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For Chinese and Americans,only

Slav Defence

Oct 30, 2010
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Dear friends,
For past few days,I am receiving complains by posters about dog-fight that is going on b/w Chinese and American friends.For the sake of confirmation,I did some patrolling and was quite disappointed to see the kind of childish attitude being observed so far.
Issues such as personal attacks,bad remarks,calling off each other's name,talking about destroying each other's country,showing off nukes,trade market breakdown,economical breakdown etc is seriously disturbing.
It is requested to both nationalities to respect one another and talk about latest developments and possible ways to route out peace in such state of bewilderment.
Members are warned that our policy is very strict in this regard and we will not tolerate such remarks against each other.

Please,come here one by one and discuss your issues and resolve with each other.

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I never understand what's the point of having these childish argument.........

It's like some school children arguing who is the best one direction member in school yards..........THEY ARE ALL CRAP.......

Anyway, I am going to stick to technical stuff, but still, you probably need to patrol the site more often...

Oh my, didn't know defence.pk users had such power.

I actually quite miss the "Nuke" talk by some Chinese member here, good time....They talk about nuke like they talk about kebab shop, there are always one in just around the corner
I never understand what's the point of having these childish argument.........

It's like some school children arguing who is the best one direction member in school yards..........THEY ARE ALL CRAP.......

Anyway, I am going to stick to technical stuff, but still, you probably need to patrol the site more often...

I actually quite miss the "Nuke" talk by some Chinese member here, good time....They talk about nuke like they talk about kebab shop, there are always one in just around the corner
That is quite disappointing and this is what I want to resolve and issues as such.
All Chinese and US members must discuss here.

I was banned for like 3 months from the China & East Asian section for arguing with these Chinese posters and fake flag users like Superboy/Opruh.

I don't even bother to post in that section or rarely do I do knowing how these users are when you try to have a dialogue.

I might ask an admin to re-ban me in that section. I would suggest to other users who have a problem with these baiting trolls to do the same :D it isn't worth the time arguing or getting banned for good over it.
That is quite disappointing and this is what I want to resolve and issues as such.
All Chinese and US members must discuss here.


You know, I been called a lot of things in the past, goofball, spic and some other names, but I have not actually heard half of that until I joined PDF.....The Chinese member here give the term "Name Calling" a new meaning...
You know, I been called a lot of things in the past, goofball, spic and some other names, but I have not actually heard half of that until I joined PDF.....The Chinese member here give the term "Name Calling" a new meaning...
Do not hesitate and immediately tag him,so that I could ask him to back off.

The Chinese member here give the term "Name Calling" a new meaning...

You change that "the" into "some" in your statement, then that's not a false accusation, do it.

You might as well delete "Chinese" in your statement as well, in order to be factual, all nationalities do that. Now go and amend your false accusation, that's unprofessional.

If you are being attacked or retaliated by Chinese, check your anti-China ground where you stand, nothing wrong about both of that. Note I don't approve of using abusive language either, report that or tag an admin.
You change that "the" into "some" in your statement, then that's not a false accusation, do it.

You might as well delete "Chinese" in your statement as well, in order to be factual, all nationalities do that. Now go and amend your false accusation, that's unprofessional.

If you are being attacked or retaliated by Chinese, check your anti-China ground where you stand, note I don't approve of using abusive language either.
One point I like that you also don't want to use abusive language.However,why you all are so ''anti'' to one another?
Even Indians and Pakistanis get united or agreed over at some point.

You change that "the" into "some" in your statement, then that's not a false accusation, do it.

You might as well delete "Chinese" in your statement as well, in order to be factual, all nationalities do that. Now go and amend your false accusation, that's unprofessional.

If you are being attacked or retaliated by Chinese, check your anti-China ground where you stand, nothing wrong about both of that. Note I don't approve of using abusive language either, report that or tag an admin.

To be fair, everyone have their own skeleton in their closet. I don't pretend I am a saint, but then..........

You know, it's hard for people to go on here and have a good discuss, when half the time you did your research and present your point, then you met a overzealous guy and he will simply call you names and tell you to F-off......

I don't have an Anti-China view. My view is anti-Chinese government, but even if I do, did that warrant a name calling? You do know what did they call me in Chinese section, right?

One point I like that you also don't want to use abusive language.However,why you all are so ''anti'' to one another?
Even Indians and Pakistanis get united or agreed over at some point.


