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Do the terrorists understand that polio is a debilitating disease?


Apr 30, 2010
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United States
United States
As of this month, the number of new polio cases in Pakistan stands at 210 and the country is bracing for potentially dozens of other cases by year’s end. Pakistan now accounts for 80 percent of global cases and is one of only three countries at risk of exporting the disease outside its borders, according to the World Health Organization.

Yet the sad truth is that we saw another attack on polio team in Northern Pakistan today. Earlier this week the militants in FATA and Khyber Agency had declared the polio vaccination drive anti-Islamic and warned polio workers of dire consequences if they try to administer polio drops to children of their area. This is ridiculous; they are not only putting the children of the area at risk, but children all over. “It’s an emergency, a public health emergency,” said Ayesha Raza Farooq, the polio eradication coordinator for Pakistan’s government. “We want to limit the virus outside of our boundaries and want to work to control it in our boundaries, but it’s certainly a very challenging situation ahead.”

The World Health Organization and USAID, along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, are working hard to curtail and eradicate polio from Pakistan. It is unfortunate that the terrorists are hampering the efforts with their attacks on polio teams. There are already travel restrictions placed on Pakistanis travelling overseas because of the polio virus. Aziz Memon, chairman of the Pakistan PolioPlus Committee, said, “Polio is no longer an emergency. This has become an outbreak.” Memon said, “The government needs to take full ownership. . . and it needs to be done on a war footing.”

Abdul Quddus
DET - U.S. Central Command
United States Central Command - Urdu - MacDill Air Force Base, FL - Government Organization | Facebook
The Polio teams need better protection and support from Police or Rangers, government, public and Media. May be its a question of resources and interest why Pakstan cant protect the polio Teams, who knows ?

What we know in Pakistandefence:

The guards which are now deployed to protect the Polio-teams have not the right equipment and training to do their job ! They are simple and cheap targets which cant even protect themselves.

Many guards were assinated on the way to their home or after the duty and even did not give a fight to the terrorists........

look at this poor guys the even cant protect them self.

The only solution is to kill the terrorists when they attack the Polio-Team and that is only possible with a high motivated Forces which are ready to kill and dont fear the death !

The Guards need:

- face masks to hide their identity

- communication assets to call for quick reaction force

- bullet proof vests

- uniforms with skull symbols and inscriptions we have no fear, for fear only allah !

- Fitness Training,

- Ak-47/Type-56 with double Magazin and under folding stock

- carrying strap for the Gun and the patrol duty

-K-9 police dogs

What we need for this task is a Force like this here:

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These people would think that Ebola is a gift from god. Stopping them from traveling should be the #1 priority. We can not make them save their children. We should only protect the ones that want to be saved. Save our children from getting it from their children.
Wrong thread
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00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,913
Beardman: I ask Allah, as you are the first on whom the sharia punishment is applied i.e. adultery punishment by stoning

00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:09,007
in this are, that you will set a good example for the ones who come after you,

00:00:10,000 --> 00:00:12,493
and that you repent and turn back to Allah High and Exalted

00:00:12,005 --> 00:00:15,010
and Allah says "and Allah have not wronged them, but they wronged themselves"

00:00:16,001 --> 00:00:23,018
so this punishment now, okey, is a result of the sins that you have committed, with you own hands,

00:00:23,117 --> 00:00:24,117
No one forced you to commit them.

00:00:24,002 --> 00:00:26,219
so therefore you have to be content with the sentence of Allah High and Exalted.

00:00:26,005 --> 00:00:29,039
and that you be submitted and satisfied of Allah High and Exalted,

00:00:29,008 --> 00:00:32,057
because Islam is submission to Allah and to be bound to Him with obedience, okey.

00:00:33,000 --> 00:00:35,005
Are you satisfied with the verdict of Allah?

00:00:35,005 --> 00:00:36,099
*Girl nods*

00:00:36,594 --> 00:00:38,000
Beard: Do you have any last words to you daughter?

00:00:38,000 --> 00:00:38,005
Father: NO!

00:00:38,006 --> 00:00:38,015
Girl: Please let him forgive me.

00:00:39,005 --> 00:00:39,010
Father: NO!

00:00:40,000 --> 00:00:40,005
Beard: Forgive her my brother

00:00:41,558 --> 00:00:42,500
Father: I'm not your father.

00:00:42,739 --> 00:00:44,739
Beard: Ok, we get you are not her father, but forgive her.

00:00:50,003 --> 00:00:52,096
Beard: She will transfer to Allah High and Exalted.

