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Escape route for Pakistanis


May 3, 2009
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Escape route


The recent exodus of Syrians into Turkey following the massive unrest in Syria seems to be just the beginning in a wave of refugees within the Arab region. A hotbed of revolutionary activity, the Middle East is desperately trying to fight back after decades of abuse at the hands of its dictatorial leaders.

Pakistan is probably not about to follow that path of resistance anytime soon. That is already the subject of many raging debates. The revolution that is taking place though is more in the form of a mass exodus from the country. Westward migration was always the preferred form of improvement for the well-off in Pakistan, since it was primarily only they who could afford to migrate.

But since early this year, following the backlash against support to repealing the blasphemy law and more recently, the OBL takedown, the rush towards immigration to countries like Canada and Australia, has seen a massive surge among Pakistanis of various economic backgrounds. This includes those from within Pakistan’s minority Hindu, Christian and Ahmadi communities who are desperately (now more than ever) trying to seek asylum in countries like India and Thailand.

But not everyone can afford to migrate to the West. It takes a great deal of money and time to emigrate abroad, something only a fraction of the population can afford. The waiting time for various countries also varies between two, to an excruciating five years. Other Muslim countries like the UAE and Malaysia, do not encourage immigration and instead allow only residency status, that too conditional on a great deal of fixed financial investment. EU countries, already Islamophobic in many cases, narrowed down their immigration options for South Asian’s a long time ago. Plus, we don’t speak the language. So choices for even the well-off are now more limited.

Ordinary Pakistani’s on the other hand, don’t have any choices at all. Most are not literate, barely make enough to support their families and many don’t even have passports, let alone ever been out of the country. According to a wild guesstimate, that’s probably at least 90 per cent of the total population. And those belonging to the expat labour class in the Middle East are on the verge of being sent home any time their employers choose.

So hypothetically, in the event of a catastrophe that seems to be in the making everyday in Pakistan, where would ordinary Pakistani’s flee to if they had to? Let’s take a look at the options.

To the West, we have Afghanistan. Join the Taliban in one of the world’s most barren and hostile countries anyone? Maybe an option for our own Taliban, but not for the majority, considering we were never very hospitable to the Afghans in their time of need.

A tiny tip of Iran lies South-West across Balochistan. Ideal for those who have been smuggling humans and contrabands for the last few decades, but probably not the best option for the rest of us. They don’t like us very much in Iran anyway. It’s our nukes versus theirs.

To the East, lies India. Any takers? I didn’t think so.

To the North, lies the frigid landscape of the Khunjerab Pass, offering a gateway to our brother-in-arms (for now), China. But they have too many of their own to start with. Plus, we were never very nice to the Chinese engineers. How many have been cold-bloodedly murdered while serving here?

Further North-West, lies Central Asia; never one of our closest allies and themselves mired in a mess of dictatorship and poverty, the region is probably not a good choice, given the limited direct travel routes also fairly harsh and unforgiving. And Uzbek Airways, would have probably suspended its services by then anyway.

And finally to the South, lies the vast open Arabian Sea. The only ones able to navigate that exit, would be our coastal fishermen, who will surely be happy to leave behind anyone who can’t swim, which is most Pakistanis. Besides, the only land across this sea may just be one of the usurpers to begin with, so one would be playing into the hands of the enemy so to speak.

So it seems that Pakistanis are literally sandwiched between a rock and a hard place; take your pick.

This diatribe of morbid sarcasm is meant to raise two questions. Firstly, why have we created a situation for ourselves, where we are out of favour with not one, but all of our neighbours? The world beyond is a different story. You can’t keep everyone happy. But at the bare minimum, shouldn’t it be our immediate neighbours we should be amending ties with?

Secondly, how close are Pakistanis’ to considering exit options in case of an emergency? God forbid, we are not a Somalia or Sudan (yet), but simply the fact that matters are getting beyond our control, is enough cause for most of us to start thinking of alternatives, not just for economic reasons, but for security as well.

The truth is, that whatever transpires over the next few years, or maybe even months, most Pakistanis’ will stay in Pakistan, not because they choose to stay, but because they were never given any other option. Domestically, the majority of the population does not have the life skills to survive anywhere else in this fast globalizing age. Internationally, we have scarred ourselves so badly that no one really wants us, not even our refugees.

So for better or for worse (probably the latter), the majority of Pakistanis’ will never be able to escape the madness, unless they risk being trapped in no-man’s land around any one of our borders.

Ideally, our only choice then would be to fight to improve their lives here, but the waters passed under that bridge a long time ago. But whatever, the odds, there is still a choice Pakistanis can make. It’s up to them to choose wisely and choose fast.


