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For China human rights abuses are its history

While the poster of this thread, CarbonD, has the right to post, but he's guilty of slandering by using 3 unsubstantiated pictures to proof his points.

When one accusing someone commits something in such a dimension he MUST use irrefutable sources. And those pictures are inconclusive at best.
I think India should officially ban its caste system before it has any business to criticize China's human right issues. :coffee:
india have press / media restrictions and self censorship in your troubling areas! why their human rights index is ahead of us?

The International Labor Organization (ILO) has estimated that of the 250 million children between the ages of five and fourteen work in developing countries, 61 percent are in Asia. Although we live in an extremely modern age, there is, in fact, child slave labor present in China. Some of these children work in sweatshops. A sweatshop is a workplace where workers are subjected to extreme exploitation, including the lack of a living wages or benefits, poor and dangerous working conditions, and harsh and unnecessary discipline, such as verbal and physical abuse. Sweatshop workers are paid less than their daily expenses, thus they are never able to save any money to invest in their futures. They are trapped in a never-ending cycle (Embar, pars. 2-5).

The exact number of child labors working in China is still unknown. China's repressive political system does not allow this information acquired directly from China, there are no Chinese non-governmental organizations (NGOs) active in this area, and foreign NGOs do not have access. Therefore, it is impossible to judge how strictly the Chinese Government enforces child labor laws or to determine the efforts of non-governmental organizations to address child labor in China (China, par.1).
IHS Child Slave Labor News :: Child Slave Labor in China

Apple: Poor working conditions inside the Chinese factories making iPads | Mail Online

Forced to stand for 24 hours, suicide nets, toxin exposure and explosions': Inside the Chinese factories making iPads for Apple

'Working excessive overtime without a single day off during the week'
'Living together in crowded dorms and exposure to dangerous chemicals'
Two explosions in 2011 in China 'due to aluminum dust' killed four workers
Almost 140 injured after using toxin in factory, reports New York Times
Amnesty International has documented widespread human rights violations in China. An estimated 500,000 people are currently enduring punitive detention without charge or trial, and millions are unable to access the legal system to seek redress for their grievances. Harassment, surveillance, house arrest, and imprisonment of human rights defenders are on the rise, and censorship of the Internet and other media has grown. Repression of minority groups, including Tibetans, Uighurs and Mongolians, and of Falun Gong practitioners and Christians who practice their religion outside state-sanctioned churches continues. While the recent reinstatement of Supreme People's Court review of death penalty cases may result in lower numbers of executions, China remains the leading executioner in the world.

Your country allows this to flourish. We execute the serious perpetrators:

UNODC - ROSA - India is a major drug hub: US
Liu Wei: Fighting for Human Rights in China

Liu Wei walked out of a hearing in 2009 when a judge refused to allow her to defend her client, a member of the Falun Gong spiritual movement. Soon after, the government suspended her license and permanently revoked it in 2010 on the charge of “disrupting courtroom order and interfering with the courtroom process”—a serious punishment typically reserved for lawyers convicted of a crime. This was the permanent revocation for such a case.

Based in Beijing, Wei is one of a group of twenty lawyers targeted by the Chinese government for their involvement in politically sensitive cases. She continually faces harassment and intimidation from the police.

Wei has represented victims of illegal land requisition and home demolition, people discriminated against for having HIV, AIDS, and hepatitis B parents of the victims of melamine-tainted milk powder, and fellow defense lawyer Ni Yulan (倪玉兰). In 2008, she offered legal assistance to Tibetans facing prosecution following a spate of riots. She also pushed for direct elections within the Beijing Lawyers Association in 2008 and 2009. And in June 2009, she was an initial signer of Charter 08, a manifesto calling for fundamental changes in China, including an independent legal system, freedom of association, and the elimination of one-party rule.

Even by the Chinese government’s low standards, the environment for activists is dismal. In 2011, at least 200 people, including may lawyers “disappeared” in 2011, and this year, the government is increasing its use of unofficial detention centers, so-called “black jails” to hold dissidents and has sentenced several prominent activists to lengthy prison sentences. “[T]here’s been a significant crackdown on dissension, political discussion, even the rights and the activities of lawyers who advocate on behalf of people who have been poisoned from tainted food and medicines,” U.S. Ambassador to China Gary Locke said recently.

