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Egypt delays Iranian aid to Gaza



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Feb 23, 2013
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Iran aid for Gaza awaiting Egypt permission: Official

Iran has criticized Egypt for dragging its feet in granting permission for the dispatch of the Islamic Republic’s medical and humanitarian supplies into the Gaza Strip.

On Tuesday, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said the Islamic Republic is still awaiting Egypt’s permission to send relief aid into Gaza and transfer those wounded in Israeli attacks to Iran for treatment.

It has been more than two weeks that Egyptian officials are refusing to respond positively to a request by the Iranian airlines to send a plane carrying humanitarian aid to the airports in Cairo or Ismailia, he said.

On August 5, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said he had held two phone conversations with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry on Israel’s brutal military aggression against Gaza and the necessity to send relief aid to people in the impoverished strip.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry also said on July 25 that shipment of the Iranian Red Crescent’s aid to the blockaded Palestinian territory has been delayed due to bureaucratic obstacles, adding that the delivery of the aid supplies requires Egypt’s cooperation.

In a meeting with Amir-Abdollahian in Tehran earlier this month, Egyptian Deputy Foreign Minister Mohamed Badr el-Din Zayed had promised his country would work to make necessary arrangements for the dispatch of Iran’s humanitarian aid into Gaza.

Over 1,940 Palestinians, including 470 children, have lost their lives and nearly 10,000 have been wounded since the Israeli military unleashed fatal assaults on the densely-inhabited strip on July 8. Children also make up one-third of the injured.

The Israeli military has not even spared hospitals in its massive aerial and ground raids on Gaza.

Iran aid for Gaza awaiting Egypt permission: Official

I think it is a bit sad Egyptian government delays granting permission to the medical aid.

I understand if the government does not want to get involved in war. It is their choice to help or not. But, during ceasefire permitting the medical aid shouldn't be a problem. With most of the hospitals in Gaza destroyed, delaying medical aid would cause a lot of problems. And after the delaying, sending the aid may not mean a thing. I hope Egypt not only grants permission to shipping the aid, she also increases her help to Gaza herself.
قال الدكتور / باسم الريماوى مدير عام الإسعاف و الطوارئ بوزارة الصحة الفلسطينية وم سئول غرفة العمليات التى تتعامل مع الأحداث الجارية فى المحافظات الشمالية و الجنوبية أن ما أدخل عن طريق معبر رفح من خلال التنسيق و المتابعة مع الهلال الأحمر المصرى و بتنسيق مباشر من الحكومة المصرية بلغ حتى اللحظة ( 1416 ) طنا من الأدوية و المستلزمات الطبية والمواد الغذائية، إضافة لعدد من مولدات الكهرباء و الخيام.

و أوضح أن القوات المسلحة المصرية وحدها ساهمت بنسبة ( 66 % ) من المساعدات المصرية التى بلغت ( 75 % ) من حجم المساعدات التى دخلت إلى قطاع غزة عبر معبر رفح.

و أوضح الدكتور / باسم الريماوى أن القوات المسلحة المصرية أدخلت حتى اللحظة ( 936 ) طنا من المواد الغذائية و الأدوية و المستلزمات الطبية.

Egypt itself has sent over 1416 tons of humanitarian and medical aid, that accounts to 75% of all aid delivered to Gaza, 66% of the aid delivered by Egypt was from the Armed Forces, so that's 936 tons. There are over 1000 injured Gazans being treated in Egyptian hospitals which are already under a lot of stress as a result of low funding, inadequate equipment and facilities, and low paid/unskilled staff.

I think we can say we have contributed a bit to the humanitarian effort.

الإسعاف الفلسطينى: القوات المسلحة المصرية أدخلت 936 طن مساعدات لغزة اليوم السابع
Egypt itself has sent over 1416 tons of humanitarian and medical aid, that accounts to 75% of all aid delivered to Gaza, 66% of the aid delivered by Egypt was from the Armed Forces, so that's 936 tons. There are over 1000 injured Gazans being treated in Egyptian hospitals which are already under a lot of stress as a result of low funding, inadequate equipment and facilities, and low paid/unskilled staff.

I think we can say we have contributed a bit to the humanitarian effort.

