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Earth Quake Rocks Pakistan

Jordanian King holds wide-ranging discussions with President Musharraf, pledges continued relief assistance

UN Under Secretary General calls on President

President says aid supplies coming, it must reach victims in organized way

UN terms SA quake as mega disaster, calls for coordinated relief

Saarc Commerce ministers meeting postponed, Summit still on

Efforts underway for rescue of quake affectees: Maj Gen Javed Aslam

World FMs express solidarity with Pakistan

Heavy responsibility on public reps after quake: Wasim Shahzad

Free electricity to quake affected areas for three months: NA told

NA passes unanimous resolution for NA Relief Fund

Japan announces $ 20 million aid for quake-victims: Sherpao

King Abdullah-II of Jordon arrives

Nation stands united to help earthquake victims: Anisa

UN Under Secretary General calls on PM

Pakistan appreciates Russian assistance for earthquake victims

Pak Army shift 702 patients to twin cities' hospitals during last 15 hours

Relief, rescue operation continues at mass level in quake affected areas

President, PM observe Yuam-e-Dua, offer Juma prayer

PM, President review efforts to step up relief operation

PM lauds UN role in relief operations

PM, King Abdullah of Jordan discuss bilateral ties

Sh. Rashid visits quake devastated areas

PM receives Rs. 93.1 million donation on Friday

Lahore Air Base to be opened for handling relief aircrafts

Jordanian King holds wide-ranging discussions with President Musharraf, pledges continued relief assistance

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP)- King Abdullah-II of Jordan paid a brief visit to Pakistan during which he held wide-ranging discussions on a number of bilateral and regional issues with President Pervez Musharraf and assured his country's continued relief assistance in the wake of last week's devastating earthquake. President Musharraf briefed the Jordanian Monarch on the magnitude of the disaster that had befallen Pakistan and thanked him for the timely and generous assistance rendered by the Jordanian Government. King Abdullah-II, for his part expressed sympathies for the earthquake victims and assured the President that Jordanian assistance would be rendered on an ongoing basis till such time as it was needed.

On arrival at Aiwan e Sadr, President Musharraf welcomed the visiting leader, the one-on-one meeting between the two leaders continued for half an hour. After Iftar, the two leaders offered Maghrib prayers. Their discussion continued over dinner where Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz also joined. The President appreciated the Jordanian Monarch's efforts at projecting the moderate face of Islam within the West by promoting cross-civilizational dialogue. He emphasized that concept of "enlightened moderation" enunciated by him at the 10th OIC Summit had the same purpose. Both leaders agreed that such Initiatives were necessary to avert the threat of an inter-civilisational conflict. Discussions on bilateral issues covered diverse fields of economic and commercial cooperation.

The President emphasized that Pakistan's economic progress in recent years had created an investment-friendly climate within the country, In this context, he suggested that Jordan consider the establishment of a Pakistan-Jordan Joint Investment Company on the lines of similar institutions with other friendly countries. King Abdullah-ll said that relevant Jordanian authorities would look into this and other areas of cooperation. Both leaders agreed that the long-festering issues of Palestine and Kashmir needed to be resolved, They appreciated Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza strip and expressed the hope that this would lead to visible progress towards the implementation of the peace plan culminating in the creation of a viable Palestinian State.

The President explained that Pakistan's initiative towards Israel was aimed at pushing the peace process forward, and stressed that this gesture towards Israel did not imply recognition. The President briefed King Abdullah-ll on Pakistan's efforts to promote regional peace and stability. In this context he mentioned the ongoing composite dialogue with India and support to the Karzai Government in Afghanistan. The Jordanian Monarch commended these efforts which, he said, would contribute to greater stability even outside the Immediate region of South Asia. Earlier, on arrival, the Jordanian King was received by Foreign Minister Khurshid Kasuri.


UN Under Secretary General calls on President

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): President General Pervez Musharraf Friday appreciated the prompt and overwhelming response of the international community and the extremely important role the UN organizations in Pakistan were playing in helping the government coordinate relief assistance for the quake-affected people. He was talking to UN Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Jan Egeland, who called on him here. President Musharraf outlined the relief actions of the government and the setting up of the Federal Relief Commission to oversee the required response from the civil and military authorities. A Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Governmental Agency was also being set up. Providing shelter and food with tents and blankets for some two to three million people was the first priority of the government.

The Under Secretary General conveyed the deep condolences of UN Secretary General Kofi Anan and the entire UN system for the earthquake disaster and the terrible damage to life and property which had been occasioned. UN Under Secretary General appreciated the response of the government of Pakistan. He said no government in the world could be prepared for massive disasters, and gave the example of the immense effort which was needed to respond to the calamities of the Tsunami and hurricane Katrina.

He expounded on the UN disaster relief experience. The Under Secretary General stressed that the UN system could play a vital supportive role in search and rescue, providing emergency relief by reaching out to the affectees, particularly in remote areas and in running camps for those without shelter. However, he said, the International Financial Institutions, with their resources could take the supportive lead in relief and reconstruction. Egeland said the need for many more helicopters was vital given the rugged and inaccessible terrain. The UN was doing its part with four helicopters in place, four more expected shortly and with a medium term target of 20 helicopters, he added. Pakistan must seek more helicopters, he added. The President agreed on the need for more helicopters, which he had projected as the first relief priority from the start.

He appreciated that the US had already deployed 8 helicopters and more were on the way. The President also appreciated the helicopters which had been sent by the UN, the Agha Khan Foundation, ICRC, UNAMA, WFP, Germany and Afghanistan. More were on the way from Japan, Canada and Iran. The President and the Under Secretary General discussed modalities for the reconstruction of destroyed and heavily damaged towns, villages and hamlets. The Under Secretary General informed the President that the new UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Representative, Jan J. Vandermoortele, had been appointed as the overall UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Pakistan.


President says aid supplies coming, it must reach victims in organized way

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): President General Pervez Musharraf Friday called for enhancing coordination between the Government, the private organizations and foreign agencies to give further impetus to rescue and relief efforts in quake-stricken areas of Azad Jammu and Kashmir and NWFP. "Relief assistance is flowing into the earthquake-hit areas in large quantities from around the country and abroad as well - the emphasis now must be to provide it to the victims, we must ensure provision of shelter, food and medicines to them through an organized effort," he stated. He was addressing a meeting at the Federal Relief Commission, set up at the Prime Minister's Secretariat, Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz also attended the meeting.

The President said army medical teams are striving to provide on-the-spot treatment to maximum number of quake-hit people now medical aid is being provided to people of the cutoff areas. He appreciated the spirit of the armed forces, volunteers, non-government organizations, and the corporate sector, who have joined the government in the colossal task of providing relief to the victims. The meeting reviewed the pace of relief operations and evaluated various options for rehabilitation of the quake victims and reconstruction of the damaged areas. Federal Relief Commissioner Maj. Gen Farooq Ahmed Khan briefed the participants about the ongoing relief operations and coordination between various provincial units of the Commission. Later, Press Secretary to the President told APP that the Government has not called off rescue efforts and the rescuers are making all possible endeavours to pull out survivors alive.


UN terms SA quake as mega disaster, calls for coordinated relief

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): The United Nations Friday urged the world community to come with more financial assistance, saying billions of dollars would be needed for reconstruction and rehabilitation of an estimated four millions people rendered shelter-less by October 8 earthquake. UN Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Jan Egeland, on a flying visit to Pakistan to have a first-hand knowledge about the quake-disaster described the situation as "disaster beyound belief". Addressing a press conference here, he appreciated the massive relief efforts by Pakistan government and the International community but called for more coordination to achieve optimum results. Egeland said the scale of disaster was similar to that caused by the Dec 26 Tsunami and said it could take upto ten years for rebuilding.

Though the number of those killed was less, but the number of people displaced was much higher and there were thousands who had injuries that could maim them for the rest of their lives, he added. Egeland who met President General Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz earlier in the day said, the government has directed maximum facilitation to the international relief efforts. These include facilitation of visa for all aid workers, immediate customs free access for relief goods and facilitation for NGOs arriving for the humanitarian relief work. According to official death toll the 7.6 magnitude earthquake has so far killed over 25,000 people, injured 63,000 and rendered over 3.3 million homeless in parts of Kashmir and Pakistan.

The UN official said there was an urgent need to reach out to those people at the remotest locations, without any roof and requiring medical attention. Egeland made an urgent appeal for more helicopters, tents, blankets, food and medicines and called for removing all bottlenecks in delivery of aid. He said the Search and Rescue phase was now turning into saving those who have surivived. By Friday morning over 134 aircrafts carrying relief goods had arrived at a military air base near Islamabad and hundreds were expected in the days to come, he added. The earthquake had caused massive landslides blocking all roads leading to the affected areas in the Himalayan region and the rescue and relief work had to be done by around 50 helicopters, including those donated by the USA, Germany, Japan and other countries.

The UN Coordinator however called for prioritizing the relief work asking "delivery of relief goods to those who have not yet received any...we have to organise our generosity." Hundreds of trucks were travelling bumper to bumper in meandering roads towards the quake affected areas. Jan Egeland said so far the UN has registered US 225 million worth of donations in cash, but asked more from other nations. He hoped by next week the relief operation would grow bigger and better with the arrival of more tents, water purification systems, food and medicine. The United Nations will be here for a long time and would assist Pakistan in setting up a Disaster Management System. Responding to a question, he urged the international community for more funds, saying billios of dollars would be needed for rebuilding and reconstruction. He said the UN's flash pledges of 275 million dollars would have to be revised and added, other donors like the Res Crescent and the Res Cross were also revising their donations.


Saarc Commerce ministers meeting postponed, Summit still on

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): Pakistan on Friday announced postponement of the SAARC Commerce Ministers meeting due to the severe earthquake and ensuing destruction, but said it was looking forward to attend the 13th Summit from Nov 12-13 in Dhaka. A statement by the Foreign Office said "the Government of Pakistan was constrained to announce the postponement due to the severe earthquake and destruction caused by it in Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir." It announced postponement of dates of the Fifth SAARC Commerce Ministers meeting and the one of Eleventh Committee of Experts (COE) on SAFTA scheduled from October 18-22, New dates for the meetings will be announced in consultation with the member countries and the SAARC Secretariat. The statement said that despite the difficult situation and widespread devastation in earthquake, Pakistan is committed to keep the SAARC process moving and is looking forward to attend the Thirteenth SAARC Summit from November 12-13 at Dhaka.


Efforts underway for rescue of quake affectees: Maj Gen Javed Aslam

CHAKLALA AIRBASE, Oct 14 (APP): Commander Army Aviation Maj Gen Javed Aslam Tahir on Friday said all possible efforts are being made for the rescue of affectees in quake-hit areas. Talking to media here at Chaklala Airbase , he said that shifting of injured people from the affected areas is the top most priority of the Pakistan Army. He said Pakistan Army personnel are working 24 hours in the relief and rescue operations. Army Aviation helicopters on Friday carried out rescue and relief operations in several inaccessible areas of quake-stricken cities, he said.

He further said relief items were also dropped in Chakot, Suddan Galli,Saropa Neelam valley and Garhi Doppatta. The relief goods included food items,tents and blankets werem dropped by helicopters. He said relief items are being distributed in Muzaffarabad and surrounding area where the roads are reopened. To a question, he said that soon after the severe earthquake, which caused vast destruction, Pakistan Army had started rescue and relief operations.


