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Did Bangladesh fall into a trap?

We are presently under the Indian boot. China is not coming forward to assist Bangladesh against India. The present government is keeping China at a distance. How long do you think we can keep our sovereignty safe from India? People are worried that the US will take our sovereignty but India has already taken over the country and people are dreaming that they have a choice in any of this. BD will one day have to make a deal with either India or the US. Take your pick. Do you think BD has a choice? What world are you living in? Nice to be idealistic but in the real world BD is already screwed. Somehow Bangladeshis here think they are better Muslims then every other who have allowed US presence on their territory. Why don't you join Al-Qaeda and try to get the US out of Saudi Arabia. Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Indonesia, Pakistan and the dozens of Muslim countries that have military ties with the US instead of moaning on PDF. Do you think we are better Muslims for keeping the US out? Do you think anyone cares? We are a poor backward country that no one gives a **** about and we are behaving as if we can stop India by ourselves. Why did all these other Muslim countries allow US troops on their soil? To protect their sovereignty from external threats which they could not protect themselves. Since China is not forthcoming and if they were India will likely invade what choices do we have? If the US is interested to dock the Seventh Fleet in Chittagong then we should negotiate the terms so it is not offensive to China. At the same time China will soon come forward and we can have more military arrangements with them. We can then keep the Indians out.

The idea is to keep friendly ties with both the US and China. BD cannot survive by angering too many great powers. If we oppose India then we will also anger the Russians. For the rest you can throw your dumb Muslim Ummah BS in the dustbin. No Muslim country will come to our aid against India.

MBI Munshi what the hell make you think I am a better muslim. If I am something, I am worse muslim. Secondly, you want to bring USA, your saviour, go ahead, lets wait and see how well they protect you. You want to follow Arabs, the uncivilized ones, go ahead. And by the way you babble through and nothing is related to my posts. I thought you are a knowledgeable person but hey I was wrong. Good luck with your dream!
MBI Munshi what the hell make you think I am a better muslim. If I am something, I am worse muslim. Secondly, you want to bring USA, your saviour, go ahead, lets wait and see how well they protect you. You want to follow Arabs, the uncivilized ones, go ahead. And by the way you babble through and nothing is related to my posts. I thought you are a knowledgeable person but hey I was wrong. Good luck with your dream!

Is that your best answer? It clearly shows that you have not thought out all the issues. We cannot even protect ourselves and you're concerned about whether the US can protect us!

Why are you making bad comments just against Arabs. Dozens of non-Arab Muslim countries have made pacts with the US. Are they uncivilized also? Are you the only civilized Muslim on PDF? Are the Bangladeshis the only civilized Muslims on this earth for not having a military arrangment with the US? What other Muslims think of Bangladeshis is obvious from any airport in the world.

What angers me is that we are opposing the US because we are Muslim. This is an idiotic argument.
Is that your best answer? It clearly shows that you have not thought out all the issues. We cannot even protect ourselves and you're concerned about whether the US can protect us!

Why are you making bad comments just against Arabs. Dozens of non-Arab Muslim countries have made pacts with the US. Are they uncivilized also? Are you the only civilized Muslim on PDF? Are the Bangladeshis the only civilized Muslims on this earth for not having a military arrangment with the US? What other Muslims think of Bangladeshis is obvious from any airport in the world.

What angers me is that we are opposing the US because we are Muslim. This is an idiotic argument.

you know what you are speaking non-sense now and trying to play with me with words. You know what answering you is a waste of time.
“It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal”

Henry Kissinger said in November 1968, after Richard Nixon was elected U.S. president but before he took office: “Nixon should be told that it is probably an objective of Clifford to depose Thieu (South Vietnamese president Nguyen Van Thieu—ed.) before Nixon is inaugurated. Word should be gotten to Nixon that if Thieu meets the same fate as Diem, the word will go out to the nations of the world that it may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.”

Keep an arm's length, my dear Bengali brothers.
“It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal”

The present situation now in Bangladesh I think we have little choice. It may be fatal to be friends with the US but the alternative is that Bangladesh becomes a vassal state of India. I am not sure which is worse. The choices are limited .....

We are putting our hope in the Chinese but they are not able to make any headway in Bangladesh due to Indian influence here.
Just kick Awami bastards out of power. That is the starter. Rest will flow through...

While I agree with you the BNP is also now being controlled by the foriegn dalal forces like Moudud Ahmed and Najmul Huda. The nationalist elements are all kept in jail but Barrister Mahbubudin Khokan, Oli Ahmed and Barrister Andaleeb have been released from jail. They all have strong Indian connections. KZ is now surrounded by Indian agents.
Bangladesh had been in indian trap for last five years. But now there is a chance to get out of that indian trap. And Bangladesh goal should be while getting out of indian trap not falling for other propaganda, traps. First things is to do not to fall for indian originated news and propaganda. Hope that answer your question. I hope you use existing thread rather than opening new one just to ask question.