الإسعاف الفلسطينى: القوات المسلحة المصرية أدخلت 936 طن مساعدات لغزة اليوم السابع

That is nice to hear. And I wish the government gave other countries permissions so that they help them in this noble cause. It would be nice if they cooperated on helping Palestinians better inshaAllah.
This Sissy guy is really trying to please Israel. Why ? So he recieves guarantee that he can remain a dictator for many more years to come ?
Egypt itself has sent over 1416 tons of humanitarian and medical aid, that accounts to 75% of all aid delivered to Gaza, 66% of the aid delivered by Egypt was from the Armed Forces, so that's 936 tons. There are over 1000 injured Gazans being treated in Egyptian hospitals which are already under a lot of stress as a result of low funding, inadequate equipment and facilities, and low paid/unskilled staff.

I think we can say we have contributed a bit to the humanitarian effort.

الإسعاف الفلسطينى: القوات المسلحة المصرية أدخلت 936 طن مساعدات لغزة اليوم السابع

Fair enough then why stop other countries Aid from reaching the effected ?
Sadly Rafah Crossing is Still Closed. See:

Gaza Truce on Second Day, Rafah Crossing Still Closed

Truce between the Zionist entity and the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza was holding for the second day, with Rafah crossing was still closed by Egypt.

On Wednesday, the two sides agreed to extend the truce as they continued their indirect talks in the Egyptian capital, Cairo. The ceasefire extension entered its second day on Friday.

The calm held throughout Thursday, after a flurry of Israeli airstrikes and retaliatory Hamas rocket attacks the previous night.

Egyptian mediators brokered the extension to allow for further negotiations on a long-term ceasefire to the fighting, which has killed 1,962 Palestinians since July 7 and injured around 10,000 others.

The Rafah border crossing, linking Gaza to Egypt, is the only escape route that does not lead into Israel and can be used for the delivery of food and medical stuff to the besieged Palestinian territory; however, Egypt has kept the crossing closed despite international calls to open it.

Gaza has also been under Israel’s blockade since June 2007, a situation that has caused a decline in the standards of living and poverty.

Source: AlManar
Sadly Rafah Crossing is Still Closed. See:

Gaza Truce on Second Day, Rafah Crossing Still Closed

Truce between the Zionist entity and the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza was holding for the second day, with Rafah crossing was still closed by Egypt.

On Wednesday, the two sides agreed to extend the truce as they continued their indirect talks in the Egyptian capital, Cairo. The ceasefire extension entered its second day on Friday.

The calm held throughout Thursday, after a flurry of Israeli airstrikes and retaliatory Hamas rocket attacks the previous night.

Egyptian mediators brokered the extension to allow for further negotiations on a long-term ceasefire to the fighting, which has killed 1,962 Palestinians since July 7 and injured around 10,000 others.

The Rafah border crossing, linking Gaza to Egypt, is the only escape route that does not lead into Israel and can be used for the delivery of food and medical stuff to the besieged Palestinian territory; however, Egypt has kept the crossing closed despite international calls to open it.

Gaza has also been under Israel’s blockade since June 2007, a situation that has caused a decline in the standards of living and poverty.

Source: AlManar

If it's closed then how does the aid get in? answer it's not closed.
If it's closed then how does the aid get in? answer it's not closed.

It was open for a week with very limited operation except on one day. Before that it was always closed. That being said, unfortunately Egypt is still taking the path of PA/Israel/Saudi Arabia. Just look at the new 'proposal' which changes nothing about Gaza except saying PA must take power in Gaza in every way, shape and form. And the siege will gradually be eased but will always be there.

I don't know how they are willing to kill 2,000 plus Palestinians just to play their game of politics and put PA in power when PA was never elected into power. Although it isn't surprising considering the Rabia Massacre. Those regional players I mentioned are forcing the Palestinian population to accept PA rule or else face siege, atrocities, etc....

They want the Palestinian people to accept the Palestinian branch of the Israeli government through brutal methods, even when they do they will lose their rights on a daily basis.

What is needed is an Arab revolt.
Why are the Egyptian coup's leaders tampering with an agreement that would benefit Gaza?

Everything about Egypt's position seems to have been turned upside down when it comes to the Palestinian cause these days. Cairo's position towards Palestine is completely unjustified as the current Egyptian leadership was responsible for an illegitimate coup that overthrew a democratically elected government. And yet, the current Egyptian government swears day and night that all its actions are justified!
The current regime governs Egypt contrary to how it should and understands matters in conflict of what they actually are. This regime's speeches and statements are based on skewed facts as when someone is defeated they will always view those beneath them as superior and vice versa. Those who are defeated sees an enemy as their friend and a friend as their enemy.

