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Election rigging next on agenda to keep IK out of power


Feb 6, 2022
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United States
So a media narrative is being laid down in which according to one Mr.Najam sethi, next election will be completely "fair" under a controlled technocratic setup in which PML-N will be in position get twice the seats than PTI (doesn't matter if in reality the ground support for PML-N is not even 20% to that of PTI). He also said that if IK does not accept the results then technocratic setup will be continued by force, but IK will not be allowed to come in power with majority.

Even PPP will be having more than PTI. 50+

It's clear that IK has successfully dragged the entire system towards elections, but his real challenge will be to stop the system from carrying out election rigging of this scale where his 2/3 majority is reduced to a mere joke of 40 seats. IK needs to continue his pressure until the government snatched from him is returned to him.

Elections in current system are farce.

Planted ECP chairman wasn't enough, so interim government will be planted to rig the elections.

Islamabad March is the only hope to solve things permanently. Sadly, men in power circles are not paying attention to the voice/demands of 220 million Pakistanis.
Elections in current system are farce.

Planted ECP chairman wasn't enough, so interim government will be planted to rig the elections.

Islamabad March is the only hope to solve things permanently. Sadly, men in power circles are not paying attention to the voice/demands of 220 million Pakistanis.
I am 100% sure that IK will only get what he forces the system to. They will never let him get what he is worth. In Pakistan, power talks to power. And sooner or later it will become clear to everyone.
Western powers, our establishment, our rotten system and old corrupt political parties have been brutally exposed by IK. They will do anything in their power to rigg elections and keep him out. IK should proceed with march to Isl and demostrate his emphatic public support and warn especially corrupt elements in establishment that if elections are rigged, there will be serious consequences.
He is an old fart trying to justify his paycheque. Does he or anyone else believe that IK whose narrative is more popular than the narrative of the combined PDM, who has a massive support of the people will sit idle and accept this massive rigging? They are in for another surprise. In 2013 IK has reservations on 4 constituencies, and he led the longest dharna of modern history, his popularity has skyrocketed since then and nobody in their right mind can think that IK cannot win an absolute 2/3rd majority.
Yes! PDM and its supporters who engineered this whole fiasco will try everything to keep these parties relevant however saying that PTI will be held back even by PPP, well no body is going to accept these results.
LOL stop watching Najam Sethi.
Don't usually do it But not watching will not reverse the narrative or plan in works.
In 2013 election IK trusted them and 35 punctures came out.
In 2018 election RTS was shut down in middle of night and PTI seats were reduced to keep him in "check" and move a NCM against him whenever they wished.
The next election will result in same unless IK makes fool proof plan because a plan is already in works to stop him, EVM, ivoting already reversed.
Of course, Bajwa & Co. would do their utmost to stop IK from coming back to power.
He is an old fart trying to justify his paycheque. Does he or anyone else believe that IK whose narrative is more popular than the narrative of the combined PDM, who has a massive support of the people will sit idle and accept this massive rigging? They are in for another surprise. In 2013 IK has reservations on 4 constituencies, and he led the longest dharna of modern history, his popularity has skyrocketed since then and nobody in their right mind can think that IK cannot win an absolute 2/3rd majority.
Yes! PDM and its supporters who engineered this whole fiasco will try everything to keep these parties relevant however saying that PTI will be held back even by PPP, well no body is going to accept these results.
True, only problem is this will prolong the return stability that IK brought with much effort in 3.5 yrs. If this state continues for another year or so, imagine where the economy will go. Who is the beneficiary, certainly not Pakistan. In a way the objective has been met even though IK is ever more popular.
PDM government is not going to anywhere, not only key posting in Army but there would be at least 5 Sc judges appointed in next 4 months, judicial commission will working from tomorrow for 3 vacant seats. There are total nine members in JC, CJ Bandial and Ejaz ul Ahsan are on one side and The seven other members of the Judicial Commission include Justice Qazi Issa, Justice Sardar Tariq, Justice Mazhar Alam Mian Khel, retired Judge Sarmad Jalal, Member Bar Council Akhtar Hussain, Attorney General Ashtar Osaf and Law Minister Azam Nazir Tarrar.

Beside this government has to decide about fate of Chairman NAB.
Rigging is a reality.

The Establishment, Courts, PDM, handlers will try to rig the elections as much as possible.

The PTI can only minimize it. Only way is public pressure and negotiations with establishment for their resignations. It’s next to impossible but this needs to be done.
Its really fun to see PDM into such a helpless and hopeless situation. Such a coward Govt, even scared to increase petrol prices by Rs 1.


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