It's not about pro or anti something, it's more about the way these member express their view.

I don't know how you see thing in Pakistan, I am not a Pakistani and I only ever been to Pakistan twice. The problem is, for a normal person under normal circumstance, you want to portrait your country position as strong, and there are two ways you can do it. Either highlight the strong suits for your country, the stuff that your country or your government did right. Or you depreciate others. Make other country look bad.

Fact is, that some people choose the former, and some people choose the latter.

Do not hesitate and immediately tag him,so that I could ask him to back off.


a lot, I don't even know where to begin.
One point I like that you also don't want to use abusive language.However,why you all are so ''anti'' to one another?
Even Indians and Pakistanis get united or agreed over at some point.

Yes I refrain from myself using abusive language as basic manner unless in very rare occasions reactionary replies of befitting intensity deem necessary, especially in lack of policing support.

I am not exactly anti-anyone my friend, just respond to illiterate or troll posts in an old-school way, just so happen that most (but not all) of these posts belong to some anti-China flags. Instead I find it more constructive in starting well prepared threads, add inputs to threads in a positive way, debate with facts, quantifiable if possible, and avoid getting into meaningless keyboard fighting.
Well I have a feeling sometimes (not all or the majority) there is some intentional flaming going on when an OP topic is controversial. The idea being that if the thread can get ruined by flaming the entire thread could get nuked and thus the end justifies the means.

You should dig into how many threads got completely nuked and then look at what the OP topic is about and then discern if something intentional was going on to get it yanked.
To be fair, everyone have their own skeleton in their closet. I don't pretend I am a saint, but then..........

You know, it's hard for people to go on here and have a good discuss, when half the time you did your research and present your point, then you met a overzealous guy and he will simply call you names and tell you to F-off......

I don't have an Anti-China view. My view is anti-Chinese government, but even if I do, did that warrant a name calling? You do know what did they call me in Chinese section, right?

Fair enough, everyone is entitled to their opinions, and view points.

Bad manners shouldn't be encouraged, or tolerated. That's why I suggested dedicated "policing", while TTA can only give +ve ratings.
Fair enough, everyone is entitled to their opinions, and view points.

Bad manners shouldn't be encouraged, or tolerated. That's why I suggested dedicated "policing", while TTA can only give +ve ratings.

To be honest, the + or - system have lost it power a LONGGGGG time ago.

I am not saying that is useless, but that did not stop troll from trolling or encourage people to contribute. The problem is that people don't generally care about it on an online forum.

Look, I admit I don't like the current Chinese Government, this is not something I am trying to hide. To be honest, I do agree with you, that everyone entitled to their opinions. But this is something some to most of the Chinese member choose to ignore.

If I am in charge of the forum, I would not even give the + and - any thought, I will simply ban those otherwise misbehave member, but then.....I am not in charge.
To be honest, the + or - system have lost it power a LONGGGGG time ago.

I am not saying that is useless, but that did not stop troll from trolling or encourage people to contribute. The problem is that people don't generally care about it on an online forum.

Look, I admit I don't like the current Chinese Government, this is not something I am trying to hide. To be honest, I do agree with you, that everyone entitled to their opinions. But this is something some to most of the Chinese member choose to ignore.

If I am in charge of the forum, I would not even give the + and - any thought, I will simply ban those otherwise misbehave member, but then.....I am not in charge.

Yes, you are entitled to your opinion, and view point. An educated way is to persuade the others to see what you saw, and win their mind, whether they like it or not.

The +ve/-ve rating does have an effect - to antagonize your opponent in a debate. If it is used by a referee that's perfectly fine. And I agree, some bad mannered posters need to be banned. Don't get emotional my friend, if you do you are already loosing.

P.S.: Your knowledge in army affairs is astounding, I learned a lot from your posts, keep up.

I was banned for like 3 months from the China & East Asian section for arguing with these Chinese posters and fake flag users like Superboy/Opruh.

I don't even bother to post in that section or rarely do I do knowing how these users are when you try to have a dialogue.

I might ask an admin to re-ban me in that section. I would suggest to other users who have a problem with these baiting trolls to do the same :D it isn't worth the time arguing or getting banned for good over it.

I have seen your posts, nothing abusive, I for one welcome you to stay in FE section and chat, or debate to death, with me.

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