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(Discretion Advised) BDR rebellion and Bangladesh army 2009 in pics...


The softer side of a soldier is seen at BDR Gate-4 near Jigatola yesterday after hearing about 39 bodies of officers being found.Photo: Shawkat Jamil
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A little suggestion Raquib. Try to utilize the picture limit of one post. You can post a maximum of eight pictures in one post. Excessive pages in a thread tend to get annoying :/

A little suggestion Raquib. Try to utilize the picture limit of one post. You can post a maximum of eight pictures in one post. Excessive pages in a thread tend to get annoying :/


sorry for that... now i'll be posting 8 pics in one post... :)

Army soldiers in green uniform scan Bangladeshi border guards as they report back at their headquarters in Dhaka on Sunday. (Pavel Rahman/Associated Press)


Members of the Bangladeshi army begin a search for missing officers after the end of the mutiny in Dhaka. Photograph: Abir Abdullah/EPA


Relatives of a member of Bangladesh Rifles BDR wait in front of the BDR headquarters in Dhaka. Photo: Reuters


A policeman stands guard as family members of Bangladesh Border Guards (BDR) officials walk through streets after being released by ...

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Ah man.I am really sad after seeing these pictures.I hope this does not happen again and hopefully Bangladesh will have a good future and i apologize to Bangladeshi Members for any rude comments i made before about Bangladeshis.
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Ah man.I am really sad after seeing these pictures.I hope this does not happen again and hopefully Bangladesh will have a good future and i apologize to Bangladesh for any rude comments i made before about Bangladeshis.

It's ok brother. No hard feeling. We all sometime get emotional and carried away.

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Sad story. Apparently, it was about money. The BDR must have been either extremely depressed by the way they were treated or agitated by external elements. I hope everything works out well for you guys.

By the way, what is the official punishment for mutiny in Pakistan and Bangladesh? Death or just court-martial? Is it the same if death is invovled?
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