As much as it may seem that my interpretation is somewhat humorous, what it actually portrays is underlying bitterness. For decades, Egypt has tirelessly defended Palestine and the Palestinian people's rights. More importantly, the Levant as a whole has historically signed countless treaties with Egypt. Their alliance has always been as essential as the heart or liver is to the human body as they have shared the same fate and interests.

Egypt and the Levant have long shared historically significant geographic interests and in more recent decades, a common history, language, religion, culture and geography. If anyone tried to discount or deny this they would be viewing things in a defeated manner with a skewed understanding of reality.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Sisi's coup was an illegitimate political act which did not only affect Egypt and put an end to the democratic process; the coup was an infringement on the Arab right to democracy as a whole. The coup succeeded in suffocating all Arab rights and was a coup against the main Arab cause: the Palestinian issue.

Egyptian attitudes towards the war on Gaza endorse that these are more than mere allegations. On the contrary, the ruling government in Egypt sided with Netanyahu and his propaganda campaign that stemmed from the heart of Tel Aviv itself. The Egyptian media portrayed a sickening bias throughout the events in Gaza. The incitement against the Palestinians reached a point where even Israelis began to complain that it was hurting Cairo's chances of successfully mediating a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.

Israel tired from the war this time despite the claims of stubborn Israeli politicians who refused to admit to the fact that they were unable to conquer Gaza. The Israeli leadership refused to admit to this bitter fact, however, they cannot deny that they must revisit entire issue calmly and rationally. Israel has been forced to face the new reality of their situation as Tel Aviv faces unexpected resistance from the Gaza Strip.

The Egyptians also has other scores to settle, such as the targeting of Hamas who are ideologically linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, the largest opponent to Egypt's military coup. The Egyptian government feared that the Israeli government would agree to Palestinian conditions concerning airports and ports, which would in turn leave Egypt out of the equation entirely.

In the aftermath of the coup the leadership in Cairo has become intransigent in its position towards the Palestinian delegation, particularly the resistance who seek to limit Cairo's influence over mediating Palestinian issues.

A recent Palestinian tweet expressed the enormity of these potential implications for Egypt, "In the event we are given our right to the airport and ports, I suggest that we all gather at the Rafah border (the Gaza-Egyptian border) and proceed to spit on all the guards there. We can then return to Gaza, for we will no longer need this suffocating crossing".

Yes, the Palestinians in Gaza's decision to spit at the crossing, and its guards, demonstrates the frustration caused by years of Palestinian humiliation and oppression. The Palestinian situation has been exacerbated by Egypt's position since the Hosni Mubarak era.

Although the airport and the ports will not serve as a final solution for the people of the Gaza Strip, as Israel will continue to suffocate the military and naval patrol of the area, the Palestinian access to these outlets will undermine Cairo's, albeit temporarily. ........

It was open for a week with very limited operation except on one day. Before that it was always closed. That being said, unfortunately Egypt is still taking the path of PA/Israel/Saudi Arabia. Just look at the new 'proposal' which changes nothing about Gaza except saying PA must take power in Gaza in every way, shape and form. And the siege will gradually be eased but will always be there.

I don't know how they are willing to kill 2,000 plus Palestinians just to play their game of politics and put PA in power when PA was never elected into power. Although it isn't surprising considering the Rabia Massacre. Those regional players I mentioned are forcing the Palestinian population to accept PA rule or else face siege, atrocities, etc....

They want the Palestinian people to accept the Palestinian branch of the Israeli government through brutal methods, even when they do they will lose their rights on a daily basis.

What is needed is an Arab revolt.

You praised the Palestinian unity government, and said it was a step forward, then when the PA says something or Egypt proposes that they are more involved in Gaza you condemn them and Egypt for being traitors, you need to make up your mind, either the PA is a traitorous organizations that Hamas should never have entered a unity government with or it is a righteous Palestinian movement that can and should be involved more in Gaza, so which is it?

You need to get one, and only one thing through your stubborn head, Israel wants to completely disarm Gaza, Hamas wants to completely remove the siege. Hamas will not accept being disarmed, Israel will not accept lifting the siege. If Egypt
offers a proposal in which the siege must be lifted Israel will refuse as it wants to disarm Gaza and maintain the siege if it is unable to get that. If Egypt offers a proposal in which Hamas must disarm in order to lift the siege, Hamas will refuse.
The only possible conclusion to this conflict is compromise on both sides and that is what Egypt is trying to bring about.

