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Enough evidence of Indian involvement in Balochistan, Waziristan

If you're going to back your accusation on a source that has no link to what you are referring to, there's no point on posting it then. Just my 2 paisas :rolleyes:

The same applies to the Anti Pakistani spam on this forum. So you see i don't really get where this attitude is coming from, if you don't like it "ignore" it, as i have done with several posters here.

To say that we should post "neutral" sources is illogical, you cannot take a side and be neutral at the same time... Understand the flaw in that logic?

Besides when you mean "neutral" do you honestly expect most foreign broadsheets to give in-depth "impartial" coverage to such affairs?
The same applies to the Anti Pakistani spam on this forum. So you see i don't really get where this attitude is coming from, if you don't like it "ignore" it, as i have done with several posters here.

To say that we should post "neutral" sources is illogical, you cannot take a side and be neutral at the same time... Understand the flaw in that logic?

Besides when you mean "neutral" do you honestly expect most foreign broadsheets to give in-depth "impartial" coverage to such affairs?

I understand that as well.. However any thread I've started comes from a neutral source neither Indian nor pak.

If it doesn't include one's sentiments or assumption, yes I would consider that neutral.
Paladin said:
To say that we should post "neutral" sources is illogical, you cannot take a side and be neutral at the same time... Understand the flaw in that logic?

Besides when you mean "neutral" do you honestly expect most foreign broadsheets to give in-depth "impartial" coverage to such affairs?

It's not about "neutral" sources but rather "credible" ones. Every credible report has a link to the original wikilieak cables.

However this thread (like the Hindutva and India-Iran TTP one) has no links whatsoever.
I hope everybody here realizes that Jang Group has published hoax reports from fake Wikileaks first published by Ahmed Quraishi/Rupee News. These are fake cables. There are no cable numbers to relate them to. Media fooled by our "agencies". Surely, everything they wanted to say about India just found a "fake" source.

Leaking Away (Updated)
Reading through the top story in today's The News and Jang, my eyes grew progressively wider and wider. Not so much from the latest Wikileaks revelations about India as from sheer incredulity.


The News Karachi's front page today​

Titled "Enough evidence of Indian involvement in Waziristan, Balochistan" (aside: how much is 'enough'?) in The News, the main story deals with a slew of information allegedly from US diplomatic cables sent from Delhi as well as other missions around the world about India. They confirm everything Pakistanis (or at least certain types of Pakistanis) always said about India: it's direct involvement of India in the anti-state activities in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and Balochistan, the weakness of the Indian dossier on Ajmal Kassab, the manipulated nature of Indian evidence about the ISI's involvement in the Mumbai attacks, the sissyness of India's generals who do things out of personal ego and petulance rather than well-thought-out strategy, the internal rifts in the Indian army, the similarity of the situation in Kashmir with that in Bosnia in the 1990s, the involvement of Indian intelligence in promoting Hindu extremists to conduct false flag attacks against India itself to implicate the ISI and Indian Muslims etc etc etc.


Jang's front page today[/CENTER]

But I think where my incredulity reached a tipping point was when the cables claimed well regarded Indian policeman Hemant Karkare - who had been following leads about the involvement of Indian right-wing Hindutva organizations in the Samjhota Express bombing and about whose death there has already been plenty of controversy within India - was "eliminated in a pre-planned ambush during the Mumbai attacks", the implication being 'by the covert operatives of the Indian army.' According to the report in The News:

"The cable suggested that Hemant Karkare held a secret meeting with a senior US diplomat in New Delhi during the national day reception of a friendly country and briefed him about the gravity and the growing depth of the nexus between top Indian Army leadership and the militant Hindu fanatic groups. Karkare sought security for him and his family from the said American diplomat as he feared that the army and establishment would eliminate him as he intended to move further to expose the network. He had further briefed the said US diplomat that a former commander-in-chief of the Central Command of the Indian army, Lt Gen PN Hoon, was heading the militancy wing of the Hindu extremists and was getting full tactical, logistic and financial support from senior army officers. The day, Karkare was eliminated in a pre-planned ambush during the Mumbai attacks, a cable sent to the US read “we have lost an important link and a vital evidence”."

This was HUGE. This was BEYOND huge! Surely the world would be going mad with this new revelation!

Imagine my bewilderment then, when I turned to other papers and discovered that there seemed to be no mention of this story anywhere in any other Pakistani paper... not Dawn, not Express Tribune, not the Daily Times et al (Okay, so The Nation and Nawai Waqt did have it, but who believes anything they run?). Did the Jang Group and Majid Nizami's vanity projects just scoop everyone else? So I went online to check the Indian papers. No mention. Cowards. But what was really strange was that I couldn't seem to find these incredibly incriminating cables anywhere on the Guardian Wikileaks website or even mentioned anywhere in a Google News search.

