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Fighting Corona Virus: Experience from the front line

If Zardari can be powerful enough to shut down Tuwarqi Steel Mills, why can't Imran Khan shut all exports of masks?

only N95 standard masks can help. So i'm telling you stop chasing masks.
Only protection you have is to isolate your cities from zairins and people returning from Italy.
This will delay the spread and hop vaccine is developed by than.
If any one has any objection, i'm open to listen.

Brother it's too late, community infection has now taken hold. The MASKS are for our health care workers who are using TISSUE paper to cover their faces. They are MOST at risk of getting INFECTED and they are the ones we NEED to save everyone, if they are SICK, who will help the terminally ill. Pakistan has a high number of elderly population with complex community pathology, if we see Iran style numbers, we are F****D.
Brother it's too late, community infection has now taken hold. The MASKS are for our health care workers who are using TISSUE paper to cover their faces. They are MOST at risk of getting INFECTED and they are the ones we NEED to save everyone, if they are SICK, who will help the terminally ill. Pakistan has a high number of elderly population with complex community pathology, if we see Iran style numbers, we are F****D.
this is the problem here right now; we are seeing infections first vector into close families then outwards.
issue here is multiple - multi-drug resistant TB + HIV which are a lethal cocktail.
Brother it's too late, community infection has now taken hold. The MASKS are for our health care workers who are using TISSUE paper to cover their faces. They are MOST at risk of getting INFECTED and they are the ones we NEED to save everyone, if they are SICK, who will help the terminally ill. Pakistan has a high number of elderly population with complex community pathology, if we see Iran style numbers, we are F****D.
Technically mask is a breeding ground for virus. Unless you keep changing it every couple of hours. Sure than it's helpful... do we have enough masks and please tell me how can our health workers contribute? i just want to know for educational reasons?
Hi I am working as a front line medical doctor in one of the largest hospital in Ireland. In these extra ordinary circumstances, we should work togather to save lives. I have been part of establishing hospital guidelines, both for diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19, both evidence based. I am also part of community based initiatives of HSE ( https://www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/) .

I am here to share my experience, answer queries and help establish SOPs in other part of world.

I would also invite other people who are at fore front of this battle against Covid-19 so that we could work to gather and learn from each other's experiences and help save lives. You dont have to a doctor to be part of this battle.

Thank you.
What type of masks can help against Corona?
do we have enough masks and please tell me how can our health workers contribute?

Do we have enough masks = NO
How do our health workers contribute? = You seriously asked me that question?
Allah (swt) grant you strength in the coming months as you fight this noble fight.

In Ireland, is there a contingency plan to draft doctors from different specialties to potentially retrain and work as support for intensivists? I understand in Italy, this has already happened as their ITUs are overwhelmed. I'm not sure but perhaps they did a bit of this in China too, though they also pre-empted the crisis by moving specialist assets from other provinces into Hubei. Italy was a total shock as I understand.

Sorry for late reply. Yes number of steps have been taken here to ensure adequate staffing, such as

1) All retired doctors, GPs, Nurses ( particularly ICU experienced) , health care assistants have been asked to standby and will be recruited by HSE if needed

2) Since Covid-19 is primarily a medical conditional/infectious disease doctors from specialties like general surgery, orthopedics have been temporarily moved to cover medical teams.

3) All hospital doctors have been divided into Corona (red team) lead by respiratory an infectious disease physicians and non corona (blue team) , the two teams work separately, in order to prevent cross over of infections.

4) Final year medical students would be promoted to interns in May ( rather than July) this will pump more junior doctors into the system. Normally we have 700 interns starting house job in July every year, this year we will recruit 1000 interns. So between April-July we ll have additional 1000 junior doctors at the front line.

5) The Health Service Executive has been "overwhelmed" by people wanting to help in the fight against Covid-19. Interms of volunteering as you can imagine from the news available,
50,000 in three days apply to be 'On Call for Ireland' in response to HSE plea

6) We are training defense forces to help us with a crisis as well. First by tracing a positive case
Coronavirus in Ireland – Irish Defence Forces cadets drafted in to help HSE with Covid-19 contact tracing
The defense forces are also being trained to screen patients.

AT the minute we are happy that we have enough staff and we are ready for future increase needs. Not to mention that Ireland is a small country with a population of only nearly 5 million. But we do have large elderly population that we are concerned about.

This is a needed thread.

I'm in the US in a smaller town in Texas.

This illness will undoubtedly have different effects on the community depending on demographics/location/infrastructure/population health literacy.

Over here its fairly rural but we do have a small airport linking with major TX cities with alot of travellers in this community who frequent Europe and Asia and in fact our positive cases are from these aforementioned travellers.

We attempt to triage these people in a tent outside the physical building with testing and then with either inpatient care or send them home for quarantine.

The issue now I see is perhaps sometimes these patients present with diarrhea or non respiratory symptoms and escape that initial triage screen.

So the question is at what point do you begin to suspect for COVID when now you have respiratory OR GI symptoms and potential community spread.

Thats like half the people coming into the ER?

Exactly we have created a separate ED or respiratory recovery unit RRU for suspected Corona patients. The purpose again is to prevent mixing of Covid-19 patients with the rest. This is what went wrong in Italy and China.

One of the major step we have taken is , if some one thinks he has Corona virus infection and has symptoms of disease, he is advised NOT to come hospital. He calls the helpline, a team is send to his house and swab is taken. While the results of the swab are pending he is kept in self isolation for two weeks. People need to know that if they have flu like symptoms DONT come to hospital.