World FMs express solidarity with Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): The Foreign Ministers from various regions of the world have sent messages of condolences and expressed sympathy and support to Foreign Minister Kasuri on the tragic earthquake which struck Pakistan on October 8. While expressing their sorrow and grief in this moment of pain for the people and government of Pakistan, the Foreign Ministers assured Foreign Minister Kasuri that their governments remain ready to assist Pakistan in any manner that might be needed.

This included the Foreign Minister of Sultanate of Oman, Yousuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah, Foreign Minister of Kuwait, Sheikh Dr. Muhamad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, Foreign Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr.Mladen Invanic, Foreign Minister of Republic of Djibouti, Mr.Mahmood Ali Youssouf, Foreign Minister of South Africa, Dr.Dlamini Zuma, Foreign Minister of Finland, Mr. Erkki Tumioja, Foreign Minister of Thailand, Dr.Kantathi Suphamongkon, Foreign Minister of Lebanon, Mr.Fawzi Salloukh, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Croatia, Mrs. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarvoic, Minister for Foreign Affairs of New Zealand, Mr.Phil Goff, Foreign Minister of Brunei Darussalam, Prince Mohamed Bolkiah, Secretary General of League of Arab States, Mr.Amre Moussa and the Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Mr.Jaeques Diouf. The Foreign Minister thanked them for their offer of support and assistance.


Heavy responsibility on public reps after quake: Wasim Shahzad

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): Minister of State for Interior Shahzad Wasim on Friday said there is a heavy responsibility on the elected representatives in the wake of the worst ever natural disaster in the country's history. Speaking in the National Assembly, the minister paid tributes to the nation for standing as one and forgetting their regional identities. "This crisis has united the nation. Nobody is today saying that he is a Balochi or Karachiite," he said. Wasim said it was not true that all the government machinery concentrated its rescue efforts at the collapsed Margallah Towers in Islamabad. He said such an impression was created because the first information of disaster after the earthquake came from these apartment buildings. He said the government machinery immediately reached the towers within 15 minutes of the earthquake.

The army he added was called in after assessing the situation and that prompt action led to saving of 90 lives. He said police, army and civil volunteers took part in the rescue operation at the collapsed building site without caring for their own lives. President Pervez Musharraf, Wasim said, reached the site of Margallah Towers despite warning by the Met Office that strong aftershocks were expected. The minister said there was some delay in sending rescue teams to Azad Kashmir but the government reacted promptly after it got the information about the magnitude of the disaster. "Within 48 hours main roads in Azad Kashmir were opened and whatever resources that were available with the government were mobilized," he said.

He said the wounded are being brought to the local hospitals by road and helicopters and some buildings have been hired to cater to the "spill over" patients. Wasim reiterated the government's resolve to set up model towns and cities at places where at present there are heaps of debris. Participating in the debate, Minister for Law and Justice, Wasi Zafar informed the House that he had personally visited earthquake affected areas. He said the local administration could not react swiftly because the families of government officials were also affected badly. The Minister said now the situation has changed and government, private organizations, philanthropists and volunteers have reached there to assist the victims.

There is no shortage of food and medicines while communication networks and electricity has been restored in the quake-stricken areas, he added. He said even small villages are being supplied food and medicines by the rescue teams. About rehabilitation efforts, he said the government and people are working day and night to support their brethren in this hour of need. Appreciating the role of the opposition, he said the opposition members are also taking part in the relief activities. He said there is a need to lift the morale of the people who are depressed and dejected over the loss of lives and property. Briefing the House about rescue and relief efforts, Health Minister Muhammad Nasir Khan said that operations of more than 2,300 seriously injured people were carried out at Pakistan Institute of Medical Science (PIMS).

These patients having head and spinal injuries were brought from Muzaffarabad and Bagh districts while injured persons of Balakot were being shifted to field hospitals in Mansehra and Abbottabad, he added. The Minister informed that 21 medical teams and 29 surgical teams and a team of 250 doctors are providing medical cover to the affected people. Nasir Khan said six field hospitals manned and equipped by different foreign teams are filling gaps where district hospitals were destroyed. The French, Italian, Belgian, ICRC, Saudi Arabia and Spanish Teams are working in Muzaffarabad, Mansehra, Rawalakot, Muzaffarabad, Balakot and Bagh respectively.

He said the Czechoslovakian and Hungarian teams equipped with modern field hospitals have also arrived. The Minister said immunization campaign has been launched against measles and tetanus in the affected areas. For vector control and management of dead bodies, he said, four fogging and spraying teams have been deployed in districts of NWFP and two teams to AJK, he added. The Minister said 10 mobilizing teams with 20 psychologists and psychiatrists will operate in affected areas of AJK and NWFP. The Minister said an estimated 2.5 million out of 3.5 million people have been displaced in quake stricken area. The devastation caused by earthquake is much bigger than Tsunami and Katrina typhoon. Earlier the members called for crisis management by the government and questioned the performance of the Crisis Management Cell. "The Crisis Management Cell was supposed to deal with natural disasters like earthquake and storms. It should be grilled by a committee of the house set up to probe its performance," Kunwar Khalid Younus from MQM said.

He said the government should open up its borders to aid from all countries of the world as no nation today can survive in isolation. The member said during his visit to Abbottabad, he found Ayub Medical College in a very dilapidated condition due to earthquake. He said the natural calamity has wiped out a generation of 10 to 15 thousand children between the age of two and three years. Raja Pervaiz Ashraf of PPPP urged the members of the cabinet to stay in the worst affected areas to know their problems. He said a proper channel of distribution of relief goods was missing and praised the electronic media for highlighting the miseries of quake-stricken people. Imran Khan of PTI said the crisis management is lacking in view of the colossal damage by the earthquake and added that help did not reach the worst hit areas.

He called for better coordination among the local government, civil administration and the army to carry out rescue efforts and despatching of relief goods to the deserving people. The government, he added, should give a rehabilitation plan of the destroyed areas of Muzaffarabad, Balakot and other worst affected areas. Deputy Speaker Sardar Muhammad Yaqub said Abbottabad area to which he belongs is one of the worst hit by the earthquake. He said 16 out of the 51 Union Councils of Abbottabad have suffered colossal damages and bulk supply of water was desperately needed. He said the tubewell of Ayub Medical College has also been destroyed in the earthquake and there is severe water shortage for the wounded and the staff. "We don't need bottled water. The problem there can only be addressed through bulk supply of water," he added.

He said in steep hilly areas, where helicopters cannot land, the government should send troops on foot to help in relief activities. Murtaza Satti also called for crisis management and supply of relief goods to far off areas. Parliamentary Leader of Pakistan Muslim League (N), Ch. Nisar Ali Khan said as winter season is approaching, people of quake affected areas urgently require tents and blankets. Presently, enough food is provided in these areas, therefore provision of tents and blankets would help ease their sufferings. Taking part in the debate, Sher Akbar Khan expressed his grief and sorrow over the loss of thousands of precious human lives. He appreciated the solidarity showed by the nation and the immediate financial and logistic support of international community to meet this crisis. Sher Akbar Khan asked the government to make arrangements for early rehabilitation of quake affectees of district Buner. Tehmina Daultana and Abdul Gafoor Haidari also took part in the debate and expressed sympathies with the grieved families.


Free electricity to quake affected areas for three months: NA told

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): Minister for Water and Power Liaqat Jatoi Friday said the government will provide free of cost electricity to the earthquake affected areas for three months. Speaking in the National Assembly, he said the payment of electricity bill for the month of September has also been deferred till the complete rehabilitation of affected people. The Minister said the devastated earthquake had badly affected the electricity network in the areas. The entire system was collapsed owing to destruction of infrastructure following the unprecedented earthquake in AJK and Hazara Division, he added. Liaqat Jatoi informed the House that rehabilitation efforts were started and with utmost efforts of the WAPDA employees, the electricity has been restored to several areas including Abbottabad, Balakot, Muzaffarabad, Bagh, Rawalakot and Hajeera.

He said the electricity supply to Neelam Jhelum Valley and Thakot will soon be restored. The Minister said the earthquake in AJK and Hazara Division was fifth biggest disaster in the history adding, it was more devastating than the Tsunami. Appreciating the Opposition, he said they have set an example of national unity and solidarity. He also thanked all those countries which assisted the country in present difficult time. He proposed to adopt a unanimous resolution in recognition of assistance provided by these countries.


NA passes unanimous resolution for NA Relief Fund

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): The National Assembly on Friday passed a unanimous resolution to set up a relief fund in which the members will donate their one month's salaries for the earthquake relief efforts. The resolution which was moved by Kashmala Tariq, also called for mobilizing volunteers to help in the rescue efforts and collect donations for the victims. It also called for setting up a joint committee of the house comprising treasury and opposition members, which will visit the quake-hit areas and monitor the rescue and relief efforts.


Japan announces $ 20 million aid for quake-victims: Sherpao

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): Japan has announced $ 20 million aid for quake-victims in Pakistan, the Interior Minister Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao said Friday. Japan's Senior Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Shuzen Tanigawa and Japan ambassador to Pakistan Tanake called upon Sherpao in his office Friday and said that the 40 percent of the total aid would be released immediately, while the remaining is to be given after bilateral talks. Shuzen Tanigawa told Sherpao that 26 members rescue team was already working in quake-hit areas, while an other 100 member rescue team would reach Friday. Sherpao expressed his gratitude to Japanese government for providing aid to Pakistan in difficult hour and condoled death of 3 Japanese in collapse of Margalla Tower in Islamabad.


King Abdullah-II of Jordon arrives

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): King Abdullah II of Jordan arrived here this evening for a brief visit, as part of his tour of some Islamic countries in Asia, including Malaysia and Indonesia. He was received at the Chaklala Air Base by Foreign Minister Khurshid Kasuri and Minister of State Khusro Bakhtiar and ambassadors of Muslim states. He was presented a guard of honour by a contingent of Pakistan Air Force. The King will hold talks with the President on wide-ranging issues of mutual interest. The President will brief the Jordanian Monarch on the devastation caused by the recent earthquake in Pakistan.

The King will leave for Amman the same night. Pakistan and Jordan enjoy close and cordial relations marked by religious affinity and commonality of views on important issues. The late King Hussain visited Pakistan in March 1988 while the President visited Amman in 2001. Jordan was among the few countries to have immediately responded to the President's appeal to the international community for relief assistance. It sent two plane loads of relief goods on October 10, and subsequently a mobile hospital personally escorted and supervised by Prince Rashid bin Al-Hasan, the son of Prince Hasan Bin Talal and Princes Sarvath. The 25-bed field hospital manned by a support staff of over 50, including 11 doctors, has been deployed in Rawalakot.


Nation stands united to help earthquake victims: Anisa

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Anisa Zeb Tahirkheli said Friday, the whole nation stands united to help mitigate the sufferings of recent earthquake victims. "We have to face this catastrophic situation as a strong nation with determination and courage", she said while talking to media persons here at the Chief Commissioner Office. The District Administration Islamabad on Friday dispatched another eight truck-loads of relief goods including edibles and medicines to quake hit areas in District Mansehra of NWFP. The relief goods being dispatched by the district administration were contributed by local businessmen and general public. Senators Pari Gul Agha, Nighat Agha and Gulshan Saeed were also present on the occasion.

