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Dual nationals cannot join armed forces of Pakistan: Defence minister

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Apr 25, 2012
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ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Defence Syed Naveed Qamar informed the Upper House of Parliament on Tuesday that dual nationals cannot join the armed forces of Pakistan.
“Persons holding dual nationality are not eligible for appointment in the armed forces of Pakistan,” said a written reply tabled by the defence minister in the Senate.
Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Senator Sughra Imam had asked if dual nationality holders could join the armed forces.
Dual nationals are required to surrender other nationalities on their final selection in the military.
Currently, any person who holds dual nationality cannot contest elections for national or provincial assemblies. There are around 16 countries, including the United States and the UK, with which Pakistan has signed dual nationality agreements.
The government recently tabled a standing committee report, in the Senate, on a draft of the 22 constitutional amendment bill allowing dual nationals to run for elections.

Dual nationals cannot join armed forces of Pakistan: Defence minister – The Express Tribune
Wasn't it the Same Previously . If i Remember a Thread by @Xeric he said that on selection after traning you have to give up your Dual Citizenship .

But the Said part is Dual Nationals are allowed in Parliament of Pakistan ? Are they not .

So is the special Treatment reserved for armed forces ??
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And why is this news...???
Wasn't it the Same Previously . If i Remember a Thread by @Xeric he said that on selection after traning you have to give up your Dual Citizenship .
That's right.

In short, a dual national cannot joint the armed forces and the civilian bureaucracy, neither he/she can sit in Parliament. However, the irony is that our honorable politicians are still able to do it whilst they hold foreign nationalities.

But the Said part is Dual Nationals are allowed in Parliament of Pakistan ? Are they not .

So is the special Treatment reserved for armed forces ??
i think your tolla-lalaish nerve failed to grasp the essentials, even when you yourself state the obvious ;)
And why is this news...???

Awain kham kha...

Wajah= Kitanoo.

P.S. There is no dual national in Pakistan Armed Forces.
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This emphasis on dual nationalities ignores the fact that the spouse and/or children can have nationalities and/or permanent residence rights which enable a residence abroad if desired. (This applies to parliamentarians, bureaucrats and faujis equally.)
And what about the scums called parliamentarians
Though the rule is equally applicable to all the three categories (military, civilian bureaucracy and politicians), i am not sure how religiously it is followed by the other two, but here's how we do it:

Spouse can only retain its other nationality if it is vetted by the military. Moreover, military-men can only marry women who have the dual nationality of one of the 16 countries that hold dual-national agreement with Pakistan.

The procedures goes like....the officer has to first submit all the related documentation and get permission from GHQ/MI/PS Directorate. Only after getting approval an officer can marry a dual national of any of the 16 countries mentioned in the news.

Points to be noted:

-Officers are not even allowed Pakistani passports i.e. they cant get a passport unless the have been cleared by MI that too only when they want to proceed on Ex-Pakistan Leave - a procedure that takes approx 2 months and vetting by the Brigade, Division, Corps and General Headquarters, sequentially.

-There are Officers whose spouses are dual national, but then they dont reside abroad. A very few (or may be none) who do reside abroad are supposed to give complete details of residences they hold outside Pakistan.

-Spouse is obvious, even the addresses of siblings and in-laws residing/working abroad are vetted and counter checked by the military.

There are no exceptions whatsoever.
Though the rule is equally applicable to all the three categories (military, civilian bureaucracy and politicians), i am not sure how religiously it is followed by the other two, but here's how we do it:

Spouse can only retain its other nationality if it is vetted by the military. Moreover, military-men can only marry women who have the dual nationality of one of the 16 countries that hold dual-national agreement with Pakistan.

The procedures goes like..........................

I accept that the military is more diligent in applying these rules than the other entities, but that lacuna does exist. And one of the 16 countries on that list is USA, I presume? ;)
I accept that the military is more diligent in applying these rules than the other entities, but that lacuna does exist. And one of the 16 countries on that list is USA, I presume? ;)

The 'lacuna' is merely a figment of your brain.

Better worry about your beloved politicians and civilian bureaucrats who break the rules and regulations which they themselves have made and still hold dual nationalities while they sit inside the Parliament.

The issue took such a drastic turn that the SCP had to intervene, which itself is a matter of shame for anyone who wears a green flag.

The military is absolutely free of such lacunas, which are just a way to divert the attention away from the real and worrisome issues.

Useless piece if so called news when it is not; thread closed!
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