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EU to keep China arms embargo


Feb 13, 2010
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EUobserver / EU to keep China arms embargo despite massive investments


05.01.2011 @ 09:23 CET

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Catherine Ashton has failed to persuade the UK and other Beijing-critical member states to lift the EU arms embargo on China. But China is continuing to build influence in the Union with bond purchases from vulnerable countries.

"There remains a broad consensus within the EU that the time is not right to lift the arms embargo. We need to see clear progress on the issues that necessitated the embargo in the first place, namely on civil liberties and political rights," a British diplomat told EUobserver on Tuesday (4 January) in response to speculation on a potential shift in EU policy, which would require agreement by all 27 EU members.

A diplomat from a former Communist EU country added: "There is simply no talk of it in the run-up to the EU foreign ministers' meeting [on 31 January]. After the Nobel Peace Prize and China's reaction to that, it is politically unimaginable to make any move for the time being."

Leaving aside the moral dimension, any change on the embargo could also harm EU-US relations.

Asked by EUobserver on Tuesday if the US is reconsidering its position on China arms sales, the State Department pointed to comments made by a senior US diplomat, John Hillen, in 2005 as still being relevant. Mr Hillen at the time said that lifting the embargo would "raise a major obstacle to future US defence co-operation with Europe."

The EU imposed the ban in 1989 in response to China's killings of thousands of dissidents during protests in Beijing's Tiananmen Square.

France and Spain have recently argued that the arms ban is out of date due to China's economic metamorphosis and de facto changes in EU-China trade relations.

The EU's foreign relations chief, British politician Catherine Ashton, aligned herself with anti-embargo countries in a strategy paper on China delivered to EU leaders in December. The paper said the embargo is "a major impediment" for better relations and that the Union should elaborate "a way forward."

Her appeal came despite China's aggressive diplomacy on the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize award to Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo.

China at the time urged EU embassies in Oslo to boycott the Nobel gala or face unspecified "consequences." Chinese President Hu Jintao had the same month visited Lisbon and promised to support its ailing economy, while Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao had in in Athens in October promised to buy junk Greek bonds.

In the end Greece and Portugal both sent ambassadors to the Nobel event. But China has begun the new year with a fresh EU diplomatic offensive targeting Germany, Spain and the UK.

Chinese deputy prime minister Li Keqiang arrived in Madrid on Tuesday and will go to Berlin and London later in the week.

The Chinese ambassador to Spain, Zhu Bangzao, told Spanish daily El Pais on Tuesday that Beijing will buy more Spanish bonds, saying: "During these times of crisis, China feels it is a requirement to support Spain and the EU ... We are not coming empty handed." China's ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming, wrote in a comment for British daily The Telegraph the same day: "[We] will take concrete action to help some EU members to address their sovereign debt problem ... China is doing what a Chinese proverb says about 'sending charcoal in snowy weather'."

With a sovereign debt crisis in Spain threatening the future of the eurozone, the EU-China game is being played out for the highest possible stakes.

An EU diplomatic source noted that this week's trip by Mr Li is designed to help bring state-of-the-art aviation technology to China rather than military technology strictly speaking. "The Chinese have stopped pressing on the arms embargo at every possible opportunity and are focusing their efforts more on high-tech exports for now," the contact explained.
The EU wishes china to turn into another trollocracy! thats all!
But the chinese are smart as well..Nikitia Kurchev never suceeded with "we will bury you" but Chinese have so far done well with "we will buy you". Situation has demonstrated that money works well for the Europeans! Recalled Pakistani nuclear programme?? Money talks..very loudly indeed!

In a nutshell..Indian diplomacy can win despite being all the world destitute and poor piling up in there..and ever increasing.

Chinese fail despite being the 90% contributor to world poverty eradication..as well leading record developments in Africa where colonial legacies and democracy failed to accomplish anything.

The Chinese fault is simply being fair and square..had they been acting like the corrupt Europeans dacoits they will be praised all over the media from Washington to Lisbon.

Whats good is something if it will hinder your development by decades and leaves millions of destitute poor but enables you to buy latest and greatest weapons all over the world.