They have also brought a number of truck-loads of food, clothing, bedding and medicines for the quake-hit areas. Anisa Zeb said, the people are generously offering aids for the quake stricken areas. To a question, the Minister of State said, the government has taken serious note of some looting incidents in earthquake hit areas, adding, appropriate measures are being taken to check such happenings. She, however, also urged the people of affected areas to help the relief workers in judicious distribution of relief goods among the needy and identify and stop such people, who are engaged in inhuman activities of looting the relief goods. The Minister of State also urged the businessmen, particularly those dealing in the goods and articles required for relief, to refrain from profiteering, as it was the duty of all to help the people hit by the devastating earthquake. Chief Commissioner Islamabad, Khalid Pervez informed the newsmen that district administration has so far sent 35 trucks loaded with essential items like tents, blankets, rice, sugar, water, pulses, oil, ghee, candles, match boxes, cloths etc. to the quake hit areas during the last few days.


UN Under Secretary General calls on PM

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): Jan Egeland, UN Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator called on Prime minister Shaukat Aziz Friday and discussed the ongoing massive relief operation in the quake-hit areas. He also discussed the role of UN agencies in reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts. The Prime Minister said that it was a tragedy of mammoth proportions and the government has mobilized its entire machinery including two divisions of the armed forces for providing relief to the victims. They discussed details of several short term and long term measures being contemplated for rehabilitation of the affected people.

Prime Minister Aziz told the UN envoy that despite the serious nature of the calamity, the moral of the people was still high and they were facing the situation with remarkable courage and fortitude. The Prime minister said that the government has already constituted a committee to asses the extent of damage caused by the earthquake to housing and infrastructure in the country. The Prime Minister also informed that opening of roads and communication links was the immediate priority of the government with a view to facilitating the relief operations.

"Not only the government departments and agencies are taking part in the releif efforts but also the NGOs and volunteers", he added. He also appreciated the role of international community and the UN which have responded to the call for providing relief in a swift manner and hoped that the situation would improve gradually. The UN Relief Coordinator said "we have agreed to coordinate national relief effort with international relief effort". He stressed the need for carrying out the whole operation in an organized and well coordinated manner.


Pakistan appreciates Russian assistance for earthquake victims

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): Pakistan has appreciated the Russian assistance for the earthquake victims. Pakistan's Ambassador in Russian Federation, Mustafa Kamal Kazi while talking to a Russian radio channel apprised the listeners of the profound devastation in the calamity-hit, areas. The Ambassador said, the focus of government's relief efforts is to provide immediate assistance in the form of medical aid, food supplies, clothing and shelter. He said Russian rescue team was second to reach on the spot and start relief work in Muzafarabad. The Ambassador said Pakistan received substantial quantity of relief supplies in form of tents, blankets and food from the Russian Federation.

A Russian medical team comprising doctors and para-medical staff has also reached Muzafarabad and set up a field hospital. He also expressed profound gratitude to President Vladimir Putin for sending message of consolation and sympathy on occasion of this tragedy. The Ambassador further said, the next phase would be to rehabilitate the affected population and reconstruct the damaged infrastructure including construction of offices, hospitals, schools buildings and communication networks which can be shared by Russia.


Pak Army shift 702 patients to twin cities' hospitals during last 15 hours

CHAKLALA AIRBASE Oct 14 (APP): Pakistan Army has shifted 702 wounded persons from the quake-hit areas to the hospitals of Rawalpindi and Islamabad during the last 15 hours. Total 44 helicopters participated in operation and shifted patients from quake-hit areas. Two more US Navy's helicopters MH53 also participated in operation. Other helicopter participated in shifting the patients include MI-17,--Chinook, Black Hawk, CH53 (Germany), Pakistan Navy's Sea King, C-13, Bell 412 and Puma. Similarly, 70 truck loaded with relief goods were airlifted in 45 helicopters from Chaklala Airbase for distribution among needy people of affected areas. Meanwhile, an additional 50 bed hospital has been established by the Army in Muzaffarabad to provide medical treatment to the injured of Quake-affectees. Over 4500 injured of quake-hit areas have been shifted to Combined Military Hospitals Rawalpindi, Abbottabad, Jhelum, Kharrian and Gujranwala in army helicopters during last five days.


Relief, rescue operation continues at mass level in quake affected areas

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): Relief and rescue operation in the quake affected areas of the country continued on Friday at a mass level with the major thrust to reach out those areas which had been inaccessible so far. More than two Divisions of Pakistan Army which moved into the quake hit areas have been engaged in mass level relief and rescue operations in Muzaffarbad, Bagh, Rawlakot and Balakot. The troops with are undertaking multifarious additional tasks like coordinating relief efforts of foreign teams and NGOs and volunteers who have come from all over the country to help the needy, assisting local administration in maintenance of law and order, burial of dead, mobilise local population through civil administration and retired local military personnel, liaison with the medical camps and transportation of relief goods to forward areas through mechanised and animal transport. Mini Forward Bases have been established by the troops to reach inaccessible areas where they could not reach in the first five days.

A considerable success has been achieved to reach these inaccessible areas by road or by helicopters. During the last twenty four hours, 82 sorties were flown to places where rescue and relief operations could not be carried out in first three days. Relief and Rescue operations were carried out in Sortir, Lamina, Saropa, Chakoti, Gari Dupatta, Pir Chinari, Billgra, Sarwan, Pandu, Hatian Balla, Ghori, Dhani, Ging, Pangkot, Patika and Nowseri and Neelum and Jhelum valleys and Paris, Kakiwar, Jareed and Allanpur. All the areas were inaccessible earlier, but the daring troops of Pakistan army have made them accessible for providing relief and rescue to the quake devastated areas.


President, PM observe Yuam-e-Dua, offer Juma prayer

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): President Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz offered Juma prayer together in PM Secretariat and observed Yuam-e-Dua for earthquake victims. The President and Prime Minister attended the briefing of Federal Relief Commission established in PM Secretariat to overall monitor and carry out the relief activities. During the break, the President, Prime Minister and other participants of the meeting offered Juma prayer in the Secretariat. Later they participated in special Dua offered for the victims of October 8, earthquake. They prayed to Almighty Allah to rest the departed souls in eternal peace and grant patience and courage to the survivors, and save the nation from future calamities.


PM, President review efforts to step up relief operation

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): President General Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz in a meeting on Friday reviewed efforts to step up on going relief and rescue operations in the quake hit areas. Both the leaders stressed that the relief operation should be conducted in a coordinated way aimed at ensuring maximum support in the shortest possible time. They were unanimous that the unprecedented spirit of solidarity shown by the nation would prove an asset at the time of rehabilitation and reconstruction.


PM lauds UN role in relief operations

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz on Friday deeply appreciated the invaluable role of the UN system, which has always been Pakistan's development partner, for its prompt and effective response to the overwhelming challenge of the disaster suffered by Pakistan from the earthquake. The Prime Minister was talking to UN Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mr. Jan Egeland who called on him Friday afternoon. It was also particularly appreciated that a UN disaster assessment team arrived within 24 hours of the catastrophe. This enabled the UN to launch its $ 271 million Flash Appeal to meet the immediate life saving needs of the affected people and areas. The Prime Minister said, Pakistan was expending all its energies and resources, through the Government and the people of Pakistan to meet the challenge, for which international assistance was also required, not only for the rescue phase, which was almost over, and the succeeding phases of relief followed by rehabilitation and reconstruction.

"The Government was determined to streamline all procedures to facilitate relief assistance from abroad," he said. The Under Secretary General assured the Prime Minister that in Pakistan's hour of need the UN system would not be found wanting. The magnitude of the disaster was perhaps more than that suffered under the Tsunami which devastated many of the littoral States of the Indian Ocean. The UN system had set up a system of clusters dealing with the main sectoral issues which had to be addressed to meet the challenges now faced by Pakistan, including the fields of health and shelter, etc.

The UN system has already developed a good working relationship with the Government machinery for dealing together with the task at hand. In the days to come, he said, they would also concentrate on developing closer coordination with all the Government relief Departments and organizations, including with the Military which was coordinating the major part of the relief effort at the rear base area of Rawalpindi/Islamabad and the affected areas in NWFP and Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The Prime Minister recommended that the Under Secretary General should meet before his departure Major General Farooq Ahmed Khan, the newly appointed Federal Relief Commissioner who would be coordinating all relief actions by the civil and military authorities.

He agreed that the UN system in Islamabad should help coordinate the activities of the international NGOs in Pakistan and those who were now coming in large numbers with the noble desire to help the people in the affected areas. The Under Secretary said, they had an important role to play and it was necessary that their activities should also be guided in a manner in which the best use could be made of their humanitarian idealism and enthusiasm to assist. The Under Secretary General assured that the UN would offer all assistance in this regard to the Government and the NGOs. The Prime Minister concluded by appreciating the central role being played by Under Secretary General Jan Egeland in the UN's disaster relief response, for which he had broken away from his tour of the Tsunami affected region. All assistance would be given to his team, and the Prime Minister looked forward to his next visit.


PM, King Abdullah of Jordan discuss bilateral ties

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz and King Abdullah II of Jordan Friday discussed ways and means to further promoting bilateral relations between the two countries in diplomatic, political and economic fields. The Prime Minister appreciated Jordan's support for the quake-hit victims as King Abdullah assured all assistance to Pakistan in this hour of need. The King was here on a brief visit during which he held wide-ranging talks on a number of bilateral and regional issues with President Pervez Musharraf and assured his country's continued relief assistance in the wake of last week's devastating earthquake.

The Prime Minister recalled the close and cordial relations between Pakistan and Jordan characterized by religious affinity and commonality of views on important issues. Jordan was among the few countries which immediately responded to Pakistan's appeal for the international assistance to the earthquake-hit areas. Jordan has sent two plane loads of relief goods and more assistance from the country was on the way. Earlier in the day, Prince Rashid Bin Al Hassan of Jordan also called on the Prime Minister to discuss relief efforts. Prince Rashid, the son of Prince Hasan Bin Talal and Princess Sarvath, personally escorted a mobile hospital on October 10. He supervised the entire process of setting up the 25-bed hospital in Rawalakot, which is manned by a support staff of over 50, including 11 doctors.


Sh. Rashid visits quake devastated areas

MUZAFFARABAD, Oct 14 (APP): Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, on Friday visited different areas here to review the activities underway to provide relief to the quake-affected people. The minister had visited the devastated areas following the directives of Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz. The minister reviewed the medical facilities being provided by the Army Field Hospitals and other Social Welfare Organizations at Neelum Stadium Muzaffarabad. Sheikh Rashid Ahmed was told that more than 6,000 patients were provided medical treatment including the surgical operations of various nature at the Neelum Stadium medical camp. The minister inquired about the health of patients, assured them for their complete rehabilitation and said that the whole nation was with them at this tragic moment. He appreciated the role of Army and other social organizations for providing help to the earthquake-victims and said that their role would be acknowledged for ever in the national history.


PM receives Rs. 93.1 million donation on Friday

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): Public and Private sector are generously contributing towards President's relief fund for earthquake victims and on Friday alone Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz received Rs. 93.1 million in donation. The following public private sector organisation presented cheques to the Prime Minister today for the relief of the earthquake affected people towards the President's Disaster Relief Fund. Hyundai Motor Co US $ 300,000/- , Kia Motors US $ 100,000/-, NESPAK Rs 1.5 million, PPIB Rs 1 lac, KESC Rs. 20 lac (2-million), NPCC Rs 2.5 million, WAPDA Rs 13.5 million, SECP Rs. 10 million, Pak-Libya Holdings Rs. 10 million, Lakhra Coal Rs. 26,000/- only, Asia Petroleum Rs. 1 million, Overseas oil trading Rs 5 lac, BP Pak exploration Rs 12 million, Occidental Rs. 12 million and Orient Petroleum Rs. 4 million.