Lawyers who represent members of Falun Gong often face persecution. Wei’s partner, Tang Jitian, was among those who were “disappeared” last year. Another lawyer, Gao Zhisheng was convicted for ‘subversion’ in 2006. He went missing for almost two years and is currently undergoing a 3-month ‘education period.

Despite being disbarred, Wei continues to fight for human rights. On Jan. 17, 2011 Wei, along with 18 other Chinese lawyers, wrote an open letter in response to the torture by the police of human rights lawyers Gao Zhisheng and Fan Yafeng. The letter decries torture and calls on China to uphold the laws prohibiting it. On Feb. 9, 2011 Wei and fellow activist Shen Zichen (申子辰) wrote an open letter to the national Women’s League and a local Women’s League branch in Heilongjiang province. They called for a thorough investigation into the case of Liu Guiying (刘桂英), a female lawyer who was forced to terminate her pregnancy after an allegedly violent encounter with police.

The human rights situation in China is not expected to improve any time soon. As the government prepares for a transition of power, it is likely to intensify its crackdown on dissidents, and courageous activists like Wei will operating under increasingly dangerous conditions.

Human Rights First Celebrates Inspiring Women for Women’s History Month. Check out their stories.

Liu Wei: Fighting for Human Rights in China | Human Rights First

---------- Post added at 01:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 AM ----------


World Report 2012: China

Against a backdrop of rapid socio-economic change and modernization, China continues to be an authoritarian one-party state that imposes sharp curbs on freedom of expression, association, and religion; openly rejects judicial independence and press freedom; and arbitrarily restricts and suppresses human rights defenders and organizations, often through extra-judicial measures.

The government also censors the internet; maintains highly repressive policies in ethnic minority areas such as Tibet, Xinjiang, and Inner Mongolia; systematically condones—with rare exceptions—abuses of power in the name of “social stability” ; and rejects domestic and international scrutiny of its human rights record as attempts to destabilize and impose “Western values” on the country. The security apparatus—hostile to liberalization and legal reform—seems to have steadily increased its power since the 2008 Beijing Olympics. China’s “social stability maintenance” expenses are now larger than its defense budget.

At the same time Chinese citizens are increasingly rights-conscious and challenging the authorities over livelihood issues, land seizures, forced evictions, abuses of power by corrupt cadres, discrimination, and economic inequalities. Official and scholarly statistics estimate that 250-500 protests occur per day; participants number from ten to tens of thousands. Internet users and reform-oriented media are aggressively pushing the boundaries of censorship, despite the risks of doing so, by advocating for the rule of law and transparency, exposing official wrong-doing, and calling for reforms.

Despite their precarious legal status and surveillance by the authorities, civil society groups continue to try to expand their work, and increasingly engage with international NGOs. A small but dedicated network of activists continues to exposes abuses as part of the weiquan (“rights defense”)movement, despite systematic repression ranging from police monitoring to detention, arrest, enforced disappearance, and torture.
Human Rights Defenders

In February 2011, unnerved by the pro-democracy Arab Spring movements and a scheduled Chinese leadership transition in October 2012, the government launched the largest crackdown on human rights lawyers, activists, and critics in a decade. The authorities also strengthened internet and press censorship, put the activities of many dissidents and critics under surveillance, restricted their activities, and took the unprecedented step of rounding up over 30 of the most outspoken critics and “disappearing” them for weeks.

The April 3 arrest of contemporary artist and outspoken government critic Ai Weiwei, who was detained in an undisclosed location without access to a lawyer, prompted an international outcry and contributed to his release on bail on June 22. Tax authorities notified him on November 1 that he had to pay US$2.4 million in tax arrears and fines for the company registered in his wife’s name. Most of the other activists were also ultimately released, but forced to adopt a much less vocal stance for fear of further reprisals. Several lawyers detained in 2011, including Liu Shihui, described being interrogated, tortured, threatened, and released only upon signing “confessions” and pledges not to use Twitter, or talk to media, human rights groups, or foreign diplomats about their detention.

