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Federalism ‘may be’ on 2023 agenda: Turkish PM

of course that is the best attitude :blink::tdown:
It has nothing to do with attitude,its a fact.
The military who could have done something are in their hands.
We cant defeat them with votes,what other options are there?
If you know any then share it with us.
Realistic options.
Gülen Harekatı milletin beynini dinle yıkayıp öyle bir hale getirdiler ki artık embesiller ne açılım yapıcaklarını şaşırdılar şimdi sıra bayrağa geldi...

Milliyet - ''Türk Bayra
Like I already said in my post, 'Turkey is gonna get divided' and 'making way for dictatorship' is nothing but propaganda and it seems all the people that posted in this thread seem to be on this bandwagon.

If you hate AKP, you are automatically against the change. Look at what is going to change first, in what way. What the vision is, and then form your opinion. I seriously hate this side of Turkish politics. Everyone is driven by their ideologies and supporting a certain political party as if it were his/her favorite football team.

I listened a bit to Erdogan's interview on tv today. He said that Turgut Ozal, Suleyman Demirel also wanted a similar change. He also stated that Alparslan Turkes wrote about this system in his book.

All i know is that we're up against devious SOBs and they will manipulate the public into thinking that this is a good idea.

How can disintegration be good? Of fvcking course it's bad. Since when we are a multinational empire? He wants to divide Turkey in fvck knows how many pieces and as a Turk I can't accept this lunacy.


I see SEVR all over again!
I'm pretty sure I said that 'Country is gonna get divided' type of arguments is nothing but propaganda and scare tactics, and that we will witness loads of these types of articles in the future, in my post. And then you come with this type of post, that's fair enough I guess. But I don't think you should worry to much, it's nothing but scare tactics. If you want to form a proper opinion on it, study the system itself, and in what form AKP wants to implement it. Don't let others scare you into a certain opinion.
@IS, Instead of being judgemental on me you could explain why you think this might be a good thing but you don't have jack..

I'm not a member of any political party and I really don't give a sh.t what you think about me. I've given my honest opinion but you didn't.

You can go on with your "this is black propaganda against AKP" but I've believed in unitary state before AKP even existed. Call me a traditionalist but I love the republic just the way it is.

Turkey belongs to Turks.
@IS, Instead of being judgemental on me you could explain why you think this might be a good thing but you don't have jack..

I'm not a member of any political party and I really don't give a sh.t what you think about me. I've given my honest opinion but you didn't.

You can go on with your "this is black propaganda against AKP" but I've believed in unitary state before AKP even existed. Call me a traditionalist but I love the republic just the way it is.

Turkey belongs to Turks.
I reread my own post, I don't feel like I left a message that gives me the impression I was judgmental over you. But even so, it most definitely wasn't my intention to give you that feeling.

I never said this would be a good thing or a bad thing either. I said I don't have an opinion about it, and still don't. I did say I understand the reason for wanting the change, and I would support a change. In other words, I don't have an opinion about federalism, but I am of the opinion that the system needs a change. I gave my opinion about something else as well, my message is basically saying; don't shoot it down before actually analyzing it for yourself, which many here don't seem to do.

Assuming that federalism is going divide the country, is assuming a bit too much in my opinion. There are many countries in the world that has a system like this and they don't get divided. Why would Turkey get divided? Don't we trust our own people enough that we fear our country is gonna get divided in such a system?

As far as unitary state goes, you supporting a unitary state is fair enough. I personally don't think that a unitary state is better or worse than a federal one. I'm sure either one has their pro's and con's. France for instance is a Unitary state and Germany a Federal state. Ultimately for me, either one is fine.
As far as unitary state goes, you supporting a unitary state is fair enough. I personally don't think that a unitary state is better or worse than a federal one. I'm sure either one has their pro's and con's. France for instance is a Unitary state and Germany a Federal state. Ultimately for me, either one is fine.
Germany doesn't have the minority issues WE have. In Germany it's forbidden to be proud about being German FFS. Germany was split in two halves about three decades ago.