Escape route | Blog | DAWN.COM
the writer is a sadist to say the least. its people like him who are looking for escape routes, not majority of patriotic Pakistanis.

I had a choice to become an australian citizen, i declined and came back. And i have many such friends who did the same. So in short we Pakistanis are not looking for any kind of escape routes. We are looking for ways to improve the situation with the limited means we have.

Our escape routes could be educating the future generations, fighting the mullah/ummah curse and voting for a better candidate in the next election.

The ones who are looking for escape routes, do not deserve to live here. Pakistan would be better without them.
the writer is a sadist to say the least. its people like him who are looking for escape routes, not majority of patriotic Pakistanis.

I had a choice to become an australian citizen, i declined and came back. And i have many such friends who did the same. So in short we Pakistanis are not looking for any kind of escape routes. We are looking for ways to improve the situation with the limited means we have.

Our escape routes could be educating the future generations, fighting the mullah/ummah curse and voting for a better candidate in the next election.

The ones who are looking for escape routes, do not deserve to live here. Pakistan would be better without them.

Well said brother, well said!!
Why Pakistani media is so pessimistic? They are doing a great disservice to the nation by passing on their pessimism to the masses.
the writer is a sadist to say the least. its people like him who are looking for escape routes, not majority of patriotic Pakistanis.
I had a choice to become an australian citizen, i declined and came back. And i have many such friends who did the same. So in short we Pakistanis are not looking for any kind of escape routes. We are looking for ways to improve the situation with the limited means we have.
Our escape routes could be educating the future generations, fighting the mullah/ummah curse and voting for a better candidate in the next election.
The ones who are looking for escape routes, do not deserve to live here. Pakistan would be better without them.

its hypothetically speaking ,if there is a catastrophe or mass exodus what will pakistanis do ... and bottom line is No where !! i gathered Pakistanis have no choice either way , they are stuck and have decide quick what route they wish to choose
Why Pakistani media is so pessimistic? They are doing a great disservice to the nation by passing on their pessimism to the masses.

Thats what I have been saying! I think it pains them to show the positive aspects of Pakistan.

Not only is the media overly pessimistic, the general public in Pakistan love to engage in dooms day scenarios too
Why Pakistani media is so pessimistic? They are doing a great disservice to the nation by passing on their pessimism to the masses.

A pat on the back by the white man and an interview with CNN is a great deal for a brown Chamri, didn't you know ?
Xollocks article most pakistani origin people i know in uk are simply economic migrants.
Pakistanis are not like Arabs or Afghanis.

Remember the 2010 floods, remember the 2005 earthquakes, remember the military operations in Swat and South Waziristan?

Where did the locals flee? To other parts of Pakistan. Even when South Waziristan is on the Pak-Afghan border, the locals didn't flee to a different country, they fled to other parts of Pakistan. Even when Azad Kashmir is on the Line of Control with India Occupied Kashmir, the locals affected by the 2005 earthquake didnt flee to another country but fled to other parts of Pakistan. Even when Sindh is on the border with India, the locals affected by the 2010 floods didnt flee to another country but fled to other parts of Pakistan.

If we have a worse crisis than we already had in the past then all Pakistanis are welcomed to my ancestral village in Punjab Province of Pakistan. We Punjabi Pakistanis welcome all Pakistanis to our province :pakistan:

By the way, some of us Pakistanis like going to the west and gulf countries, but we dont like going to our neighbouring countries because we already know the reality of our neighbouring countries especially the two neighbouring countries that we share our longest borders with :P
I have seen a flood of such articles floating around in different newspapers and a lot of anti-Pakistan people coming on the tele to spread hopelessness.. Some of the anchors have "suddenly" switched their stand on what can happen in Pakistan, in fact, they do not wish to express any positiveness on live TV.

One can say that they are switching because they cannot see the light.. but i would rather say that they suddenly switch cuz they saw the light.. the light of dollars.. anyways, i do not wish to start any conspiracy theory as there are already many wondering around.. i just wish to state a fact.. Pakistanis are not quitters.. never have been.. never will.. so those of you who wish to see Pakistan as a failed state may want to find some place to hide.. because i am feeling calm now a days.. i think its time for the prophet Mohammad PBUH's prophecy of 'Khurasaan' to come true..

for those of you who know about it will accept the fact and those of you who don't know.. go read..

Pakistan is here to stay and will stay insha Allah.. nothing can happen to MY country.. we don't go easy on quitters and we don't want them to be part of us.. they are so unsure about Pakistan's future.. be our guest.. flee to your masters.. we won't miss you..
Oh dear, even the most concerned by terrorism - tribesmen from NWFP - fight with their limited resources. Why the rest of the millions of Pakistans be more worried, seriously ? The author talks like in every city/viillage there is a nuclear explosion.
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