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Europe must resist pressure to become ‘America’s followers,’ says Macron

So now the 50 centers have shifted to dehumanizing Europeans as pawns of the USA.

Does China veto the Persian Gulf War, yes or no.

China, which had usually vetoed such resolutions authorizing action against a state, abstained in the UNSC in exchange for a promise from the US government that sanctions would be eased.

China is a street whore, a nation that sells itself to highest bidder. Then maligns "whitey" as pawn of Trump when this was the policy of Europe, against Trump:

Speaking before Trump and Putin were due to meet in Helsinki, European Council President Donald Tusk appealed for leaders to avoid wrecking a political and economic order that nurtured a peaceful Europe and developing China.

Chinese 50 centers shift from one dehumanizing propaganda to the next.

While China was street whore to the UK in WWI, Germans were fighting to have sovereignty. Two world wars to keep Europe from sovereignty. And China was on the side of the USA and UK in BOTH world wars. Europe seeks independence and peace and China sides with the Trump war on Europe.

You do realize the only reason for the allowance of success in Europe after the cold war was Marshall and the USSR. Europe (Germany and Italy) would have been overt enemies of the US and UK if there was no USSR enemy. The exact same political conditions of Germany in the 1950s would have been seen as the enemy had there been no cold war. UK did not start and fight two world wars (to keep down Germany) and then have the Germany rival the UK in power after 1945. Even with the need for West Germany in NATO to fight the commies, the UK and US saw NATO to keep the Americans in, Germans down and Russians out. Russia during the cold war was not controlled by the US and UK. As it was after 1991. As it is with cia vetted Putin and Chabad in Moscow and Washington. We are witnessing Russia being used to destroy Europe. That is the goal.

Here are the Chabad meeting each president, successor after successor. These are the same Chabad that are very close to Putin.






The Chabad have open access to the White House and Kremlin. According to the Chabad, Putin allows the Chabad run the economy of Russia. Are partners with the Bush/Pompeo cia and the Putin Kremlin. The Russian mafia and cia dealings go back decades. Along with ties to Trump and Putin. Russian oligarchs have Trump and Putin ties. Have FSB and cia ties. Have ties to Tories and the Brexit anti-EU agenda of the cia, Trump, fsb, Putin, mi6, and Tories.

Putin's rabbi is Chabad. Putin's rabbi is linked to Likud Israel. Russia is no threat to the Chabad/cia side of Trump, Bannon, Tucker, Pompeo, Flynn, Stone.

Putin is leader of the tinfoil hat Trumpers. Whose political movement is run by zionists, such as Netanyahu, Chabad and Trump.

Europe was allowed to be successful during the cold war to fight the enemy - Communists in the USSR.

That means the WEF, Davos, Globalism, free trade, commerce and the rest of the neo-liberal/liberal Europe was only allowed because the US and UK were using Western Europe to be on their side vs Moscow. Now that Moscow is controlled by Chabad-cia link Trump ally Putin, there is no reason for Europe, except to go along with a new Bretton Woods.

If Europe learns that Washington is behind the Putin war on Europe, not only would Europe not go along with the new planned Bretton Woods of bitcoin, Europe would be at odds with Washington for decades.

That means the World Economic Forum, EU is no longer needed to Washington; that is the exact reason why Tucker and Fox News attack the WEF because that is the old order that needs to collapse to usher in a Trumpian, Muskian, Putinesque, Brexit new global disorder. Meaning Soros and Gates are not the deepstate. These leftists old order of the cold war are the controlled opposition. The new agenda of the cia is Trump, Netanyahu, Farage, Putin, Le Pen. The return of the Entente. Russia is a puppet regime of Pompeo/Trump and cia assets. Doing the bidding to destroy Europe for the Washington agenda. France, US and UK are to be the new replacement to the defunct cold war order of Davos. With Balfour Israel of Netanyahu as the replacement of China. Five self-imposed leaders of London, Washington, Moscow, Paris and Jerusalem replacing the old UN self-imposed leaders. Trump, Netanyahu, Putin, Le Pen, Farage want to burn down Europe to have these new leaders be the new rulers of the cia overt agenda. We are on the verge of a French Revolution style change of systems. The old order is being attacked. If I recall rightly, the leaders of the French Revolution were called "made men". The new "made men" are the Trumps, Musks, Putins, Farage and Netanyahus of the globe. These want to smash Europe, smash the old order. Putin is turning Russia into exactly the role and status that is wanted of it by Washington.

