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Exclusive: Supreme Leader's military adviser says Iran's response will be 'against military sites'

i agree so its being prepared ?

well , more or less the operation will start after funereal of Shahid Sepahbod Soleimani , which will be Thuersday ... probably some small and numerous attacks in big number combined with bigger attacks to hide the real subject ...

meanwhile USA probably will try to make preemptive full scale attack to maximize the damage and disable us ...

side note : I hope the security guys really search Sepahbod Soleimani coffin and body , because I'm worried that USA already put bomb or biological weapon to target our leader ....
America takes out Iran top general/Intel guy. Anything less then to hit cia or Mossad top man would be a classed a chicken out.
Donald Trump responded on Twitter, writing that if Tehran attacks American assets, the US will strike "very hard and very fast."

Even though he is an idiot, I think he will go through with this should Iran attack any US assets.

We all know whoever goes against the US military is never a good thing.
Even though he is an idiot, I think he will go through with this should Iran attack any US assets.

We all know whoever goes against the US military is never a good thing.
Yes, I'm not a war monger, but once your naive president with no understanding of politics or military affairs reaches tensions to a point like this, your opponent will have no choice but to give you a lesson. Your payback is coming. It is only a matter of time.
A full fledged war between US and Iran is close to impossible. There are too many things on stake. Limited and controlled incidences of attacks would continue to happen, till some resolution is reached.
I have been waiting to see some American pigs died burning. Only Iran can do it.

In conflicts, casualties goes both ways, will you also be waiting for proud Iranians getting burnt to death?.

American pigs? I have said many times, we have been called worst.

Sadly, calling Americans pigs doesn't increase Iran's capabilities.
iran should only strike back if they can not only take back counter strikes but also can give reply to those counter strikes. i reckon US wont risk more troops if they suffer heavy casualties, its their nature.
Well , throwing a country to a war with a super power is not easy task ...

Interesting that you are acknowledging us as a superpower despite the current atmosphere.

You are correct on that front that it won't be an easy task, most cases, it doesn't end well for the challenger.
Interesting that you are acknowledging us as a superpower despite the current atmosphere.
You are correct on that front that it won't be an easy task, most cases, it doesn't end well for the challenger.
The Challangers are shaping the course of history

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taking over large embassy/ military installation/ large base/ships with hostages will be befitting reply which could hold counter reply from US.
How cheap of america to target cultural sites with a history of over 3000 yrs.
Shameful America.
First they kill the general who was fighting ISIS and other terrorists in the region and now they want to attack the country fighting isis on the ground, and that too they blackmail saying they will attack cultural sites.
Shameful, uncultured, terrorist supporting, money-minded brutes= america
I am confused, isn't attacking cultural sites considered as a war crime by UN?
What a delight if Iran tested an ICBM and nuclear device in the coming days, just before striking US bases in the region.
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