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Founder Member Fauzia Kasuri Depressed From PTI & Cried Over

PTI is hijacked by the likes of Javed Hashmi.
I admire her as much as i pity her stupidity, like Forest said "Life is like a box of choc you never know which one has nuts in it," so dont give up box of donuts.
she is welcome in PMLN
Why IK isnt addressing her concerns..?
She is liked by all PTI supporters including me.
She even discarded american citizenship for PTI.

It was a disrespectful act... and it was destined that example be made out of high profile cases like her.
US has its influences... otherwise if there is any merit in PTI, she should have been the president of party.
She also collected major funds for the media campaign of PTI.

This shows what's going on in PTI.
Ms Fauzia has to understand , if you can't convince your own party to nominate you , how can you win in election madam
Be practical and understand

a) Did you give up things for your country
or Seat ?

Thank you
Politics is a dirty business .....its a career and a profession and a life style......people become politicians to earn money,make property and enjoy free lodging facilities in different clubs and hotels.

lets take the example of ayaz amir.....the guy who was in PML n..before that he was in some other party.....his conscience awoke when he was denied a ticket .....so once he realised that he wont be able to enjoy the perks of a member of parliament he left pml n.....

no more vip protocol for you on airport.....now when you will enter airport you will take off your belt or nala at the first ASF checkpoint........no more FIA Sepoy at your dispense to have your passport stamped....no more passing through green channel....no more handshakes with the pilot of the aircraft.....no more sigh seeing from the cockpit boy...no more free tea and biscuits in the lounge....no more business class travelling in the airplane...no more T.A.D.A..........no more CNG licenses.......no more mufta in parliament lodges and cafeteria.........no more chairman ships of different committees.....no more enjoyment in PTV musical evenings...........

no more free invitations for embassy programs and functions.....no more free kuppi......................no more blue passports....no more visas for europe and USA.........

this is price of our politicans....you take this stuff away from them and they will leave the party.......
you give this stuff back to them and they will join again......

after drinking kuppi for 20,30 years....you have now started to look like a bottle of kuppi.....you look like kuppi and you smell like kuppi and you behave like kuppi.......

if you are so righteous sir...then why have you got so much lanat and nahusat on your face????

why do i notice fagness in your speech?

when i look at you why does the first question that comes into my mind is "are u into sodomy boy?

if you have been doing every thing right then why are you jumping here and there and switching parties?
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