Russia is not going away. Trump is running again. Netanyahu has returned. France is trying to get Le Pen to be leader of France. Davos banker Macron is simply keeping the seat warm to the old cold war order. The goal is to make it seem as though Trump, Putin, Le Pen, Netanyahu, Farage are populists. Demanded "by the people". They are not, they are nazis. These are extreme racist nationalists that don't want Germany as a global power, don't want to have an existing order that is not only these 5 nations deciding Pakistan's fate, Spain's fate. That is the purpose of the Putin. To smash neo-liberal cold war era European Union. A relic of an era when the UK and US needed to use western continental Europe vs the USSR. Because back then Moscow was not controlled as puppets as was with Yeltsin and Putin. Back then, Western Europe was needed. Only Entente of UK, US, France, Israel, and Russia are needed to be the imperialists. The rest of the globe is the planned victims of these 5.
You Europeans esp you Italians, Germans and British the like are indeed whores to the Americans today, more than just lapdogs, you people cant say no to the Yankees in all matters. I forget, American GIs are still stationed in your whore lands that you Italians are too eager to serve and maybe forever.
French sold many critical technologies tO USA… and now they are feeling to be too much dependent on USA ?


I don't see how they can seriously think they will be accepted as a leader with stuff like this.


For example what critical technologies you gave to USA???

Yes, this is going to be interesting.
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For example what critical technologies you gave to USA???

Not me, Im 🇵🇰, but as an example, France sold to the USA a critical core component of nuclear reactor used for aircraft carriers and submarines. I was shocked when I have heard it from the mouth of a high rank Marine National officer ! I don’t remember other’s things due to my memory starting to fail but I remember there were many other technologies sold to USA…
Not me, Im 🇵🇰, but as an example, France sold to the USA a critical core component of nuclear reactor used for aircraft carriers and submarines. I was shocked when I have heard it from the mouth of a high rank Marine National officer ! I don’t remember other’s things due to my memory starting to fail but I remember there were many other technologies sold to USA…

What? France didn't have a nuclear submarine until almost 1970 and we had one in the mid 1950s.

Unless they figured out some tech trick that made the reactors more efficient.

Infact the USS Enterprise was 1960.
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Not me, Im 🇵🇰, but as an example, France sold to the USA a critical core component of nuclear reactor used for aircraft carriers and submarines. I was shocked when I have heard it from the mouth of a high rank Marine National officer ! I don’t remember other’s things due to my memory starting to fail but I remember there were many other technologies sold to USA…
Source I don't believe on your only wordings
I never asked you to believe me.

But if I found the tv interview I will post it..
Because it was not possible first nuke submarine was build by Americans in 1950 and France had in 70s and do you had have a nuclear industry advanced than American nuclear industry in 50s???
I never asked you to believe me.

But if I found the tv interview I will post it..(it was a on TV news few years ago.

Hold on you are correct. Apparently the USS Nautilus had some French help with the reactor.



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Because it was not possible first nuke submarine was build by Americans in 1950 and France had in 70s and do you had have a nuclear industry advanced than American nuclear industry in 50s???

Maybe I didn’t wrote properly what I meant :

USA have all technologies for nuclear reactors. That’s not the problem.

France was also fully independent on those technologies due to their own research. That’s not the problem.

Problem is the french sold the intellectual property of some key things they owned to the US. Now even if the USA don’t need those IP , fact is they own it now and can blackmail France over it. That’s the real problem !
I hope I explained correctly now. (Sorry English is not my first language so it happen sometime that in my mind what I wrote is correct but for experts in English language or natives it not).
Maybe I didn’t wrote properly what I meant :

USA have all technologies for nuclear reactors. That’s not the problem.

France was also fully independent on those technologies due to their own research. That’s not the problem.

Problem is the french sold the intellectual property of some key things they owned to the US. Now even if the USA don’t need those IP , fact is they own it now and can blackmail France over it. That’s the real problem !
I hope I explained correctly now. (Sorry English is not my first language so it happen sometime that in my mind what I wrote is correct but for experts in English language or natives it not).
Lol what's the proofs that USA blackmailed France and you didn't answer my question DID FRANCE HAVE MORE ADVANCED NUCLEAR INDUSTRY THAN USA IN 50s????
Lol what's the proofs that USA blackmailed France and you didn't answer my question DID FRANCE HAVE MORE ADVANCED NUCLEAR INDUSTRY THAN USA IN 50s????
Oh yaar your question is irrevelant to the current issue about the what … ? Oh the resistance to USA pressure.
But if you had read this thread properly you would have got your answer !

Already blackmailed ? Yes but not openly as they do…. to Pakistan for example. Read this page .. you will find one exemple where France was blackmailed.
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