Chinese has no tenses and plurals(which English has). Chinese is still a good language. Thank God. I'm a Chinese speaker.
mandarin sounds ways better than cantonese. I admit vietnamese does not sound necessarily nice. learning to speak mandarin is much easier than I thought, but mastering the characters is a nightmare.

Wu dialect, specifically Suzhou dialect, considered softest dialect in Chinese. When I am homesick, I always listen to those in my own dialect.
Is she a Chinese of Hokkien descent?

Here is a Mainland Chinese actress of Hokkien descent who looks pretty close to her.

it reminds me to this case: Miss Korea 2012 beauty pageant, Kim Yumi.



after surgery:


Ok,don't you think giving words sexuality is a total bad idea? It makes nothing good but complicates the language. English has no male female words. It's still a good language. Chinese has no tenses and plurals(which English has). Chinese is still a good language. Thank God. I'm a Chinese speaker.

That's how the language evolved, we can't do anything about it.
it reminds me to this case: Miss Korea 2012 beauty pageant, Kim Yumi.



after surgery:



It seems that her appearance doesn't have a dramatic change after the plastic surgery, so it might be a minor one.

Most of celebrities have some small plastic surgery, but very few have the huge one.

BTW, here is the non-celebrity Hokkien people, some look with no significant Baiyue influence, some do.

A random Internet blog girl

One of our PSC members and Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli
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  • Preview of China History
THE Chinese ai'e believed to have been, from very remote times, fond of reading and hterary pursuits; yet, as far as our present information extends, they do not appear to possess any regular authentic history of the early state of their ancient empire. From the earhest times, it seems to have been the pohcy of this singular people to keep themselves distinct from the rest of mankind, to subsist on their own abundant resources, and to bar theu' country against the ingress of other nations. To this system, which, there is every reason to suppose, has been invariably pursued from the remote ages of the world, is, in all probability, to be attributed the extraordinary duration of the Chinese Empire, the unchanged habits of the people, and the constant uniformity that has been maintained in the mode of government, which is still, as it was at the com- mencement, an absolute monarchy, conducted upon patriarchal principles.

FNOTW: Other conflicts: The historical background
Ok,don't you think giving words sexuality is a total bad idea? It makes nothing good but complicates the language. English has no male female words. It's still a good language. Chinese has no tenses and plurals(which English has). Chinese is still a good language. Thank God. I'm a Chinese speaker.
I think tense is also a bad idea. "I went to swim yesterday" since there is 'yesterday', why need to change 'go' to 'went'? Confused.
That's how the language evolved, we can't do anything about it.
I think tense is also a bad idea. "I went to swim yesterday" since there is 'yesterday', why need to change 'go' to 'went'? Confused.
So basically we can say Chinese is a rather advanced language. It has none of these unnecessary stuff. Simple and neat.

Is she a Chinese of Hokkien descent?

Here is a Mainland Chinese actress of Hokkien descent who looks pretty close to her.


Why she makes herself looks like Northeast Asian? There is nothing wrong being Southeast Asian.

BTW, the only true Northeast Asian is Chinese, Koreans are fake Northeast Asian who carries a bunch of O2.
LOL they watched/pirated Chinese/HK and KR movies/series like MAD! They even dubbed them. They have a thing on us, yet they hate Han. Love-hate relationship or mentally ill?

Can you guess who is their biggest trading partner? Oh little commies...

Psstt... Koreans are Turks, true story.
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Facts Behind China-India Border Dispute
October 26, 1962

If a general of the Chinese imperial government representing the Manchu dynasty had, by force of arms, pillage and plunder, succeeded in subjugating the North American continent and on that basis had artificially created a border line between the United States and Canada called, let us say, The Manchu Line, would a sovereign U.S. government abide by thus border line?

Let us suppose further that the boundary line demarcated by this general included, for the Canadian side, parts of Buffalo, Detroit, Seattle and Duluth. Let us suppose again that the treaty between Canada and the U.S. dictated by this general had never been accepted by any government of the United States, and that in truth the people of the U.S. regarded this treaty and its boundary line as illegal, null and void, and as the imposition of a foreign power at a time when the U.S. was weak, divided and under the domination of a foreign imperialist power.

All we have to do with this analogy is to just change the name -- Canada to India, United States to China and China to Great Britain -- and the picture becomes immeasurably clearer than it is represented in the U.S. press.


It is the position of the Chinese People's Republic that the so-called McMahon Line -- named after the British General McMahon -- is illegal, null and void, and the result of a predatory, imperialist imposition of the British government in the year 1914.

FNOTW: Other conflicts: The historical background
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