The government continues to impose indefinite house arrest on its critics. Liu Xia, the wife of imprisoned Nobel Peace Laureate Liu Xiaobo, has been missing since December 2010 and is believed to be under house arrest to prevent her from campaigning on her husband’s behalf. In February 2011 she said in a brief online exchange that she and her family were like “hostages” and that she felt “miserable.” She is allowed to visit Liu Xiaobo once a month, subject to agreement from the prison authorities.

Chen Guangcheng, a blind legal activist who was released from prison in September 2010, remained under house arrest in 2011. Security personnel assaulted Chen and his wife in February after he released footage documenting his family’s house arrest. Noted activist Hu Jia, who was released after completing a three-and-a-half-year prison sentence in June, is also under house arrest in Beijing, the capital, with his activist wife Zeng Jinyan and their daughter. Grave concerns exist about the fate of lawyer Gao Zhisheng, who was “disappeared” by the authorities in September 2009 and briefly surfaced in March 2010 detailing severe and continuous torture against him, before going missing again that April.

On June 12, 2011, despite the steady deterioration in China’s human rights environment, the Chinese government declared it had fulfilled “all tasks and targets” of its National Human Rights Action Plans (2009-2010).
Legal Reforms

While legal awareness among citizens continues to grow, the government's overt hostility towards genuine judicial independence undercuts legal reform and defeats efforts to limit the Chinese Communist Party's authority over all judicial institutions and mechanisms.

The police dominate the criminal justice system, which relies disproportionately on defendants’ confessions. Weak courts and tight limits on the rights of the defense mean that forced confessions under torture remain prevalent and miscarriages of justice frequent. In August 2011, in an effort to reduce such cases and improve the administration of justice, the government published new rules to eliminate unlawfully obtained evidence and strengthened the procedural rights of the defense in its draft revisions to the Criminal Procedure Law. It is likely it will be adopted in March 2012.

However, the draft revisions also introduced an alarming provision that would effectively legalize enforced disappearances by allowing police to secretly detain suspects for up to six months at a location of their choice in “state security, terrorism and major corruption cases.” The measure would put suspects at great risk of torture while giving the government justification for the “disappearance” of dissidents and activists in the future. Adoption of this measure—which is hotly criticized in Chinese media by human rights lawyers, activists, and part of the legal community—would significantly deviate from China’s previous stance of gradual convergence with international norms on administering justice, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which China signed in 1997 but has yet to ratify.

China continued in 2011 to lead the world in executions. The exact number remains a state secret but is estimated to range from 5,000 to 8,000 a year.
Freedom of Expression

The government continued in 2011 to violate domestic and international legal guarantees of freedom of press and expression by restricting bloggers, journalists, and an estimated more than 500 million internet users. The government requires internet search firms and state media to censor issues deemed officially “sensitive,” and blocks access to foreign websites including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. However, the rise of Chinese online social networks—in particularly Sina’s Weibo, which has 200 million users—has created a new platform for citizens to express opinions and to challenge official limitations on freedom of speech despite intense scrutiny by China’s censors.

On January 30 official concern about Egyptian anti-government protests prompted a ban on internet searches for “Egypt.” On February 20 internet rumors about a Chinese “Jasmine Revolution” resulted in a ban on web searches for “jasmine.” In August a cascade of internet criticism of the government’s response to the July 23 Wenzhou train crash prompted the government to warn of new penalties, including suspension of microblog access, against bloggers who transmit “false or misleading information.”

Ambiguous “inciting subversion” and “revealing state secrets” laws contributed to the imprisonment of at least 34 Chinese journalists. Those jailed include Qi Chonghuai, originally sentenced to a four-year prison term in August 2008 for “extortion and blackmail” after exposing government corruption in his home province of Shandong. His prison sentence was extended in June for eight years when the same court found him guilty of fresh charges of extortion and “embezzlement.”

Censorship restrictions continue to pose a threat to journalists whose reporting oversteps official guidelines. In May Southern Metropolis Daily editor Song Zhibiao was demoted as a reprisal for criticism of the government’s 2008 Sichuan earthquake recovery efforts. In June the government threatened to blacklist journalists guilty of “distorted” reporting of food safety scandals. In July the China Economic Times disbanded its investigative unit, an apparent response to official pressure against its outspoken reporting on official malfeasance.

