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FATA Situation

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U.S.: Pakistan Troop Movements Routine

December 2, 2008

Pentagon officials said Dec. 2 there is no evidence suggesting that Pakistan is preparing to move troops out of its Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) near the border of Afghanistan due to increasing tensions with India, Reuters reported. An official said “nothing has happened” and there are not plans for the troop movement, adding that activity appeared routine.
In the imagination of most of the friends at this forum FATA might as well be in Mars (who really cares!). The daily sights and sounds of Army howtzers and PAF jets pounding the "bad guys" provide kinda pervert entertainment. We are treated to the sight of our valiant soldiers advancing on "captured territory". Our generals are shown as "integral" to the US/NATO General staff sessions, drawing up intricate multi-pronged strategies to "win" the American War on terror. Our rulers are enthusiastically advocating that somehow this WOT thing is really our war!.

We Pakistanis somehow keep enjoying such repeated insults to our intelligence.

All of a sudden, the Bombay events have jolted our leadership out of slumber. There is a realization that in our eagerness to please the Americans we have seriously eroded our conventional posture on the Eastern border, besides turning 55% of our land area into potentially hostile territory.

Even now our National strategy banks upon continued goodwill of the US, and a hope that somehow they will dissuade Indians from “punitive” action against Pakistan. Our Army leadership has redoubled its efforts in FATA, to somehow impress Americans with our renewed zeal and “efficiency”, and to convince them how useful we are in their service.

The only way out of the quandary is to halt Army operations on our territory against our citizens. We just care for our National Interests.
Does anyone know which person the Afghan intel chief is referring to in this video as mastermind of Indian embassy bombing in Kabul? He alleges Pak knows exactly where he is, but refuses to arrest him. If I'm not mistaken, he implies that Pak Army is focused on Pak-Taliban which poses a threat to Pakistan, not on the Afghan Taliban whose leadership is supposedly is based in Quetta and who are present in large numbers in Miranshah. Opinions on his POV?

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Mr. Amruallah Saleh, Afghan Intel chief is a poor little wet eyes protégé of Northern Alliance drug lord and former foreign minister Mr. Abdullah Abdullah. Amrullah is supposedly the “westernized” face of a mafia that formed roots in Bangalore in mid 80’s, and is currently focused on scoring with the Americans. After Azizullah, the Kandahar Intel Chief was gunned down; this group has become damp squib. They are just mouth pierces for the Indian mission in Kabul.

Better don’t take these clown too seriously!!
Mr. Amruallah Saleh, Afghan Intel chief is a poor little wet eyes protégé of Northern Alliance drug lord and former foreign minister Mr. Abdullah Abdullah. Amrullah is supposedly the “westernized” face of a mafia that formed roots in Bangalore in mid 80’s, and is currently focused on scoring with the Americans. After Azizullah, the Kandahar Intel Chief was gunned down; this group has become damp squib. They are just mouth pierces for the Indian mission in Kabul.

Better don’t take these clown too seriously!!

Hmm...interesting. I've not seen Abdullah (squared) for a while now - he seems to have vanished. The erudite Karzai is the only face that we see on the telly. Anyone worth watching in the Afghan govt at all to get "believable" Afghani POV on FATA action?:undecided:
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Mr. Amruallah Saleh, Afghan Intel chief is a poor little wet eyes protégé of Northern Alliance drug lord and former foreign minister Mr. Abdullah Abdullah. Amrullah is supposedly the “westernized” face of a mafia that formed roots in Bangalore in mid 80’s, and is currently focused on scoring with the Americans. After Azizullah, the Kandahar Intel Chief was gunned down; this group has become damp squib. They are just mouth pierces for the Indian mission in Kabul.

Better don’t take these clown too seriously!!

