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DRDO test-fires new ammo for MBT Arjun successfully

i thought you guys believed in transparency? we have our ammo on the website with penetration values, where is your Arjun's?
"We have tested the ammo and have defeated modern day ERA and other non reactive armor. I have a frnd at army who has confirmed this. He was the gunner of the Arjun tank which fired the shot and later went to check it. It is a secret, no one knows it but I do. We are not publishing the details because Amrika is keeping tabs on us and we cannot afford to be wrong side of them. "
as usual, they expect the world to go with their statement. All is well as usual. no data no nothing.

The world doesn't need to believe anything. India's been giving data for such things for too long now. Several programs are just like this now, not just your favorite tank field. Get over it.
"We have tested the ammo and have defeated modern day ERA and other non reactive armor. I have a frnd at army who has confirmed this. He was the gunner of the Arjun tank which fired the shot and later went to check it. It is a secret, no one knows it but I do. We are not publishing the details because Amrika is keeping tabs on us and we cannot afford to be wrong side of them. "

Hogwash and nonsense, the truth is that your ammo is obsolete and often falls short of your army's requirement be it faulty ammo rods or propellant.
Hogwash and nonsense, the truth is that your ammo is obsolete and often falls short of your army's requirement be it faulty ammo rods or propellant.
What proof you have ?? As I already said,"My source saw the effects of the ammo tested, not only it penetrated ERA armor but also penetrated out the tank through an ERA !!! It's a secret but my friend told me. Cannot publish what happened in the test as amrika is listing."

Had that been a Pakistani poster saying that, it would have been accepted as a gospel/kalma !!
Hogwash and nonsense, the truth is that your ammo is obsolete and often falls short of your army's requirement be it faulty ammo rods or propellant.
Nothing new, cherry picking and quoting ancient news is your modus oprendi,in that other thread you people were quoting 6 year old news of tanks lacking NV devices barrel busting etc.
Nothing new, cherry picking and quoting ancient news is your modus oprendi,in that other thread you people were quoting 6 year old news of tanks lacking NV devices barrel busting etc.

so nowadays india doesnt expose her weapon tests results due to the fear if the yankees. could it be more hilarious than this? The fact that NOTHING has changed for the better in your tank ammo industry has led to this secrecy. if i started sharing the horrendous stories of indian arms industry if keep hearing from my sources, most of you might commit suicide. such small blunders and mishaps that it is not even funny.
so nowadays india doesnt expose her weapon tests results due to the fear if the yankees. could it be more hilarious than this? The fact that NOTHING has changed for the better in your tank ammo industry has led to this secrecy. if i started sharing the horrendous stories of indian arms industry if keep hearing from my sources, most of you might commit suicide. such small blunders and mishaps that it is not even funny.

Dude, what are you talking about? There are several new programs right now we only have basic information about. I am talking about LR SAM(Not Barak), QRSAMs, PGMs, Ramjet A2A missiles, radars, small arms like LMGs, portable NAG, MRIVed SLBMs, MRIVed ICBMs, ASAT, ASBM, among several more - forget tank ammo. If you havent noticed, the recently appointed DRDO heads arent talkers like the last two either. Among the new ammo trialing right now for Arjun are PCB, Thermo-Frag, Kinetic, and CLGM. that's a hell of a lot of development..

Some programs like K4, Helina, or trialing of ICBMs canister we only have some small reclusive clips, before that it was barely anything. It's easy to say there's, "nothing", happening in the missile industry before hand. I dont even know how you can even come to a conclusion if you're not even close to the establishment.



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so nowadays india doesnt expose her weapon tests results due to the fear if the yankees. could it be more hilarious than this? The fact that NOTHING has changed for the better in your tank ammo industry has led to this secrecy. if i started sharing the horrendous stories of indian arms industry if keep hearing from my sources, most of you might commit suicide. such small blunders and mishaps that it is not even funny.

Even a DRDO Chaprasi don't give 2 hoots let alone committing suicide for your so called tests and Al khalids, zarrars,so why bother, in a democracy even small failures came into public eye and media making the peoole accountable for these so called horrendous stories.

Do you even have CAG in Pakistan, heck you didn't had democracy for most of the time, how do you know you never had failures, that doesn't came into light ?
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Even a DRDO Chaprasi don't give 2 hoots let alone committing suicide for your so called tests and Al khalids, zarrars,so why bother, in a democracy even small failures came into public eye and media making the peoole accountable for these so called horrendous stories.

Do you even have CAG in Pakistan, heck you didn't had democracy for most of the time, how do you know you never had failures, that doesn't came into light ?

First, you should keep AK and AZ out of the debate mate unless you want the thread to drift away from the topic.

On topic, are these Small failures??

How come a small country such as Bulgaria or Poland come up with high quality tank ammo with mediocre funds but not India? You guys could not even make a proper fire control system for your t-72s and had to buy it from Poland again? Why is it so difficult? I tell you why.

