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Forced separation? Visiting Tibetan boarding school in rural Tibet,


Nov 4, 2011
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Forced separation? Visiting Tibetan boarding school in rural Tibet

Reporters visit a boarding primary school in a high plateau rural Tibetan region, they find that even this summer time, temperature is still like winter, students still wear thick down jackets and classrooms and dormitaries are still being heated all day long. central heating lasts for 11 months a year.

Teachers tell the reporters this region is almost all winter all year round, the altitude is extremely high, averagely over 4,500 meters above the sea level, it's one of the less inhabitable place on the planet, this region is also very sparsely populated, only Tibetan herders live in the region and they are always on the move to follow their animals, so it's almost impossible for herder families to drive their children to school everyday, this is why the government set up over 60 free boarding schools in this region where students study and live in the school and schools take care of every kid for their parents.

Free boarding schools provide everything for free, students families don't have to pay one penny, besides teachers, schools also hire nannies to tend to the kids, do their laundries, make beds, help students clean themselves.... students domitaries provide 24 hours hot water in the washrooms. because the kids are in the stage of body growing, the boarding schools provide 4 meals a day, the 4th meal is provided at 8pm, so the children can have enough nutrition to grow healthily. Everyday school meals provide free beef and lamb, eggs, milk, fresh vegetables and fruits, nutritions from the meals are very balanced.
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If this policy can apply to the rest of China outside Tibet and Xinjiang, the birth rate in China will skyrocket.
Your only job is having babies and then the government takes over and pays for everything else.
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