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Dr APJ Abdul Kalamji in our Institute and some important info

Indian Gurkha

May 6, 2010
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Hey just attended a session of Dr Kalam's lecture in our institute. He is amazing. Such humility and grace. Got an important info that India was about to conduct nuclear tests in 1996 just two days before the General Elections and the late PV Narasimha Rao had formally invited Dr Kalam and asked all the defence research institutes to make preparations for the test. But then Narasimha lost the elections. But Kalam Sir was full of respect for PV Narasimha Rao and said that he was instructed to share the info about the proposed test with Atal Bihari Vajpayee disregarding political gains. Can someone throw light on the issue..

BTW I have a workshop tomorrw to be conducted by Kalam Sir. Kalam Sir teaches in only two institutes in India IIMI and IIMA. Feeling so proud to be his student
Well, govt shares a lot of info with opposition leader, and seeks his/her views. It is not exactly a dog eat dog world in politics as they show.
Also PV and Vajpayee were friends even before pv became pm.
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