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Edhi appeals to IDPs to return to Swat


Mar 4, 2008
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United Kingdom
KARACHI, July 14 (APP): Prominent social worker Abdus Sattar Edhi has appealed to the internally displaced persons (IDPs) of various areas of Swat to return to their homes and start a new life. This was pointed out in a statement of the Edhi Foundation issued here on Tuesday.
It said that Edhi is in Edhi Welfare Centre, Mangora, along with volunteers.

He further stated that the situation in Swat has improved quite considerably.

Meanwhile, it was also announced that the Edhi ambulance service in Swat, Mangora has resumed.

As many as six ambulances at present are deployed at the Edhi Welfare Centre Mangora, it was further stated.
Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Edhi appeals to IDPs to return to Swat
He is a great man.God Bless him.He has done alot of good work for Pakistan.He is the true Patriot :pakistan:
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i guess no further gurantee is needed if things have improved or not. Edhi is in mingora along with his staff. if he thinks situation has imporved then it defintely has
if he doesn't go to heaven...then i believe no one...An ideal personality.
Prominent social worker Abdus Sattar Edhi has appealed to the internally displaced persons (IDPs) of various areas of Swat to return to their homes and start a new life.

It will take a lot more than an appeal from the good Mawlana for the people to go back to the ruins that were their "home". Unfortunately, with confusion over the division of responsibility between civilians and the military, neither the fallout of the operation was anticipated (apparently, it was estimated that there would be about 100,000 refugees!), nor is there anything that can be called a plan for meeting the infrastructure and logistic requirements of resettlement of the 4 million persons now estimated to have been displaced.

For the views of a Swati doctor, who has taken refuge in Karachi -- understandably, more emotional than coolly rational -- see the video and transcript at my post, Our first enemy are the Taliban, our second enemy is the Army – Displaced Physician from Swat, where this young Swati doctor says:

You have destroyed the [local] economy, destroyed the schools, destroyed the hospitals, what is
there? Go there for what? You can’t get one Panadol [paracetamol] pill, you can’t get salt, you can’t get matches; ...

I am from Swat, I am from the area where the war is being fought; my village has been bombed, my village has been bombed so heavily that it has been completely crushed. OK, right. The name of my village is [unclear: Rodingar?], Swat Rodingar; my village is beyond Swat Mattah. The entire village has been bombed [makes a swift horizontal motion with his hand held flat, with palm down]...

… no one will return. This is what we understand ... No, we will never return. And I am telling you this …​

It is the job of the government to provide the "matches," the "salt," and the "panadols" (as it were) until the local economy gets going again, if Edhi's wishes are to be fulfilled.​
It will take a lot more than an appeal from the good Mawlana for the people to go back to the ruins that were their "home". Unfortunately, with confusion over the division of responsibility between civilians and the military, neither the fallout of the operation was anticipated (apparently, it was estimated that there would be about 100,000 refugees!), nor is there anything that can be called a plan for meeting the infrastructure and logistic requirements of resettlement of the 4 million persons now estimated to have been displaced.

For the views of a Swati doctor, who has taken refuge in Karachi -- understandably, more emotional than coolly rational -- see the video and transcript at my post, Our first enemy are the Taliban, our second enemy is the Army – Displaced Physician from Swat, where this young Swati doctor says:

It is the job of the government to provide the "matches," the "salt," and the "panadols" (as it were) until the local economy gets going again, if Edhi's wishes are to be fulfilled.

that guy is talking about war times. things have definately improved now and there are many news articles being posted here which quote ppl of swat sayin that peace has returned and basic facilities have been reactivated. im not sayin everything is back lik it was before. it will definately take a lot more time.
if Edhi is tellin ppl to come back that doesnt mean that he is only expressin his wish. that means that he himself has analysed the situation in swat and is of the view that situation is gud enough for ppl to return.
At least we have one true mujahid in Edhi ......may allah blesss him and his organisation.:pakistan::smitten:
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if Edhi is tellin ppl to come back ... that means that he himself has analysed the situation in swat ...

Edhi is a saintly personality, but is not famous for his "analytical" abilities. There is, unfortunately, much evidence from a variety of sources that things are quite bad not just in Mingora, from where Edhi is quoted, but much more so in far flung villages and settlements (many of which are still restricted areas).

There is no getting around the fact that a large-scale administrative effort is an essential pre-condition to the re-settlement of 4 million persons (to put that number in perspective, it is roughly the population of Ireland!).
and wat makes u say that edhi's analytical ability is not so great? he has been doin relief work all his life and must know what a normal person needs for living.
its gona take a significant time period for things to come back lik they were but that will happen once ppl start goin back and start a new life. those far flung villages u r talkin about will stay lik that if no one return. once ppl go back and make some hue and cry then things will be restored at a much faster rate.
It will take a lot more than an appeal from the good Mawlana for the people to go back to the ruins that were their "home". Unfortunately, with confusion over the division of responsibility between civilians and the military, neither the fallout of the operation was anticipated (apparently, it was estimated that there would be about 100,000 refugees!), nor is there anything that can be called a plan for meeting the infrastructure and logistic requirements of resettlement of the 4 million persons now estimated to have been displaced.

CRY, CRY AND KEEP CRYING!! We are in a bloody war and it is the duty of every single Pakistani to participate which ever way that person could.

I would never send my family to Swat but I was from Swat then I will not wait in a damn camp and go back to whatever is left of my belongings.

It is the job of the government to provide the "matches," the "salt," and the "panadols" (as it were) until the local economy gets going again, if Edhi's wishes are to be fulfilled.