In fact, the only other place which seemed to have the story were those redoubts of journalistic integrity, Rupee News and the Daily Mail Post type sites. Ah. And this absurd plant is your top story, Jang Group? Really?

Small wonder The News and Jang give the source of the report as "Agencies."

Question: How stupid do the "Agencies" really think Pakistanis are?

: : : UPDATE : : :

So, the Express Tribune did in fact run a similar story. On page 8. Datelined Washington and sourced from the wire agency Online. I had mistakenly thought they had had better sense but it seems they didn't have much faith in the revelations to put them on the front page or somewhere else more prominent. Which of course begs the question, then why run them at all?

Incidentally, here is a link to the cheerleader Ahmed Quraishi's page, making the most of his imagination. And here is the Daily Mail Post basking in his reflected glory. Thanks to @Rezhasan and Shahid Saeed for the links.

Cafe Pyala: Leaking Away (Updated)
oh come on, not again, another thread without orignal transcripts.

pakleaks instead of wikileaks should be used in threads, bcoz they are not providing any evidence.
oh come on, not again, another thread without orignal transcripts.

pakleaks instead of wikileaks should be used in threads, bcoz they are not providing any evidence.

I dont understand how do you people go about thinking....wikileaks has NOT PROVIDED LINK TO EVERY ONE OF 125000+ DOCUMENTS i hope this clears it a bit:coffee:
hasnain0099 said:
...........wikileaks database is no longer available for downloading.....there were more than 4000 docs on Pakistan. they simply put all 125000+ docs in a torrent....how can you get a link out of there

There you go a mirror to wikileaks :coffee:

Whole database available

Smiley's don't add weight to an argument
The Indian media runs concocted confessions attributed to Headley, that cannot be verified based on the information in his plea agreement/deposition made to US LEA's, and some of the Pakistani media is running concocted stories attributed to wikileaks.

The line about Gen. Singh being a 'egotist, braggart etc.' is in fact a comment made about Gen. Panang on the blog Pragmatic Euphony back in january of 2008:

It doesn’t take great wisdom to understand the reason behind the story — to discredit Lt. General Panag. Not that Lt. General Panag is a paragon of virtue himself. By all accounts, he is an egotist, self-obsessed, petulant and idiosyncratic General, a braggadocio and a show-off, who has been disliked (and barely tolerated) by all his subordinates.


Of course the purpose here has been served, the claims are out there and many Pakistanis (and perhaps others as well) who read the Pakistani media will believe the claims made, much like the concocted Headely confessions in the Indian media found a lot of traction with Indians and others who read Indian papers.

So much for 'Aman ki Asha', given that the two papers involved in that initiative, Times of India and The News, are the ones that run the most derogatory and unverified pieces about the other country. Kudos to the Pakistani papers that did not run the piece because much of the claims were unverified.

There was no need for the Pakistani papers to resort to this - there is enough information trickling out through the wikileaks that suggests that the Indians and Afghans are involved in supporting/sheltering terrorists attacking Pakistan.
The Indian media runs concocted confessions attributed to Headley, that cannot be verified based on the information in his plea agreement/deposition made to US LEA's, and some of the Pakistani media is running concocted stories attributed to wikileaks.

The line about Gen. Singh being a 'egotist, braggart etc.' is in fact a comment made about Gen. Panang on the blog Pragmatic Euphony back in january of 2008:

It doesn’t take great wisdom to understand the reason behind the story — to discredit Lt. General Panag. Not that Lt. General Panag is a paragon of virtue himself. By all accounts, he is an egotist, self-obsessed, petulant and idiosyncratic General, a braggadocio and a show-off, who has been disliked (and barely tolerated) by all his subordinates.


Of course the purpose here has been served, the claims are out there and many Pakistanis (and perhaps others as well) who read the Pakistani media will believe the claims made, much like the concocted Headely confessions in the Indian media found a lot of traction with Indians and others who read Indian papers.

So much for 'Aman ki Asha', given that the two papers involved in that initiative, Times of India and The News, are the ones that run the most derogatory and unverified pieces about the other country. Kudos to the Pakistani papers that did not run the piece because much of the claims were unverified.

There was no need for the Pakistani papers to resort to this - there is enough information trickling out through the wikileaks that suggests that the Indians and Afghans are involved in supporting/sheltering terrorists attacking Pakistan.

Awesome critical analysis sir and excellent pick up on the "Aman ki Asha" nonsense. I really enjoyed reading your post and your insight into the matter.
oh come on, not again, another thread without orignal transcripts.

pakleaks instead of wikileaks should be used in threads, bcoz they are not providing any evidence.

Did you actually bother reading though the comments of the poster?

my simple friend he is saying that its not authentic just one media group is showing it without source
Aman ki Asha is hogwash. By the way, TOI could be jingoistic and reports like Arnab Goswami high on steroid, but at least they don't make their front page based on fake stories. Thankfully Dawn didn't stoop to these idiot's level.
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