To add to that, he was also an intelligence aide to Ahmed Shah Massoud, so he has strong reasons to be anti-Pakistan.
68 Taliban surrender in Mohmand Agency

PESHAWAR: Sixty-eight of the 70 Taliban wanted by the Mohmand Agency political administration surrendered to the authorities on Thursday. Two Taliban commanders from Pandiali area were among the men who surrendered to the political administration. The Taliban belonged to Haleem Zai, Tarak Zai, Essa Khel and Burhan Khel tribes. The NWFP Frontier Corps (FC) said the political administration had demanded the 70 Taliban surrender by December 25. The FC said 310 Taliban had surrendered to the administration over the past two weeks. The FC officials said the Taliban also handed over a large number of weapons. staff report

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
fata situation has always been misunderstood. there are two factions in FATA. 1: who r there to fight against pak army and 2: who r there to fight western forces in afghanistan. pak army is only bothered about those who are threatnin pak which forms the northern FATA. however southern fata is in pak control where no one is challegin the writ of the gov.
also the reason for decrease in attacks on US forces in afghanistan is nothing else but only bec fighters in afghanistan are drawn towards pak where they fight pak army.
In my humble opinion it is a wrong assumption that Ahmad Shah Masood was per se anti Pakistan all along. Actually till 1985 he was a great committed friend of Pakistan, and Pakistan extended all the support to his chief Burhanuddin Rabbani. Arandu in Chitral was the main logistics pipeline for Panjsher valley till the Russians withdrew in 1989. Because Panjsher was logistically somewhat isolated Ahmad Shah Masood entered into a sort of informal truce with the Russians after Panjsher III offensive in 1986. During the last 2 years of Soviet occupation Masood hardly launched any operations.

From early 80’s India was nurturing and supporting a Tajik group in Bangaplore, whose members included Younis Qanooni, Abdullah Abdullah and a somewhat passive “general” Faheem. This group managed to convince Masood that ISI gives more importance to Hekmatyar Hezb e Islami and has ignored Tajiks. These guys actually never fired a bullet in anger during the toughest days for Masood. Post Soviet withdrawl this “Bangalore group” infiltrated Jamiat e Islami and entrenched themselves using Indian money and influence. This group also managed to sow the seeds of conflict with Younis Khalis and Hekmatyar.

With the rise of Taleban in 1995 the original fighters of Masood simply withered out and were replaced by the Bangalore group. In his last days Masood was a very helpless man. It is likely that Masood was assassinated by the Bangalore group, and not by Al Qaeda as commonly believed.
ajpirzada: I partially agree with your assessment. It is important to understand that the writ of the government cannot be established through launching massive assaults on your own soil against your own citizens. Successive Pakistan governments have demolished their legitimacy by compromising Pakistan’s sovereignty, and allowing US / NATO forces to govern and steer our policies. We should chalk our own priorities and stop being coolies, spies and chowkidars for foreign powers; the writ of the government will be established in 24 hours.

The so-called “surrender” ceremonies are a cynical and comic moves perpetuated by the local Army Commanders and Political authorities. It is easy to allocate “surrender quota” to each Political agent tehsil and create positive vibes through media. The real problem will be addressed only when the government decides that “SAB SE PEHLA PAKISTAN”
“War on Terror” is the favorite form of “warfare” of our senior political and military leaders. It is a classic case of GOAL SUBSTITUTION, a sizable and capable military force leaves its conventional mission of National Defense and focuses on a phony war of sorts. With all the glorification of challenges of Asymmetric warfare, global terrorist enemy as the “universal curse of humanity”, Commanders love it because it is too damn easy!

There are numerous benefits:
1. You become a War hero without the associated perils!
2. The opposition is rag tag poorly equipped brainless zealots. You can execute massive armor assaults and artillery barrages at will, and are sure that they will not be taken out.
3. A near total mastery of the air ensures infinite loiter times and picking the targets at will.
4. There is absolutely no accountability. You have the world media blaring your moral superiority and sacred mission! Feel free to kill as many civilians as you like; they all contribute to the bottom line.
5. It’s a great feeling to be recognized as part, or at least at par with US / NATO. Now and then a State Dept or DoD official showers all the praises on your dedication. You gain “visibility” in the diplomatic circles with its long term fringe benefits.
6. You sleep in your own comfy bed at night: no need to slog along in bunkers or foxholes.
7. You are assured excellent logistics at all times, great food to match!

