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Fatwa issued against 'Surya Namaskar'

Cow meat is banned for religious sentiments of the majority people, not the meat of other bovines. So how is that anti-Islamic?

Religious teaching/practices of Hindu should not impose on non muslim minorities i.e Muslims/Christians.These non muslims should have freedom to live their life according to their beliefs. Yes if Hindu want to eat pork then Muslims should not have any problem with it and same is true for choice of Muslim to eat beef. Why state should dictate individuals about what they can/cannot eat. Next i will say sentiments of Indian Muslims get hurt when they see hindu/Sikh drinking wine/daro in front of them then what? Will secular state punish Hindus for drinking wine? lol

Other religions are forced to follow certain unconventional rules and regulations in Muslim majority countries, let alone Islamic countries. So in that sense, Islam is against other religions? You got to be kidding, right?

We have problem with this law because of your claim of secular state. We never had any problem if you were hindu theocratic state where laws are made to please sentiment of Hindus :no:
First of all the Surya Namaskar is not mandatory for students in MP and has been declared so by the CM himself, and this was suppose to be a one off thing to set a world record. In all honestly, the MP govt. instead of focusin on actual development is wasting time and money on such pursuits givent hat it has some of the highest malnutrition in India and has a GDP growth rate of about half of the national average for the last five years.

And on the other hand, the wordings of Surya Namaskar are very clear a prayer to the Sun God. And anyone who has knowledge of monotheistic faiths that includies Sikhism, Islam Christianinity, Judaism, Zorastrianism as well as Hindu sects like Arya Samajis believe in one God and do not consider nature worship as allowed. So if anyone adherents of these religion does not want to do the Surya Namaskar, then there should be no problem in accepting this.

The exercising part is ofcourse not a problem at all. Even Yoga as long as its done without any problems and by chanting Allah for example instead of Om. IF the same can be done in Surya Namaskar where the prayer to the Sun God can be replaced with prayer to a single God like as has been done in Yoga, then it would not be a problem.

Hopefully this clears up the air.
Bhopal: As Madhya Pradesh government tries to create a world record on Thursday with thousands of students performing the yogic 'Surya Namaskar' exercise, Muslim leaders have equated it with idol worship and issued a fatwa against it.
Leaders of the minority community have termed the move as un-Islamic and equated it with idol-worship, which is prohibited in Islam.
They also issued a fatwa in this regard on Tuesday which was also ratified by the Shahar Qazi, Sayyed Mushtaq Ali Nadvi.

The school education department has made elaborate arrangements to ensure maximum participation in the Surya Namaskar exercise so that a world record can be created by registering the feat in the Guinness Book of records, officials said.
Directives have been issued to all the government and government-aided schools to ensure maximum participation in the exercise so that it can become a world record.
Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has stated that the participation in the exercise is not compulsory.
State School Education Minister, Archana Chitnis said, "Surya Namaskar is a Yogic exercise aimed at improving one's health and those not interested in taking part in it have an option to stay away from it. Sun is neither saffron nor green."
However, Muslim leaders have termed the move as an attempt to saffronise the education system.

Make it optional....then it is the choice of the individual....simple..
Lol who in his right mind says Hello to sun!!! :rofl:
Haram is Haram. Fatwa means decree, or ie an edict, not a law. Since the Sun Worship is optional, the Scholar is informing the Indian Muslims that the Sun Worship is haram and shirk, so they don't engage in these practices to assimilate.
Religious teaching/practices of Hindu should not impose on non muslim minorities i.e Muslims/Christians.These non muslims should have freedom to live their life according to their beliefs. Yes if Hindu want to eat pork then Muslims should not have any problem with it and same is true for choice of Muslim to eat beef. Why state should dictate individuals about what they can/cannot eat. Next i will say sentiments of Indian Muslims get hurt when they see hindu/Sikh drinking wine/daro in front of them then what? Will secular state punish Hindus for drinking wine? lol

Is pork available in Pakistan or any Muslim majority country for non-Muslims? Practice what you preach.
And BTW, if you havent read the post properly, let me repost what I said earlier. Cow slaughter and Cow meat is banned, not the meat of other bovines - also called beef. Comprende'?
Is pork available in Pakistan or any Muslim majority country for non-Muslims? Practice what you preach.
And BTW, if you havent read the post properly, let me repost what I said earlier. Cow slaughter and Cow meat is banned, not the meat of other bovines - also called beef. Comprende'?

Why yase, yase it is, along with alcohol.
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