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Did we build Karachi....

These MQM blood bastards need to be hung by there balls. :angry:

Where is the army!!

They dont have any balls to be hung by.
Such sad pictures. Hurts my heart to see sadness. This is the time for someone to stand up tall. Stand out from the crowd. An oppertunity for a leader to emerge to sort this out.
that girls eyes look at the fear in her eyes it speaks more than a thousand word :cry:
just wish that she can overcome that may god bless her and every one affected by violence
brother people in Karachi supports MQM and they will vote for their Altaf Bhai lol, They voted for this PPP government 4 times now,
Pakistan always vote for the same pigs over and over again, thats why this country is going to failed unless they vote for someone different and better.
no more PPP, no Nawaz sharif, Musharraf etc.
the next election is their only hope, if its PPP, Nawaz Sharif or any other same pig again then Pakistan will fail.
You may think this cold, but societies, especially one such as ours, don't learn the easy way - it's not in them to learn in this way - so they must bleed, quite a bit more, I'm embarrassed to say, there will be many more such little girls and boys and many more corpses - till they learn - or not - Can a peace be imposed on them? Certainly, and the people of Karachi can do this for themselves - but that would mean showing the single digoit salute to the MQM and ANP and PPP and any other bunch of rotters - can the people of Karachi do that? Show me!
All of this has failed, it has been failing since certain bastards become the leaders of this nation.

Pakistan itself never saw ethnic conflicts until a certain Gen. become the president and spurred a fight between different groups.

This nonsense has been going on since the 80's and its only getting worse, what is required is a complete overhaul.

Things just won't work like this.
I'm not a psychology expert so my conjecture is my statement and I need that known. What I know with certainty is that the wide-eyed look is indicative of a heightened state of perception.

Mr. Effort, being true to his name! How do you suggest we stop this mardum kushi?

It is because of people like you, that common Pakistanis will act too late or stay quiet behind the curtains.

Words have lost their value in this case, now is the time for action, nothing less.
Pakistan itself never saw ethnic conflicts until a certain Gen. become the president and spurred a fight between different groups.

That certain General wouldn't happen to have been the Islamized, Arabized, Zia, would it ??

TFaz - this would not go down well with our Guardian clique --
I think Army chief take the action as soon as..........
Karachi is a big city and good for business investment
I mean, Salman Taseer's son got kidnapped, and they immediately started a manhunt, blocking important roads and whatnot, everybody seems moved by his kidnapping.

All the relevant institutions immediately got in action for this individual.

Why had there not been an equal swift and measured response from our government....the moment 1 person got killed in Karachi?

Why is the Pakistani public not rallying and moved by the events in Karachi? It seems they are more interested in the events surrounding Shahbaz Taseer's kidnapping.

This shows us how f--ed up the mentality in our country is at the current moment.

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