Physical violence against journalists who report on “sensitive” topics remained a problem in 2011. On June 1, plainclothes Beijing police assaulted and injured two Beijing Times reporters who refused to delete photos they had taken at the scene of a stabbing. The two officers were subsequently suspended. On September 19 Li Xiang, a reporter with Henan province’s Luoyang Television, was stabbed to death in what has been widely speculated was retaliation for his exposé of a local food safety scandal. Police have arrested two suspects and insist that Li’s murder was due to a robbery.

Police deliberately targeted foreign correspondents with physical violence at the site of a rumored anti-government protest in Beijing on February 27. A video journalist at the scene required medical treatment for severe bruising and possible internal injuries after men who appeared to be plain clothes security officers repeatedly punched and kicked him in the face. Uniformed police manhandled, detained, and delayed more than a dozen other foreign media at the scene.

Government and security bureaus prevented the biennial Beijing Queer Film Festival from screening in Beijing’s Xicheng District. Parts of the festival were held surreptitiously in community venues.
Freedom of Religion

The Chinese government limits religious practices to officially-approved temples, monasteries, churches, and mosques despite a constitutional guarantee of freedom of religion. Religious institutions must submit data—including financial records, activities, and employee details—for periodic official audits. The government also reviews seminary applications and religious publications, and approves all religious personnel appointments. Protestant “house churches” and other unregistered spiritual organizations are considered illegal and their members subject to prosecution and fines. The Falun Gong and some other groups are deemed “evil cults” and members risk intimidation, harassment, and arrest.

In April the government pressured the landlord of the Beijing Shouwang Church, a “house church” with 1,000 congregants, to evict the church from its location in a Beijing restaurant. Over the course of at least five Sundays in April and May, the Shouwang congregation held its services in outdoor locations, attracting police attention and resulting in the temporary detention of more than 100 of its members.

The government continues to heavily restrict religious activities in the name of security in ethnic minority areas. See sections below on Tibet and Xinjiang.

On August 2 the government announced the closure of 583 battery-recycling factories linked to widespread lead poisoning. However, it has failed to substantively recognize and address abuses including denial of treatment for child lead poisoning victims and harassment of parents seeking legal redress that Human Rights Watch uncovered in a June 2011 report of lead poisoning in Henan, Yunnan, Shaanxi, and Hunan.

People with HIV/AIDS continued to face discrimination. In September an HIV-positive female burn victim was denied treatment at three hospitals in Guangdong province due to stigma about her status. On September 8 an HIV-positive school teacher launched a wrongful dismissal suit against the Guizhou provincial government after it refused to hire him on April 3 due to his HIV status.
Disability Rights

The Chinese government is inadequately protecting the rights of people with disabilities, despite its ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), and its forthcoming review by the treaty's monitoring body.

In September a group of part-time teachers with disabilities requested that China’s Ministry of Education lift restrictions imposed by 20 cities and provinces on full-time employment of teachers with physical disabilities. On September 7, Henan officials freed 30 people with mental disabilities who had been abducted and trafficked into slave labor conditions in illegal brick kiln factories in the province. The discovery cast doubt on official efforts to end such abuses in the wake of a similar scandal in Shaanxi in 2007.

On August 10 the Chinese government invited public comment on its long-awaited draft mental health law. Domestic legal experts warn the draft contains potentially serious risks to the rights of persons with mental disabilities, including involuntary institutionalization, forced treatment and deprivation of legal capacity.
Migrant and Labor Rights

Lack of meaningful union representation remained an obstacle to systemic improvement in workers’ wages and conditions in 2011.The government prohibits independent labor unions, so the official All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) is the sole legal representative of China’s workers. A persistent labor shortage linked to changing demographics—official statistics indicate that nationwide job vacancies outpaced available workers by five percent in the first three months of 2011—has led to occasional reports of rising wages and improved benefits for some workers.

In January a government survey of migrant workers indicated that the hukou (household registration) system continued to impose systemic discrimination on migrants. Survey respondents blamed the hukou system, which the government has repeatedly promised to abolish, for unfairly limiting their access to housing, medical services, and education. In August 2011 the Beijing city government ordered the closure of 24 illegal private schools that catered to migrant children. Most found alternate schools, although an estimated 10 to 20 percent had to be separated from their parents and sent to their hukou-linked rural hometowns due to their parents’ inability to secure suitable and affordable schooling in Beijing.
Women's Rights

Women’s reproductive rights remain severely curtailed in 2011 under China’s family planning regulations. Administrative sanctions, fines, and forced abortions continue to be imposed, if somewhat erratically, on rural women, including when they become migrant laborers in urban or manufacturing areas, and are increasingly extended to ethnic minority areas such as Tibet and Xinjiang. These policies contribute to an increasing gender-imbalance (118.08 males for every 100 females according to the 2010 census), which in turn fuels trafficking and prostitution.

