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Expert: China should develop larger aircraft carriers armed with new-concep

but using cargo ship itself is not practical. I would understand if China want the show of force for that one time, but in case of peace time, it would not be much different, as long as you can pay the port charge, many county allow any navy to dock at their country. Military Projection should be done on time as tension and time of war only.

Don't get me wrong, if China were to ask the US to dock their carrier at Guam tomorrow, i think US are gonna allow it, as long as Chinese pays. I mean It's impractical if there are time of war, not peacetime.

I think China should start their own diplomatic policy first, then build more carrier, otherwise, in time of war, when you needed them the most, they aren't going anywhere but up and down Chinese Coast..........

China will never ask for docking at Guam, the sole purpose of this adventure to counter U.S. You never know in the future if those latino countries will allow China to dock for free if some of them show distastefull toward U.S ; China can exploite the situation as how US exploite animosity between China with its neighbors: Cuba is best exemple that U.S is not completely shield at home, the problem is that Soviet was too weak to exploite the situation, it will be instesting to see how well China will handle the situation.
China will never ask for docking at Guam, the sole purpose of this adventure to counter U.S. You never know in the future if those latino countries will allow China to dock for free if some of them show distastefull toward U.S ; China can exploite the situation as how US exploite animosity between China with its neighbors: Cuba is best exemple that U.S is not completely shield at home, the problem is that Soviet was too weak to exploite the situation, it will be instesting to see how well China will handle the situation.

Actually China did request docking at Guam before and still dock at guam as part of 2nd island chain patrol

PLA Navy Ships Bring Friendship to Guam in 2003

then again on 2006

http://www.china.org.cn/english/international/172276.htm This time is for observing US Navy Exercise

the problem is, even if you can convert all of South America into Chinese camp, the carrier is no use if you do not have a good underway system and/or midway refuelling point. UNless you permanently base a Carrier group in South America and that group never shall return to China, then they will become South American Warship, not Chinese., the carrier itself is useless in South America, power projection is not about getting your warship to show up on the door step on your enemy, everyone can do that, but to project power by operating unhinderly and unrestrictedly on someone elses ocean.

You cannot live on tomorrow promise if you are to project your power, what if there aren't anyone turn anymore and you do know Cuba is home to our Biggest naval base in Carribean, even bigger than the one we have in puerto rico, which is an US Territories, the Guantánamo Bay Naval base were there in Cuba for a reason. It has been there for over 130 years already.
Actually China did request docking at Guam before and still dock at guam as part of 2nd island chain patrol

PLA Navy Ships Bring Friendship to Guam in 2003

then again on 2006

PLA Group Ends US Military Drill Observations -- china.org.cn This time is for observing US Navy Exercise

the problem is, even if you can convert all of South America into Chinese camp, the carrier is no use if you do not have a good underway system and/or midway refuelling point. UNless you permanently base a Carrier group in South America and that group never shall return to China, then they will become South American Warship, not Chinese., the carrier itself is useless in South America, power projection is not about getting your warship to show up on the door step on your enemy, everyone can do that, but to project power by operating unhinderly and unrestrictedly on someone elses ocean.

You cannot live on tomorrow promise if you are to project your power, what if there aren't anyone turn anymore and you do know Cuba is home to our Biggest naval base in Carribean, even bigger than the one we have in puerto rico, which is an US Territories, the Guantánamo Bay Naval base were there in Cuba for a reason. It has been there for over 130 years already.

China might not able to use the aircraft battle group direcltly against US homeland, certainly not in near future, but still with the present of battle group in Latine america countries will certain play the roles as U.S is doing now in Asia such counter U.S influence in south latinos, provide direct military assistance and intelligent or a step further such U.S-Japanese alliance treaty...we have a great deal of learing how U.S's role in Asian and the effect of aircraft battle group.