Yeah its bad if you build relationship with India, the reason is they are Hindu, baniya and cannot be trusted.
Since the news report appears to be false and mere Indian propaganda it is a waste of time even discussing this. We are back to square one with India running the show and making deals with the AL and BNP. What is of interests is what did India gain by releasing this false news about the Seventh Fleet? To create tensions between BD and the US which already exists or to worry the Chinese who will try to get involved more in BD as a result. Either way India does not benefit. What is the purpose of this? I am confused......

It's a very dark and sinister plan. I know people working for the intelligence who told me about it. It's an evil cunning move that seems simple , useless at first sight. But if I tell you the plan , i'll have to kill you.
It's a very dark and sinister plan. I know people working for the intelligence who told me about it. It's an evil cunning move that seems simple , useless at first sight. But if I tell you the plan , i'll have to kill you.

I think the news item is not directed at the Bangladesh public or the US or even China. It is intended to scare the Indian policy makers to become more aggressive in Bangladesh. Basically a RAW plot.
Times now is a private channel ..people are acting as if it is govt of india ..but to tell you people it is very reputed one .. The people who think it is a propaganda will soon realise the truth behind hidden doors
Keep an arm's length, my dear Bengali brothers.

Yes, indeed my deadly enemy from 1971 but of late a born again brother, I say keep an arm's length from the Yanks. Hold them and the squeez the bast**ds until they cough a few F-16s like Pakistan did. Then you too can be proud of your American supplied F-16s and maybe even get to use them as your avatar like we do.

Oh and don't forget to make sure the Yanks build up your military free of charge for a few decades like they did for us. They supplied our airforce with all 100s of free Sabres, F-104 Starfighter, making the PAF the first mach 1 plus fighter airforce in Asia.

Make sure the Yanks do what they did for us in 1960s. Pay for all our 1,000s of Patton Tanks, M113 APC that we still use today and built quite a few of our contonments like Kharian. In between pump billions of dollars into our country.

How else did we manage to unleash terror on you guy's back in 1971? We had the US supplied military hardware, we had the a Navy with US supplied ships, we had a airforce supplied with US aircraft. We had the US backing us up in the UN and covering up and lying for us. What you guy's thought we managed to come all the way to your swamp and then gave you guys a thrashing because we were taller than you people? Get real !!!

When the Indian's and the Russian's got too cocky after we started to lose much to the horror of the US Nixon even ordered the 7th fleet to cruise into the Bay of Bengal to send a clear warning to Russia and India. DONT DARE ATTACK WEST PAKISTAN even as they accepted defeat in the east.

But please don't get cocky along the way, just because a superpower pumps air into you don't start entertaining any thoughts that you are equal to them. A poor country can never be equal to a superpower. Just like a poor man in our part of the world can't stand equal to a a rich powerful man, for if he does he will be slapped back into his place.

As long as you can remember that, Yes sir, hold them at arms length and squeeze them tight for every shiny dollar.
Bangladesh had been in indian trap for last five years. But now there is a chance to get out of that indian trap. And Bangladesh goal should be while getting out of indian trap not falling for other propaganda, traps. First things is to do not to fall for indian originated news and propaganda. Hope that answer your question. I hope you use existing thread rather than opening new one just to ask question.
WTF are you ranting about? You seem to be brainwashed by your Mullah brigade in BD! 'Get out of the Indian Trap'? Are you guys little mice with slimy tails who've been caught in an 'Indian trap'? Oh yes, you make it sound like India is the pied piper hired to lure brainless rats away with a magic pipe! :P Jeeez!

Don't you guys have balls and brains of your own to take independent decisions? Why do you allow yourselves to be 'entrapped', as you say? Especially by India? :cheesy:
Since the news report appears to be false and mere Indian propaganda it is a waste of time even discussing this. We are back to square one with India running the show and making deals with the AL and BNP. What is of interests is what did India gain by releasing this false news about the Seventh Fleet? To create tensions between BD and the US which already exists or to worry the Chinese who will try to get involved more in BD as a result. Either way India does not benefit. What is the purpose of this? I am confused......

I had left out hints in other thread on <BNP and india> about what india set to gain from such propaganda.

It seems primary goal for india was to create hedge (that is stir up anti americanism and send US signal to back off) before June 13th US-India strategic meeting. Second benefit or indian goal is to divert people strong resentmentment towards nefarios indian activities to US intention. Use of "7th Fleet" in the propaganda news had specific purpose that is to recall 7th fleet activities during 1971. I am not convince though it will have any intended effect as india wished for. India also thought it can create another hedge on central asian great game by inviting Iranian FM just before strategic talk with US. Thinking in south block is india can bargain using these artifically created hedge. But india definitely does not hold card if US wish to push through. We have to know few more moves to see the picture in the horizon...so stay tuned...

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