00:00:52,007 --> 00:01:02,015
Father: There is a God, should I forgive you for the mistake?! Sorry! My heart will not obey, it tells me not to.

00:01:03,005 --> 00:01:04,005
Girl: God forgive me!

00:01:05,000 --> 00:01:07,000
Father: If Allah is willing He will forgive but I will not forgive.

00:01:07,004 --> 00:01:11,096
Beard: Allah High and Exalted is more merciful than us and him and the whole universe.

00:01:12,000 --> 00:01:20,000
*The men are trying to convince the father by saying that Allah will reward him if he forgives his daughter*

00:01:21,226 --> 00:01:25,200
*Girl pledges her father and he tells her not to call him father*

00:01:29,003 --> 00:01:32,071
Father: Okey, I forgive you, enough now.

00:01:32,733 --> 00:01:33,700
Girl: Pray for me.

00:01:33,007 --> 00:01:34,780
Father: What? Pray for you? No.

00:01:35,006 --> 00:01:36,006
Beard: Enough, subject closed.

00:01:36,008 --> 00:01:42,010
Beard: My honorable sister, last words, now that you're about to face the a punishment of Allah High and Exalted.

00:01:43,005 --> 00:01:51,058
What do you say and what do you want and what do you advice, say you last words before you transfer from this life to the next.

00:01:52,003 --> 00:01:55,003
Girl: I advice every woman.

00:01:55,003 --> 00:01:56,003
Beard: Raise you voice.

00:01:56,006 --> 00:02:03,062
Girl: I advice every woman, married, that she cares for her chastity more than for her soul.

00:02:04,016 --> 00:02:05,060
Father: And why didn't you do it?!

00:02:05,007 --> 00:02:13,010
Girl: And I advice every father, that when he marry of his daughter, that he asks for the environment that will embrace her. That's all.

00:02:14,004 --> 00:02:21,004
Beard: To all men, and to every muslim youth, that are married, this is a message from one married muslim girl,

00:02:21,009 --> 00:02:31,047
which the mistakes of some men brought her to do what she did. Don't leave your women, don't go away of more than the valid Sharia period (4 months).

00:02:32,000 --> 00:02:42,000
Don't get mesmerized by this world, I swear, this life is a deep ocean, that many have drowned in, don't get occupied with money and this world, and the love of money and desires

00:02:42,003 --> 00:02:55,096
Stay with you wives, you have to obey Allah and the advice of the Prophet, treat the women well, so what treatment when you leave them one year, two and three years?

00:02:55,393 --> 00:03:04,897
You leave them alone, what is going to happen with these women? The devil will play with them as he wish!

00:03:04,092 --> 00:03:06,092
Return to Allah and treat women good.

00:03:07,002 --> 00:03:14,008
Girl: Forgive me, forgive me...

00:03:14,026 --> 00:03:19,561
Beard: Allah will forgive you, take her down and tie her legs. and drag the cover over her face.

00:03:25,000 --> 00:03:28,774
Beard: Sheik, tie her from here.

00:03:29,097 --> 00:03:31,097
Beard: Say there no God but Allah!

00:03:33,713 --> 00:03:35,713
Girl: There is no God but Allah.

00:03:37,611 --> 00:03:39,611
Beard: Say I ask Allah of forgiveness.

00:03:41,000 --> 00:03:53,053
Beard: Let's begin with conducting first verdict of the adultery punishment which is stoning, in the eastern countryside of Hama, come on.

00:03:53,004 --> 00:03:55,004
Men: Come on, in the name of Allah.

00:03:55,048 --> 00:03:58,140
Girl: I witness that there is no God but Allah. I witness that there is no God but Allah.

00:04:08,000 --> 00:04:31,000
Quran: Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion. (al-Imran, 185)

00:04:31,005 --> 00:05:08,005
Sheikh: I swear, you will sleep in your grave alone, and the dirt will be on your chin, and the worms will eat your flesh and bones.... so take example by the one who died before you, By my Lord you will regret! By my Lord you will regret for your reluctans in your prayers and you will regret that you wasted your time. And your regret will be of no use!

Wrong thread.
As of this month, the number of new polio cases in Pakistan stands at 210 and the country is bracing for potentially dozens of other cases by year’s end. Pakistan now accounts for 80 percent of global cases and is one of only three countries at risk of exporting the disease outside its borders, according to the World Health Organization.