I think China will never turn it back on aircraft after Laoning , PLA will certainly explore the usage and role of the aircraft battle group as power projection and geopolitical tool.
China should develop larger aircraft carriers armed with new-concept weapons, Chinese naval expert Li Jie said while communicating with the netizens of People's Daily Online's Qiangguo Forum on Nov. 27 about the country’s first successful fighter jet landing on its aircraft carrier.

Li said that China should develop larger aircraft carriers. The larger an aircraft carrier is the more aircraft it can carry, including fighter or attack aircraft. The United States has integrated fighters with attack aircraft, which can reduce the number of aircraft types and is more suitable for future wars.

Li said that ski-jump takeoffs place limits on the takeoff speed and payload of an aircraft, so China should make efforts to deploy steam or electromagnetic catapults on its future aircraft carriers.

Li said that the United States plans to completely arm its next-generation aircraft carriers with new-concept weapons such as electromagnetic rail guns and laser guns. China should follow suit in this regard.

Expert: China should develop larger aircraft carriers armed with new-concept weapons - People's Daily Online

Are we ready for that?

It would be nice if China constructs 2 nuclear powered super carriers with a electromagnetic catapult.
It would be nice if China constructs 2 nuclear powered super carriers with a electromagnetic catapult.

That would be a long ways away. A steam catapult isn't too far fetched, though.
lol Chinese want to start a "Backyard" Navy??

Do you mean cargo ship like this??


or replenishment ship like this??


Do you have any idea how naval logistic is done??

The most important thing of all is for your replenishment or logistic ship keep up with the carrier battlegroup. Otherwise if your group is very much ahead of the logistic ship, when it ran out or nearly ran out of food and ammunition and fuel, all your carrier group can do is sit and wait for your oiler to come.

MV Cargo ship like the first one and the one you post on youtube have no more than 15-20 knots speed, slower if they are fully loaded. While replenishment ship like T-AOE-9 Such as USNS Supply have a top speed of 27 knots. Which can roughtly catch up the carrier group. which usually doing 25-30 knots. Liaoning for example have a top speed of 32 knots.

Fueling system and ammunition is not like you bunch them in a container or jerry can and transport them in a cargo ship, there are specific place and portal to go through to secure a line of logistic to be done and to make sure you can refuel and rearm in rough sea.


civilian ship build from the ground up to be capable of carrying military equipment and personnel.

civilian ship build from the ground up to be capable of carrying military equipment and personnel.

lol.......you cannot use a cargo ship to resupply your combat ship, you need a underway replenishment ship.

It does not matter how big your cargo ship is, and how many troop and fuel can it carry, you cannot use them to refuel your combat ship as you need to cut the engine to refuel if you are touching the main fuel tank of a ship and you need a few hours (10+ Hours) that mean you are dead in the the water during and after refuel to start your steam boiler. UNless you risk to have your ship stay floating without power for the next half day, you cannot use normal cargo ship to refuel any combat ship, including aircraft carrier.
LOL you are really funny.

GO GO Starwar :)
Let's see, one country have been fighting war in the last 100 years and have a war or 2 every 10 years or so.

The other country did not fought any war since 1950s, usually use other to get dirty for them, and is now lectureing other they don't dare to start war to them.

We don't hestitate to start any fight in the world, even Iraqi have more guts than Chinese. At least they resist, what do Chinese do? TEll me, you chinese stud. WHat you say already see Chinese not dare to fight anywar to anyone.

And i would like to see you, you sir, in a battlefield fighting for China, I fought for the US, how about yours? If yo uwill not do that then would yo ukindly shut up and stop trolling.

Unites States do not lack courage. What you lack is patience.

Chinese proverb.
Those with great courage without patience tends to kill or be killed.
Those with great courage as well as great patience tends to survive.
Unites States do not lack courage. What you lack is patience.

Chinese proverb.
Those with great courage without patience tends to kill or be killed.
Those with great courage as well as great patience tends to survive.

too difficult for that half-known quarter Chinese/vietmanese/American to understand, he is seriously funny enough to spread his ignorances
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