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Egyptian Armed Forces

Rafale drivers.

Facts you do not know about the Egyptian army, which is classified as one of the ten strongest armies in the world, the strongest in the Middle East and Africa..

Facts you do not know about the Egyptian army, which is classified as one of the ten strongest armies in the world, the strongest in the Middle East and Africa..

Have you been following the murdering on the Palestinians thread, SC? If you have, I'm sure you noticed the major clownage action on there regarding Egypt and how dare it not get involved militarily and even the most delusional post from a supposed Egyptian who hates Sisi and calls him nasty slurs and posts some of the most ridiculous things including his brilliant prediction that Egypt will be forced to do something leading to a war between the EG navy and the US navy lmmmaaaaoooooO! Oh man, sometimes my intelligence gets elevated when I read some posts from credible posters on this forum such as yourself, but sometimes I lose a few brain cells from some of the absolutely absurd things these donkeys come up with. At the end of the day I'm just glad none of these geniuses are in any position close enough to make those big decisions lol.
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Have you been following the murdering or the Palestinians thread, SC? If you have, I'm sure you noticed the major clownage action on there regarding Egypt and how dare it not get involved militarily and even the most delusional post from a supposed Egyptian who hates Sisi and calls him nasty slurs and posts some of the most ridiculous things including his brilliant prediction that Egypt will be forced to do something leading to a war between the EG navy and the US navy lmmmaaaaoooooO! Oh man, sometimes my intelligence gets elevated when I read some posts from credible posters on this forum such as yourself, but sometimes I lose a few brain cells from some of the absolutely absurd things these donkeys come up with. At the end of the day I'm just glad none of these geniuses are in any position close enough to make those big decisions lol.
Just do not bother with that stupidity..
@sami_1 anything new?

I would think that much of anything substantial such as the Tejas or any of the potential Serbian ToT arms deals would probably take a backseat to the tense crisis of the Ghaza slaughter and diplomatic wranglings going on in the past two weeks.

If not, then hopefully we'll have good news about the possibility of positive results from the negotiations with the old hoagie (Biden) to facilitate the aid passing through the border. Also hoping Sisi pushed for some economic incentives to help the crazy inflation in Egypt and maybe even back off the threat of CAATSA. It's apparent that Egypt had something to do with convincing Hamas to release the two hostages, especially considering Egyptian intelligence is really the only entity that deals directly with Hamas and the fact the two hostages were "delivered" to Egypt on their way to freedom. Qatar probably paid whatever costs needed to be distributed and through all that, some relief is exchanged in the process.

Interesting to see some Sa'aka troops at the border. They don't usually send these guys there, but this is good. Hopefully many more will get positioned there to take care of business in case any fruitcake gets any crazy idea that Sinai is available for any 'purpose' other than it's Egyptian land and no one, absolutely no one dictates anything about it except for Egyptians. Hard to believe that this 'strange concept' needs to be reiterated.

Yallah ya regalah!





BTW, if there is anything good to possibly come out of this horrible situation is the very much improving relationship between Sisi and Erdogan. This is a good thing to put all the bad blood behind and move forward to better things. We can be friends with the Greeks and the Turks just like the diplomatic stance Egypt always takes.
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I would think that much of anything substantial such as the Tejas or any of the potential Serbian ToT arms deals would probably take a backseat to the tense crisis of the Ghaza slaughter and diplomatic wranglings going on in the past two weeks.

If not, then hopefully he'll have good news about the possibility of positive results from the negotiations with the old hoagie (Biden) to facilitate the aid passing through the border. Also hoping he pushed for some economic incentives to help the crazy inflation in Egypt and maybe even back off the threat of CAATSA. It's apparent that Sisi had something to do with convincing Hamas to release the two hostages, especially considering Egyptian intelligence is really the only ones who deal with them directly and the fact the two hostages were "delivered" to Egypt on their way to freedom. Qatar probably paid whatever costs needed to be distributed and through all that, some relief is exchanged in the process.

Interesting to see some Sa'aka troops at the border. They don't usually send these guys there, but this is good. Hopefully many more will get positioned there to take care of business incase any fruitcake gets any crazy idea that Sinai is available for any 'purpose' other it's Egyptian land and no one, absolutely no one dictates anything about it except for Egyptians. Hard to believe that this 'strange concept' needs to be reiterated! lol

Yallah ya regalah!

