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East Asian Takeover: Vietnam Surpasses China in Q4 Growth

Compared to China, Vietnam is small and its population is also small...So if they show the same kind of growth they can easily eradicate poverty and make their country rich...Of course China will be much richer than Vietnam but China cannot achieve what Vietnam can in terms of eradication of poverty this is mainly due to the large population of China...

So great going Vietnam I hope Vietnam becomes another Singapore or Malaysia in the future....

Best of luck guys...
Compared to China, Vietnam is small and its population is also small...So if they show the same kind of growth they can easily eradicate poverty and make their country rich...Of course China will be much richer than Vietnam but China cannot achieve what Vietnam can in terms of eradication of poverty this is mainly due to the large population of China...

So great going Vietnam I hope Vietnam becomes another Singapore or Malaysia in the future....

Best of luck guys...
No,I donot think so.
China will eradicate poverty at around 2020,it is a political commitment from the chinese government . The key point about extinishing poverty is the technology status in the world,China have completed industry system and climb up the technolgy ladder quickly ,that means we have enough capability to solve the poverty problem,and we are doing it now and rapidly. We just cover all the Chinese with electrity, large population is nothing big deal.
As for Vietnam,Vietnam is very hard to eradicate poverty and become rich ,no prejudice ,only the facts.Vietnam did have many advantages compared to other south asian conntries,but it developed too late. Our efficient and competent industry has occupied most of the middle and low class industrial areas ,it is too hard for Vietnam to climb up the technology ladder,never mention it can defeat our industry.South Korea is a special example,SK rose in Cold War time when China was closed and enjoyed the vast international market,nowdays,repeating SK success road is very tiny chance and I think it is impossible ,maybe Vietnam think joining in TPP is the chance. In my opnion ,it is lucky for Vietnam if it can surpass Thailand in the future, Malaysia? very hard. Singapore ?impossible.
Per capita wise Vietnam's GDP is still one of the poorest in Asia. There is no way Vietnam can become rich. Other ASEAN nations all fare better than Vietnam.
Vietnam Economic Outlook
Despite the economic slump that is affecting other emerging economies in the region, the Vietnamese economy is expected to outperform its regional peers both this year and in the next few. The Prime Minister stated earlier this month that GDP growth for 2015 is expected to be 6.5%—the highest since 2007. He also revealed that the economy is expected to surpass that figure during the 2016–2020 period with growth projected to average 6.5%–7.0%, an increase from the 6.0% average recorded during the 2011–2015 period. The government aims to achieve this by consolidating institutions and laws, investing more in education and training and improving the country’s infrastructure. Meanwhile, the Vietnamese government recently approved a USD 3 billion bond issuance plan for the first half of 2016 aimed at reducing the high fiscal deficit and public debt that is expected to rise in the first semester of 2016.

Vietnam Economy - GDP, Inflation, CPI and Interest Rate
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