Sex workers, numbering four to ten million, remain a particularly vulnerable segment of the population due to the government’s harsh policies and regular mobilization campaigns to crack down on prostitution.

Although the government acknowledges that domestic violence, employment discrimination, and discriminatory social attitudes remain acute and widespread problems, it continues to stunt the development of independent women’s rights groups and discourages public interest litigation. A new interpretation of the country’s Marriage Law by the Supreme People’s Court in August 2011 might further exacerbate the gender wealth gap by stating that after divorce, marital property belongs solely to the person who took out a mortgage and registered as the homeowner, which in most cases is the husband.
Illegal Adoptions and Child Trafficking

On August 16 the Chinese government announced it would tighten rules to prevent illegal adoptions and child trafficking. Revised Registration Measures for the Adoption of Children by Chinese Citizens were expected to be introduced by the end of 2011 and would restrict the source of adoptions to orphanages, rather than hospitals or other institutions. The planned rule change follows revelations in May 2011 that members of a government family planning unit in Hunan had kidnapped and trafficked at least 15 babies to couples in the United States and Holland for US$3,000 each between 2002 and 2005. A subsequent police investigation determined there had been no illegal trafficking, despite testimony from parents who insist their children were abducted and subsequently trafficked overseas.
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

In 1997 the government decriminalized homosexual conduct and in 2001 ceased to classify homosexuality as a mental illness. However, police continue to occasionally raid popular gay venues in what activists describe as deliberate harassment. Same-sex relationships are not legally recognized, adoption rights are denied to people in same-sex relationships, and there are no anti-discrimination laws based on sexual orientation. On April 4, 2011, Shanghai police raided Q Bar, a popular gay venue, alleging it was staging “pornographic shows.” Police detained more than 60 people, including customers and bar staff, and released them later that day. High-profile public support for overcoming social and official prejudice against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people is increasingly common. On July 5 a China Central Television talk show host criticized homophobic online comments posted by a famous Chinese actress and urged respect for the LGBT community.

The situation in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) and the neighboring Tibetan autonomous areas of Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, and Yunnan province, remained tense in 2011 following the massive crackdown on popular protests that swept the plateau in 2008. Chinese security forces maintain a heavy presence and the authorities continue to tightly restrict access and travel to Tibetan areas, particularly for journalists and foreign visitors. Tibetans suspected of being critical of political, religious, cultural, or economic state policies are targeted on charges of “separatism.”

The government continues to build a “new socialist countryside” by relocating and rehousing up to 80 percent of the TAR population, including all pastoralists and nomads.

The Chinese government has given no indication it would accommodate the aspirations of Tibetan people for greater autonomy, even within the narrow confines of the country's autonomy law on ethnic minorities' areas. It has rejected holding negotiations with the new elected leader of the Tibetan community in exile, Lobsang Sangay, and warned that it would designate the next Dalai Lama itself.

In August Sichuan authorities imposed heavy prison sentences on three ethnic Tibetan monks from the Kirti monastery for assisting another monk who self-immolated in protest in March. Ten more Tibetan monks and one nun had self-immolated through mid-November, all expressing their desperation over the lack of religious freedom.

The Urumqi riots of July 2009—the most deadly episode of ethnic unrest in recent Chinese history—continued to cast a shadow over developments in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. The government has not accounted for hundreds of persons detained after the riots, nor investigated the serious allegations of torture and ill-treatment of detainees that have surfaced in testimonies of refugees and relatives living outside China. The few publicized trials of suspected rioters were marred by restrictions on legal representation, overt politicization of the judiciary, and failure to publish notification of the trials and to hold genuinely open trials as mandated by law.

