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Dutch journalist claims evidence MH17 shot down by Russian BUK missile

The JIT hasn't (and doesn't) release any preliminary report(s). You appear to be confusing the JIT investigation and that of the Dutch Safety Board, which have very different purposes. The Dutch Safety Board has addressed black-box info, ATC records etc already in september of last year in its preliminary report, which in terms of content follows the requirement set forth by international treaties regarding air incidents. There will not be a second preliminary report, only a final report.
Dutch Safety Board

MH17 probe looking for witnesses to back ‘Buk missile’ scenario — RT News
A preliminary report of the official investigation published in September 2014 only said that the crash was a result of structural damage caused by a large number of high-energy objects that struck the Boeing from the outside. The report did not specify what the objects were, where they came from or who was responsible.

Wreckage from MH-17 downed over Ukraine being sent to Netherlands - LA Times
A preliminary report in September by the Dutch-led international investigative team said the crash, which killed all 298 passengers and crew on board, was caused by the impact of "high-energy objects," consistent with being hit by a ground-to-air missile.

Is The MH17 Joint Investigation Team Avoiding The Question Of Kremlin Guilt? - Forbes
The Joint Investigation Team (JIT), comprised of investigators from Belgium, Australia, Ukraine, Malaysia and the Netherlands, is charged with bringing the “perpetrators of the attack on MH17 (Malaysian Airlines Flight 17) to justice.”

The JIT has issued a YouTube video that traces the path of the BUK missile that allegedly shot down MH17 from its entry from Russia into eastern Ukraine, to its location near the crash site, and to its hasty retreat back into Russia. The JIT released the video to encourage eyewitnesses to come forward to testify. Insofar as such witnesses would be from occupied eastern Ukraine, the JIT has offered them a witness protection program.

The JIT release contains videos of the BUK as it entered east Ukraine on a Volvo lorry, sat parked for the night at “hotel,” preceded through various towns on its way to Torez, and then made its hasty exit back across the Russian border after the crash. The video also contains transcripts of intercepted conversations between the crew (code named Bibliotekar, or “librarian”) and various controllers discussing the location of the BUK, where to park it, and confirmation the day after what they called “yesterday’s mess” that “the truck is in Russia.”

The JIT release contains little that is new. The videos of the BUK as it moved from point to point and the intercepted phone calls have been widely circulated and commented upon. Although Russian sources heatedly dispute their authenticity, the Dutch public prosecutor has concluded that the audio intercepts are genuine. That may be the most important new news. If these intercepts are authentic, then the intercepts among rebel officials and Moscow in the immediate aftermath of the disaster should be authentic as well.

I can appreciate the JIT’s methodical approach, but calling for eyewitnesses will only bring forward conflicting accounts and even Russian plants. If the true goal is to bring the actual perpetrators to justice, the JIT should be talking to higher-ups, whose knowledge of and participation in the catastrophe has been apparent from day one.
JIT continues investigation into downing of flight MH17 in 2014
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E-mail Xinhua, March 30, 2015
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The international joint investigation team (JIT) is conducting a criminal investigation into the downing of flight MH17 and is examining different scenarios.
The Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 crashed on July 17 last year, killing 298 people.
One of the main scenarios is that the MH17 was shot down by a BUK missile system.
The JIT, with Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine involved, called on Monday for witnesses who might have information regarding the possible transport of a BUK missile system in eastern Ukraine on July 17 and 18 last year.
"We are looking for witnesses who might have information regarding the transport of the BUK missile system," the JIT, which is led by the Dutch national police and prosecutor, states on its website.
"This call for witnesses does not mean that the police and public prosecution already clearly established the cause of the crash of flight MH17," the prosecutor added.
"More research is needed. It is too early to draw any conclusions about the cause of the plane crash. For that reason, it is emphatically requested to also give any other information that can help solving this tragedy," it said. Endit
JIT continues investigation into downing of flight MH17 in 2014 - China.org.cn

The Joint Investigation Team (JIT), comprised of investigators from Belgium, Australia, Ukraine, Malaysia and the Netherlands, is charged with bringing the “perpetrators of the attack on MH17 (Malaysian Airlines Flight 17) to justice.”

