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Donald Trump Calls for Expansion of US Nuclear Capability

Need to stop taking the next president seriously?

Then who exactly are we to take seriously? PDF 'professionals'? LOL

Only his actions matter, not his words. Even he doesn't take his own words seriously, that's why he keeps changing his opinion.
When the next president talks, people listen. His words alone has already caused reaction by businesses. So yes, words do matter.

There's a huge difference between a president-elect and Trump. He's already held many conflicting viewpoints. He is not a regular president-elect, he is exactly like Indian politicians. The Americans had such people many decades ago, so they are not able to adjust to this new guy and react to every word he says. The fact is, Trump himself doesn't believe in everything he says.
There's a huge difference between a president-elect and Trump. He's already held many conflicting viewpoints. He is not a regular president-elect, he is exactly like Indian politicians. The Americans had such people many decades ago, so they are not able to adjust to this new guy and react to every word he says. The fact is, Trump himself doesn't believe in everything he says.

How exactly do you know Trump doesn't believe everything he says?
How exactly do you know Trump doesn't believe everything he says?

Dude, have you actually followed Trump? I have. He flip flops a lot. And most of the time he just wings it, even though he has less or no information about something. He rarely ever says he doesn't know something.
Dude, have you actually followed Trump? I have. He flip flops a lot. And most of the time he just wings it, even though he has less or no information about something. He rarely ever says he doesn't know something.

Yes I do follow Trump very closely. Who doesn't follow Trump?

Trump has his own methods to achieve results. But just because he is unconventional doesn't mean people should not take him seriously. He is the next president. His word is the only word that matter.

I do take his words very seriously. To dismiss him because he uses a different communication platform such as Twitter is ridiculous.

In fact people thought he was just kidding during his campaign and once he won he would pick the same old people and be a mainstream Republican. But he has chosen people to carry out his agenda. The guy means what he says.

He brought his own ideas to the Republican primary and general election and won with it. Usually people that enter the race accept the mainstream ideas and adjust to the normal way of doing things. Not Trump. He got people to adjust to him and his ways.

He is not going to be a traditional or conventional president.

He is an American nationalist. He is not a conservative or liberal.
it's a confusing world these day. i rather he just stop tweeting than giving out alarming tweet.

doesnt help the already worsening situation
Yes I do follow Trump very closely. Who doesn't follow Trump?

Trump has his own methods to achieve results. But just because he is unconventional doesn't mean people should not take him seriously. He is the next president. His word is the only word that matter.

I do take his words very seriously. To dismiss him because he uses a different communication platform such as Twitter is ridiculous.

In fact people thought he was just kidding during his campaign and once he won he would pick the same old people and be a mainstream Republican. But he has chosen people to carry out his agenda. The guy means what he says.

He brought his own ideas to the Republican primary and general election and won with it. Usually people that enter the race accept the mainstream ideas and adjust to the normal way of doing things. Not Trump. He got people to adjust to him and his ways.

He is not going to be a traditional or conventional president.

He is an American nationalist. He is not a conservative or liberal.

Wow, just follow Indian politicians during election time, he is just a copy-paste of that. People in India are used to people like Trump now. They say something and do something else entirely, regardless of whether it is up to them or not. Give him some time, he will prove it himself. Half the time he himself doesn't know what he's saying. And he is a complete novice when it comes to foreign policy.

He wants to be a mediator between India and Pak, that will fail to hilarious effect.
He wants to tear to pieces the One China policy, even that will have adverse effect.
Now he wants to use the military to influence foreign policy, like that has done anything over the last few decades.

He doesn't have the first clue about foreign relations.

He wants to backtrack from signed treaties, you think he can do that just because he's saying it? He can only bring change to stuff that he can control. He wants to build a wall, he can. He wants to curb immigration, he can. He wants to bring back jobs, he can. Even then, he has to face too many hurdles when it comes to change domestic policies. But he can't force other countries to adjust to his views. And you can bet other countries will do their best to obstruct his ideas.

And Trump is yet to figure out how to balance out the economy, because you could very well be taking away jobs while you are trying to create jobs. Talking is very different from walking the talk, he will find out soon enough.

I'd recommend watching this.
Wow, just follow Indian politicians during election time, he is just a copy-paste of that. People in India are used to people like Trump now. They say something and do something else entirely, regardless of whether it is up to them or not. Give him some time, he will prove it himself. Half the time he himself doesn't know what he's saying. And he is a complete novice when it comes to foreign policy.

He wants to be a mediator between India and Pak, that will fail to hilarious effect.
He wants to tear to pieces the One China policy, even that will have adverse effect.
Now he wants to use the military to influence foreign policy, like that has done anything over the last few decades.