Lahore Air Base to be opened for handling relief aircrafts

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (APP): The government has decided to open up another Air Base in Lahore for handling relief aircraft as the ongoing relief activity has saturated the available ground and airspace of Islamabad Airport/PAF Base Chaklala. To ameliorate the situation, aircraft coming in with relief goods alone, will be shared between Islamabad and Lahore, and subsequently the Air Base in Peshawar for off loading. The aircraft bringing in medical teams, their equipment and other machinery and equipment, will be given preference for off load at Islamabad. It has also decided that no overnight parking will be provided to visiting aircraft at Islamabad till further notice.

The aircraft requesting for a night stop will be dispatched to Lahore as an alternative and depending upon the parking space available at Islamabad, the relief aircraft will be diverted to Peshawar and Lahore. The government has requested Embassies, UN and other aid agencies to formulate their requests for aircraft clearance accordingly to expedite response, and also for advance provision of making arrangements to off load and then transport up country relief supplies. Donor countries, the UN Agencies and other aid and relief agencies and organizations have been requested to explore matching their air lift capabilities with supplies of tents and blankets in third countries, which in some cases are already in national and aid agencies stockpiles.

For instance in an OCHA Aid meeting in Geneva this afternoon, UNHCR outlined some of its available tents and blankets resources in third countries. Donor countries and relief and aid agencies may wish to further explore the possibility of synergy to expedite relief response. To speed up the off loading of relief supplies, to enable a quicker turn around of relief planes, freeing airport berths for more relief flights, 7 and 3 tons or other in between capacity fork lifts, and also a smaller number of Belt Loaders would be of great utility.

Islamabad Airport/PAF Base Chaklala are handling on the average 24-30 aircrafts daily, which are bringing in medical teams, field hospitals, machinery and relief goods to support the national effort for earthquake relief. From Chaklala, these teams, equipment and goods are transported by helicopters and trucks for distribution to the affected populace and areas. The Air Base is also handling the majority of relief helicopters flights which are transporting medical teams and relief goods, and bringing back patients for medical treatment. Spam detection software, running on the system "smtp.dsl.net.pk", hasidentified this incoming email as possible spam. The original messagehas been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or labelsimilar future email. If you have any questions, see postmaster@dsl.net.pk for details.

Government to take care of children injured in earthquake: PM

Switzerland for long term commitment in Pakistan

Army Aviation's helicopter crashes near Bagh: six soldiers embrace shahadat

Third Japanese helicopter reaches

Italy provides five plane loads relief goods, field hospital

Mules only option for mode of transportation in some quake-hit areas of AJK

US sending engineering equipment to Pakistan

NA Relief Committee leaves for earthquake affected areas

Gen. Zuabir calls on Prime Minister

UN to set up relief camp in Muzaffarabad

Media can play a vital role in relief operation: Minister

Italian Govt. to send full-fledge field hospital to Pakistan for quake-affectees

MoH to develop database for tracing whereabouts of patients

Four children rescued alive in Balakot by Army

CAA denies relief flights' diversion reports

Balochistan govt. sends nine more train bogies of relief goods

Two cargo trains carrying 2400 tons relief goods reached Havalian: ISPR

Army takes control of earthquake hit valley of Allai: ISPR

Government to take care of children injured in earthquake: PM

ISLAMABAD, Oct 16 (APP): Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz Sunday said the government would take care of all the children injured in the devastating earthquake and no one would be allowed to adopt any child. Talking to newsmen after visiting Federal Government Services Hospital and National Institute of Special Education here in the federal capital, the Prime Minister said there are 1000 injured children in different hospitals here.

The Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz along with his wife visited the hospitals and enquired about the health of injured children and women admitted to the local hospitals. The Prime Minister said the injured children in the hospital of the federal capital are from Azad Kashmir, Mansehra and other affected areas. He said most of these children were rescued by Pakistan Army while many others were rescued by NGOs and local poulation. The Prime Minister said most of the children are with their parents or relatives but some of them are without any relative. He, however, said adoption of these children is completely killed and government had already issued clear instructions in this regard.

Shaukat Aziz said the government would first make sincere efforts to find the parents or relatives of those children who are here in the hospitals and if no one would be found, then the government would take their responsibility. He said all the hospitals had been directed that the children should not be adopted by any one as these are the asset of the country. The Prime Minister said the children are being provided with best possible treatment and counseling so that they could lead normal life without any delay. He lauded the efforts of Ministry of Health and Ministry of Special education for providing best possible treatment to the children. He also appreciated the devotion and zeal of the people to help their brothers in the need of hour and said the sense of caring and sharing with these victims had united the nation.

The Prime Minister said besides shifting the injured to major hospitals of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, the government has also established 17 field hospitals in various areas to provide immediate medical treatment at the spot. He said so far the death toll is 38,000 but it could rise when the inaccessible areas would be accessed. The Prime Minister said now the relief teams have started reaching the remote affected areas in Azad Kashmir and providing relief goods and evacuating the injured.

Shaukat Aziz appreciated the efforts of Minister for Special Education Zubaida Jalal and asked her to be prepare for 400 children who are being discharged from the hospitals. Earlier, the Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz along with his wife Rukshsana Aziz first visited Federal Government Services Hospital where they went around different Children wards and enquired about health of the children. Minister of Health Naseer Khan and Secretary Health Syed Anwar Mahmood were also present on the occasion.

The Prime Minister was informed that 866 patients are under treatment in the Hospital which include 468 male and 398 female. He was informed that 147 children were admitted in the hospital and out of which 90 are still here and getting treatment. The Prime Minister and his wife announced to provide Rs. 1000 and one pair of clothes to every child before being discharged from the hospital. He especially asked the children and their relatives about the treatment being provided to them, and they said they are being looked after properly. Later, the Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz along with his wife visited National Institute of Special Education, where Minister for Special Education Mrs. Zubaida Jalal received them.

The Prime Minister was informed that 50 children had been admitted in the Institute where volunteers including girl guides and boy scouts are helping them. Zubaida Jalal informed the Prime Minister that doctors and para-medical staff is available in the Institute to provide any sort of treatment while meal is also being provided to the children and their relatives. The Prime Minister and his wife distributed gifts of biscuits, chocolates and toys among the children on this occasion. The children and their relatives thanked the Prime Minister and the government for providing them best possible treatment in the Institute and for taking proper care.

The Prime Minister appreciating the devotion and dedication of volunteers and NGOs said it is the collective responsibility of the nation to help victims of the earthquake. Mrs. Zubaida Jalal told the Prime Minister said the Ministry of Special Education has other centres, where more children would be accommodated. The Prime Minister appreciated the efforts of Pakistan Army for bringing these children to Islamabad by helicopters especially from the remote and inaccessible areas like Chakhoti, Bagh and other damaged areas. He saluted the courage of Pakistan army jawans for rescuing these children and finding their parents as most of the children are with their parents or relatives.


Switzerland for long term commitment in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Oct 16 (APP): The Swiss head of Humanitarian Aid Toni Frisch has appreciated the "impressive response" of people after the earthquake but warned that time was running out for those still waiting for aid in the inaccessible areas. He said the Swiss government planned long term commitment in Pakistan to provide relief and later rehabilitation of the affected people. "There has been serious destruction, with entire collapse of communication network, but I am impressed with the way the people responded and helped the needy around them," Frisch said.

However he said emergency was still not over and there were "tremendous challenges" due to logistic problems. He said the Swiss government had immediately handed over US 500,000 dollars for acquisition of helicopters on lease to rush relief goods and rescue teams to the inaccessible areas, while it was also using 30 mules to reach out to villagers stranded in difficult places. He said the cooperation programme by the Swiss government would continue during the winter and special shelters are being brought in to be used for field hospitals. Briefing newsmen about the response of the Swiss government, he said, the Swiss Air Rescue was in Pakistan on the first day of the disaster along with experts of United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination.

The head of Humanitarian Aid said the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Swiss Ministry of Defence and Swiss Red Cross have sent three logistics experts along with large amount of medical equipment, 200 family tents, 1500 kitchen sets, 7000 woollen blankets, 500 water canisters and 1000 mats. He said the Pakistani authorities had contacted the Swiss Disaster Management experts for cooperation in Disaster Preparedness around two months back, but hoped that they would be able to make an initial report by January next.


Army Aviation's helicopter crashes near Bagh: six soldiers embrace shahadat

RAWALPINDI, Oct 16 (APP): One MI-17 Helicopter of Pakistan Army Aviation, a part of the ongoing relief and rescue operation, has crashed in the mountains of Bagh valley. According to ISPR here Sunday, the Helicopter was carrying relief items from Bagh to the quake-afflicted areas, which so far had not been accessed. After no communication contact with the Helicopter, its search was started some where around mid-day on Saturday which concluded in finding of its debris at around 1:30 am Sunday. All the six onboard have met shahadat including, four officers, one JCO, and one NCO. Bad weather or technical fault could be the cause of this crash, however, an investigation has been ordered to determine the actual cause.


Third Japanese helicopter reaches

ISLAMABAD, Oct 16 (APP): A Japanese Army aircraft carrying helicopter landed at Chaklala airbase here on Sunday. This is the third helicopter sent by the Government of Japan o join relief and rescue operation in the quake affected areas of AJK and NWFP. Earlier, Japan had sent two helicopters on Saturday. The helicopters will join Army's operation being carried out in quake-hit areas. Besides, USA has promised to provide 24 more helicopters while the United Nations will be sending helicopters to Pakistan to expedite relief and rescue operations in the affected areas.


Italy provides five plane loads relief goods, field hospital

ISLAMABAD, Oct 16 (APP): Italy has so far flown in five plane loads of 160 metric tonnes of emergency assistance goods including a field hospital with necessary equipment for first-aid and surgery, along with the support of civil defence personnel. The field hospital is manned by 13 lady-doctors and 10 paramedics, to cover care and assistance to female patients/victims and children.

The hospital, set up in a town of Mansehra, is surrounded by a tent village sufficient to shelter hundreds of the afflicted. Another similar unit is under transfer to Balakot on the request of Federal Minister Ghazi Gulab Jamal, who is coordinating relief operations in the area. Italy has also provided tents, blankets, plastic containers, mobile generators, water treatment units, foodstuff, hygiene items and beds in addition to medicines, medical and para-medical staff. During the next couple of days, additional flights are expected to reach Islamabad with more relief goods. The embassy of Italy is in touch with the Pakistani authorities to evaluate the quantum of goods needed for the victims of the tragedy.


Mules only option for mode of transportation in some quake-hit areas of AJK

ISLAMABAD, Oct 16 (APP): Every possible resource is being fully utilized by Pakistan Army in the on-going relief and rescue operation in the quake afflicted areas and at some places mules are the only option due to inaccessibility of the mechanised transportation. At present 120 mules of Animal Transport Regiment of Pakistan Army are being used to provide relief goods in inaccessible areas in surroundings of Balakot, one of the worst hit areas of October 8 earthquake. These have so far transported 10 tonnes of relief items which include tents, warm clothing and other relief items in the villages of Kawai, Jareed and Paris.

These mules are being used to carry out relief and rescue activity as no other means of transportation could be utilized due to great damage to the road network in these areas. Packed mules are extensively being used in far flung areas of Bagh as well where earthquake has caused havoc. These packed mules are carrying blankets, food, water, dry milk and other utility items for distribution among the stranded people. These mules are providing relief service in the far flung villages of Dharee, Banjeeri, Jearay, Basoti, Beer Pani, Mang Bajri, Sudhan Gali, Chitra Village. Through around 47 sorties by helicopters, different relief items were also dropped in these areas. Meanwhile, Forward Treatment Centre in Bagh has seen converted into 100-Bed Hospital with all categories of doctors including Surgeons, Medical Specialists, Anaesthetists and other facilities.