The JIT has issued a YouTube video that traces the path of the BUK missile that allegedly shot down MH17 from its entry from Russia into eastern Ukraine, to its location near the crash site
Russia shot down MH17 with a Buk. Since this is not a war, this is not a war crime.
Netherlands awaits reports on MH17 crash by year-end| Ukrinform

KYIV, April 16 /Ukrinform/. The joint investigation team to investigate into the crash of Malaysian Airlines flight MH-17, as well as the Dutch Safety Board, which establishes the circumstances of the crash, are required to submit reports on the results before the end of the year.

Security and Justice Minister of the Netherlands Ard van der Stor said this, an Ukrinform correspondent has reported.

"I expect both reports to be ready before the end of the year. After that, we will start to discuss and make decisions about our next steps," the minister said.

He noted that now the search team had returned to Ukraine to resume search activities at the crash site. The main task of the experts is to find as many of the remains of victims as possible, the minister added.

As a reminder, Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was brought down in eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014, killing all 295 people aboard.

Netherlands thanks Ukraine for cooperation in MN17 downing investigation| Ukrinform
KYIV, April 16 /Ukrinform/. Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders has thanked his Ukrainian counterpart Pavlo Klimkin for Ukraine's constant cooperation in investigation into Boeing MH-17 downing.

He said this during a meeting in the framework of the Global Conference on CyberSpace 2015, held in The Hague, an Ukrinform correspondent reported, quoting the press service of the Dutch government.

"We are grateful to Ukraine for constant cooperation in issues relating to MH17 downing investigation," he said

Koenders said that the Netherlands continue to support Ukraine in its attempts to stabilize the situation in Donbas. He expressed the same position during a meeting with his Australian counterpart Julie Bishop. "We are united in the fact that Ukraine's territorial integrity should be protected," he said.

Experts plan to gather all debris of crashed MH17 – Malaysian expert

A group of Malaysian experts that have started to work on the crash site of the MH17 flight in Donetsk region plan to gather all debris of the aircraft and human remains, Malaysian expert Michael Marshall said during a visit to the crash site on Thursday.

Experts will gather all debris of the aircraft and human remains that they will find and will take them to Holland, he said.
More human remains found at MH17 crash site| Ukrinform

KYIV, April 17 /Ukrinform/. International experts have found more human remains at the MH17 plane crash site in Donetsk region.

This has been announced by head of the Dutch recovery mission Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg, press office of the Dutch government reports.

"More remains have been found in both parts of the so-called 'burn sites'," Aalbersberg said.

As a reminder, the international experts from the Netherlands, Australia and Malaysia have arrived in Ukraine to resume the search activities. The works are expected to last several weeks. Experts will focus on the search for the remains and personal belongings of the victims.

At present, forensic experts in the Dutch city of Hilversum have identified bodies of 296 victims of the crash. Two victims (both being the Dutch citizens) remain unidentified.
Heard on the radio today that expert that have examined Russian radar record found they show that no other (hence also no military) aircraft where in near MH17 at the time of its demise. If true, the that pretty much rules out MH17 was shot down by aircraft cannon fire and airlaunched missiles.

See first:
Not alone: New radar data indicates other jets on MH17 course before crash — RT News
Russian radar shows no fighter jet near MH17 - NL Times
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Remains of MH17 crash victims sent to Netherlands| Ukrinform

KYIV, May 2 /Ukrinform/. Seven coffins with the last found remains of the victims of MH17 crash have been sent from the Kharkiv airport to the Netherlands.

The ceremony of farewell to the dead at the airport was attended by the ambassadors of the Netherlands, Austria and Malaysia to Ukraine, and Minister of Justice and Security of the Netherlands Gerard Adriaan van der Steur, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"We have done everything that we could do within our powers. The search team was provided any assistance, including in areas where the military operations continue. Our experts go home, although it is possible that new materials will be found in future," van der Steur said.