Several violent incidents occurred in the region in 2011, though culpability remains unclear. On July 18 the government said it had killed 14 Uighur attackers who had overrun a police station in Hetian and were holding several hostages. On July 30 and 31 a series of knife and bomb attacks took place in Kashgar. In both cases the government blamed Islamist extremists. In mid-August it launched a two-month “strike hard” campaign aimed at “destroying a number of violent terrorist groups and ensuring the region’s stability.”

Under the guise of counterterrorism and anti-separatism efforts, the government also maintains a pervasive system of ethnic discrimination against Uighurs and other ethnic minorities, along with sharp curbs on religious and cultural expression and politically motivated arrests.

The first national Work Conference on Xinjiang, held in 2010, endorsed economic measures that may generate revenue but are likely to further marginalize ethnic minorities. By the end of 2011, 80 percent of traditional neighborhoods in the ancient Uighur city of Kashgar will have been razed. Many Uighur inhabitants have been forcibly evicted and relocated to make way for a new city likely to be dominated by the Han population.
Hong Kong

Hong Kong immigration authorities’ refusal in 2011 to grant entry to several visitors critical of the Chinese government’s human rights record raised concerns that the territory’s autonomy was being eroded. Concerns about police powers also continue to grow following heavy restrictions imposed on students and media during the visit of a Chinese state leader in September 2011.

The status of migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong was strengthened in September when a court judged that rules excluding those workers from seeking the right of abode were unconstitutional. However, the Hong Kong government suggested it would appeal to Beijing for a review, further eroding the territory’s judicial autonomy.
Key International Actors

Despite voting in favor of a Security Council resolution referring Libya to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in February, the Chinese government continued to ignore or undermine international human rights norms and institutions. In June, amidst outcry against the visit, China hosted Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, who is wanted by the ICC on charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.In 2011 it significantly increased pressure on governments in Central and Southeast Asia to forcibly return Uighur refugees, leading to the refoulement of at least 20 people, and in October prevailed upon the South African government to deny a visa to the Dalai Lama, who wished to attend the birthday celebrations of Archbishop Desmond Tutu. That same month it exercised a rare veto together with Russia at the Security Council to help defeat a resolution condemning gross human rights abuses in Syria.

Although several dozen governments attended the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize ceremonies honoring activist Liu Xiaobo, relatively few engaged in effective advocacy on behalf of human rights in China during 2011. While the US emphasized human rights issues during Hu Jintao’s January state visit to Washington, that emphasis—and the attention of other governments—declined precipitously once the Arab Spring began, making it easier for the Chinese government to silence dissent. Few audibly continued their calls for the release of Liu and others.

Perhaps demonstrating the influence of growing popular objections to abusive Chinese investment projects, the Burmese government made a surprise announcement in September that it would suspend the primarily Chinese-backed and highly controversial Myitsone Dam. In Zambia, Chinese-run mining firms announced a sudden wage increase following the election of the opposition Patriotic Front, which had campaigned in part on securing minimum wage guarantees.

World Report 2012: China | Human Rights Watch
The International Labor Organization (ILO) has estimated that of the 250 million children between the ages of five and fourteen work in developing countries, 61 percent are in Asia. Although we live in an extremely modern age, there is, in fact, child slave labor present in China. Some of these children work in sweatshops. A sweatshop is a workplace where workers are subjected to extreme exploitation, including the lack of a living wages or benefits, poor and dangerous working conditions, and harsh and unnecessary discipline, such as verbal and physical abuse. Sweatshop workers are paid less than their daily expenses, thus they are never able to save any money to invest in their futures. They are trapped in a never-ending cycle (Embar, pars. 2-5).

The exact number of child labors working in China is still unknown. China's repressive political system does not allow this information acquired directly from China, there are no Chinese non-governmental organizations (NGOs) active in this area, and foreign NGOs do not have access. Therefore, it is impossible to judge how strictly the Chinese Government enforces child labor laws or to determine the efforts of non-governmental organizations to address child labor in China (China, par.1).
IHS Child Slave Labor News :: Child Slave Labor in China

Apple: Poor working conditions inside the Chinese factories making iPads | Mail Online

Forced to stand for 24 hours, suicide nets, toxin exposure and explosions': Inside the Chinese factories making iPads for Apple

