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Explosion shakes Karachi


Oct 3, 2005
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Explosion shakes Karachi
At least 3 dead in blast outside U.S. restaurant
From Syed Mohsin Naqvi

Tuesday, November 15, 2005; Posted: 12:27 a.m. EST (05:27 GMT)

(CNN) -- A powerful car bomb exploded in central Karachi Tuesday outside an outlet of the U.S. restaurant chain KFC, police said, killing at least three people and wounding eight others.

"It seems to be the target was KFC, but yet we have to wait and see," said Sheikh Rashid Ahmad, Pakistan's information minister. He noted the 8:45 a.m. (10:45 p.m. ET Monday) blast also occurred in front of a Pakistani Industrial Development Corporation building.

Video from the scene showed about half a dozen cars on fire and the windows of buildings blown out.

Police had sealed off the area, local media reported.

In September, two nearly simultaneous explosions went off at other fast food restaurants -- another KFC and a McDonald's in Karachi's Defense district.

The first bomb detonated inside the KFC restaurant, followed about eight minutes later by a blast outside the McDonald's on the city's beach front.

U.S. fast food outlets in Karachi have been targeted before. On May 30, a KFC restaurant was burned and six workers inside were killed during an outbreak of religious sectarian violence in the city.

Hundreds of people gathered at the site of the blast, near the Pearl Intercontinental Hotel that is popular with international tourists and businesspeople, The Associated Press reported.

Previous bombings in Pakistan have been linked to Islamic extremists opposed to Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf's close ties to the United States. Pakistan has been a key U.S. ally in the war on terrorism.

Source: CNN
The are now attacking any country that is supporting Untied States if you remember there was an attack in Oman then Jordan now Pakistan :ranting:

I wonder who is in charge of this and why these organized attacks are taking place, when Al-Qaida network is already destroyed, and not good enough to make such plans.

These @#$# are picking on innocent people rather than attacking Pakistani Army, they are bunch of cowards they know if they attack the army, they will get their @$$ whopped!
Alqida is destroyed, with communications network down & going dry on the funds, Alqida cant pull off this stunt.

Is there a possibility that mossad or CIA is doing this to show the world that we still have Alqida active in our country, It may give them another reason in future to invade us or show the world that we are not doing enough to stop the terrorist
Originally posted by A.Rahman@Nov 15 2005, 06:26 AM
Alqida is destroyed, with communications network down & going dry on the funds, Alqida cant pull off this stunt.

Is there a possibility that mossad or CIA is doing this to show the world that we still have Alqida active in our country, It may give them another reason in future to invade us or show the world that we are not doing enough to stop the terrorist
[post=2941]Quoted post[/post]​

Its one of the reasons. I saw a Mullah interview last night he was saying that there is a foriegn country's hand behind all this, and he seems to be kind of right, Al-Qaida can't do these kind of blasts, they are not capable enough, but then they are probably supported by some foriegn country for attacking us. I know that for sure that they didn't attack on the orders of Osama or any major Taliban leader.
Pakistan hopes bombing won't affect tour

MULTAN, Pakistan (AP) - Pakistan's cricket board hopes that a car bombing that killed at least three people Tuesday near a Karachi hotel where England's team is due to stay next month won't affect the side's tour of the country.

England is due to play a one-day international against Pakistan in Karachi on Dec. 15. The team is expected to stay at the Sheraton hotel, about 100 metres across the road from the scene of Tuesday's blast outside a KFC restaurant. When the tour itinerary was set, England refused to play a Test match in the troubled port city because of security concerns, agreeing only to a one-day international.

The New Zealand cricket team aborted its tour of Pakistan in May 2002 after a suicide bombing killed 11 French naval technicians outside the same hotel.

"We will not take any decision on the Karachi one-dayer in a panic," Pakistan Cricket Board chairman Shaharyar Khan told reporters Tuesday.

He was speaking in the central city of Multan, where the two sides were playing the first of three five-day Test matches. They will later play five one-day matches.

Hours after the blast, the England and Wales Cricket Board said in a statement that it was awaiting a full report on the attack from its security advisers and that it would remain in close contact with Britain's Foreign Ministry, the Pakistan board and other authorities in this Islamic nation.

Khan said the Pakistan Cricket Board was in "constant touch" with the England and Wales Cricket Board and the Pakistan government.

"Bomb blasts have been part-parcel of life these days and if Australians can play in England despite the London bombings and Sri Lanka can play in India after the Delhi blasts then England can also play," Khan said.

"No one likes the terrorists to win."

Source: SLAM!
i think it indian intelligence agency RAW as far i think they wanted to destroy the image of pakistan as a place which is not safe to go

also junior football games were soon toi be held in karachi along with other several imporant events :cry:
Originally posted by VisionHawk@Nov 16 2005, 08:19 PM
i think it indian intelligence agency RAW as far i think they wanted to destroy the image of pakistan as a place which is not safe to go

also junior football games were soon toi be held in karachi along with other several imporant events :cry:
[post=3014]Quoted post[/post]​

Baloch Liberation Army claimed the responsibility for blasts.

Does this name sounds like RAW??????????

Dangers of speculating about the Karachi car bomb

Read the editorial from the Daily Times unless somebody has claims that the newspaper is also funded by RAW.


Originally posted by A.Rahman@Nov 21 2005, 09:37 PM
I claim it :w00t: :LOLANI:
[post=3363]Quoted post[/post]​

Good for you.

Please list which other Pakistani newspapers you think are funded by RAW??


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