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F22P Zulfiqar: Debunking Propaganda


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Pakistan Navy’s Zulfiquar Class Frigates: Debunking Propaganda​

Admin PSF
July 22, 2022

https://pinterest.com/pin/create/bu...tes. Article addresses all the points raised.
Pakistan Navy's Zulfiquar Class Frigates: Debunking PropagandaPakistan Navy's Zulfiquar Class Frigates: Debunking Propaganda
An article was published last month regarding the Pakistan Navy’s Zulfiquar class frigates. Article was mainly focused on operational status of the frigates, according to which the frigates were facing technical issues which hampered the three-dimensional capabilities of the ships.
Pakistan Navy operates four ships of Zulfiquar class. These ships were the most advanced and latest warships of PN surface fleet until PN commissioned Tughril class frigates in its fleet very recently. So, any minor deficient in operational status and capabilities of these ships would be a grave concern for Pakistan navy.
Upon cross checking of the article nothing coincided with the reality and as the specific article was shared as source of propaganda on media it was necessary to debunk the article.
  1. Defective FM-90N system: In the article it’s mentioned that FM-90N SAM failed to work due to defective infrared (IR-17) system. Reality is that IR-17 is only supplementary system to the OFC (optical fire control)-3 system. OFC-3 is a combined system consisting of laser range finder, Night vision camera and an Infrared system. OFC-3 is responsible for detection, tracking and guidance of FM-90N missiles towards a target in conjugation with the main radar and can alone carry out such functions in case the main radar malfunction. So, in any case a defective IR-17 system can’t cause the failure of FM-90N to carry out its operations.
Debunking propaganda against Pakistan Navy's Zulfiquar Class Frigates
Debunking propaganda against Pakistan Navy’s Zulfiquar Class Frigates
  1. NG-16 single barrel 76mm gun: The author of that article seems to be ill informed because the correct designation is H/PJ-26 not NG-16. Later is an existent designation likely based on the NG-16A, which made its first appearance in 2021 while Zulfiquar class frigates are decade older and don’t use this main naval gun.
  2. The article claimed that the PNS Aslat’s (last ship in the Zulfiquar class) SR-47BG search radar was below par in performance and other ships in the class were cannibalized for parts. This statement is far from truth. All the ships are actively in service and search radars are big enough to be noticed. But so far no ship has been spotted without search radar. It also doesn’t make sense to cannibalize other ships as PN can easily acquire spare from China. Also, the leading ship PNS Zulfiquar only last year was deployed to Pakistan navy overseas deployments. During the period PNS Zulfiquar visited Her Majesty Naval base Portsmouth, UK and participated in White Star-III exercise. PNS Zulfiquar also visited Hamburg Germany. Before arriving it participated in a naval exercise with Polish navy too. Visited Jeddah port. Earlier visited & participated in exercises like Advanced maritime maneuvers, maritime interdiction operation (MIO), boarding and force protection drills.
Debunking propaganda against Pakistan Navy's Zulfiquar Class Frigates
Debunking propaganda against Pakistan Navy’s Zulfiquar Class Frigates
  1. ASO-94 sonar: This is Atlas Elektronik made Hull mounted sonar (HMS). It’s not even a Chinese one as the whole article is trying to prove that Chinese systems aren’t reliable. So, if a system from such a refutable company isn’t reliable then not sure what’s reliable anymore. As this system is also in operation with Dutch and German frigates (Sachsen). Author hasn’t provided any source to his claims as never such malfunctions have been recorded with the system.
Engine and hull defects: The author without any evidence and proof goes on and on about the imaginary defects in the engines and hull of the ships. Any such defect can force a ship into dock for maintenance for a very long time but in reality, all the ships are doing fine and operational as evident from their recent overseas deployments and participation in various naval exercises. There is absolutely nothing in service records of the ships about such claims.