US sending engineering equipment to Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Oct 16 (APP): Commander of Combined Force Command in Afghanistan, Lt. General Eicken Berry Sunday said US ship carrying engineering equipment is arriving in Karachi to support ongoing relief operation in the quake-hit areas. The Commander in a press briefing at Chaklala Airbase said the Engineering equipment will be used to open blocked roads in the affected areas. I have been assigned the task to assess the needs and requirements of Pakistan after earthquake devastation, he said. The government of Pakistan and Pakistan Army, he said, are doing their job well and trying to provide full assistance to the affected people in quake-hit areas.

The Commander said US Army is also here to support Pakistan in its relief and rescue efforts and besides providing military assistance, US is also providing expertise to Pakistan. He said currently twelve US Helicopters are working with Pak-Army in relief, rescue operation and also dropping food in inaccessible affected areas. Eicken Berry said US is also trying to deliver blankets and tents in the affected areas. He said Pakistan is a great friend of US and an ally in the war against terror. " We stand side by side." he categorically added. To a question, he said US will send C-17 helicopters to Pakistan, however, opening of roads and providing of foods to the affectees is the main task. He said besides US army, US Navy is also supporting Pakistan in relief operations and Afghan national Army's four helicopters are also participating in these activities. He appreciated the efforts of Pakistan-Army for providing full assistance to the victims of the quake.


NA Relief Committee leaves for earthquake affected areas

ISLAMABAD, Oct 16 (APP): A delegation of National Assembly Relief Committee for the earthquake victims left here for earthquake affected areas of Azad Jammu Kashmir with ten truck loads of relief goods which included tents, blankets and food. The delegation comprising Coordinator NA Relief Committee Kashmala Tariq, Mrs. Tehmina Dasti and Zamurd Khan. The delegation will visit the affected areas particularly those inaccessible areas which had not been accessed by any relief teams and provide relief goods to them.

The National Assembly has set up a Relief Camp outside the Parliament to collect donations for the help of earthquake victims. The MNAs and particularly the members of the National Assembly Relief Committee have personally donated to the camp and already dispatched relief goods to the affected areas. Meanwhile on the intervention of MNA Kashmala Tariq, the Chairman Capital Development Authority Kamran Lashari has assured the earthquake affectees will not be dislocated from G-6 Flats until they are provided alternate places. A delegation of the affectees from Azad Kashmir and NWFP called on Kashmala Tariq here in National Assembly Relief Centre and demanded of the authorities not to dislocate them from G-6 flats until the provision of alternate place.

They also urged the authorities to provide drinking water and electricity in these flats on emergency basis. Kashmala Tariq said the government is working on the establishment of control centre to provide all basic information to people coming from the earthquake affected areas. The delegation informed the authorities that huge number of people from affected areas will reach Islamabad after reopening of roads. Kashmala assured the people that government and people of Pakistan are working relentlessly to help the affectees. She said NA Relief Centre is working round the clock and sending necessary goods in remote areas where help is much needed.


Gen. Zuabir calls on Prime Minister

ISLAMABAD, Oct 16 (APP): Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz Sunday emphasised the need to ensure fast and equitable distribution of relief goods and added that relief and rehabilitation work should move in parallel so that normal life could be restored in the affected areas. He was talking to Chairman of newly constituted Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA) Lt. General Muhammad Zuabir, who called on him at the Prime Minister House to review the progress regarding relief and reconstruction efforts launched by the government in the wake of massive earthquake in the country.

The Federal Relief Commissioner Maj. General Farooq Ahmed Khan was also present on the occasion. Chairman ERRA briefed the Prime Minister on availability of temporary shelter as well as initial ideas of reconstruction, debris removal and restoration. He said reopening of roads and communication links are going on with full swing alongwith restoration of electricity and telephone lines. The Prime Minister said opening of roads is critical as there are still some areas which are depending on relief supply by helicopters as well as evacuation of the injured and their removal to hospitals. The Federal Relief Commissioner briefed the Prime Minister on the latest situation regarding relief and rescue and said that medicines, food and tents are being continuously delivered to the affected areas and the pace is picking up gradually.

Shaukat Aziz appreciated the spirit of volunteerism demonstrated by the people as well as the assistance extended by the international community. He said as the population is scattered, reliance on helicopters is critical and the additional helicopters en-route from abroad will improve distribution in the inaccessible areas. The Prime Minister was also briefed on the status of field hospitals, evacuation of casualties. He emphasised the need to maintain the momentum of relief efforts and express satisfaction with supplies being sent to the affected areas. The Prime Minister said ERRA has been set up to provide focused approach which is essential for achieving the desired results. He said the reconstruction effort is a gigantic task which required acumen and patience along with material resources. The Prime Minister was informed that tent cities are being setup at different places and the infrastructure is being restored in a planned manner. Senior government officials related to relief and rehabilitation work were also present on the occasion.


UN to set up relief camp in Muzaffarabad

ISLAMABAD Oct 16 (APP): United Nations on Sunday sent equipment to Pakistan which will be used for setting up relief camp in Muzaffarabad. A cargo plane carrying equipment reached at Chaklala Airbase on Sunday. Swedish Rescue Service, Sweden also sent 9800 blankets, mattress and other relief materials to Pakistan. Ukraine has sent field hospital to Pakistan along with vehicles. Two Ukraine cargo planes carrying material also reached at Chaklala Airbase. Ukraine Ambassador Digor Polikha told APP that two more cargo planes carrying relief goods will also reach Pakistan for the affectees of quake-hit areas in days ahead.

An Indian Dallo Aeroplane carrying blankets also reached at Chaklala Airbase. France has sent C-130 carrying 45,190 kg machines and other equipment. Germany has sent 11000 kg helicopter equipment to Pakistan. Khirgistan has sent 374 bundles of blankets, tents with total 7 tonnes and 500 kg. Relief goods including blankets, tents and medicines also reached at Chaklala Airbase from Karachi for the affectees of earthquake. Japan has sent third helicopter to Pakistan to join relief and rescue operations in affected areas of AJK and NWFP.


Media can play a vital role in relief operation: Minister

ISLAMABAD, Oct 16 (APP): Federal Minister for Tourism Dr. Ghazi Gulab Jamal said on Sunday that media's role as eyes and ears of any nation and instrument of public mobilization and making public opinion could not be denied. He said, it has been proved true during the recent days where media had played very important role in directing the relief and rescue efforts, carried out for the earthquake affectees. He further stated that media made accessible those areas which were unaccessible and motivated the people and government as well. While commenting on the relief and rehabilitation efforts, the Minister said that Government along with the people and international community, is making all out efforts to give maximum relief to the people and has been extended relief operation to the far-flung areas.

"I along with the other members of NWFP Committee for supervision of relief efforts, have been living in the Mensehra and Balakot for the last one weak in earthquake hit areas in order to supervise the relief and rescue operation", he mentioned. The Minister said, the Government under leadership of Pervez Musharraf and Shaukat Aziz, utilizing maximum energy to meet the challenge. The Minister paid rich tribute to the people of Pakistan and Media persons for standing firm with the affectees during the testing times.


Italian Govt. to send full-fledge field hospital to Pakistan for quake-affectees

ISLAMABAD, Oct 16 (APP): Italy has decided to provide full-fledge Field hospital to Pakistan for providing medical assistance to the quake-affectees. Ambassador of Italy, Roberto Mazzotta told APP that the hospital will have facility of dealing 500 patients. He said a 30-memer Italian team already providing assistance to the victims of earthquake. Besides, Italy has also sent relief goods to Pakistan, he added. He said Italy will also send more relief goods including tents and blankets for quake affectees. Earlier, the Italian ambassador handed over a huge quantity of medicines to the Minister of State for Interior Dr. Shahzad Wasim at Chaklala Airbase on Sunday. These medicines will be sent to the quake affected areas of AJK and NWFP. These medicines including pain killers, anti-biotic, anti-fever and medicines for wounded patients.


MoH to develop database for tracing whereabouts of patients

ISLAMABAD, Oct 16 (APP): A database will be developed by the Ministry of Health (MoH) in collaboration with Military officials at Chaklala Airbase for tracing whereabouts of the patients. It was decided in a meeting of the Disaster Management Committee of the Ministry of Health held on Sunday under the chairmanship of Minister for Health Muhammad Nasir Khan in the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), Islamabad. Syed Anwar Mahmood, Secretary Health other senior officials of the Ministry of Health and representatives of WHO and UNICEF in Pakistan also attended the meeting.

This database will contain information such as patients' names, from where they are coming and in which hospitals they are being shifted. The meeting was briefed that as the hospitals of the Rawalpindi-Islamabad are working almost to their full capacity, the Punjab Health Department will be requested to make more improvised indoor beds available for shifting the patients to the adjacent districts. It was discussed that about 40 more outreach medical teams comprising doctors and nurses from Punjab Health Department and about 25 public health teams comprising the officials of the Institute of Public Health Lahore and Health Services Academy Islamabad may be sent to the affected areas within 2 days. They will be located in the areas identified in consultation with the local health authorities.

A database containing the details of the orphans and single ladies in the hospitals will also be maintained. More than 25 teams comprising Psychiatrics/Psychologists alongwith the medical students and volunteers will join the medical teams in different affected areas. Concluding the meeting, the Secretary Health said that the Health Departments of Punjab, NWFP and the Ministry of Health's base camps at Muzaffarabad, Bagh, Rawalakot and Mansehra will be requested to provide the list of required items daily, so that the items can be dispatched to them accordingly.


Four children rescued alive in Balakot by Army

ISLAMABAD, Oct 16 (APP): Four children in Balakot including an infant have been rescued by Army. This was stated by Director General ISPR, Maj. Gen. Shaukat Sultan while talking to PTV. He said that yesterday, two children aged nine and seven years came to army camp in Balakot. There was also a seven month infant with them. Children informed that their village 'Sanghar' which was seven kilometers from Balakot in mountains has been totally destroyed due to earthquake. They told that their parents had also died in the earthquake. And their sister aged three years who also suffering from polio was trapped under debris. On the identification of children, the troops went there, they pulled alive their sister and brought her along with other children to the camp. All the four children are safe in the Army camp in Balakot. He paid tributes and added that the hero of this all episode was a nine years old boy who cared his brothers and sister for nine days consecutively and kept them alive.


