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Exports Fall by 45% Despite Modi's 30 Foreign Trips

Mate do you know how thinks work? If you invests something it is not like common way you will get something. Investment i to create new things( like Industries, roads, infrastructures, dams etc) and minimum time to start returning the investment is three years. So how come such big investment increase India grown while it is not mature?. Please explain
Mate I do know how economy works because I am a graduate in Economic hons.
You see not every investor invest in road, infrastructure, dams,etc. which are long term investments and generally give returns after three years. There were some face saving quick measurements taken by the previous govt. to give market a boost just before the elections but the stock market shoot up when Modi came in power what did it tells you?

Bangladesh still posting positive growth. We third world countries must use crisis to our own advantage. When most developed or mid income countries looses competitiveness the low income countries should step in and gain market share. Thats what China did all along.
The new calculation and base year revision brings the data in line with global standards.

Do you realise the impact of a sampling rate of 500,000 companies over the 2500 from the older system (which represented 200,000 factories)?

The basic reason is that more of the previously hidden economy is captured in the figures now.

I know India changed the base year in this new calculation, but Congress could have done that too. So this is not in Modi's credit. That was my point. The results of his leadership for the first full year in PM position has just started to show, and we are waiting to see it.
I know India changed the base year in this new calculation, but Congress could have done that too.

It was not a Modi decision, it was long pending (suggested by the IMF since 2008). The change (in methodology infrastructure of the India statistics institute and ministry of statistics) was already starting under the congress rule so that the data could be adjusted eventually when enough back data was compiled for it to be meaningful. This is a completely bipartisan issue, external to politics.

The base year change is just one of the causes of there being a change in the numbers....and is actually not as big a factor compared to the others (GVA methodology + increased sampling rate). There may be one or two more revisions pending later on, again external to any political decision.
You are spot on. Countries such as Nigeria and India, who have only very primitive industries, have no choice but to export commodities, which are subject to wild price swings.

Firstly,You should not hide behind the flag of other countries because that make people like us believe that you are ashamed of your Nationality..

Secondly,Major export from india are value added products who strongly dependent on commodity prices like Petro Chemical product who strongly dependent on Crude oil price or Iron &Steel product who price is strongly dependent Iron ore,Nickel etc
China‘s export in 2015 first half year grow 0.9%
2015上半年中国外贸进出口数据下滑原因分析 - 中投顾问|中国投资咨询网
In the last half year fall several percentage points.
So we grow slower...But what happened to India?
India's export to China also falls.

It is funny, not too long ago, they were talking about "Move Over, China, it is India's show time now", "China's Pain is India's Gain“.

Here is what they said in September:
Modi tells billionaires to invest: China economic pain is India gain

China's pain of economic slowdown is India's pain too, RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan said contradicting government assertions that India will not be affected by deceleration of Chinese economy.

China slowdown adversely affected India, says Rajan | Business Standard News
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It is funny, not too long ago, they were talking about "Move Over, China, it is India's show time now", "China's Pain is India's Gain“.

Here is what they said in September:
Modi tells billionaires to invest: China economic pain is India gain

China's pain of economic slowdown is India's pain too, RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan said contradicting government assertions that India will not be affected by deceleration of Chinese economy.

China slowdown adversely affected India, says Rajan | Business Standard News

Ever thought that both can happen simultaneously? Its not strictly one or the other.
Yah, but it just does't sound very nice of your leader.

Modi has always been impressed with China's economic rise and his contacts with them go back quite far and are quite deep.

It was not meant as some sort of derogatory remark to China, but simply that India must not waste any opportunities wherever they come from. He is a politician in a democracy, so of course some words he employs may come off as harsh or not nice. But they must be put into the context of who he was addressing and where he was.

If he visits China and says that....or says it in an official speech to Indian people... then you got a point he has gone too far.

But it was in a business leader meeting and it was put more as a perspective/challenge than to underscore some weakness with China.
Modi has always been impressed with China's economic rise and his contacts with them go back quite far and are quite deep.

It was not meant as some sort of derogatory remark to China, but simply that India must not waste any opportunities wherever they come from. He is a politician in a democracy, so of course some words he employs may come off as harsh or not nice. But they must be put into the context of who he was addressing and where he was.

If he visits China and says that....or says it in an official speech to Indian people... then you got a point he has gone too far.

But it was in a business leader meeting and it was put more as a perspective/challenge than to underscore some weakness with China.