Yet the sad truth is that we saw another attack on polio team in Northern Pakistan today. Earlier this week the militants in FATA and Khyber Agency had declared the polio vaccination drive anti-Islamic and warned polio workers of dire consequences if they try to administer polio drops to children of their area. This is ridiculous; they are not only putting the children of the area at risk, but children all over. “It’s an emergency, a public health emergency,” said Ayesha Raza Farooq, the polio eradication coordinator for Pakistan’s government. “We want to limit the virus outside of our boundaries and want to work to control it in our boundaries, but it’s certainly a very challenging situation ahead.”

The World Health Organization and USAID, along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, are working hard to curtail and eradicate polio from Pakistan. It is unfortunate that the terrorists are hampering the efforts with their attacks on polio teams. There are already travel restrictions placed on Pakistanis travelling overseas because of the polio virus. Aziz Memon, chairman of the Pakistan PolioPlus Committee, said, “Polio is no longer an emergency. This has become an outbreak.” Memon said, “The government needs to take full ownership. . . and it needs to be done on a war footing.”

Abdul Quddus
DET - U.S. Central Command
United States Central Command - Urdu - MacDill Air Force Base, FL - Government Organization | Facebook

PEOPLE know for a fact that it was USA which used polio drive for intelligence collection

ERGO the hate and rejection.
As of this month, the number of new polio cases in Pakistan stands at 210 and the country is bracing for potentially dozens of other cases by year’s end. Pakistan now accounts for 80 percent of global cases and is one of only three countries at risk of exporting the disease outside its borders, according to the World Health Organization.

Yet the sad truth is that we saw another attack on polio team in Northern Pakistan today. Earlier this week the militants in FATA and Khyber Agency had declared the polio vaccination drive anti-Islamic and warned polio workers of dire consequences if they try to administer polio drops to children of their area. This is ridiculous; they are not only putting the children of the area at risk, but children all over. “It’s an emergency, a public health emergency,” said Ayesha Raza Farooq, the polio eradication coordinator for Pakistan’s government. “We want to limit the virus outside of our boundaries and want to work to control it in our boundaries, but it’s certainly a very challenging situation ahead.”

The World Health Organization and USAID, along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, are working hard to curtail and eradicate polio from Pakistan. It is unfortunate that the terrorists are hampering the efforts with their attacks on polio teams. There are already travel restrictions placed on Pakistanis travelling overseas because of the polio virus. Aziz Memon, chairman of the Pakistan PolioPlus Committee, said, “Polio is no longer an emergency. This has become an outbreak.” Memon said, “The government needs to take full ownership. . . and it needs to be done on a war footing.”

Abdul Quddus
DET - U.S. Central Command
United States Central Command - Urdu - MacDill Air Force Base, FL - Government Organization | Facebook
I agree with the article, but the issue is of mistrust among the local people. CIA used Dr. Afridi under the cover of vaccination program to catch BenLaden, but now the illetrate people look at every medical program with suspicion.
What can we do?

Poor policemen aren't trained enough to protect themselves let alone protect the teams. As another user mentioned special guards are a necessary step towards eradicating polio.
polio vaccination anti-Islamic what :rofl:
what else would these people consider anti-Islamic
polio vaccination anti-Islamic what :rofl:
what else would these people consider anti-Islamic

there are 52 muslim majority countries in the world however pakistan only seems to be the country with the polio menace, its not the religion, its those illiterate fundamentalist who never had the brain to think rationally and would deem anything they dont understand as unislamic, now this will have adverse effects on out future generation.
The Polio teams need better protection and support from Police or Rangers, government, public and Media. May be its a question of resources and interest why Pakstan cant protect the polio Teams, who knows ?

What we know in Pakistandefence:

The guards which are now deployed to protect the Polio-teams have not the right equipment and training to do their job ! They are simple and cheap targets which cant even protect themselves.

Many guards were assinated on the way to their home or after the duty and even did not give a fight to the terrorists........

look at this poor guys the even cant protect them self.
View attachment 137525

The only solution is to kill the terrorists when they attack the Polio-Team and that is only possible with a high motivated Forces which are ready to kill and dont fear the death !

The Guards need:

- face masks to hide their identity

- communication assets to call for quick reaction force

- bullet proof vests

- uniforms with skull symbols and inscriptions we have no fear, for fear only allah !

- Fitness Training,

- Ak-47/Type-56 with double Magazin and under folding stock

- carrying strap for the Gun and the patrol duty

-K-9 police dogs

What we need for this task is a Force like this here:
View attachment 137532

View attachment 137527
is it polio vaccine drive or military operation? How sustainable and affordable to country will it be if you need such protection.
If only somebody can invent vaccine in form of tablet, people can get them by post.:coffee:
These pigs don't understand anything other than killing innocents.

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