CAA denies relief flights' diversion reports

KARACHI, Oct 16 (APP)- Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has denied the news report published in a section of press suggesting that about 57 international flights carrying relief goods were diverted to different airports. In a statement on Sunday, the Authority clarified that total 235 flights arrived at Islamabad Airport which brought in humanitarian aid from donor countries/agencies. Only five flights were diverted to different airports only due to bad weather which were called back to Islamabad after the weather cleared and not 57 flights as reported. It further stated that immediately after the earthquake Islamabad Airport was made focal point of CAA coordination as nearly all relief flights bringing passengers and rescue aid started arriving at Islamabad. In view of the emergent nature of the situation CAA took following measures to handle it.

a. A camp office of HQCAA was established at Islamabad Airport manned by A/DGCAA and Director Operations.

b. A Coordination Cell was activated in Air Transport Directorate in HQCAA to issue prompt clearance to all international flights bringing relief goods, passengers and rescue teams.

c. Coordination cell was created at Islamabad Airport to coordinate with Army Aviation, PAF, Immigration authorities, ASF and all other agencies participating in relief operation.

d. Appropriate arrangements were made at Lahore and Islamabad to accord priority to relief flights.

e. All relief flights were exempted from landing and housing charges.

f. Additional fuel supply was coordinated with Attock Oil Refinery, PSO and Shell for availability of sufficient fuel for relief flights.

g. Chairman PIAC was requested that PIAC aircraft should arrive in Islamabad with maximum fuel to minimise the fuel uplift from Islamabad. This was complied by PIA.

h. Coordination was made with foreign office and immigration, ASF, Army and PAF authorities for efficient relief operations.

i. Additional Terminals to immigration staff were provided to enable them prompt clearance for issuance of visa on arrival. Deputy Director, FIA was also requested to allocate additional manpower for this purpose.

j. Adequate numbers of porter/labourers were provided to sort baggage of relief teams for onward dispatch to affected areas.

k. A joint National Crisis Management and UN Coordination Cell were arranged in International Arrival Lounge to facilitate the relief operation.

l. A special counter was provided in the international Arrival Lounge for British High Commission to facilitate passengers having Pakistani/British Nationality.


Balochistan govt. sends nine more train bogies of relief goods

QUETTA, Oct 16 (APP): Balochistan Government has dispatched here Sunday another consignment of relief goods for earthquake victims to Islamabad through a special goods train comprising nine bogies. This was stated by Provincial Home Secretary Mohammad Hamayun Khan while addressing a press conference here Sunday. He informed the journalists that the provincial government has dispatched a total of 45 bogies loaded with relief goods within three days. Out of 45 bogies 36 were sent on Friday. Out of which 26 were donated by the provincial government and 19 by Army and Frontier Corps.

He informed that Balochistan Government has dispatched the goods comprising 3000 blankets, 200 tents, 3000 cartons of dates, 748 cartons of medicines, 375 cartons of food and 20 cartons of clothes. Balochistan Police have announced three days salary for the quake victims. Besides, it has also donated 5000 blankets, 4000 jackets and 450 sleeping bags. The provincial government has also sent 32 member doctors team to the quake-hit area.

The Secretary called for prioritizing relief efforts so that those who had lost everything in the quake, relief goods could be reached them. In this regard the provincial government has directed all DOCs to set up relief camps in their respective districts. DCO Kalat has sent 800 blankets and other items, DCO Pishin 500 blankets, DCO Kila Abdullah 500 blankets, DCO Mastung 250 blankets and other items like beds etc. DCO Quetta has established relief camps at all main places of the city. Hamayun Khan informed that Afghan Refugees Commissionerate (ARC) has donated a mobile field hospital worth Rs460 million which has its own operation theater, laboratories, emergency wards, dental unit and other medical units.

Besides, the ARC has also donated 1500 oil stoves, 1500 blankets and other necessary items. He appreciated that political parties, trade unions and NGOs are also involved in collecting donations. He called upon the media to motivate the people regarding their social responsibilities in helping the affected people. He also lauded the performance of media during rescue operations. "Had there not been media many villages would have been left unexplored", he explained. He expressed the hope that media would sustain its efforts in the same way in future as well.

Earlier, Balochistan Government's spokesman Mohammad Raziq Bugti said Chief Minister Jam Mohammad Yousaf has handed over a cheque of Rs27 million to President General Pervez Musharraf on behalf of his government and people of the province. The provincial government has already announced one day salary of its employees for the rehabilitation of the affected people. Besides, ministers and MPAs have also announced their one month salaries for the quake victims. Bugti called for making relief efforts effectively coordinated and organized in order to ensure speedy and timely distribution of relief goods to the affected people.

In this regard the provincial government has established Relief Commissionerate under Home Department which organizes the relief efforts more efficiently. The Commissionerate makes daily reports of collecting donations in the entire province. The government is planning strategy under the Commissionerate to make rapid supply of relief goods from the province to the federal government. He called upon all political parties, trade unions, NGOs and Committees collecting relief goods to remain in touch with the government. He also called upon them before sending their goods to quake-hit area they have to register the sending items in Relief Commissionerate in order to keep the record with the provincial government.


Two cargo trains carrying 2400 tons relief goods reached Havalian: ISPR

PESHAWAR, Oct 16 (APP): Two cargo trains started from Karachi carrying about 2400 tons relief goods have reached Havalian, according to ISPR press release issued here Sunday. Due to the active participation of the people, thousands of relief goods and commodities have been collected for the earthquake victims of NWFP. In this connection, two cargo trains carrying about 2400 necessary relief goods and consignments have reached from Karachi to Havalian, which are being dispatched to the affected areas.

Similarly, a convoy of trucks carrying relief consignments and good is continuously reaching to Manshera from across the country, which is being later shifting to the affected areas under the supervision of Pakistan Army. According to ISPR, the Pak Army has set up a major relief information centre in Havlain instead of Hasan Abdal for the donor's guidance and welfare organizations to dispatch goods to the affected areas. According to ISPR, the people are coming to donate in the relief centres of Kohat, D I Khan, Bannu, Mardan, Cherat, Risalpur, Nowshera and several centres in Peshawar, adding in Karnal Sher Khan Relief Centre, huge quantity of relief goods have been reached which are being shifted to remote and far flung areas under a planned system.

In this connection a consignments of 10 trucks were dispatched to Batagram and Allai Valley. The AMC has also constituted teams being dispatched to the affected areas by helicopters while the other areas are being covered by travelling on mules. In this connection, the Army helicopters made 49 flights. Army engineers are also busy in opening of roads in the different areas of NWFP. In order to speed up the relief operations, the Army Signals Corps have set up "Pass Kam" communication system for restoration of civil communication system for which a gigantic "Power Booster" has set up in Thandyani in district Abbotabad. Pak Army along with military and civil police is making special arrangements to maintain law and order and security in order to award any untoward incident in the affected areas.


Army takes control of earthquake hit valley of Allai: ISPR

PESHAWAR, Oct 16 (APP): Pakistan Army has taken the complete control of the devastated earthquake-hit valley of Allai and further expedited the relief operations, according to ISPR press release, Sunday. In this connection, Pakistan Air Force C-130 airliner in open and Army helicopters in narrow and remote areas, distributed relief goods and others foodstuff among the affected people.

In the last three days, the paramedical staff, medicines and other relief consignment had been dispatched to the affected areas with the help of helicopters. Despite heavy snow-fall and rain in Allai Valley, the Army engineers after hectic efforts has opened 14-kilometer Thakot-Bana road blocked by massive landsliding and restored the traffic flow that would further expedite the relief and rescue activities in the valley. Likewise, the Army engineers with the help of heavy machinery have opened Battal to Sachin Kalan, Nawaz Aba, and Devali road blocked by massive rocks for traffic.

Donors conference on Oct 24 to assess Pakistan's rehabilitation needs

Services of Pak‑Army outstanding in relief operation: Rao Sikandar

Death toll in Margalla Tower collapse rises to 62: DC Office

Police sends relief goods for quake‑hit areas

Nazims oath‑taking ceremony held

PML briefs diplomats on quake relief, rehabilitation

Pak‑Japan ink relief grants agreement of US $ 20 million

Pakistan makes fresh appeal for tents, blankets, trauma teams

PTV relief train "Karwan‑e‑Muhabbat" arrives at Rawalpindi

PM thanks international community for assistance

Donors conference to be held in Geneva on October 24 to assess earthquake losses and needs: PM

Chinese astronauts "grateful" for love and care

Donors conference on Oct 24 to assess Pakistan's rehabilitation needs

ISLAMABAD, Oct.17 (APP): An international donors conference has been convened in Geneva on October 24 to assess Pakistan's needs for rehabilitation and reconstruction in the quake‑ravaged areas, a foreign office spokesperson said on Monday. The U.N. sponsored conference will look into the kind of funds Pakistan will need to rehabilitate and rebuild destructive areas spread over 28,000 kilometers including in Azad Kashmir and the NFWP. Foreign Office spokesperson Tasneem Aslam said the requirement would go far beyond an initial assessment of 5 billion dollars as the government was in touch both at the bilateral as well as multilateral level.

An internal meeting of the European Union next week was also do discuss Pakistan's reconstruction needs, she added. She said the damage assessment of the quake‑hit areas was not yet over but recalled a last week statement by the U.N. Under Secretary General Jan Egeland, who estimated the loss to be in billions of dollars. The spokesperson said the death toll confirmed was over 40,000 and likely to rise. "There are areas from where evacuation has not taken place but we hope for the best", she said but feared the number will rise.

The spokesperson said that quake has destroyed infrastructure spread over 28,000 kilometers with 3.5 to 4 million people displaced. She appreciated the response by the international community to the disaster which was prompt and impressive both in terms of rescue and relief. The countries which contributed to rescue efforts include the U.K., Turkey, China, Russia, Germany, France, Hungry, Japan, Iran, Poland, Netherlands, Jordan, Malaysia, Slovakia, Spain, Thailand, Singapore.

Those which were providing medical aid and relief goods include Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China Cuba, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Iran, India, Italy, Jordan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Syria, Spain, Sri Lanka, Norway, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, New Zealand, Turkey, Turkish Cyprus, UAE, UK and the U.S., Kuwait, Hungry, Iceland, Denmark, Qatar, Indonesia, Monaco, Nepal. NATO and Saudi Arabia have established air bridges, bringing continuous supply of relief goods.

The spokesperson said that the United Nations have revised its flesh appeal from an initial 272 million to 312 million dollars while international pledges was well over 500 million dollars. Appreciating the immediate response to rescue and relief efforts, the spokesperson hoped that the international community would be equally generous in contributing towards reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts. Responding to a question, the spokesperson said that the aid offer by India was open‑ended and Pakistan deeply appreciated it. Pakistan did indicate its requirement to India and the assistance from that country was coming in, she added.

The spokesperson, to another question, said there was no specific offer from Israel for relief and that country's desire was conveyed to Pakistan through various resources. She said, as stated by the country's leadership, anyone was free to contribute to the President's relief fund. Moreover, she added, being a member of the United Nations, Israel could also contribute to the flesh appeal launched by the world body that was acceptable to Pakistan. The International Committee for Red Cross (ICRC) was heavily involved in relief efforts and would be there in the ensuing rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts and Pakistan would deeply appreciate contribution to ICRC by any country including Israel, she added.


Services of Pak‑Army outstanding in relief operation: Rao Sikandar

ISLAMABAD, Oct 17 (APP): Minister for Defence, Rao Sikandar Iqbal has said that officers and Jawans of Pak‑Army have made their relation with nation memorable by sacrificing their lives. "Pak‑Army and public are united to face this calamity," he said in a statement here Monday. He said Pak‑Army is engaged in the rescue and relief operation and want to lessen the miseries of aggrieved Pakistanis. The spirit like that of 1965 is revived and nation is once again united due to the dynamic leadership, he added. The admirable remarks by President General Pervez Musharraf, in his address to nation, for the Opposition and social organizations have forged national harmony and people are engaged in relief activities with zeal and fervour.

Sikandar Iqbal said that government is giving priority to provide relief to the affected children. " Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz has directed the Ministry of Social Welfare and Special Education to arrange for the education of 400 affected children and solve their problems on immediate basis," he added. He said Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz has visited the hospital to inquire about the health of wounded persons in hospitals and gave a message to the nation to face this tragedy with mutual spirit and unity. The minister said national integrity is required at this critical stage and if same spirit persists, we will be ale to make a new Azad Kashmir in coming days.


