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Former CJP wants a new military coup


Mar 31, 2007
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News Analysis | Former CJP wants a new military coup

National Archives

Azam Sultan Suhrwardy

Every Pakistani is extremely pained and hurt to learn of the true motives of the ex-CJP. These are described by one of his lead counsels Aitzaz Ahsan in newspapers of December 21. He has stated that two weeks after the inception into office of the new assembly the ex-CJP with his followers will take to the streets to create conditions that will compel the new army chief to bring about a military coup.

The ex CJP hopes that a military ruler brought into power on account of his street agitations will issue a provisional constitution order terminating with one stroke of pen all judges appointed after November 3 and restoring in their former positions the ex-CJP and all the ex-Judges of his gang.

The press statement of Mr Ahsan has established beyond reasonable doubt that the ex-CJP's slogan-mongering of the supremacy of civil society was fraudulent.

It is obvious there are no moral basis of the ex-CJP's public agitation to bring about a military coup. If he had really believed in the high ideals of the supremacy of a civil society he would have never been the one to wish for a new PCO. It is a multi-billion dollar western project to bring about in Pakistan a military coup. This will be a gateway to the breakup of Pakistan. It will prove Pakistan as a failed state unable to establish on its soil a civilian government.

A PCO of a new first general ought to have been as unacceptable to the ex-CJ as the PCO of November 3. A new military rule will provide an opportunity to the interested states of the west to occupy one or two of the small provinces of Pakistan on the excuse that it is to pre-empt occupation on these soils of the terrorists and the extremists.

The ex-C.J ought to know better. No general compelled to bring about a military coup would ever install over his head a man like the ex-C.J or any of his collaborators when his past performance as chief justice is so very well-known. It is merely wishful thinking of the ex-CJP and his collaborators to think that an Army General will after assuming power install them over his head.

No one sincerely dedicated to the high ideals of the supremacy of the civil society and rule of law could desire a military coup howsoever sacred may be its desired objects.

Now that the true intentions of the ex-CJP stand exposed, the judges and the lawyers defrauded by the CJP with his slogan-mongering of the supremacy of the civil society ought to severely take him to task. They should inflict upon him their extremely strong condemnation.

The ex-CJP and his collaborators have destroyed the most promising judicial cases of some of the most brilliant men of law who had become judges on merit and were very good judges. They were misled, defrauded and misused by the ex-CJP and his collaborators. They inadvertently believed in the ex-CJP's fraudulent slogan-mongering of the supremacy of the civil society. Each one of them has been cheated and made a victim of his extremely ill-conceived trade unionmistic tacts. Their only mistake that they forget that superior judiciary ought not turn itself into a trade union particularly in a country like Pakistan wherein it holds for itself each one of its members accountable. Trade unionism of the members of any such community into a trade union meant alliance of thieves and guards. It had to result in what happened on November 3, 2007.

Everyone who had joined the ex-Chief Justice in disbelief that he stood for the supremacy of the civil society must now publicly quit him and declare that he will not ever accept restoration of any judge by any military ruler and will condemn any new PCO in the same manner as he condemned the PCO of Nov 3.
What about N.Sharif's and Qazi's demand of restoring iftikhar choudary?
So basically it is that they don't like Musharraf.

An interesting situation where the defeat of a personality is being made larger than democracy!
They just keep on Dreaming.
By the way what Imran Khan was doing in India? Is he also there puppet??
After coming back, he was seen leading demonstration in KHI.
Imran was in India meeting his chum, Parmeshwar Godrej, the soap and toiletry empress!

The Indian cricket fans are his puppets! :)
In a situation like this he seems its important to stay in india with fans rather coming back to pakistan and offer some stability. I dont know anymore who to trust. I hope musharraf carries on.
In a situation like this he seems its important to stay in india with fans rather coming back to pakistan and offer some stability. I dont know anymore who to trust. I hope musharraf carries on.

Musharaf is the way till atleast 2015 for Pakistan... May God help our well wishers within the establishment to keep in check the foreign schemes against Pakistan.
MastanKhan, I hope by now you have discovered it but the news paper was 'The post'
You can also find the link to the news in my post.

I hope every one knows this problem with 'the post' links they change next day. So to have a final link one must go to archive and take the link from there.
Hold on guys. We are commenting on hearsay. What is the actual evidence that the CJP has said this? Just because Aitazaz Ahsan says so! Since when has Aitazaz Ahsan become the spokes person of the CJP?. AH has his own political axe to grind,please remember this. If we hear the same comments from The CJP himself then it is a different thing, otherwise lets hold tight and see what they actually do. Let us use reason and logic rather than our emotions please.
Hold on guys. We are commenting on hearsay. What is the actual evidence that the CJP has said this? Just because Aitazaz Ahsan says so! Since when has Aitazaz Ahsan become the spokes person of the CJP?. AH has his own political axe to grind,please remember this. If we hear the same comments from The CJP himself then it is a different thing, otherwise lets hold tight and see what they actually do. Let us use reason and logic rather than our emotions please.

:) araz i still say that CJP and lawyers and media were used by all to grind own axes of intrests as i still beleive that there was no threat to Musharraf's post as president constitutionaly even if CJP was not sacked.
The only blunder the legal team of Musharraf has confused the status of the case otherwise he would not have faced much problems.
the even was used by politicians to gain mileag its another matter that though media had become party to all this but then media had also cashed it so it was not in loss only the judiciary was made scapgoat.
Just because Aitazaz Ahsan says so! Since when has Aitazaz Ahsan become the spokes person of the CJP?. AH has his own political axe to grind,please remember this.
As far I know, AH is official lawyer of CJ and this means nothing else than a self nominated spokesman.
I'm sure during formulating the course of agitation, both of them must have shared many thoughts.
Some of those ideas and intentions were bound to surface sooner or later. Intentionaly or un-intentionaly.

It is up to CJ to make sure if he is not being hijacked by hawks. Today, we cannot blame people who used him to initiate anarchy providing an umbrella for anti state elements, enabling them to pursue there agendas freely.

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