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"Disgust' over Muslim wife-beating book

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May 12, 2011
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OTTAWA -- Canada's political leaders aren't impressed with an Islamic marriage guide offering tips on ear-pulling and slapping, and the fact it's sold out at a Toronto bookstore.

"The contents of this book are disgusting," said Ana Curic, director of communications for Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney. "Spousal abuse is a despicable crime and the person who wrote the book should be ashamed of himself."

The book, entitled A Gift for Muslim Couple, by Maulavi Ashraf Ali Thanvi, advises that a husband shouldn't beat his wife too hard, but pulling her ears and hitting her with a hand or a stick is all right for discipline.

The 160-page book also offers tips on how to confine a wife to the home and withhold cash if she acts up.

Kenney's office notes that the new citizenship guide specifically mentions that savage treatment of women in Canada is forbidden.

"The guide now says, 'In Canada, men and women are equal under the law. Canada's openness and generosity do not extend to barbaric cultural practices that tolerate spousal abuse, honour killings, female genital mutilation, forced marriage or other gender-based violence'," Curic said.

Interim Liberal leader Bob Rae was not comfortable with the book being sold in Canada.

"It's deeply troubling, these are all things that are against the law in Canada and they fly in the face of our common morals, our sense of fairness and equality," Rae said. "We have clear laws about forcible confinement, and with respect to abusive behaviour and physical violence - this is not how life is lived in Canada."

The book is sold out at the Islamic Books and Souvenirs shop, but it's not known how many copies were in stock.

Also on the store website is a book, entitled Fatwas of Muslim Women, by Ibn Taymyah, which describes the best way to circumcise a woman and explains which babies a woman is allowed to breastfeed.

The owner of the store selling the controversial marriage guide said it would be "stupid" to order more copies.

"It would be stupid to get more copies," Shamim Ahmad said, refusing to answer any more questions on the advice of his lawyer. "I'm not going to talk. My attorney ... advised me and that is it."

Ahmad also refused to comment on the international attention -- and outrage -- the story has generated, having been picked up by media outlets both in the United Kingdom and the U.S.

Moderate Muslim voice Tarek Fatah, who, after the story first broke, said Ahmad "should be charged" for selling such a book, told QMI Agency on Monday that while it is "cute" that Ahmad has now stopped selling A Gift for Muslim Couple, many more books sit on the store's shelves and others in the Greater Toronto Area that promote something even more "dangerous" than spousal abuse: war -- or Jihad -- against the Western world.

"There are other books ... that have amazing attacks on Western civilization," said Fatah. "The books that are promoting Jihad are far more dangerous."

'Disgust' over Muslim wife-beating book | Ontario | News | Toronto Sun
i am surprised at how "Concerned" are the non-muslims about us...
I feel special now :smitten:

Sadism - Anonymous - Google Books
This book is about pure torture..Not just slicht ear pulling,and you can buy them in every book shop..
I wonder when they will ban the sale of this type of books?

The point is that as long as something is done for carnal pleasure .. they are fine with it..
But as soon as the term "Muslim" comes in any context...they start protesting......
Marriage manual, "A Gift for a Muslim Couple" causes outrage in Canada

“Prolific religious, social, and cultural writer, and expert on traditional marriage in search of an publisher for a proper and traditional marriage guide.

This self-help guide has been vetted and approved by legal experts and First Amendment attorneys at the prominent law firm of Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe and publishing liability experts at Hittham, Haird, and Fahst.

The book is a virtual how-to manual on the proper way to control, restrain, scold, and beat wives into submission to create a happy, healthy, and satisfying marriage; a marriage to last a lifetime. The book is based upon the translations of scholarly and theological treatises of from various faiths, denominations, and sects across the span of centuries.

In this era of high divorce rates, with proper marketing, this book has the potential to be an international best seller.

Research has shown men are looking for successful methods to achieve a happy satisfying life long marriage. Absolute control of and submission by their wives is the key.

Chapter lessons include:

The necessity “to restrain the wife with strength or even to threaten her.”
“How the husband should treat the wife with kindness and love, even if she tends to be stupid and slow sometimes.”
The absolute rights of the husband, which include his wife’s inability to leave “his house without his permission,” and that his wife must “fulfill his desires” and “not allow herself to be untidy ... but should beautify herself for him.
How a husband may scold her, “beat by hand or stick,” withhold money from her or “pull (her) by the ears,” but should “refrain from beating her excessively.”
Enclosed are three sample chapters, research materials, and the legal opinions. SASE also enclosed.”

CHICAGO, March 25, 2012—Imagine an American publisher receiving that query letter. Does anyone believe that a book of this nature could be published, sold in bookstores, let alone fly off the shelves and become hard to find?

People would be horrified and heads would explode if a book like this were published in the United States. Its sale here would incite riots.