Death toll in Margalla Tower collapse rises to 62: DC Office

ISLAMABAD, Oct 17 (APP): The death toll in the Margalla tower collapse rose to 62 as some more bodies were recovered from the debris on Monday. According to Deputy Commissioner office, at least 62 bodies have been found from the debris of Margalla Tower. It may be mentioned that at least 19 persons are still reported missing by their relatives and friends to the local administration.


Police sends relief goods for quake‑hit areas

LAHORE, Oct 17 (APP): On the instructions of IGP, Punjab Ziaul Hassan Khan, Sheikhupura and Pakpattan districts police have sent relief goods for the earthquake‑afflicted people. According to DPO Sheikhupura Syed Ibn‑‑Hussain, various commodities including 112 blankets, sweaters, sugar, atta, biscuits, tea, ghee, washing soaps, rice, milk and medicines have been sent for the earthquake victims. DPO Pakpattan Raja Riffat Mukhtar said that 13 trucks consisting of beds, blankets, woollen clothes, shoes and other commodities have been sent for relief of earthquake‑affected people.


Nazims oath‑taking ceremony held

THARPARKAR, Oct 17 (APP)‑ Oath‑ taking ceremony was held at Karoonjhar Hall, here on Monday where District Nazim Tharparkar Arbab Anwar and members of district councils Tharparkar took oath of their respective offices from the Presiding Officer, Tharparkar. While for Nagarparkar taluka, Abdul Ahad Sammoon took oath from taluka councils members. In taluka Mithi, Allahdino Bajeer, In Taluka Diplo Arbab Taj Muhammad and in Taluka Chachro Dilwar Malkani took oath with taluka councils members from presiding officers. Total 88 Nazim pairs of 44 union councils and councillors also took oath of office from the concerned presiding officers.


PML briefs diplomats on quake relief, rehabilitation

ISLAMABAD, Oct 17 (APP): President Pakistan Muslim League Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain Monday said a long term and comprehensive strategy is being prepared for the rehabilitation of the earthquake affectees. Giving a detailed briefing to the foreign diplomats here at Pakistan Muslim League House, the PML President said the government and the nation are determined to face the challenges from the national tragedy and are working sincerely for the rehabilitation of the affectees. He said relief efforts in the affected areas would be continued till the revival of normal life in the areas.

Later talking to the media, the PML President said the offer of relief from India and Israel is based on humanity and there is no reason for anyone to raise any objection. Chaudhry Shujaat appreciated tremendous relief aid on national and international level for the rehabilitation of the quake victims and hoped that it would continue in future. The PML President said the country was not ready for such unprecedented catastrophe and therefore in some difficult areas relief was delayed. He said due to damaged roads coordinated efforts could not be initially made in time.

However now the relief work is being expedited on priority basis. The PML President said some political parties of the country were demanding convening of an 'All Parties Conference' on the subject of calamity, and the PML has supported the demand and decided that whenever they are ready APC would be convened. Secretary General PML Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed gave details to foreign diplomats about relief work being done by the government and PML. He said rehabilitation and reconstruction plan would have to be implemented on war footing. He said national spirit of sacrifice, courage and cooperation is real greatest strength in order to face present challenges.

Thanking the international community for relief and grants, Senator Mushahid said that presently 67 countries, 92 international NGOs, 16 global organizations, 19 rescue teams and 16 foreign mobile hospitals are providing help to quake survivors. Senior Vice President of PML Gohar Ayub giving details to foreign diplomats said some affected population is still inaccessible and roads remained blocked. Hence special helicopters were required to carry tents, blankets and other necessary goods. Minister of State for Overseas Pakistanis and Secretary Information PML Senator Tariq Azeem said devotion and dedication of people of Pakistan and foreigners shown on this occasion has encouraged the people working in rescue and relief operations.

He said the situation will gradually be improve through sustained and organized efforts of the government and NGOs. Advisor to Prime Minister and President PML Women Wing Nilofar Bakhtiar said women are also actively taking part in the relief operations. She said 8500 beds have been collected through 'one house one bed' campaign. She said a helpline has been set up for family‑less women and children. Diplomats from USA, UK, Canada, France, Russian, Malaysia, Denmark, Thailand, Rumania, China and many other countries attended the briefing.


Pak‑Japan ink relief grants agreement of US $ 20 million

ISLAMABAD, Oct 17 (APP): An Exchange of notes regarding the relief assistance of US $ 20 million for earthquake victims was signed here between Ms.Hina Rubbani Khar, Minister of State for Economic Affairs, and Nobuaki Tanaka the Ambassador of Japan to Pakistan here on Monday. The Japanese Government has offered a grant of US $ 20 million as emergency aid to Pakistan for the earthquake affected people,. US $ 12 million out of this amount, are available as cash grant to Pakistan directly and US $ 8 million will be disbursed to the United Nations in response to its flash appeal.

The US $ 12 million cash grant will be utilized through the Japan International Co‑operation System (JICS) on bi‑lateral basis to procure items/equipments on behalf of and based on the request of the Government of Pakistan. The JICS has prioritized a list of items for immediate procurement based on the note verbal of the Foreign Office and the meeting of the Prime Minister with donor agencies. This will include tents, mattresses, blankets, water tanks, medical supplies and emergency food. Construction machinery will follow as part of a long term strategy, which will be devised later depending on the detailed survey reports to be carried out by Japanese experts. The Ambassador indicated that Japan would be interested to jointly undertake infrastructure work in Muzaffarabad, AJK, with the Asian Development Bank.


Pakistan makes fresh appeal for tents, blankets, trauma teams

ISLAMABAD, Oct 17 (APP): Pakistan Monday made a fresh appeal for more tents and blankets while seeking fully equipped medical trauma teams to treat over 65,000 badly injured people still arriving from the quake affected areas. Major General Farooq Ahmed Khan, the recently appointed Federal Relief Commissioner said medical and trauma teams with orthopaedic surgeons, volunteer doctors and para medical staff along with, X‑rays, CT Scan and other related equipment were urgently required.

He said the government has identified all areas affected by the 7.6 intensity earthquake on Oct 8, however he said it was difficult to say when relief could reach all the inaccessible areas. Briefing the newsmen about the relief operations the Federal Relief Commissioner said the death toll may be revised from that of 39,422 as more bodies were being pulled out from the rubble. About the figure of 53,000 deaths as stated by the Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, he said the figures were estimates adding "we do not contest anyone's words."

When asked about a figure for the missing, he said it would be a "heart‑wrenching decision" as the tragedy was far greater than the tsunami. He said around 100,000 people have been affected in the Jhelum valley road, while 30,000 in the lower Neelum valley. About the restoration of roads blocked by several landslides in Azad Kashmir, he said both the Neelum and Jhelum valley roads would require "concerted" efforts of around four weeks to fully operationalise. However, he added, mules, air drops by C‑130s and helicopters were continuing in the affected areas. Major General Farooq said engineering teams along with heavy equipment from friendly countries were arriving in the country. These would be utilised to fully restore the Neelum valley road.


PTV relief train "Karwan‑e‑Muhabbat" arrives at Rawalpindi

RAWALPINDI, Oct 17 (APP): Relief goods train "Karwan‑e‑ Muhabbat" which left Karachi Saturday morning at 8:52 am, reached here at Rawalpindi Railways Station on Sunday night to express solidarity with the earthquake victims. The relief train was organized by Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) in collaboration with Pakistan Railways to collect relief goods for the victims of earthquake. Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Sheikh Rashid Ahmed was the chief guest on the occasion, hile Federal Minister Railways, Main Shamim Haidar, Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting, Anisa Zab Tahirkheli, Managing Director PTV, Arshad Khan and a large number of PTV and film artists and representatives of PTV and Red Crescent were also present on the occasion.

Speaking on the occasion, Sheikh Rashid Ahmed appreciated the efforts of PTV and Pakistan Railways for collecting huge relief goods for the affectees. He directed the PTV management and Pakistan Railways to run two more such relief goods trains from Quetta and Peshawar. He appealed to the people to pray Allah Almighty to give us strength to face this tragic situation. The Minister said this calamity is a great shock and greater courage is required to face this trial. About rehabilitation process, Sheikh Rashid said it is a big task which required an enormous efforts as well as time with patience.

He lauded the efforts of Pak Army for their contribution in rescue operations and saluted those Shaheeds who lost their lives in helicopter crash. Earlier, Main Shamim Haidar said, country is passing through critical situation which required close coordination for rehabilitation of affectees. About citizen cooperation, he said, it is a unique example in the history of the country. Pakistan Railways has attached more wagons with relief train due to response of the people, he added. Main Shamim Haidar said, under the directives of President and Prime Minister, Pakistan Railways is providing free of cost transportation facilities aimed at providing relief goods to the affectees of the earthquake.

The Minister said, we are also providing free of cost travelling facilities to the relatives of people who had become victims of earthquake. On the request of Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, the Minister announced that Pakistan Railways will launch two more relief goods trains each from Quetta and Peshawar. Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting, Anisa Zab Tahirkheli also appreciated around the clock efforts of PTV artists and staff and Pakistan Railways for the victims of the earthquake. Giving information about PTV relief operation, Arshad Khan said, "We have already dispatched 20 trucks loaded relief goods include tents, blankest, medicines for the affectees of the earthquake". Later, dua was also offered for the eternal peace of those who lose their lives in quake and also for the early recovery of wounded persons.


PM thanks international community for assistance

ISLAMABAD, Oct 17 (APP): Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz Monday appreciated the support and assistance extended by the international community and said it would help heal the wounds of the affected. He was talking to Deputy Assistance Secretary General (Planning) of NATO Ambassador Maurits Jochems at the PM Secretariat who informed that NATO would help Pakistan in strategic airlifting of tents for the displaced people.

The prime minister informed him about the latest situation, details of the relief operation and measures for rehabilitation of the affectees of the earthquake. He said the government was mobilizing all its resources to reach out to the victims and pointed that tents and blankets were badly needed as the winter was fast approaching. Aziz said a unique spirit of voluntarism was being witnessed in the affected areas as individuals and organizations were rushing to help the victims. Jochems said his organization would provide all possible assistance in expediting the relief effort.


Donors conference to be held in Geneva on October 24 to assess earthquake losses and needs: PM

ISLAMABAD, Oct 17 (APP): Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz said Monday that a donors conference will be held in Geneva on October 24 to assess the losses caused by the October 8 devastating earthquake and needs for reconstruction. Addressing a joint press conference with visiting Director of International Monetary Fund (IMF) Rodrigo de Rato here at the Prime Minister House this evening, the Prime Minister said the death toll of the massive earthquake has touched 41000 with over 67,000 injured.

Pakistan in the first phase has concentrated on the rescue and relief of the victims while in the second phase government has planned to rehabilitate, build infrastructure including schools, hospitals and reconstruction of the quake hit areas, he remarked. The Prime Minister thanked IMF for helping Pakistan in its difficult time in the past and added that Pakistan would continue to seek technical advice from the Fund. He added that Pakistan has successfully completed the programmes of IMF specially the last programme of PRGF and migrated from the funds programme. Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz said that Pakistan would continue on the path of its reforms agenda which has put the country on the path of economic stability.

He added that last year Pakistan has achieved a GDP growth of 8.4 percent and is eying for around 7 percent growth this year. Pakistan he said is committed to deregulation,liberalization and privatization for more investment in the country. Director IMF Rodrigo de Rato,in his remarks expressed his profound sympathy with the people and Government of Pakistan over the devastation caused by the October 8 earthquake, which resulted in loss of precious lives and destruction of properties and infrastructure across NWFP and Azad Kashmir.