The only people responsible for the death toll on both sides are Israel and Hamas as they are the ones fighting each other. Hamas is also playing politics.
You praised the Palestinian unity government, and said it was a step forward, then when the PA says something or Egypt proposes that they are more involved in Gaza you condemn them and Egypt for being traitors, you need to make up your mind, either the PA is a traitorous organizations that Hamas should never have entered a unity government with or it is a righteous Palestinian movement that can and should be involved more in Gaza, so which is it?

You need to get one, and only one thing through your stubborn head, Israel wants to completely disarm Gaza, Hamas wants to completely remove the siege. Hamas will not accept being disarmed, Israel will not accept lifting the siege. If Egypt
offers a proposal in which the siege must be lifted Israel will refuse as it wants to disarm Gaza and maintain the siege if it is unable to get that. If Egypt offers a proposal in which Hamas must disarm in order to lift the siege, Hamas will refuse.
The only possible conclusion to this conflict is compromise on both sides and that is what Egypt is trying to bring about.

The only people responsible for the death toll on both sides are Israel and Hamas as they are the ones fighting each other. Hamas is also playing politics.

There's no 'unity' government in what Egypt is proposing. It is specifically citing PA forces from the West Bank to take control of every aspect of society. The Unity government is already in power in Gaza, there is no need for more transfers of security forces which are going to serve Israeli interests. Egypt under Sisi is directly interfering in Palestinian internal affairs and is against any prosperity for the Palestinians/Palestinian resistance.

The talks were going in a different direction, there were going to be adjustments to the proposal to suit the Palestinian side slightly. Instead, Egypt under Sisi scrapped it and put a 'offer' which is just an Israeli document in Arabic.

Israel does not want Gaza disarmed, they withdrew such a demand and only supporters of evil would want that. Muslims don't. Hamas has to 'play politics' to defend Islam and our right to resistance. There is a giant conspiracy against Hamas because it promotes Islamic values. That's it, if it didn't promote Islamic values then Palestinians would be as they are in the West Bank getting land stolen everyday.

I defend Islamic values and so does Hamas. You support the other side. Which is not understandable, being a coptic shouldn't make you do so if you claim to support the values Jesus promoted.
There's no 'unity' government in what Egypt is proposing. It is specifically citing PA forces from the West Bank to take control of every aspect of society. The Unity government is already in power in Gaza, there is no need for more transfers of security forces which are going to serve Israeli interests. Egypt under Sisi is directly interfering in Palestinian internal affairs and is against any prosperity for the Palestinians/Palestinian resistance

So reject the proposal if it does not promote your interests, just as Israel does and is continuing to do, and as you have before, then another proposal will be placed which will seek to end this conflict. No one is forcing you to agree to it. If it is truly a unity
government then there wouldn't be any objection to allowing the PA rule the strip in order to lift the siege, and maybe if you're lucky have elections, however, you are not in any way united are you.

The talks were going in a different direction, there were going to be adjustments to the proposal to suit the Palestinian side slightly. Instead, Egypt under Sisi scrapped it and put a 'offer' which is just an Israeli document in Arabic.

If you haven't noticed, all proposals put forward by Egypt have been either rejected by the Palestinians or the Israelis. Again, Israel wants one thing you want another, both of you are unwilling to compromise, this is not Egypt's fault it is the fault of both
parties involved.

Israel does not want Gaza disarmed, they withdrew such a demand and only supporters of evil would want that. Muslims don't. Hamas has to 'play politics' to defend Islam and our right to resistance. There is a giant conspiracy against Hamas because it promotes Islamic values. That's it, if it didn't promote Islamic values then Palestinians would be as they are in the West Bank getting land stolen everyday.

Islamic values have nothing to do with this, nor does religion, this is simply political. Hamas is playing politics to preserve its position in the Gaza strip and to ensure it lifts the siege, not to defend Islam.

I defend Islamic values and so does Hamas. You support the other side. Which is not understandable, being a coptic shouldn't make you do so if you claim to support the values Jesus promoted.

I am not a Copt. Nice try though.

I already talked to you about this in this thread. I'm not repeating myself.

You keep misrepresenting my statements to make me look like I don't want I'm talking about. Let me respond to you in the other thread .
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