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Donald Trump Calls for Expansion of US Nuclear Capability


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
WASHINGTON — In 140 characters, President-elect Donald Trump sent shockwaves through the national security community yet again with a tweet that signaled continued support of the nuclear triad — but could also suggest a much more drastic expansion to the nuclear arsenal.

“The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes,” he tweeted Thursday at 11:50 a.m. Eastern time.

Throughout his campaign, Trump’s comments on nuclear capabilities were often difficult to penetrate, giving hope to arms control advocates that he could reduce the size of the enterprise. But Trump’s comments on Thursday offered his strongest statements yet in support of the nuclear arsenal, although he offered no specifics on the policy or procurement steps he could take to grow nuclear capabilities.

All three legs of the nuclear triad, comprised of intercontinental ballistic missiles, bombers and ballistic missile submarines, are aging and in need of replacement starting in the mid 2020s. The Air Force and Navy are in the beginning stages for three modernization programs — the B-21 bomber, Ohio replacement submarine, and Ground Based Strategic Deterrent — to do just that.

However, it’s unclear whether Trump’s remarks indicate a commitment to the current programs of record, or if they portend a larger expansion of US nuclear capabilities, such as additional warheads or new weapons systems.

Trump’s comment follows a meeting with a number of the US military’s top policy and procurement officials, including Vice Adm. James Syring, head of the Missile Defense Agency and Lt. Gen. Jack Weinstein, deputy Air Force chief of staff for strategic deterrence and nuclear integration.

“These are great people,” Trump said after the meeting, according to a pool report. “These are amazing people and I’m very impressed with them. And they are good negotiators.”

The president elect’s transition team had met with Weinstein previously. During an interview with Defense News earlier this month, Weinstein and Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James said they were hopeful that the Trump administration would be supportive of the nuclear triad.

“Nuclear has been foundational to the defense of our nation through seven administrations. I don’t see it changing for this one,” Weinstein said then. Nuclear threats, weapons modernization, and changes to the nuclear enterprise were some of the topics discussed in a previous meeting with the Trump team. “It was a really open, transparent and really productive meeting.”


Trumps not playing around...
this needs to happen ASAP. I would love to see us scrap our BMD projects and put that money into updating our silos which are based on 1950'60'70's tech, and then build 8 to 12 new SSBN subs each with 16 to 24 Trident missiles each holding 5 to 10 warheads.

then if I was Trump I would say we don't have a missile shield so if you launch a nuclear attack on us or our allies you will get hit back 10 times harder.

peace through strength.

Americans think that they are cats who have 9 lives... Just Russians could let you die for 90times. More Nukes more idiots.
What China is doing now is actually encourage and force the US enter an arms race they could not afford and eventually bankrupt the US to force its collapse in a Soviet style.
Did US just hinted their enemies to stock more N heads? Is that a good/Wise move?
Did US just hinted their enemies to stock more N heads? Is that a good/Wise move?

Not really, destroying the earth (okay, earth actually will be just fine and humans will survive, nuclear war just destroys modern society) 10 times and 1 time have really no difference.
this needs to happen ASAP. I would love to see us scrap our BMD projects and put that money into updating our silos which are based on 1950'60'70's tech, and then build 8 to 12 new SSBN subs each with 16 to 24 Trident missiles each holding 5 to 10 warheads.

then if I was Trump I would say we don't have a missile shield so if you launch a nuclear attack on us or our allies you will get hit back 10 times harder.

peace through strength.


Peace through twitter actually:rofl:
What China is doing now is actually encourage and force the US enter an arms race they could not afford and eventually bankrupt the US to force its collapse in a Soviet style.

The US has spent roughly 3-3.5% of our GDP on defense in recent years. We were spending 6% in the Reagan era while the Soviets spent nearly 20% on defense.

Bankrupting the US is simply fantasy.
What China is doing now is actually encourage and force the US enter an arms race they could not afford and eventually bankrupt the US to force its collapse in a Soviet style.
American economy is different from that of USSR. Bad analogy.
The US has spent roughly 3-3.5% of our GDP on defense in recent years. We were spending 6% in the Reagan era while the Soviets spent nearly 20% on defense.

Bankrupting the US is simply fantasy.

China now simply spend 1.5% on defence and they can build 3 aircraft carriers and 13 DDGs at the same time.

At this rate, when China has increase their defence spending to that of the US level of 4%-5% of GDP, US has to spend at Soviet Union level to match, so there is very good reason to see the US could most likley fall short.
Did US just hinted their enemies to stock more N heads? Is that a good/Wise move?
Let us take a (calmer) look at what The Dump said..or...tweeted...

“The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes,”

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/donald-t...f-us-nuclear-capability.468325/#ixzz4TdlzhXky
Do you not see how vague and general it is.

The US is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT).

If what The Chump meant was to expand the QUANTITY of US nuclear weapons, the US would have to withdraw from the NPT.

To 'strengthen and expand'. What does that mean ?

The word 'expand' is what alarmed people. It could mean a different nuclear weapons doctrine.

The Frump boasted that he is not a 'normal' politician. But unfortunately for him, his history shows he is as comfortable in politics as the Clintons.
People need to stop taking stand up comedians seriously. Wait till he gets in office, then let's see if his bite's worse than his bark.
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