At best i see the EU split in future over china..with each faction having their own opinion. Derailing the EU could be one of China;s biggest diplomatic success! I dont understand what moral dimension EU is talking about when it has the world records like colonialism, looting and robbery as its crown jewels!
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well , bozo u had to bring india in it do u

i am wondering what would ur opinion be if india acted in the same way against kashmiri separatist , the way china acted against pro democracy activist
It is ok for china to kill thousands of human right activists
while here in India both seperatist and pro maoist dickhead talk freely

As far as powerty iradicarion is concerned , well china did alleivate 700 million people out of poverty in the last 10 yrs compared to India which alleivated 205 million people out of poverty
but the difference is that china had a per capita income of 1200 USD in yr 2000 ,Indian per capita income reached that figure in 2010
So in short run , when indian economy reaches the current chinese level ie by 2022 , then we expect similar economic profile of the population
govt has set a modest poverty alleivation target of uplifting 350 million people out of poverty by 2020 and 560 Million by 2025
ie increase there income to more than 2 USD a day

As far as ur other rant is concerned regarding increasing poverty in India , well let me tell u that is total BS fed by Haqs Musing and Dawn news
which by the way were trying to say that pak is still better despite facing BOP crises and economic growth which was struggling to keep pace with population growth
IF we look at WB , UN figures People below poverty line ie 1.25 USD a day , in India stood at 430 Million in yr 2007 , which declined to 376 Million in 2010
same is the case with number of people below 2 USD a day which declined from 835 Million in 2007 to 780 Million in 2010
well , bozo u had to bring india in it do u

i am wondering what would ur opinion be if india acted in the same way against kashmiri separatist , the way china acted against pro democracy activist
It is ok for china to kill thousands of human right activists
while here in India both seperatist and pro maoist dickhead talk freely

As far as powerty iradicarion is concerned , well china did alleivate 700 million people out of poverty in the last 10 yrs compared to India which alleivated 205 million people out of poverty
but the difference is that china had a per capita income of 1200 USD in yr 2000 ,Indian per capita income reached that figure in 2010
So in short run , when indian economy reaches the current chinese level ie by 2022 , then we expect similar economic profile of the population
govt has set a modest poverty alleivation target of uplifting 350 million people out of poverty by 2020 and 560 Million by 2025
ie increase there income to more than 2 USD a day

As far as ur other rant is concerned regarding increasing poverty in India , well let me tell u that is total BS fed by Haqs Musing and Dawn news
which by the way were trying to say that pak is still better despite facing BOP crises and economic growth which was struggling to keep pace with population growth
IF we look at WB , UN figures People below poverty line ie 1.25 USD a day , in India stood at 430 Million in yr 2007 , which declined to 376 Million in 2010
same is the case with number of people below 2 USD a day which declined from 835 Million in 2007 to 780 Million in 2010

dont mind some people will BRING INDIA into topic even if topic is on mars, this people are just obssesed with INDIA nothing else.

china is really playing smart . they are buying credits of more and more european countries so that they will get dependent on china.
at the moment china has money to offer to drowning European economies and china is using it fully. so even if china doesn't manage to bring entire EU to its camp it will certainly succeed in dividing the EU thus making it weaker. and making USA even weaker without European support.:whistle::whistle:
if nothing else this will further open the markets for china because now china has another leverage in negotiations
In fact, some EU countries such as Italia and Germany keep selling militay technology and equipment to us in past 10 years.

Arms embargo is just a diplomatic attitude of EU, no big deal, we can do it ourselves, you see J20? haha
The EU can not lift the embargo for a long time. China will illegally copy them.
French media commonly used in the release of smoke. To make the Beijing government to buy more French goods.
i think us of a is pressurizing EU to keep embargo on china. this way america will hamper growth of china. (at least they think so.)
i think us of a is pressurizing EU to keep embargo on china. this way america will hamper growth of china. (at least they think so.)

In reality it can't hamper anything. Actually it is a good thing because it pressures China to develop its own industry. Accusations of copy or not, China has come a long way since.
embargo us for 100 years. this is year 20. by year 30 the europeans will be begging to import our weapons to protect them from USA.
The Chinese is lending them money (so looks like), also giving them free political capital (EU will keep the embargo). Over thought at best from Chinese.

The current crisis is an opportunity for the Europeans. They can't get worse (leading to the crisis), or they can get better. They don't need Chinese baby-sitting them.

What a mess the world has become.

On the other hand, the EURO is a serious problem. I guess for typical Christian, it's just easier to get "help" from non-Christians than their Christian brothers. And not strange, Christianity is so widely accepted by Europeans because it installs a false sense of equality amonst themselves.

The worst nightmare of Christians is not being "equal" among with his peers.

"Already miss me?"
Hell no. Sadam's existence and pre 2003, maybe.

Good intention at best, bad moves at least.
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The EU can not lift the embargo for a long time. China will illegally copy them.
French media commonly used in the release of smoke. To make the Beijing government to buy more French goods.

you should read French media then
before opening your mouth
glad to hear that. This pressures China to develop the technology by herself.

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