'Working excessive overtime without a single day off during the week'
'Living together in crowded dorms and exposure to dangerous chemicals'
Two explosions in 2011 in China 'due to aluminum dust' killed four workers
Almost 140 injured after using toxin in factory, reports New York Times

I think India is place with prevalent child labors, just look who was working for your Commonwealth Games. :coffee:


Drug Tests in India Face Questions; Biotech Co's Conducting Illegal Trials
in Industry

Drug Tests in India Face Questions; Biotech Co's Conducting Illegal Trials | NW Resistance Against Genetic Engineering

CALCUTTA, India, Nov. 22 (UPI) -- The opportunities are huge, multinationals are eager, and India has the skills. And these along with its huge population thhat's genetically diverse make India the most fertile ground for multinational companies to outsource clinical drug tests and save huge costs. More importantly, this is one sort of outsourcing which the western world workers aren't likely to protest.

But even as global drug giants are flocking into the country for testing of new drugs on humans, it is also a sort of outsourcing that, fear Indians, is perhaps making the country the greatest source of human guinea pigs for the global drug industry.

Two of India's top biotech companies, Hyderabad-based Shanta Biotech and Bangalore-headquartered Biocon India have come under scrutiny after a local non-government organization, Aadar Destitute and Old People Home the Supreme alleged recently that these were "openly" conducting illegal clinical trials of new drugs on unsuspecting patients.

Aadar charged these two companies for conducted improper clinical trials of Streptokinnese -- a new clot-busting drug used in heart attacks -- last November without requisite permissions (of the Genetic Engineering Appproval Committee), as a consequence of which eight people lost their lives.

But the Streptokinnese wasn't an isolated one. In 2003 Monthly Index of Medical Specialities, an independent pharmaceuticals journal in India revealed that more than 400 women across India were subjected to clinical trials without consent for a drug called Letrozole, which was copied (with permission) by Sun Pharmaceuticals, a large Indian generic drug company, from a patented product of the same name of Novartis.

It was alleged by yet another social outfit that Sun Pharmaceuticals used Letrozole for treating conception problems while Novartis' original was introduced globally for solely treating breast cancer and not for any other use in any country, including India.

And in 2001, another trial that made headlines involved the clinical trial of nordihydroguairetic acid, a chemical with anti-cancer properties, which was tested by a regional cancer-treatment center in the Indian state of Kerala for a U.S.-based researcher then associated with Johns Hopkins Hospital in the United States. The drug was allegedly tried on 26 unsuspecting cancer patients, two of whom died. Subsequently, a 60-year-old woman was again included for a trial for which the testing center provided five doses of the experimental drug, worth $200, free. The woman's condition turned critical as well by the fifth dose.

Indeed, these incidents indicate that in the absence of adequate regulations and proper laws, a developing country eager to cash in on the opportunities of globalization can be used for indulging in rash and risky practices. A survey of 200 health researchers globally that was commissioned by the former U.S. National Bioethics Advisory Commission and published in February's revealed that a quarter of clinical trials conducted in developing countries did not undergo ethical review.

But in India unethical and illegal clinical trials are rampant and are conducted without fear because, as says Dr Arun Bal, president of the Association for Consumers' Action on Safety and Health, "there is no law to safeguard the interests of volunteers involved in clinical trials. And, though the Indian Council of Medical Research has laid down guidelines for conducting trials, there is no mechanism in place to ensure that they are being implemented."

Still the potential for the outsourcing of clinical trials is too tempting for India to ignore.

According to the industry group Pharma Research, the business of pharmaceutical and medical device clinical trials is a $15 billion per year business in the United States and $40 billion globally. An industry study from Business Communications Company of Connecticut, says that United States-based spending on clinical trials is growing fast; at about 12 percent per year that should generate $26.5 billion by 2007.

Moreover, the cost of new drug development is enormous. Boston's Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development, the leading research center of new drug regulation economics, calculates that total pre-and-post-approval research including clinical trials averages $897 million per drug. But the time required for the trials process -- which may take 10 years - is both a major factor in costs and an impediment to releasing beneficial new drugs. The costs arre especially challenging to smaller drug companies.

Whereas, costs in India are a fraction of that and according to a study by Rabo India Finance, a subsidiary of the Netherlands-based Rabo Bank, "More than 40 percent of drug development costs are incurred in clinical trials and India offers immense savings -- about 60 percent -- on that aspect."