@iLION12345_1 @PanzerKiel @waz @AgNoStiC MuSliM

Pakistan Navy’s Zulfiquar Class Frigates: Debunking Propaganda​

Admin PSF
July 22, 2022

https://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=https://pakstrategic.com/2022/07/22/pakistan-navys-zulfiquar-class-frigates-debunking-propaganda/&media=https://pakstrategic.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Cover-4-scaled.jpg&description=This article debunks a propaganda based article against Pakistan Navy's Zulfiquar class frigates. Article addresses all the points raised.
https://defence.pk/pdf/whatsapp://send?text=Pakistan+Navy’s+Zulfiquar+Class+Frigates:+Debunking+Propaganda https://pakstrategic.com/2022/07/22/pakistan-navys-zulfiquar-class-frigates-debunking-propaganda/
Pakistan Navy's Zulfiquar Class Frigates: Debunking Propaganda's Zulfiquar Class Frigates: Debunking PropagandaPakistan Navy's Zulfiquar Class Frigates: Debunking Propaganda
An article was published last month regarding the Pakistan Navy’s Zulfiquar class frigates. Article was mainly focused on operational status of the frigates, according to which the frigates were facing technical issues which hampered the three-dimensional capabilities of the ships.
Pakistan Navy operates four ships of Zulfiquar class. These ships were the most advanced and latest warships of PN surface fleet until PN commissioned Tughril class frigates in its fleet very recently. So, any minor deficient in operational status and capabilities of these ships would be a grave concern for Pakistan navy.
Upon cross checking of the article nothing coincided with the reality and as the specific article was shared as source of propaganda on media it was necessary to debunk the article.
  1. Defective FM-90N system: In the article it’s mentioned that FM-90N SAM failed to work due to defective infrared (IR-17) system. Reality is that IR-17 is only supplementary system to the OFC (optical fire control)-3 system. OFC-3 is a combined system consisting of laser range finder, Night vision camera and an Infrared system. OFC-3 is responsible for detection, tracking and guidance of FM-90N missiles towards a target in conjugation with the main radar and can alone carry out such functions in case the main radar malfunction. So, in any case a defective IR-17 system can’t cause the failure of FM-90N to carry out its operations.
Debunking propaganda against Pakistan Navy's Zulfiquar Class Frigates 's Zulfiquar Class Frigates
Debunking propaganda against Pakistan Navy’s Zulfiquar Class Frigates
  1. NG-16 single barrel 76mm gun: The author of that article seems to be ill informed because the correct designation is H/PJ-26 not NG-16. Later is an existent designation likely based on the NG-16A, which made its first appearance in 2021 while Zulfiquar class frigates are decade older and don’t use this main naval gun.
  2. The article claimed that the PNS Aslat’s (last ship in the Zulfiquar class) SR-47BG search radar was below par in performance and other ships in the class were cannibalized for parts. This statement is far from truth. All the ships are actively in service and search radars are big enough to be noticed. But so far no ship has been spotted without search radar. It also doesn’t make sense to cannibalize other ships as PN can easily acquire spare from China. Also, the leading ship PNS Zulfiquar only last year was deployed to Pakistan navy overseas deployments. During the period PNS Zulfiquar visited Her Majesty Naval base Portsmouth, UK and participated in White Star-III exercise. PNS Zulfiquar also visited Hamburg Germany. Before arriving it participated in a naval exercise with Polish navy too. Visited Jeddah port. Earlier visited & participated in exercises like Advanced maritime maneuvers, maritime interdiction operation (MIO), boarding and force protection drills.
Debunking propaganda against Pakistan Navy's Zulfiquar Class Frigates 's Zulfiquar Class Frigates
Debunking propaganda against Pakistan Navy’s Zulfiquar Class Frigates
  1. ASO-94 sonar: This is Atlas Elektronik made Hull mounted sonar (HMS). It’s not even a Chinese one as the whole article is trying to prove that Chinese systems aren’t reliable. So, if a system from such a refutable company isn’t reliable then not sure what’s reliable anymore. As this system is also in operation with Dutch and German frigates (Sachsen). Author hasn’t provided any source to his claims as never such malfunctions have been recorded with the system.
Engine and hull defects: The author without any evidence and proof goes on and on about the imaginary defects in the engines and hull of the ships. Any such defect can force a ship into dock for maintenance for a very long time but in reality, all the ships are doing fine and operational as evident from their recent overseas deployments and participation in various naval exercises. There is absolutely nothing in service records of the ships about such claims.

