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Exercise Rabat-2021 concluded at Karachi - DGPR Navy .

I wonder why i.s.p.r isn't reporting this event ?inter services something?
"Inter services" is always basically code for Army. Technically it is all three but "Inter Services Selection", "ISPR" etc are just Army or Army dominated. PAF/PN do their own thing. Just like CJSC, supposed to rotate between services but it's always an Army general.

Chief of Naval Staff attends session of RIBAT-2 exercise

The Frontier Post
January 29, 2021

KARACHI: On January 29th, Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi addressed debriefs session of Pakistan Navy’s Operational Exercise RIBAT-2 as chief guest.

During his address, Chief of the Naval Staff emphasized on the uninterrupted readiness of Pakistan Navy fighting units and underscored the importance of joint operational exercises to afford desired level of training.

According to the Pakistan Navy press release, Admiral also expressed satisfaction on the conduct of joint operations with Pakistan Air Force to attain highest level of synergy between the Services.

The Chief of the Naval Staff interacted with officers and men appreciated their morale, level of preparedness and determine to defend maritime frontiers of the country, Pakistan Navy press release adds.

He emphasized that Pakistan was a peace-loving nation and believed in regional prosperity and stability.
Naval Chief reaffirmed the resolve to thwart any misfortune by the adversary.

The press release mentioned that, Exercise RIBAT focuses on validating Pakistan Navy’s war fighting concepts under evolving multi-faceted threats, ranging from conventional to asymmetric warfare.

The hallmark of the exercise remained joint PN and PAF operations which were undertaken at extended ranges in the North Arabian Sea, press release mentioned.
Naval Chief reaffirms resolve to beat any misadventure

Naval Chief reaffirms resolve to beat any misadventure


January 29, 2021

The debrief session of Pakistan Navy’s Operational Exercise RIBAT-21 was held at Karachi. Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi graced the occasion as Chief Guest.

Speaking on the occasion, the Admiral emphasized on the perpetual readiness of Pakistan Navy fighting units and underscored the importance of joint operational exercises to afford desired level of training. The Admiral also expressed his satisfaction on the conduct of joint operations with Pakistan Air Force to achieve highest level of synergy between the Services.

The Chief of the Naval Staff during interaction with officers and men appreciated their morale, level of preparedness and resolve to defend maritime frontiers of the country.

He said Pakistan is a peace-loving nation and believes in regional prosperity and stability. Naval Chief reaffirmed the resolve to thwart any misadventure by the adversary.

Exercise RIBAT focuses on validating Pakistan Navy’s war fighting concepts under evolving multi-faceted threats, ranging from conventional to asymmetric warfare.

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