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BTW, if there is anything good to possibly come out of this horrible situation is the very much improving relationship between Sisi and Erdogan. This is a good thing to put all the bad blood behind and move forward to better things. We can be friends with the Greeks and the Turks just like the diplomatic stance Egypt always takes.
Honestly we should cooperate with Turkey. Egypt had always a good relation between Greece and Turkey but deteriorated in 2012. We even bought MRTP 20 fast intervention craft and other things. Plus they have a lot quality stuff that Egypt can buy them or to have licence production to replace old equipments (Cakir, Karaok, Umtas and other things).
I would think that much of anything substantial such as the Tejas or any of the potential Serbian ToT arms deals would probably take a backseat to the tense crisis of the Ghaza slaughter and diplomatic wranglings going on in the past two weeks.
It seems you are the guy to ask anything concerning Egypt on this forum, so I have a few questions and contributions about Sisi.

Let me start by stating that I hate today's Egyptian leaders, especially Elsisi, and often supplicate to Allah to end their rule. But I love Egyptians and Egypt, and it was once my #1 choice for Islamic education (Al-Azhar University). Not anymore, and I don't recommend Egypt to any student of Islamic knowledge.

However, sometimes I wonder whether El-Sisi was right about deposing the Muslim Brotherhood. I don't support the MB's ideology of anti-government demonstrations and the violent overthrow of dictators via protests. However, I also don't support killing demonstrators provided they haven't picked up arms.

I feel that the West would have instigated a civil war in Egypt were the MB not deposed. So, if Sisi did that to prevent civil war in Egypt, it may be acceptable. But his great massacre of civilians (the Raba'a massacre) is unjustifiable and that's the main reason he's hated throughout the Muslim World and many Muslims supplicate against him. May Allah rectify El-Sisi and his comrades or bring a swift end to their oppressive rule.

My question to you is about Egypt and America. The Egyptian pound has been in free-fall for quite some time now and its economy is getting worse by the year. Why is America and its Middle Eastern puppets not helping Egypt? I'm confident they can stop the fall of the Egyptian pound if they want to. But the fact they do not means they no longer trust or even support El-Sisi. This is what happens to the economies of countries whose governments are at loggerheads with the West. So, can you tell us about the disagreements between El-Sisi and his former bosses? Are they trying to pressure the Egyptian military to replace El-Sisi with a more obedient dictator?

Erdogan's normalization with oppressive dictators and monarchies is out of necessity, not love. The Muslim World is already divided between pro-Western and anti-Western camps. There can be no reconciliation between these two camps. One must defeat the other for peace and stability in the Muslim world. Sisi is rejected by the anti-Western camp even as the West seems to be distancing itself from him.

There's one big sign that Erdogan and Sisi aren't friends: Erdogan will never sell Sisi any weapons no matter how much relations improve between the two countries. It's just geopolitics, not alliance. Both governments need each other for economic reasons, that's all.
Honestly we should cooperate with Turkey. Egypt had always a good relation between Greece and Turkey but deteriorated in 2012. We even bought MRTP 20 fast intervention craft and other things. Plus they have a lot quality stuff that Egypt can buy them or to have licence production to replace old equipments (Cakir, Karaok, Umtas and other things).

Agreed. Could be the start of many good things to come. What Erdogan said about Sisi was in fact a terrible thing including some of his actions after, but it sounds like Sisi -- in his diplomatic wisdom -- has worked it out between the two of them so time to move on.

I used to have an excellent picture of a pair of those MRTPs docked at a small, navy dock along the Suez Canal and there were 4 Egyptian navy soldiers manning them. A couple were covering the remote auto guns and other sensitive equipment with canvas covers while the other two were tying the dock lines to the dock cleats and you can see how they're not actually small boats. They're a good size and the type that a navy with the responsibilities of the EN could use at least 20-30 of them. I wish I could find it.

These are actually simple to manufacture. They could be pumping out a bunch at the Alex shipyard.






The 22.


And the 34 which looks like it has a flybridge.

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