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Do Indians consider themselves Middle Eastern or Asian?

Indian. I don't believe in the whole "Asian" thing since there really is only one continent north of Africa and that's Eurasia. Why is Europe even considered a separate continent from Asia when they're part of the same tectonic plate? White people think they're so special they need a separate continent? If anything the subcontinent of south Asia which has it's own plate should be considered a separate continent.

Racially, linguistically and as far as cuisine, I feel we are closer to the persians, arabs and whites although culturally (in terms of religion, morality and intellectual affinity) we're closer to the south-east asian and east asian people.

Dude you made id to dig up over 2 years old thread - I salute you :wave:
I am Just an Hindu .......... That term is more then Enough to define my Nation , My Culture , My Religion...
India just consider themselves as dark-skinned Hindu people or puppies where they received many great love from West.
India just consider themselves as dark-skinned Hindu people or puppies where they received many great love from West.

How to identify a Pakistani macho poster

1) Reference to skin color
2) Reference to religion
3) abusive language, depending on upbringing
4) Major crybaby syndrome despite SEATO, CENTO, Non NATO major partner, planes, submaries, ships, aid, NATO secret flights from Peshawar since the 50s etc etc about the improved relations between west and India

After that if anything to do with topic or substance is found, consider it your lucky day.
How to identify a Pakistani macho poster

1) Reference to skin color
2) Reference to religion
3) abusive language, depending on upbringing
4) Major crybaby syndrome despite SEATO, CENTO, Non NATO major partner, planes, submaries, ships, aid, NATO secret flights from Peshawar since the 50s etc etc about the improved relations between west and India

After that if anything to do with topic or substance is found, consider it your lucky day.

That's off topic.

I am saying the experiences of Indian people during past 400 years. It is fact as who they are.
Pakistan consider themselves Middle eastern (Arab wannabe they called them by my Indian friend) while Indian consider themselves Asian.
They (Indians) are Gondwanalanders, as from Gondwana supercontinent. They more belong to the Australian Aboriginals, the Africans, the South Americans, than Asians.

They don't belong.

They claim the Tibetans are closer to them than the Chinese is a lie.

Tibet is on the other side of Himalaya which was created by the butting of the subcontinent. In other words, Tibet was there way before even there was a subcontinent.
Middle East is also in Asia so, technically, Middle Easterners are also Asian.

But the term Asian has different meanings in the West. The Americans use the term to mean East Asians -- definitely not including subcontinentals. In Britain, the word Asian means subcontinentals. I don't know what term the Brits use for East Asians.


In UK East Asia is the ORIENT......
Pakistan consider themselves Middle eastern (Arab wannabe they called them by my Indian friend) while Indian consider themselves Asian.

Pakistan's three main ethnic groups Punjabis, Sindhis and Muhajirs are closely related to North Indians while the minority Pashtuns and Balochs are related to Central Asians.

Its really funny that a Punjabi or Sindhi claim himself as a middle Eastern.
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