According to him, after the remains are identified, they will be given to families.

As reported, representatives of Malaysia and the Netherlands resumed search activities at the crash site on April 16. They were tasked with searching for the wreckage, the remains of the passengers and their personal belongings.

As a reminder, Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was brought down in eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014, killing all 295 people aboard.

Dutch security minister announce completion of international mission for MH17 crash inquiry
The work of the international search mission which is investigating the causes of the Malaysia Airlines' Boeing 777 crash in Donetsk region last summer has been completed, Dutch Minister of Security and Justice Gerard Adriaan van der Steur has said.

"We believe our search mission is completed," he told reporters on Saturday at Kharkiv International Airport.

However, the minister did not rule out that new materials could resurface.
Bellingcat: Tracking the Trailers (Investigation of MH17 Buk's Russian convoy) - read on - uatoday.tv
The new Bellingcat report presents evidence on the downing of Flight MH17

The new Bellingcat report, Routes, Destinations, and Involvement of the 2nd and 147th Automobile Battalions in the June and July 2014 Buk Convoys, presents detailed evidence of the involvement of the 2nd and 147th Automobile Battalions in the transport of military equipment through Russia, including the Buk missile launcher filmed and photographed in Ukraine on July 17th, linked to the downing of Flight MH17.

As Bellingcat's earlier report, Origin of the Separatists' Buk, showed, the Buk that was linked to the downing of MH17 on July 17th was seen in a convoy travelling from the Russian 53rd Brigade near Kursk to Millerovo, close to the Ukrainian border, between June 23rd and June 25th.
The new Bellingcat report presents evidence on the downing of Flight MH17
As always you are posting lies.
According to you and West propaganda MH 17 was shot down by "Russian" BUK N 312.So how come the same BUK has spent entire winter at the airport near Kramatorsk(town is under occupation of your employers since early summer of 2014) ?
Also it is good idea to educate yourself what that Dutch doctor(taking part in investigation) has said in in his lecture.It is a good idea to check what kind of rounds have been found amongst wreckage of the plane.
As always you are posting lies.
According to you and West propaganda MH 17 was shot down by "Russian" BUK N 312.So how come the same BUK has spent entire winter at the airport near Kramatorsk(town is under occupation of your employers since early summer of 2014) ?
Also it is good idea to educate yourself what that Dutch doctor(taking part in investigation) has said in in his lecture.It is a good idea to check what kind of rounds have been found amongst wreckage of the plane.

Investigation is going on . So Please stop saying everything lies whatever i am posting:disagree:
Investigation is going on . So Please stop saying everything lies whatever i am posting
Investigation is "going on". Everything is clear.All involved have the information who did it .And you constantly posting lies erm i mean your "facts" about Russia did it."Facts" with nothing to back even with something remotely believable.What is stopping you to provide information of actual location of the above mentioned BUK(from other hand there is pictures of UKR soldiers standing before that BUK at Kramatorsk airport from winter)?Anything to say about missiles of that BUK(not in Russian arsenal from long time ago)?
Since apparently you know so so much about investigation of MH 17-why don't know provide information about sites(cause i cant find such) :
-i can read about content of black boxes(take few days to analyze)
-AWACS data(supposedly NATO provided)
-sat data(USA has said will provide it)
-i can read about monthly issued (as per UN SC decision) reports of neutral working hard to investigate JIT
Investigation is "going on". Everything is clear.All involved have the information who did it .And you constantly posting lies erm i mean your "facts" about Russia did it."Facts" with nothing to back even with something remotely believable.What is stopping you to provide information of actual location of the above mentioned BUK(from other hand there is pictures of UKR soldiers standing before that BUK at Kramatorsk airport from winter)?Anything to say about missiles of that BUK(not in Russian arsenal from long time ago)?
Since apparently you know so so much about investigation of MH 17-why don't know provide information about sites(cause i cant find such) :
-i can read about content of black boxes(take few days to analyze)
-AWACS data(supposedly NATO provided)
-sat data(USA has said will provide it)
-i can read about monthly issued (as per UN SC decision) reports of neutral working hard to investigate JIT
It has been explained to you what the procedures for such investigations are, that international law and agreements mandated. With reference to said agreements so you can read for yourself what they say. Are you thick or something?
Evidence mounts that Russia supplied the missiles that shot down MH17 in Ukraine - Business Insider

