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Digvijay proves Karkare call : 26/11 RSS plot


Dec 5, 2009
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Digvijay endorses 26/11 as RSS plot, proves Karkare call

It's difficult to ignore Digvijay Singh: Barely hours after creating a furore by saying the RSS, Mossad and the CIA were behind 26/11 in a new book, the veteran Congress leader has furnished call records that prove that he, indeed, did speak with ATS chief Hemant Karkare on the night he was killed by Pakistani terrorists in Mumbai.

New Delhi: Digvijaya Singh may love stirring the pot, but guess what lies at the centre of the book to which the Congress general secretary has lately lent his weight and voice? That 26/11 was a conspiracy hatched by the RSS, Mossad and CIA.

This is one of the many points that Aziz Burney, group editor of Rashtriya Sahara (Urdu), puts forth in his book, "RSS ka shadayantra, 26/11". It was at the launch of this book on December 6 that Singh claimed he had talked to Hemant Karkare before he was killed, and that he appeared concerned about threats to his family from saffron activists.

Burney calls Digvijaya a "like-minded person". "When two like-minded people talk, you can't say who has influenced whom, but yes, we both benefit from each other," he says.

Since the December 6 speech, Burney has brought out a fresh edition of his book, incorporating Digvijaya's remarks and the "expected furore" it generated.

The book is a collection of Burney's writings in Rashtriya Sahara (Urdu), besides contributions from some ideological fellow-travellers, oneof whom is Amareesh Mishra. "I have incorporated them because they reinforce what I feel," Burney says. He says they are important because they have been authored by someone who is "Amareesh" and "Mishra" -- in an obvious reference to the writer's religious and caste identity.

Digvijaya proves he spoke to a 'disturbed' Karkare on 26/11

Some of the theories propounded in the book include:

"Communal forces under the patronage of foreign agencies want to destroy India. America wants to destroy Pakistan and encircle China. Therefore, it wants India to get into the influence-zone of America and Israel. That is why Americans, British and Israelis were targeted. The Nariman House, according to eyewitnesses, was a centre for unknown Israelis. It is possible these people may have been involved in the attacks and may have killed their own people."

"Was the Israeli Rabbi actually killed in the attack?," the book asks, seeking to know if anybody had seen a photograph showing him injured. Burney adds the building had a hidden CCTV camera at the entrance. Shopkeepers apparently said they were unaware of the arrival of any strangers at the building. "How could nanny Sandra Samuel save a child? Why was she flown to Israel though she was an important eyewitness to the attack?"

For those who may be surprised by the thesis that Jews were killed with the help of Mossad, the book offers a counter-question:"Why not?" Zionism, it is argued, is known for killing ordinary Jews just as Hindutva is known for killing Mahatma Gandhi.

As for the "US link" to 26/11, the proof is David Headley, "who might have been an agent of al-Qaeda or Lashkar-e-Toiba, but who came to India in his capacity as an American". "When he was inducted into LeT, he was taken in as an agent of FBI," the book argues. "Whenever he was released after arrest for drug trafficking, he was let off only when he consented to be used by the FBI." "The forged passport on which he came to India had been made at the instance or FBI or CIA."

According to another article, "Basically the RSS has lost control of the organisation it had created. In the form of (Narendra) Modi, this organisation has forged a nexus with Mossad, which is in league with the ISI, engaged in destruction." "Do remember the remote control of many jihadi groups active in Pakistan, Afghanistan and central Asia is in the hands of Mossad or CIA. Recently a group in Yemen was found to have been established by Mossad.

Therefore, it is possible the terrorists who attacked Mumbai may have used Pakistan as their base, but they may have been drawn from different countries... At least one of them, it has been learnt, belonged to Mauritius. It is emerging now that a Saudi (being described as Maulana Bedi) may have gathered these jihadis there and sent them here. It is essential to find out who provided money to him."

Source: The Indian Express
Digvijay endorses 26/11 as RSS plot, proves Karkare call -  National News ? News ? MSN India
General elections are almost 3 years away,and Digvijay has started preparing!
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listen to digvijays press confrence
he was throughout blaming bjp and rss.
well to be fair to him he was not suggesting an rss hand in 26/11 but was trying to proove that they are threatning and that malegaon blast and other similar blasts should be investigated thoroughly.
Don't be unfair to Mr. Digvijay Singh. Congress has strong ideological differences with RSS from ages. Congress strongly believes RSS is the hand behind Mahatma's killing. That is sufficient for any Congress man to believe RSS as a terrorist organization.
Digvijay Singh is just proving that he is a Congress man.

