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Do find what is wrong in the following.

I am watching the euro cup and i barely see anyone wearing a mask. Shows how retarded these people are, no wonder covid raped their countries. Makes me feel good that our less educated ppl are more aware and careful.
Arabs are just scared, i would not doubt the devotion of saudi to the holy places. They developed it alot and most importantly restored its respect. If anyone of u know actually there used to be 4 different jamaats held in haram sharif, each one for the followers of each imam. It was a shame that muslims cant/wont pray together at the holliest place. This was a gift of the corrupt ottoman empire towards its end. After the fall, the saudis reinvigorated the original and genuine message of Islam and now there is one jamaat in the holly place and all stand together. I have political difference with arabs but their service to Islam cannot be ignored. Though now they themselves dont follow it much.
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