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Egyptian Armed Forces

First of all..Egypt makes laser guided munitions for a long time now.. As for the AESA radar.. Egypt fixed this problem by linking the F-16s to its AWACS's with 500km range and terrestrial strategic early warning Radars like Resonance E with over 1000 km range.. And military satellites..

Also the guy in the video asks the question; what is the secret Why the US and Usrael are still using the Sparrow air to air missile eventhough they have the AMRAM with double the range and own AESA radar?
The answer is that the Sparrow is much better at hunting stealth targets like cruise missiles, drones or UAV's that fly very low..since the sparrow is semi-active it is guided by the fighter's radar not like the AIM-120 that counts on its own small radar..the Sparrow counts on the F-16's radar which is much bigger and more powerful than the AIM's one that can lose its efficiency against cruise missiles and drones flying very low and hiding through natural contours..Hence the Sparrow will keep its efficiency at hunting the targets without ever loosing them from sight till hitting them..This is how it is superior against stealth cruise missiles and drones flying very low..

More so..the Egyptian F-16s are integrated in an air system comprising the Rafale, the Mig-29M-M2 and most likely the SU-35 .. on top of the AWACS and the ground powerful radars.. add to it one the world's most powerful air defense systems..

The day of fighter to fighter air warfare is gone.. today its a system against another system that prevails in modern air combat.. and Egypt has managed to have its own very modern integrated air warfare system that offsets any F-16 ( more than 200 of them) shortcomings!!!

We can conclude that the Egyptian F-16s hence keep their potency in air defense, air to ground and anti-chip capabilities..

* The guy in the video concludes to tell to anyone who says the F-16 is junk and not needed anymore after this knowledge.. that he is the one not needed..
Unfortunately all your info is from blogs and none of it make sense ...F16S don't have air to air missiles and don't have guided ammunition.. basically sitting ducks 🦆🦆🦆🦆

E2 Hawkeye are ancient..

Yea I hope something out of the aging mig29 but rafales still don't have the meteor making it again sitting duck 🦆🦆🦆

Kinda reminds me how Israel dismantled the numerical superior airforce within few days in 1960s
Unfortunately all your info is from blogs and none of it make sense ...F16S don't have air to air missiles and don't have guided ammunition.. basically sitting ducks 🦆🦆🦆🦆

E2 Hawkeye are ancient..

Yea I hope something out of the aging mig29 but rafales still don't have the meteor making it again sitting duck 🦆🦆🦆

Kinda reminds me how Israel dismantled the numerical superior airforce within few days in 1960s
Why do you sound like a troll..it is too obvious!
Why do you sound like a troll..it is too obvious!
Yeah sure ..I am troll and guy who thinks sparrow-7 are of any use is an expert

Guess history didn't teach eygptians anything what so ever

As ill prepared ill trained as they were in 1960s
Yeah sure ..I am troll and guy who thinks sparrow-7 are of any use is an expert

Guess history didn't teach eygptians anything what so ever

As ill prepared ill trained as they were in 1960s

AIM-7 Sparrow || Air Intercept Missile || air-to-air Missile​

You seem to be stuck in time.. the 60's Loool
And why did you jump the Ramadan war in 1973 !???
Wake up it is almost 2024 !

AIM-7 Sparrow || Air Intercept Missile || air-to-air Missile​

You seem to be stuck in time.. the 60's Loool
And why did you jump the Ramadan war in 1973 !???
Wake up it is almost 2024 !
Amazing when expert thing aim 120c that pakistan has are outdated while Arabs are stuck with sparrow 7
A missile made before humans went to moon before computers were made

Hilarious but hey..it's not more hilarious then being smacked by enemy 20 smaller is it??

Summarizes the whole problem
The law of power! Egypt announces to the world its readiness for the largest military event in the Middle East!

Amazing when expert thing aim 120c that pakistan has are outdated while Arabs are stuck with sparrow 7
A missile made before humans went to moon before computers were made

Hilarious but hey..it's not more hilarious then being smacked by enemy 20 smaller is it??

Summarizes the whole problem
Pakistan has nuclear bombs.. not only the Aim-120..

Not one here is comparing! you were put on my ignore list.. well deserved..
The law of power! Egypt announces to the world its readiness for the largest military event in the Middle East!

Pakistan has nuclear bombs.. not only the Aim-120..