Talking about forming a federal state in the Southeast Anatolia while these are happening in that particular side of the country, in itself shows bad intention.

As for the rest of the country, we are all Turks we've lived by the same torah(Töre) -unwritten law- for more than a thousand years of nomadic life. We can keep living by the same laws.

They want to remove the name Turk from the state(that should be fvcking obvious) and hope that religion will keep us together. Well excuse me for not being prepared to play that game. The way i see it they are playing into seperatists' hands.
Germany doesn't have the minority issues WE have. In Germany it's forbidden to be proud about being German FFS. Germany was split in two halves about three decades ago.

Talking about forming a federal state in the Southeast Anatolia while these are happening in that particular side of the country, in itself shows bad intention.

As for the rest of the country, we are all Turks we've lived by the same torah(Töre) -unwritten law- for more than a thousand years of nomadic life. We can keep living by the same laws.

They want to remove the name Turk from the state(that should be fvcking obvious) and hope that religion will keep us together. Well excuse me for not being prepared to play that game. The way i see it they are playing into seperatists' hands.
I think the removal of 'Turk' in the constitution would be beneficial. It is being used as an excuse by the PKK to recruit new fighters. What does it matter if it is 'Turkiye Vatandasi' or 'Turk Vatandasi'? Just go with 'Turkiye Vatandasi' and PKK can't use that argument against us anymore.

We do have a minority, you are right. What we need to do is start trusting them. If we don't trust them, then what's the point of chants like: 'Turk, Kurt Kardestir'? BDP gets elected into parliament anyway. BDP gets elected in municipal elections (belediye secimleri). How much different would a federal state solution be in this case? If a federal state solution is beneficial for the whole of Turkey, then it should be considered by our politicians.

To be honest, federal and unitary state doesn't really worry me. What I would like to see is the removal of potential bottlenecks in our political system. I personally see a coalition government as a bottleneck.
I think the removal of 'Turk' in the constitution would be beneficial. It is being used as an excuse by the PKK to recruit new fighters. What does it matter if it is 'Turkiye Vatandasi' or 'Turk Vatandasi'? Just go with 'Turkiye Vatandasi' and PKK can't use that argument against us anymore.

Are you suggesting that we should remove the word "Turk" from the constitution just because Pkk is exploiting it? They use lots of excuses to recruit new terrorists and this is only one of them..What you are suggesting is complete surrender in an indirect way..Your reasoning here is wrong imho..Its like "Turkey is secular and Hizbullah is using this excuse to recruit new terrorists so lets change the constitution and bring the Sharia Law so that they will not be able to use it against us"
Are you suggesting that we should remove the word "Turk" from the constitution just because Pkk is exploiting it? They use lots of excuses to recruit new terrorists and this is only one of them..What you are suggesting is complete surrender in an indirect way..Your reasoning here is wrong imho..Its like "Turkey is secular and Hizbullah is using this excuse to recruit new terrorists so lets change the constitution and bring the Sharia Law so that they will not be able to use it against us"
What does it matter though? What is wrong with 'Turkiye vatandasi'? This term depicts Turkey better than 'Turk vatandasi'. Not everyone in Turkey can necessarily identify themselves with 'Turk vatandasi', while everyone should be able to identify themselves as 'Turkiye vatandasi'.

And what I am suggesting is, Turkey strengthening it's weaknesses. Kurdish in schools and the likes are all strengthening Turkey. It was Turkey's wrong policies in the past that caused a problem like the PKK to begin with. If you have a problem with somebody, look at yourself first and fore most for the mistake, and start working on it from there.

