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Do we need foreign companies to explore oil?

They sold a pipe dream of a massive oil discovery. Now to explain the lack of oil they are selling the story of a foreign conspiracy to deprive Pakistan of its oil resources! We may lack oil but we certainly have no shortage of bullshit!
Why do we need foreign companies? Because we don't have the skill set or the equipment in our own public or private sector.

We don't really have an oil industry - so why expect that we have all the support industry?
Do we need foreign companies to explore oil?

By Ajaz Haque
Published: May 26, 2019

Oil and gas exploration should also be opened to local entrepreneurs. PHOTO: FILE

The outcome of Kekra-1 begs the question: why do we need foreign companies to explore oil and gas in Pakistan? It may be true that there was too much water at the depth, but sudden backtracking from massive oil and gas reserves to nothing seems highly suspicious.

Even if there was excess water in oil and gas, there is technology available to separate it too. If Canada can separate oil from the mud-like sand, it is hard to believe that Exxon Mobil and ENI did not have access to technology to separate water from oil. It is reported that the two Pakistani companies – OGDC and PPL – which contributed 50% capital to Kekra-1 effort had no say in the matter. It is not even clear whether the local oil companies had any presence at the drilling site or were involved in any of the processes at all. If they were not, then why not? Having footed half the bill, did they outsource the entire effort to the two foreign companies and had no control over the situation?

The chain of recent events makes one think about what is going on and why is Pakistan being squeezed from all sides? First, it was Pakistan’s gray listing at FATF and then IMF dragging its heels for months on end, and then suddenly the ‘bad’ news that the oil reserves that were supposed to be larger than that of Kuwait don’t exist. These all seem to be the links of the same chain of fifth generation warfare.

We do not need foreign companies to tell us there is no oil, where we believe there is. All future drilling for oil and gas should be carried out by Pakistani companies only. Oil rigs are available on the international market and plenty of experienced oil workers are also available for hire. Local engineers and manpower should work with the foreign experts so they too can acquire the expertise. It should be ensured that foreign workers hired are independent and not under the influence of Washington or certain European capitals.

Oil and gas exploration should also be opened to local entrepreneurs who can work independently in exploring oil onshore and in public-private partnership for expensive offshore drilling. After all, upon success the rewards are enormous. Even if one in ten drills is successful, the investors will reap the rewards for generations to come. India is extracting oil on the other side of the border in Rajasthan. Pakistan should auction off blocks along the Indian border to Pakistani companies. Onshore drilling is considerably cheaper than offshore. Let the private capital explore and make money, the oil discovered will benefit Pakistan by reducing imports and save foreign exchange.

As for offshore drilling, it is not cheap. But if the reported cost of $100 million for Kekra-1 is accurate then it is not prohibitive either. To minimise risk, public-private joint ventures should be formed to start drilling at four or five locations. Each JV should be capitalised at $100 million with OGDC and PPL contributing (say) 40% i.e. $40 million and six Pakistani investors contributing $10 million each. Some entrepreneurs may be able to contribute much more than $10 million. The offshore area containing oil and gas is known and with four exploratory drills working simultaneously, the chances of discovering oil under complete Pakistani management are much higher. To minimise the risk even further, create a share of investors in each of the four rigs so that if one drill discovers oil and the other three don’t, then at least every investor will benefit from the successful drill.

It is also reported that there are considerable resources of natural gas in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. The government should immediately auction off all known gas blocks to local companies so that gas production in the country can increase substantially.

A successful Pakistani-owned oil and gas discovery will do away with the need to borrow from the IMF; and if the discovery is substantial, Pakistan will be able to retire its debt within a few years and focus on development and in raising the standard of living of its people.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 26th, 2019.


Looks like the author doesn't know even the basics of oil and gas exploration!

The author says... Give local entrepreneurs the opportunity to find oil and gas. It isn't quite as simple as giving Babu the kebob seller a shovel and telling him, "go dig".

Offshore wildcat drills are expensive, such as the recent Kekra-2 was $100 Million. Does Babu the kebob seller have that kind of capital to risk and the necessary knowledge?... Even Eni & ExxonMobil had a hard time with that drill.

On land exploratory wells are also expensive and challenging.. Does Babu the Kebob Seller have knowledge about Horizontal Multistage Fracturing wells?

We do not need foreign companies to tell us there is no oil, where we believe there is


Oil and gas reservoirs don't exist because of what you believe... It's geology that determines that.
Skills are still easily acquired. All it takes is the right attitude towards development and self reliance. Pakistan can easily get technology and training from Norway, if the stats are unfavorable.
you have no idea about offshore oil drilling technology
Even if there was excess water in oil and gas, there is technology available to separate it too. If Canada can separate oil from the mud-like sand, it is hard to believe that Exxon Mobil and ENI did not have access to technology to separate water from oil.

The seperation of conventional oil, gas and produced water is a simple process.... It's called a separator. Basically gravity segregation. It's not that ExxonMobil or Eni do not have that understanding.. it's the fact that to develop the offshore facility costs outweigh the benefits for a high water-cut reservoir.
Looks like the author doesn't know even the basics of oil and gas exploration!

The author says... Give local entrepreneurs the opportunity to find oil and gas. It isn't quite as simple as giving Babu the kebob seller a shovel and telling him, "go dig".

Offshore wildcat drills are expensive, such as the recent Kekra-2 was $100 Million. Does Babu the kebob seller have that kind of capital to risk and the necessary knowledge?... Even Eni & ExxonMobil had a hard time with that drill.

On land exploratory wells are also expensive and challenging.. Does Babu the Kebob Seller have knowledge about Horizontal Multistage Fracturing wells?


Oil and gas reservoirs don't exist because of what you believe... It's geology that determines that.

i just hope people in government and positions of power are not as clueless
Few months ago there were reports that PPL was operating in Iraq for search of oil
The floating oil rigs are sold or rented by certain western countries , Pakistan should have rented a own rig for 2-3 years
The idiot writer doesn't realize that its always international companies like these do give us hint about possible oil or gas reserves else we on our own, even don't have a tech to even get a hint.
Why all western company? some super tech only western company have?:(
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it is not exactly a topic you can learn on your own
Sweetie, did I quote you? Or does this relate to an Indian hiding behind American flags? No, no it doesnt.

We will learn and build what needs to be learnt and built
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