Not one here is comparing! you were put on my ignore list.. well deserved..
We ate grass and made nuclear weapons
You guys should have done that to avoid nuclear black mail when Israel tested it nukes in 1980 but I guess that's not on agenda

Now Israeli minister can any time black mail you. Just like they did last week

India drops a bomb, a enemy 12x larger a super power.. Pakistan has to respond

Iran general gets bombed, general dying ...Iran has to respond to USA..a super power

Eygptians courting to Israel since 1970 pay have paid off good in short term but in the long run it will come bit you guys in the back
We ate grass and made nuclear weapons
You guys should have done that to avoid nuclear black mail when Israel tested it nukes in 1980 but I guess that's not on agenda

Now Israeli minister can any time black mail you. Just like they did last week
View attachment 972532

India drops a bomb, a enemy 12x larger a super power.. Pakistan has to respond

Iran general gets bombed, general dying ...Iran has to respond to USA..a super power

Eygptians courting to Israel since 1970 pay have paid off good in short term but in the long run it will come bit you guys in the back
Egypt had to fend off the UK, France, and Israel in 1956 to nationalize the Suez Canal. Following the defeat of 1967, they Egyptians DID EAT GRASS to rebuild their army into an even bigger one in six short years. In 1973, the US provided Israel with the biggest air bridge since the Berlin Airlift and the US Sixth fleet went into DEFCON 3. The Pakistani program can in no way, shape, or form be compared to Egypt. Pakistan was a Western ally in throughout the Cold War and was thus supported throughout to counter Soviet-friendly India. In addition, the Middle East is an exponentially more important region with far more wealth and strategic value. Simply put, there was far more effort by Western powers to confine the capabilities of the Egyptian state because History, Economics, and Geography give Egypt a higher value in global affairs. Iran's whole show is about attacking Israel and yet they are yet to take DIRECT military action against it and simply use propaganda to arm militias in countries in which they want to influence. They even asked Trump if it was okay for them to hit IRAQ after Soleimani's death! Pakistan is 1/7th the size of India and in economic terms it is roughly 1/12th (not their fault they have a better, growth oriented leadership) and is allied with China (a country roughly equal in population to India but with an economy that is around 6 times the size) which has a far more powerful military than India and has border disputes with it. Despite the nukes and the Chinese alliance, India moved to take MORE LAND from you. What was Pakistan's response? Egypt does not have the luxury of entering some imaginary d*ck measuring contest by publicizing all its weapons to the public since the opposite site enjoys limitless technological, economic, and military support by the biggest military alliance in history. Today there are dozens of NATO warships in addition to two carrier strike groups in the Eastern Mediterranean alone backing the Israelis. Finally, this whole thing with the sparrow has gotten old. The AIM-7 has multiple variants that were developed up to the 1990's. Based on your logic, much of Pakistan's army (M113, BM-21, Ghauri missiles (which are based on Rodong missiles which, in turn, are based on Scud technology)) and air force (Mirage 5 and Mirage III) would be considered useless on today's modern battlefield (which, of course, they are not).

In conclusion, You can't compare Egypt to other Arab countries. Egypt is comparable to neither Pakistan nor Iran. Egypt has done and is still doing plenty to support the Palestinian cause. Egyptians know for a fact that their army is capable of defending their country but there is still much to be desired as threats continue to grow. Weapons' capabilities can change by this magical thing called upgrades. Instead of talking about some imaginary relationship coming to bite Egypt "in the back," maybe you should pull your head out of yours.
Egypt had to fend off the UK, France, and Israel in 1956 to nationalize the Suez Canal. Following the defeat of 1967, they Egyptians DID EAT GRASS to rebuild their army into an even bigger one in six short years. In 1973, the US provided Israel with the biggest air bridge since the Berlin Airlift and the US Sixth fleet went into DEFCON 3. The Pakistani program can in no way, shape, or form be compared to Egypt. Pakistan was a Western ally in throughout the Cold War and was thus supported throughout to counter Soviet-friendly India. In addition, the Middle East is an exponentially more important region with far more wealth and strategic value. Simply put, there was far more effort by Western powers to confine the capabilities of the Egyptian state because History, Economics, and Geography give Egypt a higher value in global affairs. Iran's whole show is about attacking Israel and yet they are yet to take DIRECT military action against it and simply use propaganda to arm militias in countries in which they want to influence. They even asked Trump if it was okay for them to hit IRAQ after Soleimani's death! Pakistan is 1/7th the size of India and in economic terms it is roughly 1/12th (not their fault they have a better, growth oriented leadership) and is allied with China (a country roughly equal in population to India but with an economy that is around 6 times the size) which has a far more powerful military than India and has border disputes with it. Despite the nukes and the Chinese alliance, India moved to take MORE LAND from you. What was Pakistan's response? Egypt does not have the luxury of entering some imaginary d*ck measuring contest by publicizing all its weapons to the public since the opposite site enjoys limitless technological, economic, and military support by the biggest military alliance in history. Today there are dozens of NATO warships in addition to two carrier strike groups in the Eastern Mediterranean alone backing the Israelis. Finally, this whole thing with the sparrow has gotten old. The AIM-7 has multiple variants that were developed up to the 1990's. Based on your logic, much of Pakistan's army (M113, BM-21, Ghauri missiles (which are based on Rodong missiles which, in turn, are based on Scud technology)) and air force (Mirage 5 and Mirage III) would be considered useless on today's modern battlefield (which, of course, they are not).