According to the WHO and what I've seen first hand:
Surgical mask for non aspiration procedure
N95 where available
Face screen with goggles/ where face screen is nor available goggles
Sleeved apron or where unavailable they are using disposable Pinny aprons
Surgical gloves
Arm covers where available
Boot coveres where available

But in reality in Pakistan I have seen doctors with just facemasks and gloves, we have NO PPE, dont let pictures kid you. PAKISTAN is not prepared for this.

View attachment 616073

This is all the PPE one hospital had left in Pakistan.

PPE is important as Doctors , Nurses, Paramedics and hospital are the MAJOR reason for spread of disease. They may have mild symptoms like 90 percent of the people would have, but they transmit the disease to frail elderly people who have multiple co morbidities and are immune compromised.

There are two types of masks,

1) Surgical mask ( That is to be used all time and changed after every patient)

2) N95 masks only to be used if suspected patient is undergoing invasive procedure like intubation.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in America recommends,

Instead of recommending that health-care workers use specialized masks known as N95 respirators, which filter out about 95 percent of airborne particles, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention posted new guidelines Tuesday that said “the supply chain of respirators cannot meet demand” and that looser fitting surgical face masks “are an acceptable alternative."

Reduce, reuse ==> "Our hospital announced that we were going to have to be reusing our PPE, which the CDC has already released guidance on doing this and trying to do it safely," said the Boston anesthesiologist.
"ELDERLY HELP -The whole street has added green paper to their windows. If it changes to red it’s means they require assistance, shopping, medication or transport".

" It would probably be a good idea to change them regularly and post a date and time. There are too many things that might not allow a person in need of help change the paper to red. Seeing green that's not been updated for three days would indicate trouble".

what 's the minimum personal protective equipment being used there at your hospital by the doctors and the paramedics while treating patients with corona.
This is what we have

But simple surgical mask will do(droplet precautions)
Airborn precautions(CAPR e.g) will only be needed for ICU or when we are intubating

My assessment is that it wont do a big damage in pakistan why?
Well look at pakistan population ..the vulnerable population has already been killed off by regular flu, pneumoccus which is usually prevented in wesr through a flu shot & prevnar 13/23.
And how many are immunocompromised? Very few..

Having said if we end up being like iran(kissing shrine doors) some destruction will follow

Italy mean age for patients dying was 78yrs

Pakistan has very few HD units and non existent ICU care..so anyone who get sick is ...

700 vents with almost no critical care trained people..so even those 700 vents are useless..
For similar population USA has 120,000 vents..

Oh ..ECMOs...what are those ...
This is what we have

But simple surgical mask will do(droplet precautions)
Airborn precautions(CAPR e.g) will only be needed for ICU or when we are intubating

My assessment is that it wont do a big damage in pakistan why?
Well look at pakistan population ..the vulnerable population has already been killed off by regular flu, pneumoccus which is usually prevented in wesr through a flu shot & prevnar 13/23.
And how many are immunocompromised? Very few..

Having said if we end up being like iran(kissing shrine doors) some destruction will follow

Italy mean age for patients dying was 78yrs

Pakistan has very few HD units and non existent ICU care..so anyone who get sick is ...

700 vents with almost no critical care trained people..so even those 700 vents are useless..
For similar population USA has 120,000 vents..

Oh ..ECMOs...what are those ...
europe has large proportion of elderly so the mortality rate is higher. in pakistan it is expected that cross immnity in the gerneral population may come into effect. pakistanis regularly get flu off and on due to poor socioeconomic background, poor hygiene and lack of testing by the health department. while in some western countries like UK they start performing the investigations if there is any small out break of a fly virus. we dont know what kind of viruses were causing respiratory illnesses in our set up . but still it is a deadly disease and we need to be on our foot against it.
Hi I am working as a front line medical doctor in one of the largest hospital in Ireland. In these extra ordinary circumstances, we should work togather to save lives. I have been part of establishing hospital guidelines, both for diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19, both evidence based. I am also part of community based initiatives of HSE ( https://www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/) .

I am here to share my experience, answer queries and help establish SOPs in other part of world.

I would also invite other people who are at fore front of this battle against Covid-19 so that we could work to gather and learn from each other's experiences and help save lives. You dont have to a doctor to be part of this battle.

Thank you.
I am very pleased to here that! Greetings!! :)

Humanity as a whole is in a warlike situation, except that it is a war against an enemy that remains unseen and we know very little about it.

Sincere thanks and appreciation are due to all the unsung heroes who are exposing themselves to grave danger for the wellbeing of humanity. First & foremost among them are the doctors, paramedics, nurses, and the hospital staff. Others being the ambulance drivers, supermarket workers and the staff at the pharmacies.

Honorable “Chakar the Great” people are like you are doing a great job, I salute you.
Hi I am working as a front line medical doctor in one of the largest hospital in Ireland. In these extra ordinary circumstances, we should work togather to save lives. I have been part of establishing hospital guidelines, both for diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19, both evidence based. I am also part of community based initiatives of HSE ( https://www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/) .

I am here to share my experience, answer queries and help establish SOPs in other part of world.

I would also invite other people who are at fore front of this battle against Covid-19 so that we could work to gather and learn from each other's experiences and help save lives. You dont have to a doctor to be part of this battle.

Thank you.

Just a quick question, do we know what are the long term impact on the lungs of the corona virus.

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