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Doklam issue: China’s Xi Jinping has a PLA problem

Except there was no mutual withdrawal. :lol: The Chinese foreign minister has officially stated that Chinese troops remain in Donglang, and that China is setting up permanent garissons there. As well as completing the road too.

India unilaterally retreated from Donglang, and handed over Bhutan's territory to China. Only Indians can consider an Indian unilateral retreat, and China's increase in net territory as a victory, just like 1962.

Except Chinese arent building a road :lol: Your foreign affairs spokeswomen said "We will resume construction subject to weather and local situations" . Its just nobody in China knows what is meant by local situations :lol:

If the Chinese (and you) think India had withdrawn unilaterally cos of fear of your warning factory then you guys are really fooled by CCP. :lol: We were serious and refused to move until an assurance was bought on the road thing. Chinese continuing to patrol that areas are only face savers for local consumptions for you guys. For all we know the Bhutanese also patrol those areas having an army base just 15km from the site of issue. But the Chinese wont be telling those to you.
As for India, the real victory lies in putting the names like AbC, xYz, and any combinations and permutations of Enish alphabet in BRICS declaration's 47th paragraph, line#2!!!!!! Anyway, any Mahalle (neighborhood) in Pak can produce a couple of such orgs any given day!!! No wonder the Pentagon boys have got a "winning" clue from the Hindi boys!!!! So, both Pentagon and Hindi boys can always claim "victory" over any condition - be it Doklam, NK, SCS, Afganstan or anything else- thanks to these "made in Pak" alphabet soup orgs!!!!
Except Chinese arent building a road :lol: Your foreign affairs spokeswomen said "We will resume construction subject to weather and local situations" . Its just nobody in China knows what is meant by local situations :lol:

If the Chinese (and you) think India had withdrawn unilaterally cos of fear of your warning factory then you guys are really fooled by CCP. :lol: We were serious and refused to move until an assurance was bought on the road thing. Chinese continuing to patrol that areas are only face savers for local consumptions for you guys. For all we know the Bhutanese also patrol those areas having an army base just 15km from the site of issue. But the Chinese wont be telling those to you.
I don't understand this useless posturing by Indians.
India has been shamed by standing down unilaterally.
To regain lost prestige, Modi should state categorically that India stood down based on promise by China to terms dictated by India, which has not happened.
If that is the case, withdrawal should have been mutual, not shamefully by India alone.

So far only useless conjectures and opinions by so called experts that did nothing to mitigate India's shame.
Or India could occupy Chinese land again until China will publicly announce said promised conditions as dictated by India.
But Indian soldiers must be prepared to end up in heaven instead this 2nd time around.
I don't understand this useless posturing by Indians.
India has been shamed by standing down unilaterally.
To regain lost prestige, Modi should state categorically that India stood down based on promise by China to terms dictated by India, which has not happened.
If that is the case, withdrawal should have been mutual, not shamefully by India alone.

So far only useless conjectures and opinions by so called experts that did nothing to mitigate India's shame.
Or India could occupy Chinese land again until China will publicly announce said promised conditions as dictated by India.
But Indian soldiers must be prepared to end up in heaven instead this 2nd time around.

Lool. Then China can come out why India withdrew unilaterally to shame India. Afterall China is hypergalatic power and India cant win right :P So what China didnt say in past 3 months that made India leave suddenly in 3 hours? Tell us. Enlighten us :lol:
Chinese experts might be discussing in Chinese forums..

So why was the super decorated general tri services chief removed after Victory against India...
Instead he should have been made celebrity..

His removal directly indicates that PLA did not deliver on to expectations of communist party
Thursday, August 24, 2017
China's Xi Names Combat Veteran to Top Military Post
Li’s appointment to the post -- created last year as part of the largest military overhaul in six decades -- underscores Xi’s desire to turn the 2.3 million member PLA into force “able to fight and win wars.” China hasn’t been involved in a major conflict since the border clash with Vietnam.

The appointment of War Veteran General Li Zuocheng frightened the shit off the Indians, confirming that war with China is impending.
That explains the quick cowardly unilateral stand down of the Indians without any concessions from China.

General Li and Gen Qamar already enjoy a good working relationship.


Li Zuocheng meets with Pakistan army chief



China, Pakistan agree to further increase military cooperation
All this happened while I was banned for 2 long months. I was wondering if this is a friendly site or now has it been converted to pro - India.
Indians are banned for weeks and Chinese members banned for months. Makes me wonder.

End result - India handed Donglang to the Chinese on a silver platter?
Bro, they will rename this site soon to Hindustan defense forum
End result - surprisingly happy ending.
Surprised that the Indians will stand down unilaterally without any concessions from China.

Welcome back, I was shorthanded during your absence.
2 months ban ! Wow !
I will take a back seat now that our seasoned combatant is back.

That is a problem for me as well, its frustrating that they did not state the reason for the ban.
I think they increase the ban period for each subsequent ban.
I guess the mods job is tedious and they have problem handling the huge amount of reporting and troll posts cleaning that they may have accidentally given you a 2 months holiday.
I think they are fair and don't discriminate, but honest mistakes and slight bias are bound to occur.
You will notice they also ban their own nationals.
I also noticed they will ban both members engaged in that troll fest notwithstanding who started it.
Be careful, will miss your sharp and enlightening comments if you go holiday again.
Sorry bro, I will not be as active as before.... at least for sometime.
Please don't take the back seat as yet. :D
This power tussle is very normal in Autocratic countries like Pakistan, China, Myanmar etc.

That's why democracy works better even if slowly. There's plenty of accountability for everybody - the military, the media, the politicians, the bureaucrats, and so on.
Lool. Then China can come out why India withdrew unilaterally to shame India. Afterall China is hypergalatic power and India cant win right :P So what China didnt say in past 3 months that made India leave suddenly in 3 hours? Tell us. Enlighten us :lol:
Why the need to derogate India.
China just need to be firm and not give anything away to India, no need to rub salt to injury.
China still want to earn hundreds of billions from the dumb Indians, but not at the expense of loss of reputation or land.
Why the need to derogate India.
China just need to be firm and not give anything away to India, no need to rub salt to injury.
China still want to earn hundreds of billions from the dumb Indians, but not at the expense of loss of reputation or land.

Every body knows who managed to save her face after stand off. Even 70 warnings were not enough for them.
I don't know who banned me. But 2 months is a long time.
Probably your own country men. Or a Pakistani mod.

Either way, I remember you were way out of line :D and was too abusive, that probably your receive the initial warnings.
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