@iLION12345_1 @PanzerKiel @waz @AgNoStiC MuSliM
The question is if the enemy wishes to believe that these ships are indeed faulty, then why do we feel the need to correct it and prove a point otherwise?
"Never interrupt an enemy when he is making a mistake"
The question is if the enemy wishes to believe that these ships are indeed faulty, then why do we feel the need to correct it and prove a point otherwise?
"Never interrupt an enemy when he is making a mistake"
This article deunk the fake is to slap the face of those so called true blood Pakistanis who believe such propaganda.

And to give China a satisfactory recognized for always delivery value product weapon for customers. Unlike some troll who always sang the outdated tune who claim China made junk weapon only or weapon that doesnt meet international standard.

There are some idiots out there who still believe VT-4 tank is non comparable to western mbt. Just like they believe the deficiency of F-22P.
This article deunk the fake is to slap the face of those so called true blood Pakistanis who believe such propaganda.
If they believe the propaganda, then its their fault and these are hardly true-blood Pakistanis anyway. Most are just trying to suck up to their western masters including many of our politicians and current imported government.
Those who matter know better!
If they believe the propaganda, then its their fault and these are hardly true-blood Pakistanis anyway. Most are just trying to suck up to their western masters including many of our politicians and current imported government.
Those who matter know better!
You do know the power of propaganda. One idiot lead the others. After they sang the same old tune 1000 times, sooner or later, some will believe such stuff even facts present on them. Beware of some Pakistanis here. They are just like Bajwa, enjoying the benefit of following the western and pledge loyalty to devil rather than Pakistan.
Good rebuttal article, it was quite annoying seeing the misinformed article being taken as gospel by many people.
Those pakistanis members who previously supported the malicious article about F22P shall be banned for Insulting PN and China.

The PN and China work hard to protect Pakistan water and Chinese engineer give good products and ensure the best the customer can get and yet all the return they get is insult and question from some traitors and slayers.

I believe those slayers are in cahoots with the devil want to make Pakistan goes downhill.
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I tell u, this kind of malicious article against Pakistan armed forces and China weapon supplier will not be the last.

Be prepare for this kind of trash and propaganda continue coming in to smear China and Pakistan.

Most importantly Pakistanis shall have trusted for the armed forces and partnership with China.

It's a matter of time another trash article will come and smear VT-4 mbt and traitors will be quick to jump in the bandwagon, criticise VT-4 as problematic, low tech and get their rewards from Uncle Sam or India.
I tell u, this kind of malicious article against Pakistan armed forces and China weapon supplier will not be the last.

Be prepare for this kind of trash and propaganda continue coming in to smear China and Pakistan.

Most importantly Pakistanis shall have trusted for the armed forces and partnership with China.

It's a matter of time another trash article will come and smear VT-4 mbt and traitors will be quick to jump in the bandwagon, criticise VT-4 as problematic, low tech and get their rewards from Uncle Sam or India.
Yes - China produces the best equipment and there are never quality issues.

Said the person who probably never touched a single electronic or hardware piece in his entire life.

If they believe the propaganda, then its their fault and these are hardly true-blood Pakistanis anyway. Most are just trying to suck up to their western masters including many of our politicians and current imported government.
Those who matter know better!
How about someone who actually worked on Chinese equipment instead of you sucking up to the Chinese.
They provide a lot of good things, but then there is a lot of QC failed equipment as well which takes multiple visits and headaches to fix.
Part of it also comes down to Pakistanis themselves who collude by ordering lower quality equipment from China and sell to their military in guise of “best quality sar!”