The problem goes deep into the attitude and will to learn things instead of making it all from scratch just because you hav money. Everybody learns at some stage but i guess it is not the tradition in your defense firms at least.

You call ammo blowing inside the turret and discarding more than a 100,000 faulty shells, and eventually pleading the russians to sell way obsolete FSAPDS and HEAT rounds at thrice the original cost SMALL MISTAKES?? If this is the level of seriousness your defense organizations depict, they better be prepared for a disaster that is in the making.

Having a CAG type body fr accountability should always be welcomed, and i am all for it. However, what the CAG has discovered in its report pertaining to your defense procurements and manufacturing cannot and should not be pushed under the carpet.

These are not small mistakes, rather epic blunders with a certain degree of bad intent. i will shed more light on the topic if you guys are serious to learn anything instead of indulging into rhetoric and usual blabbers.
You call ammo blowing inside the turret and discarding more than a 100,000 faulty shells, and eventually pleading the russians to sell way obsolete FSAPDS and HEAT rounds at thrice the original cost SMALL MISTAKES??
Do you know why this happened? This has been solved. It was an attempt at jugaad which backfired.
Your source about what, your Chinese legacy tanks and their test results ?

Even a DRDO Chaprasi don't give 2 hoots let alone committing suicide for your so called tests and Al khalids, zarrars,so why bother.
First, you should keep AK and AZ out of the debate mate unless you want the thread to drift away from the topic.

On topic, are these Small failures??

How come a small country such as Bulgaria or Poland come up with high quality tank ammo with mediocre funds but not India? You guys could not even make a proper fire control system for your t-72s and had to buy it from Poland again? Why is it so difficult? I tell you why.

The problem goes deep into the attitude and will to learn things instead of making it all from scratch just because you hav money. Everybody learns at some stage but i guess it is not the tradition in your defense firms at least.

You call ammo blowing inside the turret and discarding more than a 100,000 faulty shells, and eventually pleading the russians to sell way obsolete FSAPDS and HEAT rounds at thrice the original cost SMALL MISTAKES?? If this is the level of seriousness your defense organizations depict, they better be prepared for a disaster that is in the making.

Having a CAG type body fr accountability should always be welcomed, and i am all for it. However, what the CAG has discovered in its report pertaining to your defense procurements and manufacturing cannot and should not be pushed under the carpet.

These are not small mistakes, rather epic blunders with a certain degree of bad intent. i will shed more light on the topic if you guys are serious to learn anything instead of indulging into rhetoric and usual blabbers.
Homie ... Again you are making a very wrong analogy,comparing Poland which has a established military industry since WORLD WAR,with India.Our defense industry is hardly two decades old,with zero private involvement till few yeras back,but still we were able to design our own,Warships,Destroyers,Tanks,Aircrafts,Helis and whole range of Radars and Sonars including AESAs etc etc.200 Dhruv is in service of 10 Countries,with several variants.MCIWS,INSAS,MSMC there are 100s of indigenous stuff we made by own.Tell me do you have wind tunnel testing facility in pak ?

As for Bursting barrels,it's a 6 years old news,tell me are we upgrading our 1600 ~ T 72s,while ignoring the ammo and barrel problems,AFAIK those T 72 with old guns,not able to handle the pressure of latest Ammo.

And by your logic i can also post old videos of Your AL khalid,and claim that it can't even target a static target at first attempt,the reason i am posting this is prove that cherry picking can't the effectiveness and capability of an entire system.

The secret of T-72 Main Battle Tank’s improved night vision - The Hindu
India to replace bursting T-72 tank barrels under Rs 1,500 cr deal with Russia - timesofindia-economictimes

Homie ... Again you are making a very wrong analogy,comparing Poland which has a established military industry since WORLD WAR,with India.Our defense industry is hardly two decades old,with zero private involvement till few yeras back,but still we were able to design our own,Warships,Destroyers,Tanks,Aircrafts,Helis and whole range of Radars and Sonars including AESAs etc etc.200 Dhruv is in service of 10 Countries,with several variants.MCIWS,INSAS,MSMC there are 100s of indigenous stuff we made by own.Tell me do you have wind tunnel testing facility in pak ?

As for Bursting barrels,it's a 6 years old news,tell me are we upgrading our 1600 ~ T 72s,while ignoring the ammo and barrel problems,AFAIK those T 72 with old guns,not able to handle the pressure of latest Ammo.

And by your logic i can also post old videos of Your AL khalid,and claim that it can't even target a static target at first attempt,the reason i am posting this is prove that cherry picking can't the effectiveness and capability of an entire system.

The secret of T-72 Main Battle Tank’s improved night vision - The Hindu
India to replace bursting T-72 tank barrels under Rs 1,500 cr deal with Russia - timesofindia-economictimes

As usual the reality check gave you a panic attack and you brought the mighty Indian defense industry into equation. Why can't your super defense industry make a basic tank round be it HEAT round or apfsds?
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