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Encirclement of China



New Recruit

Jun 28, 2011
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It is a like a game of Risk. Forces are being arrayed in geographical regions which threaten outher countries. The US is surely building a net around Beijing and China feels threatened. Its only major ally in the world was and remains Pakistan.

China is a facing a three pronged attack and faces encrclement on all sides:

1) Many analysts claim that the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan under various pretexts was and remains an attempt to surround China’s Western flank and and put pressure on Iran (’till it brings about a complaint regime change in Tehran).

2) The recent construction of the Marine base in Northern Autralia has sent ripples across the Pacific and the South China Sea.

3) Bharat has just reactivated it airbase in Southern Tibet (which Bharat calls Arunchal Pradesh).

The Obama Administraton is taking a very strong posture against Beijing. China has been constructing its strength by building its own strengths. The reaction from Beijing right now is measured. The expert specializes in U.S.-China relations. ”Yu Wanli of Peking University’s School of International Studies said many Chinese would likely view Obama’s new posture as a betrayal of that professed partnership and that could narrow Beijing’s options, forcing a tougher response.”

The Chinese have been closely watching the machinitions and following Deng Xiaopeng‘s version of “Walk quietly and Carry a big stick”.

“Public opinion may put the Chinese government in an embarrassing situation.” Yu Wanli.

The Chinese media has reacted with a sense of patriotic ferver. Beijing has a deep-rooted suspicion of the U.S. intentions. Some of the alarm bells have been sounded by the Global Times, a semi-official organ of the the Communist Party. The theme of besiegement is all over the People’s Daily. The People’s Liberation Army major general is quoted as saying that the expanded U.S. training and deployment base in Australia was one of a series of U.S. installations to “encircle China from the north to the south of the Asia-Pacific region.”

In another article published in the Global Times says “Six ways of countering the eastward movement of American strategy.” The Global Times repeates the well known discussion that the U.S. wanted to weaken China by nurturing hostile forces within China and putting the pressure on China’s relations with its neighbors. Chinese analysts are talking about retaliation reducing China’s purchases of U.S. government debt. The Chinese purchases have helped keep U.S. interest rates low. Chinese analysts are suggesting that Beijing should stop buying the T-Bonds to stop the US meddling in the South China Sea. At the behest of the US, Bharat is working with Vietnam to provoke China. Beijing is defending its claims to islands, reefs and atolls which is also being claimed with five other governments.

The Global Times says “As long as we stick to our guns, time will be on our side.”

China Defends Against Encirclement | PKKH.tv
Encirclement of China is also known as A string of Samosa(Indian encirclement of China) and A string of Hamburger (US encirclement of China).
Bhai logon Ab to auntee jee ko choor do , wo itne saaron ko ek saath nahee jheal pa rahee:woot::butcher::D:D;)..so much for samosa:hitwall::hitwall:
Encirclement of China is also known as A string of Samosa(Indian encirclement of China) and A string of Hamburger (US encirclement of China).
Joker.. China's favorite food is pork.. so against India, China makes a "string of pork sausage" and one of China's sausage is Pakistan
Encirclement of China is also known as A string of Samosa(Indian encirclement of China) and A string of Hamburger (US encirclement of China).

I am fearful of China's String of Dimsums. We will join Japanese in making String of Sushis against Chinese. Yummy Yummy :girl_wacko: :girl_wacko:
Rubbish of an article taken from a third rate blog.
No one is encircling China. China does not need to be encircled. It is encircled form birth. China is encircled geographically. One look at the map is enough. In the north is Russia, in the west are the CAR nations where Russia holds sway and US is buying its foot holds and slowly but steadily eating into Russia's back yard. In the south is India. All that is available to China for entry, exit, trade etc is the east. Is there any doubt as to why China is so sensitive to the goings on in the East and South China Seas then?
China could have ensured that the environment on its east was friendlier than that in the north, west or south but, alas, that was not to be. With South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Philippines, the east is not exactly a friendly place. Much of the fault for this lies with China itself. The US has merely capitalised upon and taken advantage of the format which already existed here.

Just as the Soviet Union was always severely handicapped due to its limited access to the world's oceans through warm water ports, so will this problem always hinder China's elevation to super power status. One of the biggest reasons for America's continued domination of the world is the totally free, unhindered and unlimited access to the two major oceans, Pacific and Atlantic and thanks to the generosity of the Russian Empire, USA also has access to the Arctic Ocean via Alaska.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and Australia are irrelevant to the issue. It was geography that encircled China.

Just my two paisas.

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