He doesn't have the first clue about foreign relations.

He wants to backtrack from signed treaties, you think he can do that just because he's saying it? He can only bring change to stuff that he can control. He wants to build a wall, he can. He wants to curb immigration, he can. He wants to bring back jobs, he can. Even then, he has to face too many hurdles when it comes to change domestic policies. But he can't force other countries to adjust to his views. And you can bet other countries will do their best to obstruct his ideas.

And Trump is yet to figure out how to balance out the economy, because you could very well be taking away jobs while you are trying to create jobs. Talking is very different from walking the talk, he will find out soon enough.

I'd recommend watching this.

How do you know he doesn't mean what he says? All your other nonsensical ranting is pretty irrelevant to the discussion.

He can pull out of any treaty he wants. He can sign any treaty he wants. He will be the president of the United States. He is the leader of his country, he can decide whatever he wants. Whether me or you like it or not is utterly irrelevant. He and his advisors will decide that. Once they decide a course of action, the US will use all its power to achieve their goals.
it's a confusing world these day. i rather he just stop tweeting than giving out alarming tweet.

doesnt help the already worsening situation

You mean if he released a statement the traditional way makes you feel better?

Twitter is a modern communication platform. TV and Radio are quite old platforms which people are not caring about anymore.

It's the mainstream media that don't like him Tweeting. Because the mainstream media no longer control the flow of information, its hard for them to control the message.

Trump is actually changing the way president communicates to the people. His change is disruptive which people are not used to it.

Everyone in the world can get access to exactly what Trump said through his Twitter. Its far better than getting his message through media executives after it has been censored and twisted to how they want it portrayed.

When he uses Twitter, everyone in the world gets the message exactly as he said it.

Now if you want him to type his tweets more professionally, that's a different topic. But to say to stop Tweeting shows you don't understand the situation between Trump and the mainstream media. He needs Twitter more than any past president.
How do you know he doesn't mean what he says? All your other nonsensical ranting is pretty irrelevant to the discussion.

He can pull out of any treaty he wants. He can sign any treaty he wants. He will be the president of the United States. He is the leader of his country, he can decide whatever he wants. Whether me or you like it or not is utterly irrelevant. He and his advisors will decide that. Once they decide a course of action, the US will use all its power to achieve their goals.

Okay, so you are unfamiliar with foreign policy as well.
the problem is that, he can emotionally tweet without putting in second thought.

then have to flip flop his stance but the message already create unnecessary response
WASHINGTON — In 140 characters, President-elect Donald Trump sent shockwaves through the national security community yet again with a tweet that signaled continued support of the nuclear triad — but could also suggest a much more drastic expansion to the nuclear arsenal.

“The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes,” he tweeted Thursday at 11:50 a.m. Eastern time.

Throughout his campaign, Trump’s comments on nuclear capabilities were often difficult to penetrate, giving hope to arms control advocates that he could reduce the size of the enterprise. But Trump’s comments on Thursday offered his strongest statements yet in support of the nuclear arsenal, although he offered no specifics on the policy or procurement steps he could take to grow nuclear capabilities.

All three legs of the nuclear triad, comprised of intercontinental ballistic missiles, bombers and ballistic missile submarines, are aging and in need of replacement starting in the mid 2020s. The Air Force and Navy are in the beginning stages for three modernization programs — the B-21 bomber, Ohio replacement submarine, and Ground Based Strategic Deterrent — to do just that.

However, it’s unclear whether Trump’s remarks indicate a commitment to the current programs of record, or if they portend a larger expansion of US nuclear capabilities, such as additional warheads or new weapons systems.

Trump’s comment follows a meeting with a number of the US military’s top policy and procurement officials, including Vice Adm. James Syring, head of the Missile Defense Agency and Lt. Gen. Jack Weinstein, deputy Air Force chief of staff for strategic deterrence and nuclear integration.

“These are great people,” Trump said after the meeting, according to a pool report. “These are amazing people and I’m very impressed with them. And they are good negotiators.”

The president elect’s transition team had met with Weinstein previously. During an interview with Defense News earlier this month, Weinstein and Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James said they were hopeful that the Trump administration would be supportive of the nuclear triad.

“Nuclear has been foundational to the defense of our nation through seven administrations. I don’t see it changing for this one,” Weinstein said then. Nuclear threats, weapons modernization, and changes to the nuclear enterprise were some of the topics discussed in a previous meeting with the Trump team. “It was a really open, transparent and really productive meeting.”


Trumps not playing around...

Understandable, and i will continue to support the superpowers having adequate and up-to-date nuclear arms.
I am convinced this is the right way because it's my belief that a strong nuclear deterrent stops (the buildup to) actual wars.
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