More and more evidence is emerging that seems to document a large Russian military convoy that traveled to eastern Ukraine in June 2014 and brought Buk antiaircraft systems to Russia-backed separatists fighting against Kyiv.

On May 13, a group of pro-Ukrainian citizen activists published a report purportedly identifying a Russian soldier who was a driver in that convoy and showing photographs of Buk systems apparently being escorted across Russia to Ukraine.

A few weeks later -- on July 17, 2014 -- Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine's Donetsk region. All 298 people on board were killed.

Although the investigation into the MH17 downing is ongoing, many believe the aircraft was shot down by the separatists using a Russian-provided Buk system.

The separatists and Russia have blamed Kyiv for the downing of MH17, and Moscow denies providing Buks -- or any other weapons -- to the separatists.

However, the activist group InformNapalm has found photographs on the VKontakte page of a Russian soldier named Dmitry Zubov that seem to detail the convoy's June 2014 journey.

According to Zubov's posts on VKontakte -- his account on the Russian social-media site has subsequently been closed down, but InformNapalm saved cached copies -- he was serving with the 147th Automotive Logistic Support Battalion, Unit 83466, based just outside of Moscow. At the time, he was serving his last few days before being demobilized.

VKontaketeRussian convoy allegedly delivering missiles to Ukrainian separatists in June of 2014.

One of the photographs (above) shows a Buk system with the identifying number 232. The same Buk bearing the same number was photographed in the Russian town of Stary Oskol, not far from the Ukrainian border. In an Instagram post from June 2014, a user identified as "rokersson" said the Buk was part of a convoy of 80 to 100 vehicles moving toward Ukraine.

Other photos show the convoy as it crosses Russia and the soldiers who were traveling with it. An additional photo shows Zubov on a train returning to his unit in Russia, where he was demobilized a few days later.

Eliot Higgins is the founder of the citizen's journalism website Bellingcat, which occasionally cooperates with investigators from InformNapalm. He said the information released by InformNapalm jibes well with Bellingcat's own probes into the convoy that allegedly brought the Buk systems to eastern Ukraine, including the one he believes was used to shoot down MH17.

Pierre Crom/Getty ImagesDebris from Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 is shown smouldering in a field July 17, 2014 in Grabovo, Ukraine near the Russian border. Flight 17, on its way from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur and carrying 295 passengers and crew, is believed to have been shot down by a surface-to-air missile, according to U.S. intelligence officials and Ukrainian authorities quoted in published reports.

"We've been looking at this same convoy and there's quite a lot of interesting information," Higgins told RFE/RL. "InformNapalm has found one piece, one profile. We've found much, much more additional material. We've got the names of the people who were in the convoy. We've got a good idea of which vehicles they were driving. In fact, the guy who they feature in the article was actually almost certainly driving just one vehicle in front of the actual missile launcher that [we believe] shot down MH17."

"There was a big, massive movement of equipment between June 23 and June 25, including the missile launcher that [we believe] shot down MH17, and a few weeks later we see it in Ukraine on July 17," Higgins said.

Bellingcat has been sharing its findings with investigators in the Netherlands who are looking into the downing of MH17 and plans to issue its own report on the convoy on May 28.

The InformNapalm information comes one day after the release of a report based on research by slain Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov documenting Russia's alleged involvement in the conflict in Ukraine. The Nemtsov report also makes extensive use of social media to document its claims that Russian soldiers and Russian-paid mercenaries have been fighting with the separatists.

Chapter Eight of that report argues that MH17 was shot down by separatists using a Buk antiaircraft system.
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