No it si not the job of GoP alone! I am sick and tired of Pakistanis who look at GoP, Army, CJP etc for improving the situation!

Wake up and smell the coffee! STAND UP AND BE COUNTED.


---------- Post added at 11:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 AM ----------

Edhi is a saintly personality, but is not famous for his "analytical" abilities. There is, unfortunately, much evidence from a variety of sources that things are quite bad not just in Mingora, from where Edhi is quoted, but much more so in far flung villages and settlements (many of which are still restricted areas).

There is no getting around the fact that a large-scale administrative effort is an essential pre-condition to the re-settlement of 4 million persons (to put that number in perspective, it is roughly the population of Ireland!).

Why don't you provide that analytical feed back to Edhi?

If not then please stay quiet and go back to sleep!

It takes a lot of guts to go where Edhi is today and one should be ashamed of him/herself for challenging Edhi from his/her home or office desktop.
Without a doubt the greatest Pakistani Alive today is Edhi.. i have nothing but sheer respect for such a amazing amazing human being, a humanitarian a true patriot to the core.

Also here is a guy who has used religion in a wonderful way. Keeping his beliefs to himself and helping others in times of need. With the amount of influence he has he can easily have his say in the political sphere but he doesn't. Truely in my book one of the greatest humanitarians of the 21st century and during the past 30 years.
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AJPirzada wrote:

"he has been doin relief work all his life and must know what a normal person needs for living."

He does indeed. I meant no disrespect by pointing out, however, that it is neither the job of the Edhi foundation, nor one of its many abilities, to provide a comprehensive analysis of the situation in Swat. The maintenance of law and order, the provision of electricity, gas, water, and telecommunications, ensuring that buses and trains run, that roads are open, that markets function, etc. are the job of government, and we should not interpret the Mawlana's statement to mean that he has reviewed all these requirements and found them to be satisfactory. NGOs, like the Edhi Foundation, assume that government will provide this enabling environment, within which they can carry out their extremely important relief work.

As a "Prominent social worker" Mawlana Abdus Sattar Edhi is quite right to "[appeal] to the internally displaced persons (IDPs) of various areas of Swat to return to their homes." Yet, as he himself recognises, "the situation in Swat has improved quite considerably," which isn't the same thing as "has returned to normal" or some such description. Naturally, while he does what he does best, he assumes that other civic groups and government would do what only they can do. So he is right to try to build confidence by encouraging people to return home, but it would be wrong (in my view) to see his statement as saying that nothing more needs to be done.

In effect then you are right when you say:

its gona take a significant time period for things to come back lik they were but that will happen once ppl start goin back and start a new life. those far flung villages u r talkin about will stay lik that if no one return. once ppl go back and make some hue and cry then things will be restored at a much faster rate.

But it is a chicken and egg situation: if amenities of life are available, people will go back; if they go back, amenities will become available. The point of my original post above was to suggest that to break the deadlock, the government must step in with a proper plan to jump-start the process. Of this, regretably, there is no sign on the horizon, and this is worrisome to those of us who are involved in this effort in our miniscule ways.
"Yet, as he himself recognises, "the situation in Swat has improved quite considerably," which isn't the same thing as "has returned to normal" or some such description."

You cannot 'return to normal' without the return of the IDP's.

It is impossible to eliminate all insurgents, therefore isolated incidents of violence and insurgent activity will continue to occur, and the remnants of the insurgency will likely try and shelter in different areas.

Since it is not possible to have a soldier stationed every ten yards in all of Malakand division, the return of the populace and their participation in maintaining law and order through their cooperation ( pointing out possible suspects, suspicious activity etc.) is integral for a complete 'return to normal'.

Edhi sahib is correct in his appeal.
AJPirzada wrote:

He does indeed. I meant no disrespect by pointing out, however, that it is neither the job of the Edhi foundation, nor one of its many abilities, to provide a comprehensive analysis of the situation in Swat. The maintenance of law and order, the provision of electricity, gas, water, and telecommunications, ensuring that buses and trains run, that roads are open, that markets function, etc. are the job of government, and we should not interpret the Mawlana's statement to mean that he has reviewed all these requirements and found them to be satisfactory. NGOs, like the Edhi Foundation, assume that government will provide this enabling environment, within which they can carry out their extremely important relief work.

As a "Prominent social worker" Mawlana Abdus Sattar Edhi is quite right to "[appeal] to the internally displaced persons (IDPs) of various areas of Swat to return to their homes." Yet, as he himself recognises, "the situation in Swat has improved quite considerably," which isn't the same thing as "has returned to normal" or some such description. Naturally, while he does what he does best, he assumes that other civic groups and government would do what only they can do. So he is right to try to build confidence by encouraging people to return home, but it would be wrong (in my view) to see his statement as saying that nothing more needs to be done.

In effect then you are right when you say:

But it is a chicken and egg situation: if amenities of life are available, people will go back; if they go back, amenities will become available. The point of my original post above was to suggest that to break the deadlock, the government must step in with a proper plan to jump-start the process. Of this, regretably, there is no sign on the horizon, and this is worrisome to those of us who are involved in this effort in our miniscule ways.

we both are sayin the samething but in a different way.
agreed that its the responsibility of GoP. no doubt about that. now let come to the reality. we hardly trust GoP. under such situation if a guy lik Edhi Sahab says something that will matter a lot. We know he himself is in swat and knows wat the situation is lik. if he says that situation has improved that makes it easier for me to agree with wat the gov is sayin.
now comin to chicken and egg thing. again i agree with you. but u also know that will never happen. so its better to start movin and do something ourselves rather than wait
Edhi is the most credibile person in Pakistan , he must have made sure before isuing any statements
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