The recent threats by India had their dampening effect on the enthusiasm. The instinctive reaction has been to look at the mood of Uncle Sam, to guage the gravity of situation through their eyes, and hope for a signal to continue with the deployment on Western borders.

Do we really have to go through all this? Which of the NATO allies, or Israel, or India have deployed their forces on their own territory? Why have we volunteered to be dubbed as the “hotbed of terrorism”, and to act as approvers against our own nation.

The Answer is simple … its just so easy and so much fun!
Operation continues in Jamrud Fata senator quits in protest
Thursday, January 01, 2009
By Nasrullah Afridi & Ashrafuddin

JAMRUD/LANDIKOTAL: Security forces on Wednesday continued pounding base camps of suspected militants in Jamrud subdivision of Khyber Agency for the second day, demolishing houses and Hujras of several tribal chieftains with explosives, besides rounding up a number of suspects.

Security officials also claimed to have recovered a huge cache of arms from the residence of an elder of the Kokikhel tribe. The houses and Hujras of nine influential tribesmen — accused of harbouring militants and criminals — were dynamited.

The political authorities claimed to have arrested 122 suspects, including 116 foreigners, during the operation. Wakeel, Khanzeb, Usmanzeb, Aqeel, Saeed and Najeebullah were among the held suspects. Seven wanted tribesmen also surrendered before the political authorities.

The residences and Hujras of tribal elders including Malik Attaullah Jan Kokikhel, Malik Ahmad Khan, Malik Khanzeb, Sher Shah, Haji Najeebullah and Haji Saleem, were blown up with dynamite during the action.

A colonel identified as Atif and a soldier sustained injuries while dynamiting the residence of another tribal elder, Muhammad Noor. Perturbed over the demolition of his house, Ikramullah, son of Malik Attaullah Jan, told The News: “We have not sheltered any militant and have always remained loyal to the country.” But Political Agent Tariq Hayat alleged that Malik Attaullah Jan was harbouring a militant, Yahya Hijrat, alias Mustafa Kamran, an Afghan national and former Taliban official in Nangarhar province, who was arrested by security forces before Eidul Azha.

The house and Hujra of Senator Nasir Khan was also demolished in Shahkas, prompting the lawmaker to resign from the Upper House of parliament in protest.

Talking to The News by phone from his home, he denied harbouring militants and said: “Being a senator, I have taken an oath to be loyal to the nation and the country, but the security forces demolished my house without any reason.”

The hideouts of the militants and criminals were pounded with gunship helicopters, tanks and artillery, while the Peshawar-Jalalabad Highway was closed for all kinds of traffic, including supplies for Nato forces in Afghanistan.

On Tuesday, the security forces had hit the base camps of suspected militants in Ghariza, Wali Baba, Sheikh Siddiq Kilay, Ghundi, Shahkas, Tedi Bazaar and several other areas with the aid of choppers and artillery shelling to secure the main supply route for Nato forces across the Durand Line.

Addressing a press conference, Political Agent of Khyber Agency Tariq Hayat announced compensation of Rs 100,000 each for three civilians, who were killed during the operation and Rs 40,000 for each injured person.

Meanwhile, the military operation in Jamrud has badly affected common people in Landikotal. They cannot commute to the Khyber Pass because of curfew in Jamrud. Patients have been lying in the Landikotal hospital, who could not be shifted to Peshawar hospitals even in ambulances, the hospital sources said.

Four persons, who were injured in the military operation, have also been admitted to hospital here, while one of them, Gultan Khan, had reportedly expired.

Operation continues in Jamrud Fata senator quits in protest
Hypothetically speaking; if our democratically elected servants of the nation move their a**es and decide to control the situation in the interest of Pakistan... who do you all think will be the key person or persons to be able to persuade the militant groups to give up the armed struggle in Tribal areas?

Not that i have high hopes from the resident evil in Islamabad but still i wonder...
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