In conclusion, You can't compare Egypt to other Arab countries. Egypt is comparable to neither Pakistan nor Iran. Egypt has done and is still doing plenty to support the Palestinian cause. Egyptians know for a fact that their army is capable of defending their country but there is still much to be desired as threats continue to grow. Weapons' capabilities can change by this magical thing called upgrades. Instead of talking about some imaginary relationship coming to bite Egypt "in the back," maybe you should pull your head out of yours.
In conclusion anyone who study the 6th day war will tell you that depsite the surprise move ... eygptians airforce was decimated due to sheer incompetence..no meaning ful ground was held or recaptured and the war was tactical success for Israel

USA NATO never entered the war neither did the Soviet Union both simply backed their sides with weapons

Regardless fast forward eygptians sold Palestine to get Sinai

Even fast forward the Arabs dictatorships are now all Zionists

No one wants to hear it because it's a bitter reality

Pakistan can't be compared to Eygpt that's is true

Pakistan had to face a 15x bigger enemy.. isrealis faced a 20x bigger enemy

Everyone knew the deal for Pakistan was with Soviet not indians hence when India did siege to Pakistan in 1971 American clearly said no.. ultimately 50,000 troops faced 2 million Indian army and surrendered in a civil war situation..I call that incompetence and cowardice too so how can I call 20x large military being smacked by isrealis??

Nothing is going to stop Israelis to nuke eygpt and nothing is stopping Eygptians to get nuclear weapons

My guess is Israel will probably nuke the Eygpt, to get parts of Eygptian territory ..it will be rude awakening like previous nakba and blame will solely be on Arabs incompetence of not reforming the Arab league forming a military alliance or getting nuclear weapons to defend itself
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In conclusion anyone who study the 6th day war will tell you that depsite the surprise move ... eygptians airforce was decimated due to sheer incompetence..no meaning ful ground was held or recaptured and the war was tactical success for Israel

USA NATO never entered the war neither did the Soviet Union both simply backed their sides with weapons

Regardless fast forward eygptians sold Palestine to get Sinai

Even fast forward the Arabs dictatorships are now all Zionists

No one wants to hear it because it's a bitter reality

Pakistan can't be compared to Eygpt that's is true

Pakistan had to face a 15x bigger enemy.. isrealis faced a 20x bigger enemy

Everyone knew the deal for Pakistan was with Soviet not indians hence when India did siege to Pakistan in 1971 American clearly said no.. ultimately 50,000 troops faced 2 million Indian army and surrendered in a civil war situation..I call that incompetence and cowardice too so how can I call 20x large military being smacked by isrealis??

Nothing is going to stop Israelis to nuke eygpt and nothing is stopping Eygptians to get nuclear weapons

My guess is Israel will probably nuke the Eygpt, to get parts of Eygptian territory ..it will be rude awakening like previous nakba and blame will solely be on Arabs incompetence of not reforming the Arab league forming a military alliance or getting nuclear weapons to defend itself
I said all there is to say about this. Whoever is reading this has the freedom to evaluate arguments, facts, and motives for themselves.
Regardless fast forward eygptians sold Palestine to get Sinai
Arafat didn't wanted to be included in the Camp David Accords. Finally who has their lands returned? As far as I know Golan heights is under Israeli occupation , West Bank under Israel.
How Egypt sold Palestine when the country itself sacrificed thousands of martyrs to the Palestinian cause. Something Pakistan didn't do even 0,000000001% efforts which Egypt did. So please don't give us a lesson about honor and about that we sold the Palestinians.
I am genuinely interested in Egyptian defence so that is why I asked some questions, I wish well for Egypt :)
I apologize if I in any way implied that my comments were pointed towards you. My reply was for the stupid comments I keep seeing on this thread. Your questions were rather objective and insightful and they're the kind of questions I enjoy seeing on this forum :-)

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