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Economic power shifting from U.S. to China, Soros says


Apr 17, 2010
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Soros buttering up China.

Global governance is faltering and China's grip on the global economy is getting tighter, says philanthropist and former hedge fund manager George Soros.

Mr. Soros chose not to attack the U.S. for revving up its printing presses in its new round of quantitative easing, focusing instead on China's foreign exchange policies. Speaking at a gala hosted by the Canadian International Council in Toronto, Mr. Soros said China's devalued currency manipulates global trade and distorts the global economic recovery.

“Obama got the short end of the stick,” Mr. Soros said. Not only is the President getting attacked within his own country, foreign governments are against him even though China's policies are just as significant. In Mr. Soros's view, both countries are at fault, yet he added that both of their policies can work together, if used in moderation. “There ought to be some kind of balance or compromise between them,” he said.

Mr. Soros did not let the U.S. off the hook, noting that quantitative easing has “harmful side effects.”

“History shows that it gives rise to asset bubbles and it disrupts the foreign-exchange markets,” he said.

Mr. Soros devoted much of his talk to China because the country's rapid rise is taking place at the exact same time that the U.S. is losing its global economic dominance. “There is a really remarkable, rapid shift of power and influence from the United States to China,” Mr. Soros said, likening the U.S.'s decline to that of the U.K. after the Second World War.

Because global economic power is shifting, Mr. Soros said China needs to change its focus. “China has risen very rapidly by looking out for its own interests,” he said. “They have now got to accept responsibility for world order and the interests of other people as well.”

Mr. Soros even went so far as to say that at times China wields more power than the U.S. because of the political gridlock in Washington. “Today China has not only a more vigorous economy, but actually a better functioning government than the United States,” he said, a hard statement for him to make because he spent much of his life donating to anti-communist groups in Eastern Europe.

Looking forward, Mr. Soros said global governance is a pressing concern, but it is hard to implement. “Whereas globalization and deregulation spread like a virus, regulation is extremely difficult to achieve on an international scale,” he said.

“The world order as we know it is turning into disorder,” he added. At first “the G20 looked like the new central area of cooperation, and it actually did perform at the initial conference,” he said, “but ever since then opinions have been pulling it apart and in Seoul I think that process was taken a step further.”

Mr. Soros also touched on the unravelling European debt crisis. Although some people are surprised that Europe is still in trouble, he is not shocked. “The current situation can only be understood as a continuation of the financial crisis,” he said. “We are not out of the woods.”

But he did note there could be even more problems ahead because Germany is starting to dominate fiscal policy.

“Effectively Germany is imposing on the other countries a policy that has done very well for Germany” but not for the other governments, he said.

Economic power shifting from U.S. to China, Soros says - The Globe and Mail
Must be hard for him to admit since he said India will definitely passed China by 2020, 10 years ago because "Indians are better entrepreneurs".
Must be hard for him to admit since he said India will definitely passed China by 2020, 10 years ago because "Indians are better entrepreneurs".

Meh, decade-ahead predictions are never taken seriously. Take the IMF for example, they only do 5-year projections, which are fairly accurate with a +/- 1 year error margin if you check their records. Just like how some say that China might overtake the US by 2025; I wouldn't believe it until it's 2020.
It would overtake US by nominal GDP in another decade, but US would likely remain number one in another 20 years.
Guys instead of hoping the US would fail, let's worry about what China should do to keep its growth high.
Guys instead of hoping the US would fail, let's worry about what China should do to keep its growth high.

China now is in a very similar situation with 1965-1970 Japan. Even the strategy is same.

Just google Lewisian Turning Point in Japan and their solution. You can forecast pretty much of what China gonna do.

BWT I don't know is it work, but sounds good
China now is in a very similar situation with 1965-1970 Japan. Even the strategy is same.

Just google Lewisian Turning Point in Japan and their solution. You can forecast pretty much of what China gonna do.

BWT I don't know is it work, but sounds good

Wage pressure maybe but the government has so much control over the economy the dramatic increases might not happen as fast as it did in Korea or Japan.
USA still is the most powerful country .China can't match USA it need a long time maybe another 50 years.it is enough room for us coexistence.USA is not a enemy but a parter.
USA still is the most powerful country .China can't match USA it need a long time maybe another 50 years.it is enough room for us coexistence.USA is not a enemy but a parter.

The problem is not with the China. It wants to be seen as a parnter but with the US, it is the one making the transition from sole power to shared power.
USA still is the most powerful country .China can't match USA it need a long time maybe another 50 years.it is enough room for us coexistence.USA is not a enemy but a parter.

True. The best way forward is cooperation. :tup:

As time goes on, China's position improves.

All we have to do... is be patient, and work hard.
I dont think the Chinese are very behind the US in terms of economic strength. The fact is US and India also have a small manufacturing base compared to China and Germany and even Japan.

Yes, in terms of High tech military equipment and some other areas US still leads the world.It also leads in Services esp Financial services but thats almost gone...

This is the reason why keep the world trade and status quo suits China and other exporting countries.This imbalance in trade owing to the manufacturing base might get distorted owing to currencies and fiscal policies.But the key point is in my mind US and China are more equal in economic power than the gross numbers might suggest.But the Chinese have no financial levers and thats what the currency war is about. India is a laggard and is only a future power if it puts everything together in the next 5 yrs on the infrastructure and manufacturing front.

The jokers in the pack are Japan and Germany and thus what happens to Japanese exports and Ireland..is critical to everyone's future.
Must be hard for him to admit since he said India will definitely passed China by 2020, 10 years ago because "Indians are better entrepreneurs".

I feel Soros went little overboard in his prediction on China overtaking US. US, where some of the best Universities exist, where living standards are very high, which is a leading source of new ideas and technologies, where leading innovators live, where some of the best companies exist and where some best minds migrate, is hard to be overtaken at least in an immediate time by anyone including China. Please remember bigger does not mean better.

As regarding Soros prediction about Indians being better entrepreneurs, I feel India in a long run will be a better and quality economy then China, since of all the resource at the disposal of any country, entrepreneurship is simple unmatched and any culture that is entrepreneurial in nature is a better innovator. I am die hard proponent of Capitalist economy. I feel governments have a different role to play and should leave wealth creation to private sector, although I have to accept that Chinese government did a commendable job in wealth creation for its country; However, did Chinese create quality wealth? that is the question
As regarding Soros prediction about Indians being better entrepreneurs, I feel India in a long run will be a better and quality economy then China, since of all the resource at the disposal of any country, entrepreneurship is simple unmatched and any culture that is entrepreneurial in nature is a better innovator. I am die hard proponent of Capitalist economy. I feel governments have a different role to play and should leave wealth creation to private sector, although I have to accept that Chinese government did a commendable job in wealth creation for its country; However, did Chinese create quality wealth? that is the question

I respect your opinion, but I disagree on the point that the quality of wealth generated by the CCP is somehow lower than should be expected.

China had a market economy since the 1978 reforms, and most of China's GDP growth comes from the Private sector.
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