Those who don't know Digvijay Singh as CM of MP should know that he was among the few CMs who initiated the banning of SIMI and advocated strongly the banning of Bajrang Dal. He is a balanced person and proved that by providing the call details for which he was targeted as insane or anti-national.

Congress does not believe RSS as a nationalist organization. It may be a Hindu-nationalistic organization. It is not new. We have this stand for ages.

Digvijay Singh has said categorically that he never ever doubted the involvement of Pakistanis in the 26/11 terror strike. But he wanted the nation to take notice of the rise of fundamentalists in side India.

Look at Pakistan, a liberal like Salman Taseer failed to the bullet of his own government, for what. There is a lack of tolerance to views and religion take the center stage. We in Congress don't want to see something remotely close to happen like this.

He has the courage and conviction to call a spade a spade. His critical remarks against these Hindu fanatics are because he believe these organizations are trying to hijack his religion and turning it into a intolerant religious movement.

As a Hindu and Congress man I endorse his stance and extend all moral support.
From the link,

That 26/11 was a conspiracy hatched by the RSS, Mossad and CIA.

This is one of the many points that Aziz Burney, group editor of Rashtriya Sahara (Urdu), puts forth in his book, "RSS ka shadayantra, 26/11".

Gentlemen, we have our very own Zaid Hamid and Moin Ansari incarnate here.

And Indians dont whine the next time, you say Pakistan doesnt take action against LeT or JuD.

Why should they take action when they did not perperate these acts. ??

Perhaps the statement "Ajmal Kasab is Amar Singh from Punjab" is true after all.

Bloody cheap politicians. What level they will stoop too to secure votes. :tdown:

But Who mentioned RSS?

A self-appointed conspiracy theorist pretending to be an author in the company of a cheap third rate politician who will stoop low to secure votes.
Ok, so we know they talked. But did they talk about RSS? And why would Karkare express his fears to Digvijay, an ex-CM from MP? This guy's a loser and is playing to the Muslim gallery.
I dont know what sort of votes is he gonna get after telling all this stuff in public .
He questions Indian government in public , they should answer all his queries .

and to me he is talking sense ...................
I am not saying that RSS is Pak-Saf... But Why it happen that whenever Congress is trapped by Her heinous acts, this gentleman come and start his drama...

1. Just yesterday Income tax dept release some Boforse scam issue, Diggi came with this Gun.
2. Every time Media come with Corruption charge on congress, This gentleman come with some Hindu terror stuffs..

isn't something fishy with this gentleman???

Note: I am no where giving clean-chit to these right wing ppl. I've just doub on this gentleman motive...
listen to digvijays press confrence
he was throughout blaming bjp and rss.
well to be fair to him he was not suggesting an rss hand in 26/11 but was trying to proove that they are threatning and that malegaon blast and other similar blasts should be investigated thoroughly.
He was blaming BJP & RSS right...I don't think that's inaccurate. These two have been trying to put pressure to get those guys off the hook and karkare wouldn't budge. But that doesn't mean that 26/11 was an Indian plot.

I don't see anything out of place with the concept of karakare getting martyred in the operation- he was the ANTI TERRORISM SQUAD chief and in a TERRORIST attack he'd be the first on the scene. His job was to cover all terror threats and not just hindu ones.
I don't understand why always this guy come up with some conterversy on the other....

Why would Karkare call an ex-cheif who has nothing to do with his investigation and nor it happened in his state.

I belive investigating team would have gone through the tape (conversation between him and Karkare).

Digvijay should have played the tape in his press conference (to give clear pics to masses, what exactly Karkare told him.)

I liked BJP under Vajpayee and now they not able to find a common goal for the party.

Regarding RSS they should be banned like SIMI.
RSS has been involved many cases and their leaders has been chargesheeted

What about SIMI why they are banned ? what was the reason; has they been proved or falsely claimed to blame the muslim borthers and their movement.

Expert Please review and give some lights on SIMI
^^^^ why would karkare call Diggy? Coz thet's how stuff works. Everyone has a network and uses it to wade past his daily work.
listen to digvijays press confrence
he was throughout blaming bjp and rss.
well to be fair to him he was not suggesting an rss hand in 26/11 but was trying to proove that they are threatning and that malegaon blast and other similar blasts should be investigated thoroughly.

How does a call with Kakare be understood as they are threatning and that malegaon blast and other similar blasts should be investigated thoroughly?

Digvijays comments were only to divert attention from Rahul Gandhis illogical comments.
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