If I am some foreigner wanting strife in Turkey, what would I do? I would provoke Kurdish people against Turkey. How? I would say something like: 'look, Turkey has this kind of policies against the Kurdish people. This is how Turkey treats you etc' and in doing so, they get provoked against Turkey. But if Turkey have their politics and laws in order, than provokers wouldn't have anything to use to provoke the Kurds.
Like I already said in my post, 'Turkey is gonna get divided' and 'making way for dictatorship' is nothing but propaganda and it seems all the people that posted in this thread seem to be on this bandwagon.

If you hate AKP, you are automatically against the change. Look at what is going to change first, in what way. What the vision is, and then form your opinion. I seriously hate this side of Turkish politics. Everyone is driven by their ideologies and supporting a certain political party as if it were his/her favorite football team.

I listened a bit to Erdogan's interview on tv today. He said that Turgut Ozal, Suleyman Demirel also wanted a similar change. He also stated that Alparslan Turkes wrote about this system in his book.

I'm pretty sure I said that 'Country is gonna get divided' type of arguments is nothing but propaganda and scare tactics, and that we will witness loads of these types of articles in the future, in my post. And then you come with this type of post, that's fair enough I guess. But I don't think you should worry to much, it's nothing but scare tactics. If you want to form a proper opinion on it, study the system itself, and in what form AKP wants to implement it. Don't let others scare you into a certain opinion.
I dont care about right or left but this way we are going to be devided,cant you see that?
There is nothing we can do because the fking democrasy(not good for us)makes sure that the AKP can do whatever they desire.
By the looks of it you are happy with the AKP.
Tell me this,what comes after federalism?
I am for equal rights,thats it no more.
My country is the TURKISH REPUBLIK,you think its going to stay that way by the looks of it?
Dont come with the BS that the AKP is good for us.
In your previous posts you say that it will be good for us;federalism.
How long?
Do you realy believe that our country will stay the TURKISH REPUBLIK,no matter if we are called citizen of the Turkish republik or Turk?
What if they want more then just a federal country?
What if they want independence from Turkish republik in a few years?
In your previous posts you say that it will be good for us;federalism.
How long?
Do you realy believe that our country will stay the TURKISH REPUBLIK,no matter if we are called citizen of the Turkish republik or Turk?
What if they want more then just a federal country?
What if they want independence from Turkish republik in a few years?
I don't think I said it was good for us. I said 'if it is beneficial for us'. I don't know if federal state is better for Turkey than a unitary state. But I am certain that federal state will not lead to Turkey dividing.


Well, we got our politicians to speak up against it. And then obviously we got laws etc. If Turkey decides to switch to a federal state, than it is safe to assume that laws will be changed accordingly.

That is a political issue. This isn't something that has to do with unitary state or federal state. They could want independence from Turkey even if it is a unitary state. As far as I know, PKK's political wing (HADEP, KADEK whatever else names they had) also wanted independence, even though Turkey was and is a Unitary state.
I don't think I said it was good for us. I said 'if it is beneficial for us'. I don't know if federal state is better for Turkey than a unitary state. But I am certain that federal state will not lead to Turkey dividing.


Well, we got our politicians to speak up against it. And then obviously we got laws etc. If Turkey decides to switch to a federal state, than it is safe to assume that laws will be changed accordingly.

That is a political issue. This isn't something that has to do with unitary state or federal state. They could want independence from Turkey even if it is a unitary state. As far as I know, PKK's political wing (HADEP, KADEK whatever else names they had) also wanted independence, even though Turkey was and is a Unitary state.

If that's the case, then giving away the whole South Eastern Turkey would be the most beneficial thing for us. It has always been the stone in our shoe due to mistakes of both Turks and Kurds. IMO in such a scenerio, Turkey would become a country just like any other Western European country just in a couple of decades, but that's not how things work.

Tek millet, tek devlet, tek bayrak, tek dil is how its work, get used to it.

Türk kelimesinden rahatsız oluyorlarmış o yüzden 'Türkiye Vatandaşı' olsunmuş. Geç bunları...
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