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Executions in Iran spark protest in Kabul



New Recruit

Jul 2, 2010
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Dozens of residents staged a protest demonstration in the capital Kabul on Saturday against Iran’s refusal to hand over the bodies of Afghan prisoners executed in Iran.

Calling for an end to the executions, the protesters, including relatives of 26 Afghans executed in the neighbouring country over the past two months, gathered before Parliament.

The participants belonged to Maidan Wardak, Khost, Paktia, Farah, Herat, Kabul, Badakhshan, Takhar, Baghlan, Samangan, Nimroz and other provinces.

His cousin was put to death in Iran two months ago, but his body was yet to be released to relatives, 30-year-old Mohammad Ibrahim told Pajhwok Afghan News.

"Iran has turned into a slaughterhouse for Afghans," he remarked, saying 26 residents of Ghoryan and Shindand districts of Herat province were executed put there over the past two months, and their corpses had not been surrendered to kin.

Ibrahim added they had taken to the streets to ask the government to approach Iran to stop the killings and send an envoy there to take up the issue with Iranian officials. "If Iran did not stop the executions, they stop Iranian exports through the Islam Qala Port," he warned.

Khudai Rahm, another protester and resident of Ghoryan, said his 70-year-old father-in-law Mohammad Gul was executed in Iran a month and half ago, but his body had not been delivered to his family so far.

He alleged more than 85 Afghans were executed in Iran over the past six months and their bodies had not been released to their families. The hour-long demonstration ended with a resolution, asking Parliament and President Karzai to address the issue.

Executions in Iran spark protest in Kabul « RAWA News
Afghanistan cant do much about it other than protesting.

Iran and NATO haventnt got good relations and that will be reflected in this incident.

Executions in Iran spark protest in Kabul « RAWA News

Now you are starting threads on my username.:lol:
So were these political prisoners or convicts or drug traffickers? Because if it is either of these three, little can be done even by the usually nosing Amnesty International.
what was the reason behind these executions ?
If they were criminal like drug traffickers or terrorist then there is no need to cry because its their country their law ...
So stop doing bad things and no one will punish you
Most of them are Afghanistani drug traffickers that are executed by the government according to the law against drug-trafficking. and This is not the first time that such protests are held in Afghanistan. It happens frequently in Afghanistan. I mean some poor people backed by the occupiers of Afghanistan protest against Iran. A bunch of poor (and probably bribed) Afghans protested against Iran months ago and just a week later a group of pro-Iran Afghanistanis protested against that group and said that Iran and Afghanistan are brotherly nations and they thanked Iran for its support for Afghanistanis.

It's all good for propaganda against Iran to say Iran is isolated in the region. nothing more.
Let them bark, we need less of these junkies. it does not matter if they 5 or 100 years old, if they break the law they will be punished.
what was the reason behind these executions ?
If they were criminal like drug traffickers or terrorist then there is no need to cry because its their country their law ...
So stop doing bad things and no one will punish you

These so called news reports are actually inflammatory media outlets financed by NATO directing hate towards Iran and Pakistan by organizing such events. What they never report is this:

Afghanistan produces 95% of worlds's illegal opiates according to UN drug report. They are also the world's largest Chars producer. All Afghans who are executed in Iran are drug smugglers, specially the armed ones. Iran can not sit around and allow Afghans to sell drugs to Iranian children, of course they are going to execute these bastaard drug pushers. Protest for drug pushers rights is as pathetic and meaningless as it can get. If Iran or for that matter Pakistan is so bad, Afghans should not go there at all, but reality is they love these countries and it only the CIA run drug producer and smugglers rings and their families are the ones who are protesting.

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If these people have been found guilty of drug trafficking or crimes of a serious nature then one has to abide by the laws of the land. I think that needs to be investigated. Not to return the bodies is on moralistic and humanitarian reasons harsh. If there is nothing to hide then returning bodies cant be that hard to do? It is a shame their even seems to be a stumbling block over the dead.
Im surprised that Afghanistan produces so much in drugs etc. I would have thought the Americans whilst they were eradicating other issues their may have introduce other things for them to harvest.

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