He appreciated the Government's rapid response to the natural calamity and commended the spontaneous efforts which the citizens of Pakistan have mounted to mitigate the sufferings of the people of NWFP and Azad Kashmir. Discussing Pakistan's economic situation, the IMF Managing Director said Pakistan has made remarkable economic progress in the past half decade and made good progress on structural reforms and lauded Government's resolve to carry forward the reform process in the future. He appreciated the recent efforts of the government to enhance supplies and tight monetary policy to lower inflation.


Chinese astronauts "grateful" for love and care

BEIJING, Oct 17 (APP/AFP) ‑ The two Chinese astronauts who returned safely to earth Monday after a five‑day mission said they were "grateful" for the love and care from their country in their first public words outside the spacecraft. In a simple ceremony at a military air base in Inner Mongolia, Nie Haisheng and Fei Junlong smiled broadly and waved to assembled recovery teams before uttering their first words in public, state television footage showed.

"I can feel that lots of people are thinking about us. We're very grateful for all the love and concern from our motherland and its people," Nie told a journalist from China Central Television. "Our journey in space was very smooth. The living and working conditions inside the cabin were very good. Our health is okay, thanks," Fei said. The astronauts were given a clean bill of health after the reentry capsule of the Shenzhou VI spacecraft glided to Earth on a parachute, ending up in Inner Mongolia, Xinhua news agency said.

They had instant noodles, chocolate and Chinese herbal tea in their first meal on earth after spending almost 116 hours in space, reports said. Mission control declared the mission a success, Xinhua said. A helicopter pilot from one of the recovery teams reported that the capsule landed upright after touching down at 4:32 am (2032 GMT), just one kilometre (1,100 yards) from the intended landing site, it said.

Pakistan earthquake death toll rises to 79,000
Leader promises housing for homeless
By Matthew Pennington, Associated Press | October 20, 2005

BALAKOT, Pakistan -- Pakistan's death toll soared to 79,000 yesterday from South Asia's earthquake after a survey of one of the two hardest-hit Pakistani regions -- making it one of the deadliest quakes in modern times.

In remote mountains, a steady flow of injured villagers continued to seek medical attention. Many had infected wounds, untreated since the Oct. 8 temblor, and had to rely on relatives to carry them for hours on foot to makeshift clinics.

Sixty helicopters were dropping relief supplies, and mule trains were pushing into areas where no helicopters can land.

''Many people out there, we are not going to get to in time," said Rob Holden, the UN disaster coordinator in Pakistan's part of Kashmir. ''Some people who have injuries don't have a chance of survival."

How to help

Eleven days after the 7.6-magnitude quake, the full scale of the disaster is more apparent. A helicopter trip through the Neelum and Kaghan valleys showed flattened homes on mountainsides and roads blocked by boulders, trees, and earth. Moving only on foot, people were building new paths over landslides.

The central government updated its death toll to 47,700, but regional authorities gave much higher figures, based on information trickling in from outlying areas and as more bodies were pulled from the rubble of collapsed buildings.

Since the early days of the disaster, the central government death tally has lagged behind that of local authorities, although federal officials have said privately they expect the toll to rise dramatically.

Citing reports from local authorities and hospital officials, the government of North West Frontier Province said 37,958 people had died there and the toll was likely to rise. The prime minister in Pakistani-held Kashmir said at least 40,000 people died in that neighboring region. India has reported 1,360 deaths in the part of Kashmir that it controls.

Those tallies would push the death toll to 79,318 from the quake. That figure was in line with an estimate yesterday from a senior army official that 75,000 to 80,000 people had died across Pakistan.

Aid workers fear casualties could rise even further as communities without adequate food, shelter, or health care will soon face the harsh Himalayan winter.

However, the death toll in Pakistan is unlikely to come close to December's magnitude 9.0 quake and tsunami that killed 176,000 people -- most of them in Indonesia -- or a magnitude 8.2 temblor that killed at least 240,000 in Tangshan, China, in 1976.

Hundreds of aftershocks are still rattling the South Asian quake zone, frightening the many homeless who are camping by ruined homes.

On a tour near the quake-hit town of Balakot, Musharraf promised to build quake-proof homes for the homeless -- drawing applause from about 200 villagers at a tented settlement.

Carrying a swagger stick and wearing a baseball cap, Musharraf also said he would be willing to let Kashmiri civilians drive across the militarized border from India to help their brethren on the Pakistan side rebuild.

''If they want to assist in the reconstruction effort and in [distributing] relief goods, yes, I will allow it. . . . We would like to encourage it," he said.

© Copyright 2005 Globe Newspaper Company.
Annan asks world to urgently help Pakistan

UNITED NATIONS: Secretary-General Kofi Annan sent letters on Friday to the leaders of all UN member states appealing for urgent contributions to help the earthquake victims.

He urged the nations to demonstrate “the same sense of global solidarity and commitment that we saw in the wake of the tsunami” last December. “As winter approaches, it is a race against time to provide shelter to the over three million displaced. I fear the death toll will rise dramatically if we fail to assist the people immediately,” he said.

“We need an immediate and exceptional escalation of the global relief effort to support the work of the government of Pakistan,” Annan said, adding the UN is calling an urgent ministerial-level meeting in Geneva on Oct 26 “to review our collective response”. afp


Good effort by U.N. Last but not the least we need 5 billion to recover and support the victims.

Pakistan columnist Sehgal seeks help for quake victims from Bangladesh

DHAKA, Oct 22 (BSS) - Eminent Pakistani journalist Ikram Sehgal here today appealed for urgent humanitarian aid for the recent earthquake victims in northwestern Pakistan.

"I came here to make an appeal to the people of Bangladesh to stand beside the Pakistan earthquake victims with humanitarian aid as it is not only a problem for Pakistan rather a problem for the South Asia," he said.

Addressing a press conference at the Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU), Sehgal also a South-Asia Affairs analyst, said a large number of blankets is urgently needed to save the distressed humanity living under open sky in the chilled weather since quake hit the country.

He said the earthquake that devastated the northwestern part of Pakistan including the mountainous Azad Kashmir on October 8 with 7.6 magnitude in the Richter Scale claimed more than 51,000 lives and rendered 3.3 million homeless.

The aid so far received by Pakistan from international communities including the USA, EU, the UN and others agencies so far is inadequate for conducting rescue operations and rehabilitation work, he said.

"At least 5 to 10 billion US dollars will be needed to conduct rehabilitation work, but Pakistan has so far received commitment for one billion dollars," he added.

Sehgal expressed his gratitude to India, the USA, UAE, EU, UN and others international agencies for their quick responses in providing humanitarian aid to the Pakistan quake victims.

Ikram Sehgal,who is the chief editor of Defense journal and Special
Emissary for Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (FPCCI), will hold a meeting with the leaders of
Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) tomorrow to
make an appeal for help.

Seghal will also visit India and meet with the leaders of Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) in this regard.

Mr Sehgal visits Bangladesh often, he is very close to Bangladesh not just politically but also his own mother is actually Bangladeshi (Bengali). I like reading his articles, he is an asset for Pakistan and I am sure people in Bangladesh will answer his call.
Originally posted by A.Rahman@Oct 23 2005, 11:51 PM
Take a Look

Canadian Soldier helping Kashmiries

click here to see the pic
( u can see cdn flag and red cross on his arm)
[post=1184]Quoted post[/post]​

:clapping: Nice, these are the people who help us, and some of us degrade them and call them evil! :ranting:
EC proposes 80m euros for Pakistan

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: The European Commission has proposed to the European Union to allocate an additional 80 million euros to address the immediate needs of the survivors of the October 8 earthquake in northern Pakistan and to contribute to the costs of rehabilitation and reconstruction.

30 million euros would be earmarked to meet the immediate needs and 50 million euros would go to rebuilding costs.

A press release issued by the commission in Islamabad stated that the sum would be in addition to the 13.6 million euros emergency humanitarian aid already released, bringing the total amount for 2005-06 to 93.6 million euros ($111.7 million). The sum proposed underlined the European Commission’s commitment to Pakistan and to its people, the release added. The commission has approached the budgetary authority (Council of Ministers and European Parliament) with the proposal and has called for an early response to it so that the EU can continue to act swiftly to help those still suffering from the quake.

Commissioner for External Relations Benita Ferrero-Waldner said on Monday, “With millions now homeless and practically all infrastructure destroyed, the challenge of reconstructing lives and livelihoods in the aftermath of this terrible natural disaster will be with us for many years. Pakistan can count on Europe as a friend and reliable partner not only in this moment of crisis, but also in the long years of hard work to come.”

European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid Louis Michel said, “We are facing an enormous humanitarian catastrophe and with winter just around the corner, a second humanitarian disaster looms for the four million people without a roof over their heads and the 70,000 injured people needing medical attention. For all humanitarian organisations, it is a race against the clock. Aid funding must be significantly increased to speed up the purchase and delivery of tents, blankets and other assistance as well to boost the transport capacity of humanitarian agencies.”

The commission said that as the humanitarian funds available to the commission for 2005 had been exhausted, the commission was seeking to draw an extra 30 million euros from the emergency reserve of the European Union budget and this required the approval of the budgetary authority.

The commission hoped and expected that parliament and the council would recognise the urgency of the situation and move as quickly as possible to unblock these additional funds to provide humanitarian assistance for hundreds of thousands of earthquake victims in Pakistan. “As the humanitarian needs will continue to exist over the next months, further humanitarian funds may be required in due course,” it added.

The funds, to be channelled through the commission’s humanitarian partners (NGOs, Red Cross/Crescent and UN agencies) would be used to meet a wide range of humanitarian needs including shelter, medical support, medicines, household items, hygiene kits, water supplies and sanitation, the commission’s release said.

Though professional needs assessments were not yet available, it was certain that very substantial funds would be required to reconstruct housing, medical facilities, schools, roads, water pipes and all basic infrastructures, it said, adding, “The commission is proposing that 50 million euros be made available for reconstruction.”

The commission had identified 20 million euros in unspent funds at the end of 2005, which could be allocated to reconstruction in Pakistan, it said. An additional 10 million euros was being sought from the Emergency Reserve in 2005 and a further 20 million euros should be found in 2006, the release added. Professional needs assessments would be essential to maximising the impact of international aid to reconstruction in Pakistan and ensuring that work was properly co-ordinated, it said. The commission was participating in this work through its delegation in Islamabad and ECHO field teams, in co-operation with the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, it added.

Separately, the UN warned on Monday that the international community had three weeks to deliver enough aid to quake victims in northern Pakistan before snowfall set in. The aid effort was also likely to be disrupted by bad weather in the next few days, the UN’s humanitarian office (OCHA) said in a regular situation report.

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November 3, 2005
Release Number: 05-11-22



SOUTHWEST ASIA — The U.S. Air Force continued to support Pakistan-led earthquake recovery operations by airlifting much-needed supplies into the devastated region Wednesday.

One U.S. Air Force C-130 Hercules and one contracted B-747 flew in more than 133,000 pounds of aircraft parts, turbine engines, tents and other materials in response to requests from Pakistan’s government.

To date, the U.S. Air Force has airlifted more than six million pounds of relief supplies to Pakistan.

Our Airmen remain ready, capable and on call to support the people of Pakistan and simultaneously to sustain ongoing combat operations anywhere in the world.


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