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Finally!!!! India joins the Cryogenic Club-GSLV D5 Successfully launched

Sriharikota: The Indian Space Research Organisation or ISRO achieved another milestone today as it successfully launched the Geo-synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle or GSLV-D5 from the space port at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh.

The advanced GSAT-14 communications satellite that GSLV-D5 is carrying has also been separated from the rocket. If launched into orbit successfully, the Rs. 350-crore mission will mark India's entry into the multi-billion dollar commercial launcher market on a fully indigenous large rocket.

An India-made cryogenic engine powers the GSLV-D5, which stands almost 50 meters tall (as high as a 17-storey building) and weighs a whopping 415 tons (as much 80 full grown elephants).

"I am happy to say that Team ISRO has done it," ISRO chief Dr K Radhakrishnan said after what was called a make-or-break launch owing to two failures earlier.

The GSLV program had suffered twin back-to-back failures three years ago and its last launch in August was aborted minutes before lift-off.

On August 19, 2013, a major mishap was averted and the launch of the GSLV was aborted 74 minutes before lift-off after ISRO scientists found that about 750 kilograms of highly inflammable and explosive fuel had leaked out in the second stage.

ISRO declares GSLV-D5 cryogenic rocket launch a success | NDTV.com
Congrats ISRO on a textbook launch, and for the indigenous cryogenic engine.
Lot of Satellites are lined up for this vehicle.
ISRO starts new year of launches with big-bang ....

Next great milestone ....GSLV MK III launch in June ....!!!

Come on ISRO ...you will do it ...No matter what ....

....Just as you have always done your motherland proud !!!

ISRO should receive Bharat-ratna ...

Please somebody amend rules to award Bharat-ratna .....
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