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For All America Lovers!!!

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Sep 9, 2010
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The one thing that first struck me on this forum was how much LOVE certain people have for America here... having the server on which the forum is based in America kinda made it easy to understand... One sided narrative is always deceptive... and for some Muslims in America, life can be turned into hell by some really "nice" and "tolerant" Americans... This includes some elected officials as well...

Warning to America lovers: You may wake up to the fact that an important population of America is no friend of Muslims (even if they are American citizens)...

Disgusting is the only word I can think for this...
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No use brother for posting this video as no one is going to accept the bitter truth and as I always say Khilafat is the only way forward for all the muslims out there !
absolute BS..y do u see just the anti-muslim hate in america?
Wat about anti-america and anti-christian hate which is rampant in muslim countries?

y do u tell just one side of the story?
if u r so much interested in anti-muslim hate research, y dont u try to find since when did this start?

and i completely agree with 500 here....muslims in america can atleast talk about the injustice to them without expecting a bomb blast or assasination..
The one thing that first struck me on this forum was how much LOVE certain people have for America here... having the server on which the forum is based in America kinda made it easy to understand... One sided narrative is always deceptive... and for some Muslims in America, life can be turned into hell by some really "nice" and "tolerant" Americans... This includes some elected officials as well...

Warning to America lovers: You may wake up to the fact that an important population of America is no friend of Muslims (even if they are American citizens)...

Disgusting is the only word I can think for this...

Dear Brother Muhammad-Bin-Qasim,

As a Muslim, born and raised in the United States, I can assure you that most Americans are not like these people. Orange County, California has a high concentration of these nutcases also called the Tea Party. The Tea Party is a Ultra Nationalist/Ultra Judeo-Christian Zionist group within the Republican party.

Moreover, to back my point read the comments of this video as you will find most people despise their actions.

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guya we r making the same mistake that every one makes abt pakistan we r judging a whole country by just some nut cases just like ppl juddge pakistan by terrorists plz do keep in mind there r ppl better then them around the world with much tolerance...
Ignorance of the crowd at it's best. And they're very flexible with the morals they espouse. When they were overrunning the place, killing the natives who lived there, they were all for "multi-culturalism", allowing new cultures to "blend in"(butcher) with the old.

Now, when it suites them, tolerance is not a virtue anymore. They can proudly talk about how they've sent their children(the 19 year old son) to go attack a country and kill millions of civilians there all for a little "misunderstanding" about Weapons of Mass Destruction.

These people seem insane, and their moronically homicidal civilization keeps killing more civilians than any other superpower in history, and yet they keep this fiction alive that they are the victims. Boo friggin' hoo.
Then talk. So far Muslims live in America much much better then in their own countries.

nah,stop your F^&king nonsence.Muslim live in my country will definately better in that shitty state.Yet to say many american discriminate asian peoples.Thats the truth.Stop behave like you are a muslim if you are not.
nah,stop your F^&king nonsence.Muslim live in my country will definately better in that shitty state.Yet to say many american discriminate asian peoples.Thats the truth.Stop behave like you are a muslim if you are not.

Ummmm I would presume that the member "500" being from the State of Israel would actually be a Jew and not a Muslim ? :D
Tea party nuts ? Your actually trying to post them as a example of the American public. Even mainstream conservatives stay away from these people.

Now i can post a thread about Muslim extremist groups that protest against the troops of countries their in and call for sharia law. Except i know that doesn't represent the vast majority of Muslims. Apparently however you can't tell that which doesn't all much surprise me.
The Wall Street regime has done a successful job of brainwashing and enslaving the local population. The best cage is one where the bird has been trained to think he is free, yet is invisible, and the bird justifies this cage by saying "free birds don't want to fly that far". The brainwashing has successfully lowered Wall Street regime's subject's IQs.
nah,stop your F^&king nonsence.Muslim live in my country will definately better in that shitty state.Yet to say many american discriminate asian peoples.Thats the truth.Stop behave like you are a muslim if you are not.
GDP per capita:

9. United States 47,132
65. Malaysia 7,775

HDI index:

4 United States 0.902
57 Malaysia 0.744

What makes u believe that Muslims in your country live better? :cheesy: Everyone can protest in USA, thats what is good about it.
nah,stop your F^&king nonsence.Muslim live in my country will definately better in that shitty state.Yet to say many american discriminate asian peoples.Thats the truth.Stop behave like you are a muslim if you are not.

U r sitting in a country which is by the having a worse record of using violence against immigrants, u dont have the right to pass judgements on any1..leave alone USA..I agree ter is rise in Islamaphobia in USA as in many parts of the world..but it pales in comparision to the hatred and violence against minorities in Islam dominated countries...I believe the below response should shut ur mouth

Tea party nuts ? Your actually trying to post them as a example of the American public. Even mainstream conservatives stay away from these people.

Now i can post a thread about Muslim extremist groups that protest against the troops of countries their in and call for sharia law. Except i know that doesn't represent the vast majority of Muslims. Apparently however you can't tell that which doesn't all much surprise me.
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