Womyn would be appalled. NOW would be in high boycott mode, churning out manifestos and calling in professional protesters to storm the book stores. Radical feminists would have a bounty on the author’s head. The media would be on fire, Congressional Democrats would demand hearings, and Sandra Fluke might be asked to testify. This president would express his concern, talk about his daughters, then move on to the fuel potential of algae.

There would be angry and strident legal debates on free speech and the First Amendment.

Guess what?

Islamic scholar Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi has written a 160-page book just like that, "A Gift for a Muslim Couple." It was published in India and distributed in Canada by Idara Impex. It sold out. Bookstores do not know when they will receive more copies. It was also available on ebay Canada.

From various Canadian press reports, the book is generating outrage across Canada, especially in the Muslim community. The Canadian press got wind of it whan a copy was found in an Islamic book, gift and souvenir store, and brought to the attention of the Toronto Sun.

A web search produced no results from major American booksellers, but it did turn up pages and pages of reportage, controversy, and outrage.

Could a book like that be sold openly in the United States? What would happen if it were, or if a member of another faith wrote a similar book and a publisher picked it up?

Bret Easton Ellis wrote "American Psycho" in 1990, a tale about a serial killer who preys on women. Its extreme graphic violence, sexual content, scenes of mutilation, butchery, necrophilia, and cannibalism generated enormous controversy before and after its publication.

“Described variously as ''the most loathsome offering of the season'' (Roger Rosenblatt in The New York Times) and ''a how-to manual on the torture and dismemberment of women'' (Tammy Bruce of NOW), Ellis' novel has made even some die-hard advocates of free speech wish the book off the face of the earth.” (Entertainment Weekly March, 1991)

“Spy Magazine” described “American Psycho” as ''misogynistic barbarism.'' After the original publisher, Simon Shuster, caved in to pressure and refused to publish it, Vintage Books, a Random House imprint, picked it up. The book went on to become a national best seller.

In an odd twist, when the book was made into a movie, Christian Bale was given the lead role. Mr. Bale is the stepson of feminist and social activist Gloria Steinem, who vociferously protested the book.

If this book hit American bookstores, even just Muslim bookstores, it would present a delicious and interesting dilemma. It would pit the anti-Muslim groups and women’s groups against people who defend free speech.

It would be interesting to see how all those right-wing, tin-foil hat Constitution thumpers would react, since most are anti-Muslim, for national security purposes, you see.

How would the left-wing, tin-foil hat protectors of civil rights respond? How would they reconcile their overbearing tolerance for Islam with a book that advocates domestic abuse in order to attain a life long happy marriage?

Moonbattery and bloviation would abound from all the dark corners of the political spectrum. The howls of protest from all sides would be deafening.

It would be interesting to see if American booksellers and libraries would stock "A Gift for a Muslim Couple." Do they have the nerve, guts, or courage? Or would they cave in to the political correctness police and censorship?

Is "A Gift for a Muslim Couple" protected by free speech and the exercise of free religion or does it go too far?

We may not find out. But it would be fun to watch the fireworks.

The point is Muslims can never integrate in to the mainstream....

i am surprised at how "Concerned" are the non-muslims about us...
I feel special now :smitten:

Sadism - Anonymous - Google Books
This book is about pure torture..Not just slicht ear pulling,and you can buy them in every book shop..
I wonder when they will ban the sale of this type of books?

The point is that as long as something is done for carnal pleasure .. they are fine with it..
But as soon as the term "Muslim" comes in any context...they start protesting......
first the saudi fiasco and now this... muslims and sunnis in particular should know how to resp[ect women !!
ok...so this thread is about you venting your spleen against muslims...you are frantically posting article after article....keep it up kid

Its not wife beating, its a part of foreplay. :devil:

You should try it sometimes, it will spice up things. :smitten:

Come on man...
To the western world "Consent" matters.....Two consenting adults can do anything..Same goes for Muslims.

Now wait for the next article ;)
which 'consent' in this wife beating you are talking about?

so whcih article you want to talk about..The first one or the second one? Or there is a third one in the line? ;)
This was written by a Saudi... Of course...
Do you know India has the 3rd largest population of Muslims in the world?

"Integration" is the new fancy word for "Conversion"...
Until the day we leave our religion completely..they will keep hounding us.

This was written by a Saudi... Of course...

Even then the point is that two consenting adults can do anything...
Many women..Muslim or otherwise choose to be subordinate to their Husbands / Male partners..If to her the man's behavior is not what she wants..she can always ask for divorce..
The guide is not for every man and not for every women,neither it is for every couple..But those who choose to have this type of relation..the guide lines have put a limit on how far you can go with it...and thats all.
But to these haters....Even if Muslim couple lives like that out of choice and adult consent..they will still spill their spleen on our faces.
first the saudi fiasco and now this... muslims and sunnis in particular should know how to resp[ect women !!

Oh, so India does not have Idiots who Disrespect women ?

Believe me Muslims do not have a corner on stupidity.

I can find idiots like this maulvi in every culture, every country and amongst every religion and if you deny it you are a bigger fool than this stupid Maulvi. Stop Trolling.
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