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FBI foils LeT plan to carry out major terror attack in India

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Screaming Skull

Mar 12, 2009
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Washington, October 27, 2009

Pakistan-based terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba was planning to use an American national to carry out a major terrorist attack in India, US investigating authorities said on Tuesday.

The man, identified as David Coleman Headley, was arrested early this month by FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force at O'Hare International Airport before boarding a flight to Philadelphia, intending to travel on to Pakistan.

49-year-old Headley, along with a Canadian citizen of Pakistani origin, have been arrested on charges of plotting a terror attack against the facilities and employees of a Danish newspaper which had published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in 2005, federal law enforcement officials announced today.

The Pakistani-Canadian Tahawwur Hussain Rana, 48, also known as Tahawar Rana, was also a resident of Chicago and was arrested by the FBI on October 18.

Rana is the owner of several businesses, including First World Immigration Services, which has offices on Devon Avenue in Chicago, as well as in New York and Toronto.

According to the FBI affidavit filed in a Chicago court, Headley was in close contact with Ilyas Kashmiri and several unidentified leaders of LeT.

Kashmiri is the operational chief of Azad Kashmir section of Harakat-ul Jihad Islami (HUJI), a Pakistani-based terrorist organisation with links to al Qaeda.

Kashmiri, who is presently believed to be in Pakistan's restive Waziristan tribal region, issued a statement this month that he was alive and working with al-Qaeda.

The identities of other LeT leaders, who are associated with Kashmiri, have not been revealed and is mentioned as "LeT member A" and "LeT member B" in the affidavit.

"In July and August 2009, Headley exchanged a series of e-mails with LeT Member A, including an exchange in which Headley asked if the Denmark project was on hold, and whether a visit to India that LeT Member A had asked him to undertake was for the purpose of surveilling targets for a new terrorist attack,"
the FBI said in its affidavit.

"These e-mails reflect that LeT Member A was placing a higher priority on using Headley to assist in planning a new attack in India than on completing the planned attack in Denmark," it said.

After this time, Headley and LeT Member A allegedly continued focusing on the plan with Kashmiri to attack the newspaper, rather than working with LeT, the complaint alleges.

In January 2009, Headley travelled to Copenhagen, Denmark, and Rana allegedly arranged portions of his travel. In late July 2009, Headley travelled again to Copenhagen and to other locations in Europe, and Rana again arranged portions of his travel.

After returning to Chicago in August, Headley allegedly used coded language to repeatedly inquire if Individual A had been in touch with Kashmiri regarding planning for the attack, and expressing concern that Individual A's communications with Kashmiri had been cut off.

In early September, Headley and Rana took a lengthy car ride during which they discussed the activities of the other individuals, including past terrorist acts, and Headley discussed with Rana five actions involving targets that expressly included Denmark.

"In conversations with Rana and Individual A in August and September, Headley indicated that if the 'doctor' (alleged to be a reference to Kashmiri) and his people were unable to assist, then Headley would perform the planned operation himself."

According to the affidavit, Headley stated in conversations last month that he intended to travel to Pakistan in October to meet with Individual A and Kashmiri, and he was arrested on October 3 as he prepared to board a flight from Chicago to Philadelphia, intending to travel on to Pakistan.

During a search of Headley's luggage, a memory stick was recovered that contained approximately 10 short videos of Copenhagen, including video focused on the Jyllands-Posten building in King's Square taken both during the day and night, as well as a nearby Danish military barracks and the exterior and interior of Copenhagen's central train station, consistent with the checklist he stored which mentioned "route design".

FBI foils LeT plan to carry out major terror attack in India- Hindustan Times
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David Coleman Headley aka 'Davood Gilani'

Kudos to the authorities for nabbing these A$$h*les. :tup:

"You can hide your lying name, but truth your action's can't disguise"

Let's take a guess as to the previous citizenship this fine gentleman revoked when he swore allegiance to the USA to become a naturalized citizen.

At Ellis Island there is an saying "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore"

This has always been the essence of the USA (however imperfect it may be) but these people come here planing to destroy everything.

I wish we could pass some laws where their entire families could be deported.

October 28, 2009

US prosecutors said yesterday that they had broken up an international terror plot, codenamed the Mickey Mouse Project, against the Danish newspaper that published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

Two men from Chicago who went to military school in Pakistan face terrorism charges for allegedly targeting the Jyllands-Posten newspaper, which outraged hardline Muslims by publishing the 12 cartoons in 2005.

The men allegedly planned to kill Flemming Rose, the cultural editor, and Kurt Westergaard, the cartoonist. The editor of Jyllands-Posten, Jorn Mikkelsen, said that the alleged plot was “very unpleasant for the employees and we are all affected by these threats”.

David Headley, 49, a US citizen who changed his name from Daood Gilani in 2006, was arrested at O’Hare International airport, Chicago, on October 3. Court papers say that he hatched the plot in 2008 and posted a message about the cartoons on an internet discussion group, saying: “I feel disposed toward violence for the offending parties.”

After his arrest Mr Headley allegedly told FBI agents that he began receiving training in 2006 from Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistan terror group. He also worked with a Pakistani with al-Qaeda links named Ilyas Kashmiri, who was later reported killed in a US drone attack.

In an intercepted telephone conversation Mr Headley allegedly asked another Lashkar-e-Taiba contact in Pakistan, identified only as Individual A, about Kashmiri’s reported demise.

“This is business, sir,” Individual A said. “These types of things happen.”

In January Individual A allegedly urged Mr Headley by e-mail to carry out what he called the Mickey Mouse Project “as early as possible”.

Court papers said that Mr Headley told FBI agents that he went to Denmark in January and July this year to carry out surveillance on the newspaper’s offices in Copenhagen and Århus “in preparation for an attack to be carried out by persons associated with Kashmiri and Individual A”. Between the trips he allegedly met Individual A in Pakistan.

“Mr Headley stated that he proposed that the operation against the newspaper be reduced from attacking the entire building in Copenhagen to killing the paper’s cultural editor, Flemming Rose, and the cartoonist who drew the cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad with a bomb in his turban, Kurt Westergaard, whom Headley felt was directly responsible for the cartoons,” court papers said.

He also allegedly conducted surveillance at a synagogue because of a mistaken belief that Mr Rose was Jewish.

When he was arrested, Mr Headley allegedly had a ticket to fly from the US to Denmark on October 29.

Mr Headley is charged with conspiracy to commit terrorist acts involving murder and maiming outside the US, which carries a life sentence.

While in Denmark he allegedly posed as a potential advertiser on behalf of a Chicago business, First World Immigration Services, run by Tahawwur Hussain Rana. Court papers indicate that Mr Headley and Mr Rana, 48, a Pakistani-born Canadian citizen, who is reported to be a former Pakistani army captain, went to the same military school in Hasan Abdal, Pakistan.

Mr Rana, who was arrested in Chicago on October 18, faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted of lending material support to a terrorist conspiracy.

The Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET), said that it had worked closely with the FBI to thwart the plot.

“PET and the FBI assess that the arrests and the uncovering of the terrorist plans have reduced the risk of an attack. PET and the American authorities, however, are continuing their intensive investigation in order to mitigate this threat,” Jakob Scharf, the head of the agency, said.

‘Mickey Mouse Project’ plotted to kill Muhammad cartoonist - Times Online
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Well, This is The hardest proof one can think of.
India NOT involved to bring a up a word , still LeT operatives are found by a NON Indian Agency to be involved in a yet again Terrorist Plot.

GoP Must Curb The LeT before they strike again, else who know what will happen if 26/11 repeats?
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