India's also has a huge patient population also offers vast genetic diversity, making the country "an ideal site for clinical trials". For example, India has the largest pool of diabetic patients, with more than 20 million citizens suffering from the ailment -- small wonder that insulin is one of the most researched drugs in the country.

Besides this, the country offers other critical facilities, such as nearly 700,000 specialty hospital beds, 221 medical colleges and skilled English-speaking medical staff.

Small wonder then almost all top names, including Novo Nordisk, Aventis, Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline, have started running clinical drug trials in India lately, while some, such as Eli Lilly and Pfizer, which started much earlier, continue testing.

Also, a variety of both India-based and global contract/clinical research organizations that specialize in outsourced clinical trials management are working to expand India's clinical-trials business. These include Quintiles, Omnicare, PharmaNet and Pharm-Olam (all U.S.-based).

On the upside this is leading to the country raking in the money. Industry sources say that in 2002, clinical trials were reckoned to have generated $70 million in revenues for India. This could grow to $200 million by 2007 and anywhere between $500 million and $1 billion by 2010.

Nevertheless, rattled by the recent deaths and the public outcry, India's regulators have started sitting up. In what could be seen as a clampdown on clinical research in the country, the Drug Controller General of India announced in September that it is working out a policy which demands accreditation of clinical research outfits for obtaining approval on any kind of tests conducted on humans.

It is also crafting out a set of standard procedures for all kinds of clinical tests conducted for different drugs. And most importantly, The Drug and Controller General of India said that by this year end it will put in place inspection systems to track the progress of drug trials from beginning to end.



---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------




---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------

again you posted the pictures published by the 'propaganda' menchine CCTV while ago and heavily debated on Chinese forums, that shows those illegal workshops in China and those owners were all arrested and faced harsh punishment, lol
when you post random pictures please have a bit of clue of where its coming from and the stories associated with them.
has any Indian child labour owners been excuted by your high cast criminal government? none

---------- Post added at 06:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:27 AM ----------

indian accusing China's HR issue is like NK accusing HR issues of Northern European countries
"Black jails" are now official in China. I cant believe they were actually debating on whether to tell the families or not.

China's parliament has unveiled laws which solidify police powers to hold dissidents in secret locations known as 'black jails'.

However the ruling Communist Party has backed down from a draft proposal that meant the families of those secretly taken away by the authorities would not need to be informed.

The powers to hold suspects facing subversion and other state security accusations are set out in revisions to the Criminal Procedure Law presented to the National People's Congress, which is now in annual full session.

The revised law says that when suspects or defendants are "involved in crimes concerning state security, terrorism or especially serious corruption and notification of where they are residing could obstruct investigations", they can he held in residential surveillance outside their own homes or state-run detention centres.

But families must be told within 24 hours.

In China, "state security crimes" include subversion and other vaguely defined political charges used to punish dissidents who challenge the Communist Party.

Police and prosecutors already wield broad powers to detain people, and party-run courts rarely challenge how the powers are used.

Critics have said the secret detention amendments give a veneer of authority to arbitrary powers, risking more abuses.

"I think this shows the present political mentality of lack of confidence and of fear," said Ai Weiwei, an internationally renowned artist who was secretively detained in April last year, when asked about the amendments on detention.

"This is a massive threat to the judicial system and to citizens' security."

Ai is the most prominent face of hundreds held in the crackdown on dissent. He was released and fined for tax charges he has challenged as unfounded.

Fearing that anti-authoritarian uprisings across the Arab world could inspire challenges to Communist rule, Beijing last year held dozens of activists for weeks or months in secretive detention.

China unveils laws to hold dissidents in secret - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

---------- Post added at 10:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:53 AM ----------
I really wish this were true. The only thing that has changed is China's ability to control the flow of information about such crimes and keep thiese things under wraps and well away from public glare.
I really wish this were true. The only thing that has changed is China's ability to control the flow of information about such crimes and keep thiese things under wraps and well away from public glare.
have you ever read all the posts? you know its not nice to be stupid and ignorant, all these pictures were published by the CCTV exposing illegal workshops and child labour in China, why the government let its 'propaganda' mechine to do so (if you genuinely believe they control these kind of info) please answer me?

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