Yo are right, he was talking to a group of business leaders, but the sentiment of India since Modi came to power has been like: "Move over, China, It is India's show time". You guys are just too quick to jump on the bandwagon. How many articles we have seen either in India's media or here? you people are literately celebrating China's low down.

You are a diehard fan of Modi, and I hope he doesn't disappoint you with his Q2 score card. But from my personal point of view, in a democratic country, one should not unconditionally put his faith on one particular leader. It is the system that matters.

I know if the Q2 growth rate is indeed in line with the expectation, you would credit Modi for the achievement, what you would do in case the Q2 results are disappointing? Will you blame the Congress again? :partay: You people have elected the Congress for the good part of years after independence, so ultimately, it is the people who should be responsible for whatever India is today.

When you grew slow, your political leaders told you "slow and steady wins the race"; when you grow a little faster, the same people would tell you "we are not longer satisfied with 8-9% growth, double digit should be the norm". Have you ever doubt this kind of mentality?

By the way, how is "Clean India" movement going along?

Again, best wishes for your people.
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Yo are right, he was talking to a group of business leaders, but the sentiment of India since Modi came to power has been like: "Move over, China, It is India's show time". You guys are just too quick to jump on the bandwagon. How many articles we have seen either in India's media or here? you people are literately celebrating China's low down.

Yes some of us are. Not me. China's rise is ultimately a good thing for India. The more you have to lose, the less likely you are to risk it in a conflict.

You are a diehard fan of Modi, and I hope he doesn't disappoint you with his Q2 score card. But from my personal point of view, in a democratic country, one should not unconditionally put his faith on one particular leader. It is the system that matters.

Not diehard fan. You just have to be quite persistent to expose my criticisms of him (which I have a sizeable amount of). But targetting the overall macroeconomic policy and reform direction and cherrypicking quotes is not going to accomplish that.

Also doesnt change that no other leader in India comes close in both proven track record and real desire to change the underlying problems.

I know if the Q2 growth rate is indeed in line with the expectation, you would credit Modi for the achievement, what you would do in case the Q2 results are disappointing? Will you blame the Congress again?

Q2 results being good or bad does not mean all that much to me. Modi is a supply sider with some key long term goals.

The numbers of interest will be his entire term's average growth rate and improvement in social parameters....especially vocational education...."skilling" as he calls it.

You people have elected the Congress for the good part of years after independence, so ultimately, it is the people who should be responsible for whatever India is today.

"You people"? I certainly didn't vote for them, but I accept the Indian people did....including my family elders.

We like to criticize congress a lot, but the fact of the matter is that they did manage to accomplish quite a lot given the status of India before it gained independence and the development of things we take for granted today. For example there were real predictions that India would break apart.....several western think tanks and analysts kept predicting it....yet it never happened and we ended up breaking apart our no. 1 enemy instead.

When you think what could have been....yes one side can be the dream vision of the perfect development....but the other side is also one where India does not even exist today and/or is a complete basket case.

When you grew slow, your political leaders told you "slow and steady wins the race"; when you grow a little faster, the same people would tell you "we are not longer satisfied with 8-9% growth, double digit should be the norm". Have you ever doubt this kind of mentality?

Modi and BJP will never say that "slow and steady" wins the race....thats an old Congress line...and even they have abandoned it. He knows the growth rates that Gujarat achieved under him....he never justified any quarters that were slow as a positive thing....but rather analysed what the mistakes were and what the improvements could be and corrected them....one by one.

He plans the same for India as a whole. It will take some time given the inertia of what he has inherited.

By the way, how is "Clean India" movement going along?

It is in the nascent stages still and gathering momentum. Problems and challenges are coming up already and they will have to be addressed.....just like they were in Gujarat. Again we will have to give it at least another year or two to see the results.....because even data collection and statistics compilation has a certain lag time.

Again, best wishes for your people.

Thanks and same to yours.
Indian exports fell for whatever factors/reasons.

But why 45%?

Look at UK & Germany's growing export numbers:



I can provide more countries export too.

Not blaming Indian government is akin to remain in denial.

Has anyone got balls to question Modi: Sir, you say its overall (worldwide) slump. Ok. But why Germany, UK and other nation's exports are not affected?

Sycophants galore in India.
Indians are quick at finding excuses for themselves.

export collapsing
manufacturing collapsing
industrial production flat
investment showing little growth
agriculture output stagnant

yes the GDP is producing 7%+ growth according to the Indians.


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