Have you actually worked in the R&D industry of Pakistan? Or is the response just to bury the head in the sand and regurgitate “All is well” like Bhaktora Indians?
Yes - China produces the best equipment and there are never quality issues.

Said the person who probably never touched a single electronic or hardware piece in his entire life.

How about someone who actually worked on Chinese equipment instead of you sucking up to the Chinese.
They provide a lot of good things, but then there is a lot of QC failed equipment as well which takes multiple visits and headaches to fix.
Part of it also comes down to Pakistanis themselves who collude by ordering lower quality equipment from China and sell to their military in guise of “best quality sar!”

Have you actually worked in the R&D industry of Pakistan? Or is the response just to bury the head in the sand and regurgitate “All is well” like Bhaktora Indians?
Lol.. typical tactics trying to twist my words. I never say China is the best. More like u want to claim western equipment is the best and they are gold. Maybe 20 years ago. Now they are mostly overprice and subpar system.

Who are the so called one who has worked with Chinese equipment? Can they post their position , rank, equipment handle and face of their photo with comfirmation of real identify thru facebook and relevant position they qualify to comment?

They are simply too many fake account and experience exposed by me. Just like the twitter smearing post bragging about someone relevant working with VT-4 and claim VT-4 failed all relevant test and is a junk during the trial. Only to be slapped on the face when PA selected it and announce as next MBT for PA. Try harder, loser.

You are one of those. The debunk of failed account of PN F22P more or less proves my word. You need to try harder to come out with proven facts and comfirmation from higher authority from Pakistan armed forces for all your slandering against Chinese equipment and Pakistan armed forces. Any tom, dick harry can make up stories to make it as real ,bragging they have relevant personnel working with those equipment.

You have zero credibility to prove anything. All are nothing but make up stories.
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Lol.. typical tactics trying to twist my words. I never say China is the best. More like u want to claim western equipment is the best and they are gold. Maybe 20 years ago. Now they are mostly overprice and subpar system.

Who are the so called one who has worked with Chinese equipment? Can they post their position , rank, equipment handle and face of their photo with comfirmation of real identify thru facebook and relevant position they qualify to comment?

They are simply too many fake account and experience exposed by me. Just like the twitter smearing post bragging about someone relevant working with VT-4 and claim VT-4 failed all relevant test and is a junk during the trial. Only to be slapped on the face when PA selected it and announce as next MBT for PA. Try harder, loser.

You are one of those.
Twist your words?
“Propaganda, western propaganda” if anything Chinese is critiqued is all you do.

why don’t you start first.. lets verify what your experience is before because frankly you’ve been undressed here as nothing more than a parroting fanboy and nothing more.

Go ahead.. you prove yourself because you are the loser who was whining about propaganda.
I don’t need to, this is a Pakistani forum and I have admin and members who can vouch for

Find me a real life person who can vouch for you after you are done attributing the F-22P article to me to try and whine more.
Twist your words?
“Propaganda, western propaganda” if anything Chinese is critiqued is all you do.

why don’t you start first.. lets verify what your experience is before because frankly you’ve been undressed here as nothing more than a parroting fanboy and nothing more.

Go ahead.. you prove yourself because you are the loser who was whining about propaganda.
I don’t need to, this is a Pakistani forum and I have admin and members who can vouch for

Find me a real life person who can vouch for you after you are done attributing the F-22P article to me to try and whine more.
Why would I need to prove anything when Chinese equipment like F22P and VT-4 working well for Pakistan armed forces?

It's the slayer who need to bring out concrete and real proof to back your words. I have the backing of PN rebuke for smearing of F22P

And what do you have to back your account? The malicious fake article about F22P by american or indian which the PDF moderator delete it due to its unauthentic sources?

Cmon beasty boy.. my project is even posted on the forum.. where’s yours?
What project? Show your face , rank and real identify to prove your real existence and relevant position. As I say any tom, dick harry can make things up hiding behind these computer and brag as real.
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