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Faisalabad massacare by PMLN proved

Still not solid enough proof for brain dead patwaries.

On the contrary it's proof enough. The problem is that the PTI equivalent is equally as undesirable. Status quo over uncertainty. Really simple choice my friend.
On the contrary it's proof enough. The problem is that the PTI equivalent is equally as undesirable. Status quo over uncertainty. Really simple choice my friend.

Show me where PTI supporters have been involved in a murder in broad daylight.
@cb4 watch thsi video . if u have any shame left in u. u will not do propoganda against PTI . but i guess u r patwari so i should expect alot. See the video and see who did terrorism. when we protest for our rights u have problem with it???

Show me where PTI supporters have been involved in a murder in broad daylight.
they dont have any shame. Just see this guy @cb4 . even today after proving we were right about rigging , he shameless supporting riggers and have problem with us standing up for our right. he is too dumb too know if we were given election audit as we demanded from last 1.5 years there would be no strike

On the contrary it's proof enough. The problem is that the PTI equivalent is equally as undesirable. Status quo over uncertainty. Really simple choice my friend.
obviously the man who saved millions of lifes by his hospital., give free education to 1000's of people by namal, his imran khan foundation helped million of natural disaster sufferer is more dangerous then proven lairs, murderers and corrput people like zardari, nawaz, molana, and altaf . good logic bro .
@cb4 watch thsi video . if u have any shame left in u. u will not do propoganda against PTI . but i guess u r patwari so i should expect alot. See the video and see who did terrorism. when we protest for our rights u have problem with it???

they dont have any shame. Just see this guy @cb4 . even today after proving we were right about rigging , he shameless supporting riggers and have problem with us standing up for our right. he is too dumb too know if we were given election audit as we demanded from last 1.5 years there would be no strike

obviously the man who saved millions of lifes by his hospital., give free education to 1000's of people by namal, his imran khan foundation helped million of natural disaster sufferer is more dangerous then proven lairs, murderers and corrput people like zardari, nawaz, molana, and altaf . good logic bro .

Very nice replies.
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